44: So I drown it out

Ok...slight warning.
If y'all r Mystal fans....get some tissues ready
As I was writing this chapter, I had teared up too because it was heart wrenching for me to write and you'll see why as you read it.

I wanna give an s/o to lukescurlsenthusiast
She's got a Luke fanfic that I've just started reading called 'The Prince'
I've been dying to get to this fanfic but so much stuff came in the way. I'm finally getting a chance to read it and I'm literally hooked.
As it was updating, I saw that there's a sequel to that story called 'The King' and now I'm even more excited to see what happens.

So, go check that out afterwards

But for now...on with the chapter!
August 2019

Molly's P.O.V

Alright. So let's just say, these last couple months were....something.

It probably felt like the biggest rollercoaster for everyone, but specifically for one person.

So in these last couple of months:

Cal and I were starting to look at condos together. It's been a struggle cause we still want to be near work, but at the same time, we wanna be in a less 'busy area'

At the same time, the guys have gone to another record company called Interscope Records.

So they've been recording the new album with them.

They started writing the album and recoding under Capitol, but they were able to transfer their stuff with this new company.

So that happened.

I am a couple songs away from finishing my own album. Obviously we didn't want to rush the process, so we thought that we would release it in 2020. New year, new decade, so might as well add a new album to the mix.

Now for the hard, deep and messed up news.

So, basically back in May, we found out that Crystal and Michael were gonna have a mini Clifford soon. We were always talking about it and what we would do. Everyone was beyond excited especially because it was gonna be the first 5SOS baby.

Then almost halfway into July, Crystal started feeling worse than she did before and it was to the point where it almost felt deadly.

So when Michael told us, all 6 of is were in the hospital with Michael in the waiting room.

Even thought it's been over a month, we all can't comprehend it. It was like it happened yesterday.

*Flashback to over a month ago*

Cal and I were continuously looking at condos while having this chill night.

I mean, red wine with laptops and some Happiness Begins by the Jonas Brothers. Nothing can beat that.

Then both of our phones rang. Luke was calling Cal while Sierra was calling me.

"Hey what's up?" I say.

"Molls, you have to come to the hospital. Michael called us saying that Crystal's sickness was getting worse and he drove her to the hospital. He doesn't know what's happening but all he could get out was to go to the hospital." Sierra days with fear in her voice.

"Okay okay. Calm down Sierra. How's Mikey?" I say.

"He's losing his mind. We've tried calming him down but he just continues to pace back and forth." She says.

"Okay okay. We'll be there in 15-20 mins if we don't get stopped by police." I say.

"Alright, but hurry, quick." She says and we hang up. Cal ends his call with Luke and then the two of us shot up from the couch.

We were literally in shorts and tanks so I just grabbed a black and white flannel and my bag and my phone.

Then I tried taking the last sip of the wine until Cal called my name.

"Molls!" He says.

"Sorry sorry. I drink when I'm stressed. That's why you're driving." I say as I hand him the keys.

We probably could've got stopped by the police, but thankfully we didn't.

We ran into the waiting room where the 5 of them were, all with worried faces. Michael was pacing back and forth while tugging at his hair like Sierra has said.

I went over to him and once I got him to look at me, I just took him in for a hug and he starts sobbing.

I got him to sit on one of the chairs and we all helped him calm down.

*A couple hours later*

Somehow I have this magic touch to help people calm down cause Michael was passed out on the chair.

The doctor had come out and I slowly woke Michael up.

"H-h-how is s-she?" Michael says in a shaky voice.

"Well we were able to keep her stable, but we don't think it'll be for long. The baby however didn't make it. Her sickness was getting worse for both Crystal and the baby. Unfortunately there was a miscarriage." The doctor says and Michael just sits there still.

"I-Is there any w-way I c-could see h-her?" Michael says.

"We can bring you to her room." The doctor says.

"Molls, can you and Cal come?" Michael whispers and I nod. I told Cal to come and then the rest nod as they know what's going on. Michael and I have grown pretty close since I've been with Crystal a lot in these last couple of months. So I was close with this pair.

We went to her room and we let Michael go in on his own so he can have a moment with Crystal.

Just by looking through the glass, it was heartbreaking. Seeing Crystal on that bed made a tear or two slip out of me and Cal just took me in his arms.

The others came in front of her room and the Michael told us to come in. We all just surrounded her bed and then just sat in the silence.

After a few moments, we all scattered ourselves in the room while Michael stayed beside Crystal.

*Many hours later*

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. Why did Cal and I stupidly go to a window.

I turn and Cal was already up but he was just staring at the window.

"Anything?" I say and he shook his head.

Next thing you know, everyone else shot up as we all heard this loud beeping sound. We all ran over to see what was going on and then Ash ran out to get a nurse. Her life support was breaking down which is causing her to go into shock.

Once Ash brought the nurse in, all of us were told to get out and we had to go back to the waiting room.

Then it was back to square one. Michael was back to pacing and all of us are just panicking.

The guys went to find a Starbucks nearby to get something while the girls and I stayed with Michael.

None of us knew what to do. At this point, I need a whole bottle of vodka.

The guys came back and I got one coffee on me. I guess I don't need the vodka....for now.

More hours had passed and we all were still in the waiting room until the doctor had come out. All of us were standing where Michael was and then that's when she said the words "She didn't make it."

The doctor walked away with her head hanging low and Michael just went to the guys.

All of us just stood in shock. Tears were brimming and nearly about to spill in everyone's eyes.

All 8 of us were this close bunch and now with one gone, we're all falling apart.

*Flashback Ends*

So since that day, all of us weren't the same for a good week.

Cal said back in May that Reign was moving out, which is how the idea of moving came to his mind.

After everything, we put the condo hunt on pause for a bit since we were just caught up in everything and the guys were starting to release stuff at the same time.

Since that day, I've been at Cal's place. We also got Michael to stay with us in the room Reign used to be in. We just couldn't leave him on his own so he also brought Southy and Moose.

So today was the day that the guys were promoting one of their new songs off of the new album called Teeth. They were planning on doing in July, but because of what happened, management was able to let them push it back to a month at the most.

I went with them for moral support. I was planning on doing this surprise where I came into one of their interviews since they did it for my EP, but then I just wasn't into it after everything.

We were at the first interview place thing and everyone wasn't in a talking mood. For 4 of us, it was because it was the morning.

The quiet feeling in the room ended as soon as the radio host they were going to be with came in and did the introductions.

They were talking about what's gonna go down and then they said they would get started in a few minutes.

The guys were on their phones afterward and I just went over to Michael. I have this feeling he may push me away. But, it's worth a try.

I walk over to him and I just lay my head on his shoulder.

"Mikey?" I say and he just looked over at me.

"Look. I know deep down inside you'd rather be at home with Southy and Moose-Moose. So, why don't you and I leave? You don't have to do the press stuff today and we can just tell them something came up." I say quietly and he nods.

We both got up and I went to grab my bag and gave Cal a kiss.

"Where are you guys going?" Cal says.

"Just tell them that something came up and Mikey can't be here." I say and they all look up and nod.

From what I heard, they aren't doing any performances of the song in today's set of interviews, so we should be good.

Thankfully I brought my own car so we're able to get out of here.

I drove to a Starbucks that wasn't full and we went there.

We ordered some stuff and ordered and went to a booth at the back.

It was quiet, but I expected it. Michael just stared out the window the whole time.

"Mikey, your drink is gonna get cold." I say.

"Let it be." He mumbled.

"Look, I know this won't be an easy process to get through. Yes, you should take all the time to grieve. But you also can't keep the feelings bottled up inside you. If there's one thing I learned from a friend of mine, it's that keeping everything inside will only make you feel worse." I say and he looks over to me and sighs.

"It was like one minute she's there, and then it was like she faded away from me from every step I took out of the room." He says.

"You know she's not gone. She's probably being taken care of by Lyss." I say as I move to his side of the booth.

"You know the last words she said to me?" He says as he leans on my shoulder.

"What did she say?" I say.

"We were whispering cause she didn't want to wake you guys. She took my hand, and she said that she'll never be gone cause she'll always be here." He says as he held his hand to his heart and then he turns and hides his face in my shoulder as he started tearing up and I then let a couple of tears slip.

"See. She's not gone. She's still with you. She's probably wanting you to go do the press, so technically we aren't listening to her." I say trying to let a small laugh out.

"I just don't want to make it seem like she's gone." He says.

"Mike, don't rush into anything. If you need someone to talk to, you've got me. You've got Cal. You've got Ash and Luke, and you've got KayKay and Sierra. If you want, you can talk to Dalton since he's an actual therapist." I say.

"Molls, can I ask you one thing?" He says.

"Yeah. What's up?" I say.

"Will I ever be okay?" He says as he looks up at me with his teary eyes.

"Mikey, of course, you will. The process can vary for some. So it's okay if you think that. Here, let's go back to the house, and we can just strum some guitars while playing with the dogs." I say and he nods.

So we got up from the booth and then drove back to the house.

Who knows if paps caught us. I mean, hopefully not. I chose a good Starbucks that was nowhere near the busy areas.

The whole day was just what I said we'd do back at the shop.

We watched some comedy as well to try and lighten up the mood. The perfect show to put was Pokemon cause who doesn't love Pikachu.

If you don't, we can't be friends.

After what felt like hours, it was nightfall and we watched probably 5 hours of pokemon, followed by movies like Bad Boys and Space Jam, and now we were watching Good Burger with Keenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell.

The door opened and Cal came along with Luke and Ash.

"Why does this place look clean?" Cal says.

"You really think we were gonna trash the place?" Michael says.

"Cal, for your information, we're not animals. The animals are peacefully sleeping in their doggy beds." I say as I point to the 3 musketeers sleeping away.

"Is that Good Burger?" Ash says.

"The one and only." I say.

So all 5 of us were on the couch watching Good Burger while eating burgers.

There's no prediction as to when Mikey may be the same, but like they say, baby steps.
(September 2,2020)

Ok, so, yes. What I did was cruel in the story.

Now as I was typing this chapter, I realized there was some foreshadowing when I ended the last chapter with Crystal. It was cruel, but I guess that's what happens when you watch a movie and you hate the ending since they kill off the main character.

If y'all have watched Midnight Sun, please type your thoughts and we can fangirl together.

Ok now I'm just going everywhere.


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And I'll see ya on the next one.
