3: Beautiful Soul

Present Day

December 2015

So, you're probably wondering where the hell am I?

Well, I'm in college.

I decided that I was going to rent a dorm in there cause I couldn't face my home after what happened 4 years ago.

I ended up making a new friend named Kelly.

She was so sweet to me when I arrived. Who knew I could make a new friend?

So, I've basically not have been home since September of that year.

Which is when I moved into these dorms and stayed here.

I also met someone here. His name is Kyle. We met during our second year and have been together since.

It's like I gained 2 new friends when I needed it.

Now, you may be thinking, 'What the hell happened with you and the guys?'

Well, we're still in touch. The guys also found their new drummer named Ashton. I think I met him over the phone once and he's a nice lad.

The guys actually told me that instead of continuing school online, they decided to drop it and not go into their junior and senior years. So sadly, I didn't get to see them graduate as they did for me.

So since the day that I found out Lyss was gone, the rest of the summer, you were more likely to see me with Cal, Luke, and Michael every day until the night. I was only at my house in the morning and when I came home late at night.

My parents, on the other hand, haven't taken grieving to the best.

Both of their daughters have left and they haven't been the same, and I haven't been at home since that accident.

Cal told me that one time when he went home, he saw them, but they were screaming at each other.

Oh, and so Calum's parents are finally supportive of his new career. He was so happy when he told me. I was so happy for him.

So, I may talk to them, but it's not as often as we used to.

I wish it was, but I'm busy with school. The guys are busy with work. I haven't seen them in forever.

Speaking of Cal, the night I found out Lyss was gone, we kissed. What did we do.....we never thought about it. Yea the feelings were there, but at the same time, all he wanted me to do was get better. I was just glad I had them with me before they left.

So today, I thought, why not take a break in studying for finals.

It's study week and then I'm good for this semester.

Frankly, it's my last year in this program and I am so glad. My only problem would be is what will I do after?

But, why think about that when I still got half a semester left.

So I got Kelly and me to go to this event that 5SOS was going to be at. It was an interview with a live audience. There's gonna be a segment where the fans get to ask questions, and so, that's gonna be my way of "surprising them"
Kelly is a huge fan of them, and it's so funny when she talks about them cause I've known them basically my whole life.

The thing she doesn't know is that I known them before they got famous, so seeing her reaction today will be priceless.

We get ready after classes were finished and we drove to the place they were doing this.

Calum's P.O.V

So it's been a while. I got to follow my dreams. The band is doing amazing. We also found our new drummer in the beginning stages. Ashton is literally amazing in the drums.

The band's dynamic has never been on this level since we made the band.

So, after a while, my parents were okay with what I chose. I'm just glad I still have their support.

Speaking of support, my biggest supporter is Molls. We both are busy, but every time I'm free or she's free, we'd talk for a few minutes.

The only thing is, I haven't seen her since when I saw her at the airport.

At that moment, I didn't want to leave her at her broken state.

One thing I was able to do was to help her move into her dorm. It was the last time we hung out, and we did our typical thing was to get ice cream after long days.

We just talked and talked all night and I dropped her off at the dorm. Then she got up early morning just to see me go.

Ever since that night, that kiss was all I could think about. Mentally, we both knew it wouldn't be right to get into anything serious since I was leaving and she was starting college.

The only thing that slightly bothers me is that she has a boyfriend now. She'd post on insta about her and her bf. Truly I'm happy she's happy, but, sometimes I'd wish it was me.

Anyways, today we're doing our promo for our second album 'Sounds Good Feels Good' and the rest of us are hella excited. Sadly, Ash got sick so now it was just Luke, Michael, and I.

So we've done this promo shit for basically the whole day. Our last stop for the night was to head to the Shazam HQ to do a live audience interview. I don't think the guys and I have done that type of interview, so for that to be our last stop seems like the fun way to end the night.

Molly's P.O.V

We got inside to the place where the guys are gonna be. Through the car ride, I was just hearing her talk about 5SOS, 5SOS, and more 5SOS. Trust me, I don't mind it. It's just that I've got better stories.

Am I nervous....a little bit. I haven't seen them since they left for the airport.

I just can't wait to see their reactions for the few seconds I get to show myself.

*An hour or 2 later*

So the guys have come into the room. The interview is going really well for them. Now for the part, I was secretly dreading.

They call my name and I stand up. As soon as we locked eye contact, it went hella silent. They knew it was me and the pure shock on their faces says it all.

So I then asked the question, and then literally they were just as in shock as I was. It just felt so good seeing them all again.

Calum's P.O.V

When he called the name Molly and she stood up, I was just in shock. Even Luke and Michael were shocked as well. The room was dead silent for a good few seconds. Then she asked her question. We tried to answer but we all probably made a fool of ourselves.

The interview keeps going until we hit a break. Once there was a break, I dmed Molls on twitter cause that was a huge shock.

Me: Well, hi there xD

Molly's P.O.V

They go on break and I got a text from Cal and I'm just smiling. He just says 'Well, hi there xD', classic Cal.

I just sent a smiley face just to keep it simple.

"Who was that?" Kelly asks.

"Oh, it was just Kyle. Just asking where we went." I say.

*Another hour or so later*

The interview ends and then the guys leave. Kelly and I were about to leave until a security guy asks for me.

"Why are they asking for you?" Kelly asks.

"I don't know. Here, you drive back to the dorms. I'll just get a cab back." I say. I know exactly why that guard is asking for me, but I didn't tell Kelly the real reason. I just felt that if I told her, she may just use me to get to talk to them. The way she was talking in the car about them, it would've gotten worse.

When they call, it's usually when Kelly goes to the drat parties and I'd usually stay in the dorms.

"Molls, are you sure?" She asks.

"I promise you I'll be fine taking a cab on my own." I say.

"Okay, be safe." She says. Oh, I already know I'll be in my safe place.

"Get back safe." I say and we hug.

I follow the guard until we got near the room he took me to.

"They wanted me to bring you." He says and he lets me in.

I walk in and then the room is pitch black.

"Hello." I say once.

"Hello?" I say until I land on a beanbag and the lights come on.

"MOLLS!" The guys say and we all get into this huge hug. Then we all hug individually. God, it felt so good being in the same room with them.

"How have you guys been? How's the road to stardom?" I say.

"It's been meh. I wish we had our number 1 supporter with us." Luke says.

"And we've been good. Promo is boring, but this was the best." Michael says.

"How have you been?" Calum asks.

"I've been stable." I say.

"That's one way of putting it." Michael says.

"Why don't you come with us?" Luke says.

"You can finally meet Ash." Calum says.

"It'll be like old times. Maybe you can bring that friend of yours." Micheal says.

"Oh her, yeah....kinda sent her home. I knew why I was being called. At the same time, she doesn't know I know you guys, and she's a deadass fan." I say.

"You're not a deadass fan?!" Luke says in a shocked voice

"Shut up." I say as I throw the pillow at him and everyone laughs.

"Alright, shall we hit the road or are we staying here?" I say and that was the cue to get up.

We drive back to their hotel and as we drive, we listen to a few songs, and then to end it off, we jammed to She Looks So Perfect.

"Let's get out, let's get out

'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you wanna run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you" Calum and I sing back and forth.

"You still got it in you." Calum says.

"Well, it's always been my fav that you guys released." I say.

So then we all end up singing the end together cause that's what good friends do.

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know now, that I'm so down (hey!)
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down" We all belt out.

The perfect way to end the drive.

We get to the hotel and we had to go through the back since there were paparazzi outside.

We got upstairs and headed into Luke and Ash's room.

"Guys, is this a good idea? I don't wanna wake him up. I'll feel bad." I say.

"Molls, are you good? Don't worry." Calum says.

"ASHHHHHHH!" They all scream once they open the door.

"Guys, seriously?!" I say.

"Now which one of you brought this nice girl here?" Ashton asks curiously.

"For someone who's sick, you seem much better." Luke says.

"Oh hush. I saw the interview. You all looked priceless." Ashton says.

"Very funny Ash." Michael says.

"Well Ash, this is our long time friend Molly. She was with us throughout high school. You met her over the phone once. Molly, that's Ashton, the missing piece to 5SOS" Calum says.

"She's also Cal's true love." Luke adds and Michael and him start laughing while we both gave them glares.

"Nice to meet ya." Ashton says.

"Same goes for you." I say.

So we basically talked, and talked, and talked.

It was getting late so I headed out.

"Here, let me drive you." Cal says and I nod.

The drive was a bit silent in the beginning. Then we both just starting about things and just catching up.

"How have things been since, you know?" He asks.

"It's been something. Still am not ready to accept that she's gone. I haven't visited her grave since the funeral, so in this case, progress is horrible." I say to keep it short.

"You haven't changed one bit. The same Molls from high school." He says.

"Well, you're the only guys I've had in my life that have been genuine to me. I've changed. But, when I saw you guys again, it was my old self came back, and I was glad it did." I say.

Then we both were just ranting about ish in our lives.

"Kyle and I haven't been on the best terms lately and so who knows what's happening with that. Kelly seems oddly off, but she's always mysterious." I say.

"Don't worry. Remember, you still got us. Maybe if you're sick of all of this, you can come with us on our tour coming up?" He says.

"I don't know. If I were to, I would have to work a few things. I'll think about it though." She says.

A few minutes later and we end up back at the dorms.

"It was really fun hanging out again. I really needed it." I say.

"On behalf of the guys and me, we all had fun. It was a real nice way to end off tonight." He says.

"I'll see you around?" I say.

"Hopefully." He says.

We hug and I head back inside into the dorms. The one thing I was shocked about was that I see Kelly......and Kyle together. They see me and their faces go pale.

"Molls, it's not what it looks like." Kyle says.

"You know what, I've dealt with a lot of shit in my life, and you guys are just adding to that baggage. You know what, you two are happy for each other. Kyle, we're done. Kelly, don't you dare say a word to me again." I say as I slam the door.

Wow, I just lost my only friends in college.

I decide to call the only person I could call.

After one ring, he answers.

"Hey, you alright?" He asks.

"I've made up my mind. I'm coming on the tour."


(June 8,2020)

Damn, why am I such a mean author?

Well, it's to make it interesting.

At the same time, this album will play out Molly's life and you'll soon see how this album can fit the vast majority of the story.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
