36: Found the nerve to say that

Alright, so I would say we are about 12 chapters away from this story coming to a close.

It's crazy to think that I've released 36 chapters.

Hopefully the drama is enough 😅😂

I wanted to give a S/O today.

So for this chapter's S/O, it goes to leoni_xx

She's got some stories for Directioners on this app.

But for the 5SOSFam, she's got some rlly cool stories y'all should check out on her insta: 5sos.hqs

She had just finished a Michael fanfic so go check her out!

Anyways, on with the chapter!

October 2018

*A couple weeks later*

So, it's the day before my dad comes.

I was able to get a flight here and if I'm being honest, I am at my most nervous state I could ever be.

As for Dalton and I, we've been taking and texting. We met up last weekend at a coffee shop and just hung out.

It's been really fun talking to him and the more we talk, the more we learn about each other, and it's really nice to meet someone where they knew basically nothing about you.

It started so many conversations, and I'm just glad my shy self didn't take over, cause now I've gained a new friend.

The girls haven't met him yet because I have no clue how they would react. So, I'm holding off that meet up for another day.

I'm at the studio right now and we're doing a recording session, and everytime I'll try to sing a few lyrics, all I could think of how tomorrow will go.

I am just scared, like, I know the call a couple weeks ago went really well, but like, me seeing him, in person.

It's been almost 2 years since I saw him back at the house when I was getting my stuff.

I mean, on the phone it went good, but who knows what couuld happen in person.

"Molls?" I heard someone call, but I was still in my daze.

"Earth to Molls?" Someone else says, wait, is Santana here?

"Santana?" I say as I gain my conscience again.

"Molls, you okay?" Santana says.

"Wait, when did you come?" I say.

"I came before you went into a daze....again.....for the 5th time today." She says.

"Molls, is everything alright?" Mike says.

"Yeah, yeah, everything is cool." I say.

"Molls, step out. Mike, is it okay if I can give Molls here a little pep talk?" Santana says like I'm 5 years old to tell me to come out of the recording booth.

"Yeah, go ahead." Mike says.

"Santana, I'm 22. I'm not 5 years old." I say as we head out.

"Molls, are you okay?" She says playing the big sister role.

In the studio and any place where it's around work, she'll be my mamger. When it comes to times like this or when we're just hanging out, she act like the older sister and honestly, I don't mind it.

"I don't know, I feel so distracted because my dad is coming tomorrow and all I can think about is tomorrow and how it'll go." I say.

"Woah, okay. Hearing that makes me feel like we defintely need to catch up. How about, after you finish your recording session, you and I go for some In n Out shakes?" She says.

"You know I'm down when our adventure involves food." I say and we both laugh.

We both went inside the recording room and I went back into the booth.

Now my mind is on Santana and I's hangout later today.

Ooo, maybe we can find a spot where we can watch sunset.

I know Kate would love to come. At the same time, I've actually been with Kate a lot in these past couple of weeks.

Anytime both of us ended up in the studio, we'd tend to go out to little places just to chat.

My main thing now is not to head home right after the studio. I'd either take a drive around town, or Kate and I would drive somewheere to hang out, which is what we've done and I've enjoyed it.

Oh my god, thinking about hanging out with everyone, I haven't caught up with Joanne. I think she may have to drag me to the gym again.

So, after having these hangout thoughts in my head, I was able to finish my recording session. It did end a bit later than usual, but we still got time to watch sunset.

So Santana and I got in my car and drove to In and Out since Santana's bf dropped her today. Oh how cute.

We played some upbeat songs on the drive there, then we got the stuff and drove to that park where the small pond/lake whatever it is was. Santana said that's a good place to watch sunset.

"Alright, catch me up." I say.

'What do I have to catch you up on?" Santana says.

'Uhh, you and Jordan. How long has it been now?" I say.

"1 year and 4-ish months." She says.

'See, if I didn't force you to admit your feelings, none of this would happen for you. So if you two do end up together, I would love to volunteer as your maid of honour." I say.

"You will most likely be in consideration. Now, enough about me. What about you?" She says.

"Well, like I said at the studio, my dad is coming into town." I say.

"And what gave you the motive to make the call?" She says.

"Well um, a couple weeks ago, I met someone on my little day to myself. I woke up to watch sunrise and I wanted to get out for a bit to maybe get inspired to write. So it was about lunchtime-ish and I wanted to put the brave face and go onto a coffee shop patio, and you know the last time I was on a coffee shop patio. So, those memories ended up coming. Then Dalton comes to see if I was okay. That little talk from the coffee shop ended up as a walk around a trail, and we were talking about life and such. When he told me he was a therapist, I somehow ended up telling him the family part of my life when the topic of family came up and such. So he told me to just call and see what happens. So the next day, I made the call, and then it went really really well. So I got him a ticket to fly out to LA and now I'm about to see him after almost 2 years." I say.

"Woah. So we should've caught up a week ago so you could tell me all of this." She says.

"We should've, But then I was out with Kate the last couple of weeks after studio sessions." I say.

"Thankfully we're here now as we watch sunset." She says.

"Thankfully we are." I say.

"As for this Dalton boy, what's been happening?" She asks.

'Well, we've texted and called over the last couple of weeks, and we hung out sometime last weekend and just talked even more, just in person." I say.

"It's really nice that you are able to make a friend through whereever it may be. My little Molls is growing up." She says while she fakes wiping a tear off her face.

"I mean, I'm glad he came around. It's like I now have someone else I can talk to when everyone is busy." I say.

See, Santana and Kate are two different people. Kate is near my age so she can say things that other people my age will say when girls are friends with guys. With Santana though, she's a bit older, so she wouldn't say those type of things.

Plus, the last couple of times I was third-wheeling with Santana and Jordan have been really fun, just a side note to add.

But it really has been fun cause it would be like a hangout with the three of us and Santana always makes me feel like I'm a part of this trio.

Anywho, so after that little convo, we talked some more and then I dropped Santana at her place and then I drove home.

I decided just to sleep right away instead of watching tv or going in the office to do music stuff. Tomorrow is a big day.

*The next day*

So, I got up early since my dad's flight is coming in early.

As I'm driving to the airport, I have full on nervous jitters because I have no clue how this will go.

I headed inside to where his terminal was.

As soon as I'm in there, I'm just pacing back and forth because the nerves are that bad that pacing is the only way I can calm down.

Like, I haven't seen him in almost 2 years.

The last time I saw him, it looked like I was saying goodbye forever. All that anger I felt then, it's gone. I just hope we can restart and just, I hope I can make things right.

As soon as they said that the flight has landed, that's just making me even more nervous because now he's actually here.

Oh lord, this better be good.

I was waiting to see him as people were coming and everyone was reuniting and hugging and all that.

I waited a few more moments, and there he was.

I started walking slowly to him, but once I got closer, I just ran to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"I missed you so much." I say in a miffled voice.

"I missed you too babygirl." He says as he kisses my forehead.

We keep this hug until we break apart and I helped him with hs bag.

We got in the car and then we were headed off to somewhere for breakfast.

I did have to go to the studio later today and so I thought I could bring him along for that.

The drive isn't quiet because I had some music in the background, and so I decided to start the convo.

"How was the flight?" I say.

"A bit tiring, but, it was worth it." He says.

It was quiet for a few minutes and so I decided to start the talking.

"Dad." I say.

"Yeah?" He says.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for walking out like that. It was wrong of me, and I shouldn't have done what I did." I say.

"Molls, it's alright. It was a rough time, and at the same time, I was in the wrong for not even contacting you after everything that's happened." He says.

"Now, put all this sappy stuff aside, what has my babygirl done since she made her big fat move?" He says and I laugh at the way he says it.

"You're still a jokester in the mornings, now that hasn't changed." I say.

"Once a jokester, always a jokester." He says.

"Well, I've been making some music. I released an EP last year, and then I'm releasing a single in November." I say.

"Wow! So you've already made it?" He says.

"I wouldn't say I've made it yet. I've got a long way to go for that." I say.

"I know you can do it, and I know mom and Lyss are looking down and they're proud of of your success so far." He says.

"I'm proud of the EP, but the album will be bigger and better." I say.

"Now that's the Molls I know." He says.

We drive to a shop and then we have breakfast.

Then we dropped his stuff at the hotel. I never planned for people to stay over at my place, so sadly this was the way to do it. Maybe I should go condo shopping for a 2 bedroom place.

Note to self: Start 2-bedroom condo shopping after album release.

After that, I showed him around my place and then that's where he met Kate. After that, I brought him along to the studio and he was able to watch my recording session. Santana was also there as well and she also got to meet my dad.

After today, I dropped him off at his hotel and we were going to spend the day together around LA.

I really owe Dalton for making me do this, cause if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be reunited with my dad again.


(July 24, 2020)

Yes, I wrote 2 chapters.

One was at midnight, and this this one was, and you won't beleive it....during the day hours.

what?! The day hours, IN-SANE!

On a very good note, she finally reunited with her dad, so heartwarming.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
