8: Make it like your birthday everyday

*January 25...a.k.a Cal's B-day*

Molly's P.O.V

So, since I got back up on my feet, I've gotten back to life. That also means, starting the new semester.

Since, I told the guys I would be in their tour as their opening act, planning things for the tour were already underway. A week ago, the guys took me to Capitol Records and I met with Steve. He wanted to see what I could do, so I sang a couple of songs for him. He was impressed with what I can do. So he agreed with the guys, and we got the approval that I was the opening the act.

I got introduced in a recent video and live stream when the band was making announcements for the upcoming tour.

Fans were excited to see what kind of talent I had, and seeing the guys reaction to me saying it really means a lot.

However, since my 'comeback' to life, I had a very special plan for today.

It is Mr.Calum Hood's birthday.

So as a little 'I owe ya' favor, I decided to plan a party he won't forget.

Had this all planned out for the last couple of weeks. Feels like a proud moment knowing that's it's all coming together.

I got the guys to come early to help me with the morning. We're gonna wake him up the exact way he did to me a couple of weeks ago.

Today was a mini breakfast buffet cause I was in the mood to cook, which is why I got the guys and some help from Cal's parents to make this.

We added a mini fruit platter because he loves fruit and he cannot say fruit early in the morning. So to have it not on a live stream and hearing it live will be very nice.

We had to add cinnamon to the pancakes cause when we added it a few days ago, all 5 of us were in awe of the taste of the cinnamon.

So, it was go time.

The guys had the pots and pans. I had the phone ready, and we were set.

I hit record since I thought of making this a vlog for the band channel. Fans are going to love this.

Making these vlogs is going to be even more fun since it'll be our group all together.

We all sing happy birthday as we head upstairs. Once we head into his room, he covers himself cause he's still in his sleepy state. This video is going to be hella cute to edit.

"Happy birthday toooooooooooooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" We all scream as we finish our big finale.

"Aww Molls. Is this what you call payback?" He says.

"Maybe :)" I say as I smile behind the camera.

"Why don't you get dressed, and then you can come downstairs afterwards." I say.

"What did you guys do?" He asks in a curious tone.

"The faster you are, the faster you can come down and see for yourself." I say.

So he did as we said.

"What did you guys do to the-A flute platter?!" He says in the voice of a little girl.

"Yes, the 'flute' platter." I say. Huh, it really is cute hearing it live.

"Surprised much?" Ash says.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?!" Cal says. Seeing him excited brings out the little child in him.

"Now, we shall feast!" Luke says and we all cheer.

We had the 'Sounds Good Feels Good' album playing in the background, minus the slow songs cause who wants to hear slow songs on a happy day.

A few moments later and we all scarfed down the whole area. I mean then again, we are good chefs.

"So, what's the plan?" Cal says.

"Well, we were just gonna drive around places cause we're bored. Then we can try to see if the parlors are open." Mikey says.

"Molls, you aren't ready, you coming?" Cal asks.

"Sadly I can't. My teacher decided to give me this huge assignment due on Monday. Plus, you guys haven't had to hang out just the 4 of you in a while." I say.

"We'll bring some stuff home for you then." He says. Cal is just too sweet.

If you had to describe him as one thing, it's a cuddly teddy bear cause he always gives the best hugs and he has the biggest heart.

"Alright lemme get my keys and then we can head out." He says and he heads upstairs.

"Alright, you guys know the plan. Keep him busy till 8, and don't go to DQ" I whisper and they nod.

"You guys ready?" Cal says as he comes down.

"Yup!" Luke says.

"Have fun!" I scream before they head out.

I watched as the car leaves the driveway. As soon as they leave, I take off the sweater and sweats I was wearing over my actual clothes.

I went with a turtleneck, black jeans, a beanie and some black ankle boots.

After they leave, I grabbed my jacket and headed out to get a few things.

The places I had to go to:

1. Whatever beer store I could find to get some type of alcohol, cause this party bouta be lit.

2.DQ which is where I'm getting the cake.

3.Party City to get some party decor cause who doesn't love a bunch of streamers, glitter, and confetti.

4. The pizza store cause we need food.

So, I started by heading to Party City. Getting the fun stuff outta the way so that I can get serious afterwards and realize I have a goal to reach.

*At Party City*

Ok, I'm having too much fun in this store.

I was in the balloons section when I saw my friend Kate. I met Kate at the record label. She was also an upcoming artist.

While the band was having their meeting that day, I met Kate and we instantly clicked.

"Hey Molls. What's up?" She asks.

"Decided which balloons would be good?" I say.

"Ohh yea. Cal's party." She says.

"Yup. Now, one question. Are you busy?" I ask. I mean, if she isn't busy, she can help me out. Plus, we can bond some more.

"Not really. Why what's up?" She asks.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd want to come along with me? I have a ton of stuff to do and I guess It'd be nice to have a friend along." I say.

"Yea, I'm down." She says.

"Here, lemme hand the keys to my mom and then I'll come along." She adds.

So, we got the stuff I wanted to get.

Now, to get the drinks.

We were headed to some beer store.

The car ride was a bit quiet. Then I put the guys' album and then the awkward silence went away.

"You listen to the guys?" She asks.

"Ever since they were 16." I say.

"Damn, you've known them for that long?!"

"Well longer. Cal and I met when we were teeny. Then we met Michael, and then Luke. I met Ash a couple of months ago." I say.

"Damn, so you have some history with them?" She says and I look at her weirdly.

"Oh no. Not that type of history. Like, friendship wise." She says.

"Oh yea. There's too many moments that I've had with them that my mind will explode if I say them all." I say and we both laugh.

I know we're getting close, but I wasn't ready to tell her everything like 'that kiss'

We got to the store and hopped out.

"Is there a specific type that you're looking for?" She says.

"Honestly, if we're getting drunk, there's no point in knowing what we get." I say and we both laugh.

In the corner of my eye, I see someone I haven't seen in a month or so.

"Kate, whatever you do, just follow me." I say in a serious tone.

"Why, are we getting kidnapped?!" She says.

"Kate, NO! It's my mom." I whisper.

"Oh." She says.

I told her that situation. She had dealt with the same thing, except it happened to her years ago, so she has also been helping me cope with it.

We tried out best to stay away, but it didn't work so well.

"Molls? Is that you?" She says.

"Hi mom." I say in an unpleasant tone.

"How have you been sweetie?" She asks.

"Not the best, but not the worst." I say blankly.

"Honey, are you planning on coming home?" She asks. It's like she needs me for something. So, I don't fall into the trap.

"Look, if you wanted me home, you could've called 4 1/2 years ago before I left. For Good." I say.

"Molls, people are starting to stare." Kate whispers.

"Don't try to find me. Don't even bother calling." I say and I walk away.

We paid for the stuff and then left before she could say anything else.

"Damn, so you haven't seen her before that just happened?" Kate asks.

"Cal got me to go to my parents' place before Christmas. That's when I found out. Before that, I wasn't kidding. Since I moved into my dorm back in 2011." I say.

"Damn. So it was that bad. So if you're not with her, where have you been?" She asks.

"I've been in Cal's place since that day. His family was nice enough to let me stay as long as I needed to. But, I'm planning on going condo shopping about now, and then I was gonna make my final decision after the tour." I say.

"Damn Molls. Nice planning." She says.

"One of my main strengths is planning. If I don't plan, I'm all over the place." I say and we both laugh.

So the last place was DQ. I had to pick up the cake there.

I decided I was gonna order the pizza at 7-ish since the party is at 8. At the same time, we have a house to set up.

So, I quickly ran in and out and we headed back to Cal's place.

His mom gave me a key so that if I ever left and none of them were home, I wouldn't have to wait.

This is probably the first time that I had to do this.

Once I got the door opened, I ran to the freezer to put the cake.

It was 4 something by the time we came home. We had 3-ish hours to set up the house, and then that would leave me an hour-ish to get ready.

*A few hours later*

The house was set. Both of us were ready, and Cal's friends were starting to come. So I sent Luke the text saying that we're ready.

Ashton's P.O.V

I don't know how many twists and turns we took today. But it was a ton.

Who knew we could keep him busy for that long.

It was close to 8 and we were hanging around a beach.

Why were we at a beach in the evening?

Well, we watched sunset there. We were just talking and it was nice to have the 4 of us together.

"Guys, I'll be back." I say as I headed into the car.

"Hey." I say. I think Molls is calling cause it's time.

"Where are you guys?" She asks.

"At a beach." I say.

"Why are you at-you know what. Nevermind. But, the main point is, we're ready." She says.

"Alright, we're coming." I say and we hang up.

"Guys, I think we should head home. It's starting to get chilly." I say and Luke and Michael knew exactly what was going on.

We headed back to the house, but on the real though, it's hella cold.

Molly's P.O.V

I watched the road until I saw the car from afar.

As soon as I saw the car, I called everyone to the door for a big surprise.

The lights were out and I got Kate to pop the confetti for when he comes in.

Someone's opening the door and as soon as the lights come on, we all yell.

"Surprise!!!" We all yell.

"What is all of this?" Cal asks.

"You really thought I had a stupid paper due?! I can't believe you fell for that." I say.

"Thank you." He says as we went for a hug.

"Is that why made them drive me around all day?" He asks and when he turns all of them shake their head yes continuously.

So, we all ate, drank, danced, did karaoke, and did a ton more shit.

Overall, probably one of the best nights I've had in a while, and it was hella fun to plan.

(June 13,2020)
Sooo, this may have been a filler chapter, but something did happen here.

She saw her mom

Dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn.

Now, what's gonna happen next?


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And I'll see ya on the next chapter
