1: Its always a good time

Molly P.O.V

*4 years ago*

June 29, 2011

It's the last day of school. I am finally out of here.

High school was probably one of the main things I was looking forward to getting out of the way.

At the same time, my friends Luke, Michael, and Calum were able to fly in to watch me graduate.

Calum and I have known each other probably since we were toddlers. We grew up in Sydney together and later on, he met Luke and Michael. The guys and I clicked instantly and we became this close group of us 4.

Throughout the years, I was more of the bigger sister to Calum because of age. But during our high school years, it was more Calum taking on the older brother role which was really shocking to see.

At the near end of my senior year, Calum, Luke, and Michael became a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer. Catchy name, but it's too long. So they stuck with 5SOS.

The 4 of us would go to Calum's garage almost every day after school to do school work and the guys would practice their music.

This senior year would've been boring if the guys didn't create 5SOS. It's probably the only thing that kept my mood up. They can play some really good music.

If you're wondering, no I did not have friends that were girls. It may have been one of the things I missed during high school. It may have been something I struggled with because I would get made fun of for just being with the guys. Then I just became a cold-hearted person and didn't listen to a thing.

However, spending time with the guys is probably 10x better than talking shit about stupid drama 😂. Just being with the guys feels like they're 'my girls'....if that even makes sense.

Sometimes in their rehearsals, I would sing with them and now there's the joke where I may replace Luke as lead singer,  which secretly I wouldn't mind.

I was the oldest of that bunch, however, I was the shortest. So I was able to pull off looking like the youngest in our little group.

After every day, I would go home to my family, like any other teenage girl. I'm just shocked that they would let me hang with them and not have any friends as girls....but hey, I ain't complaining.

I would come home to see 2 hard-working parents who work tirelessly day and night, at work and at home to make sure that their two daughters were good. Then you also have my hard-working sister Alyssa. She was my best friend throughout my life. She may be 3 years older, but she's the literal best. I adore her too much that she's kinda my idol. At the moment, she's in college getting some sort of bio-chem degree.

She'd try to come home as often as she could. She was a huge family person. No wonder I call her my idol.

"Hey, guys! Am I too late for dinner?" I say as I walk into the kitchen.

"Not at all, sweetie! Just in time....and we're cooking the family favorite." Dad says.

"Ahhh can't wait." I say.

I head upstairs to change into some comfy clothes and I come downstairs to see dinner on the table.

"So, what is it like.....you're finally out of high school." Alyssa says.

"A huge relief! It mainly only cause I don't have to deal with annoying kids all the time now and I can learn majorly with my laptop. However, there are still some things I want to do before I go to college. " I say.

"Do those things have to do with your friend?" Mom asks with a smirk on her face.

"Mom! Nooooo! Calum and the guys and I are just close friends. You've known Calum almost all your life. It's not like that. The guys and I may go to some places before we all head out. Kind of like a last get together throughout the summer." I say.

Now, most teenagers aren't as close and open with their parents like I am. Since I don't have many friends, my family has been my rock, along with the crazy guys I call my close friends.

"Why don't you have them come over for a bit? It's been a while since they've been here." Alyssa says.

"They'll probably have rehearsals, I may just go over there." I say.

"Whatever floats your boat." Mom says.

The only reason Dad was quiet was that whenever we have our favorite meal, which is hamburgers, he's a quiet mouse.

I was in charge of cleanup duty so I cleaned up the place before I headed upstairs.

I took up Alyssa's idea and decided to text our group chat.

Me: Guysssssssss!

Give them a few minutes and-

Luke" What's up betch

Nevermind. I stand corrected.

Me: Are y'all bored out of your mind?

Michael: Hell yea. Now we ain't seniors....there's nothing to do xD

Calum: Whatchu thinkin?

Me: Y'all wanna come over tmrw? We can have a pool day?

Micheal: I'm more of a tanner.

Calum: Since when?!

Luke: I'm down

Me: All I can say is don't come earlier than 11.

Calum: And why not?

Me: A girl needs her beauty sleep

Luke: Speaking of beauty sleep..........see ya.

Michael: Looks like it's grandpa Luke's bedtime loll.

Me: Alright, so no coming before 11. Otherwise, come whenever you want.

Calum: Sounds good:)

Alright, so the plan was settled. We having a pool day.


*The Next Day*

I got some sort of notification that someone was at my door. Alyssa, Mom, and Dad would've probably left for work...so who could be at the door?

I then took it in that last night, I invited the guys over. Clearly some people didn't listen to me.

I put a thin robe on and put my hair in a messy bun and head downstairs. I went to the door and found 3 horrible listeners at my door.

"I said not before 11." I say annoyed.

"Molls, it's 12" Calum says as he shows me his phone.

"Oh shit. Just come in." I say.

"Give me 10 and I'll be down." I tell them. Huh, I guess they do listen.

10 minutes later and I put on sunscreen so I don't get sunburnt.

I tie my hair back into a messy bun so I can be comfortable.

Headed downstairs and the guys were already in the pool...except for Michael who is actually tanning. Oh, Michael.

"So y'all couldn't wait?!" I yell.

"The pool was calling, what else were we supposed to do?" Luke says.

"You boys are something else." I say as I head to one of the lounge chairs.

After an hour or so, I dipped my toes into the water and it wasn't too cold. So to get used to it, I put my feet in the water. Next thing you know, I was being pulled in.

"Why?" I say as I gave them all a glare.

"You know you wanted to get in." Calum says.

"You were asking for it." Michael says.

A couple of hours had passed and I got out and decided to get into something cozy. For a huge house, it's pretty cold. The others come in slowly and we all had the same motto.

"What's the plan?" I say.

"Why is your house so cold?" Luke asks.

"You guys never bothered to change it." Calum says

"You guys never bothered to change it." I mocked and gave him a look.

"Now, what do we dooooooo?" I say.

"Sleep." They all say.

"Y'all boring. Shall we head to the screening room and watch HSM?" I say.

That would have to be our go-to movie. Since we all like to sing, it works out.

So that's what we did. We went into the screening room and watched HSM.  Then after that, we would watch HSM 2.....and then we'd watch the 3rd one. The guys and I have a very deep love for this movie series. Some reason, it always ends up being Calum and me who are the Troy and Gabriella while Luke will be Sharpay, and Michael would be Ryan. That's just how it's always been. It was probably awkward for the first time. But since we've done it since the first movie came out, and it's been a tradition for us every time we watch this.

The guys ended up leaving late at night since the rest of the time was just us talking and laughing for who knows what.

But, who knows what this summer will hold. Maybe more of these hangouts, or maybe some fun mall visits. Oh, that'll be fun.

(June ,7,2020)
Alright, so now we have a 5SOS fanfiction.

I'm really excited about this story.

For my 5SOS, fans, you may have some sort of feeling what the storyline of the story is called based on the title.

But for the rest of you, keep reading to find out what will happen


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And I'll see ya on the next one ✌️
