40: You look perfect tonight


I want to make an S/O to my literal soulmate (bc this chapter is a Valentine's Day theme) haikyuufan_1

She has been my friend for over 9 years, hence why I call her my soulmate.

For those who are anime fans, she's got some anime fanfics in the works.

She also just went over 100K on her story Lotus, congrats on that (if she even reads this story 😂)

She is literally the reason why I'm starting to get into anime. So go check her out!

Also, everyone go stream Superbloom. There are too many words to describe what this album is. All good things obviously. But, the two words I would definitely use is a raw masterpiece.

Go stream it. It's beautiful, meaningful, and just overall amazing.

The song I added was Ed Sheeran's Perfect because the overall mood of this chapter is gonna get you all up in your Colly feels.

Anyway, on with this chapter!
February 2019

Ashton's P.O.V

Alright, so by now you know the deal.

To sum it all up, all 5 us are reunited.

Cal and Molls are best friends again.

The thing is......they aren't together.

So, I got the guys and the girls all together....except for Cal and Molls of course, to plan what could be....the best thing ever.

I did what they do in the movies when the character is in a suit with a eye patch...only thing is it's all me.

"Alright, I've gathered you all here-" I say but get rudely interrupted.

"Ash, why are you acting like we're in a movie scene?" Luke says.

"Let me have my moment!" I say.

"Damn, Ash's game is high today." Crystal says and everyone was about to laugh until I silence them.

"Silence! Now. As I was saying. We are missing two very important people. But....there is a reason." I say.

"Just get to the point." Michael says.

"Okay. Jheez, can't I have time to shine. Now, all 6 of us will have plans on a very important day, Valentines day. A day dedicated to the romatics." I say.

"Wait there's plans?" Kaykay says and I go wide eye while the guys hit thier heads with their palms.

"And this is what happens when Ash gets too excited." Luke says.

"Okayyy. Now. Back to the point. Yes, so all 6 of us will be out, but two people won't be. Cal and Molls think that they're gonna be alone, well fear not. Us 6 are going to make sure that the two of them will be together." I say.

"How do we know they'd want to be together?" Kay says.

"Well, the guys and I have known the two for a very long while. Yes there was a snub, one that wasn't supposed to happen, but, as their loyal and amazing friends and people, we know these two are destined for each other." I say.

"And what is this most brilliant plan going to involve?" Sierra says.

"We're setting the two of them up on a blind date." I say excitedly.

"A blind date? Ash, you good?" Michael says.

"Guys, think about it. Us guys can set something up somewhere, and you girls will distract Molls the whole day. You guys would drive Molls to the location, us guys will get Cal there, and then, it'll be set." I say.

"I'm down." Both Luke and Michael say.

"If they're down we're down." Crystal says.

So the plan was set.

The first step: Convincing the two for this blind date.

The guys and I drove to Cal's place while the girls drove to Molly's place.

We got to Cal's place and once I rang the doorbell, you can literally hear Duke's bark at the door.

"Hey guys." Cal says as he let us in.

"Where did Reign go?" Luke says.

"Late night shift. So it's been me and Duke." He says as we all head to the couch.

"Alright Cal. We're gonna get straight to the point." Michel says.

"And since I'm the one who came up with the idea, I should say it." I say.

"When you guys say you have a plan, don't tell me it's going to be big and extravagant." Cal says.

"Wh-What would make you say thatttt?" I say as my voice got higher.

"The way you said the last sentance." Cal says. Jesus he knows me too well.

"OKay. It's not that big. But-" Luke says as he tries to steal my thunder.

"We wanna plan a blind date. Ha! I said it first." I say.

"Guys, trust me, I'll be fine." Cal says.

"So you'll be fine with being with Duke while watching who knows what on Valentine's Day?" Michael says.

"Guys, I know, I haven't been with anyone for a while, but a blind date, it seems so sudden." Cal says.

"Cal, look. It's been over a year since that betch came in and ruined something special. But, maybe this blind date can, you know, get you back in the game." Luke says.

"I don't know guys." Cal says and then we all beg to his knees with pouty faces and out hands together.

"Why do you guys make it hard to say no?" Cal says.

"Pwetty pwease." I say in my manliest child voice possible.

"Okayyyyy. Jeez, y'all need to stop, it's creepy." Cal says and all of us start to cheer.

I sent Kaykay a text saying that Cal was on board. Let's hope they get Molls on board too.

KayKay's P.O.V

"Alright, Ash says that Cal is on board." I say to the girls.

The girls and I went to get a couple things...and that is...food.

Molls's weakness is any type of food you give her. Once she sees it, she'll say yes to anything.

We headed over to her place, but there was a buzzer, so someone had to let us in.

"Alright, who can do a good Molls impersonation?" I say.

"If it comes to acting, count me out." Crystal says.

"Lemme give it a try. Wait, what do I say?" Sierra says.

"Um, say that you left your fob key." I say.

On the screen, there were a bunch of names, so we chose some guy named Marvin.

"Hello?" Marvin says.

"Hey Marv. Um, is it possible if you could let me in?" Sierra says in her best Molly voice.

"I see someone wanted to come to Marv for rescue." Marvin says.

"Such a perv." Crystal whispers.

"Marv, could you just let me in?!" Sierra says.

"Alright chika. Chillax." Marvin says and then he opens the door.

"Don't even think about telling a girl to chillax." Sierra says in a sayy voice before hanging up.

"What kind of guy tells a girl to chilax?" I say.

"If this guy bothers Molls on a daily, then we may need to get some help....for him especially." Crystal says and Sierra and I both nod in agreenment.

We headed upstairs to Molls' place. She opens the door with a shocked face.

"Oh, hey guys. I didn't know you were stopping by." Molls says.

"Don't worry, we didn't come empty-handed." I say as I hold up the food, and immediately she's drawn in.

She let us in and we all gathered on the couch while Modern Family was on the tv.

"Where were you guys coming from?" She asks and all of us we wide-eyed.

"Um, well, we um." I say as I studder.

"We, um went on a little drive and then we ended up here." Sierra says.

"We wanted to call you, but we didn't know if you were busy or not." Crystal says as we both look at her.

"Oh it's fine. I had a long day at the studio anyways. Mike called me in early in the morning to finish up a song." I say.

"So, how's life?" I say.

"Life is alright. Not too bad." Molls says.

"Is there anything you would want to do to make it better?" Siera says.

"Maybe on a certain day?" Crystal says.

"If you all are trying to get me a date, then I say no." Molls says and we all go jaw dropped.

"Molls, I mean, you can't think we would everrr." I say.

"You're lying." Molls says.

"What could make you think thattt?" I say.

"You're voice is getting higher." Molls says.

"Ok look. Molls. Think about it, it's been over a year since that all.....that happened. It's time to put yourself back on the market." Crystal says.

"And what better way to do that than a blind date." Sierra says.

"I don't know. I would bu-" Molls says and then she turns to see all 3 of us on the ground.

"Pwetty please?" I say in my best childish voice.

"Oh, alright." Molls says as she gives in.

"Wait, it's not with Marvin right?" She says quickly.

"First off, it's a blind date, and ew no not that guy. After the call we made him just to get in, hell to the no." Sierra says.

"Like, he was telling Sierra to calm down, what guy does that?" Crystal says.

"You called him to get in, oh lord. I'm taking the stairs tomorrow." Molls says.

"Better safe than sorry." I say and we all laugh.

I sent Ash a text saying that Molls was board.

Damn, who knew it would be so hard to convince them.

So after a couple hours, we left since Molls said she's heading to the studio the next day.

So Sierra dropped both Crystal and I off and then I headed into the living room where Ash was.

"How did it go?" He asks.

"Did you not see my text?" I say as he then checks his phone.

"Just did." He says as he goes in for a kiss.

"How did you guys get Cal on board?" I say.

"We borught it up, then he was unsure, so the guys and I got on our knees and then he gave in." He says.

"So it took him a while." I say.

"What about you guys?" He asks.

"Well, we thought bringing food will get her to say yes. She said no once we brought up dating. Then she was about to say I don't know until the girls and I got on our knees and begged, and then she gave in." I say.

"She denied it right away?!" He says in shock.

"I know right! We thought bringing food would work. It was like as soon as dating came up, she went wide eye." I say.

"I mean, think about it. The two of them were separated because one person came in between and tore them apart. Of course it's gonna be sensitive for them." He says.

"Your plan better work." I say.

"Oh, it will work. The shock on their faces when we capture it will be amazing, and then after seeing that, we all will rush away to our plans." He says.

"Can you drop hints?" I say.

"Nope." He says popping the 'p'.

"Well, it was worth a try." I say.

*A few days later*

Molly's P.O.V

So, the girls got me to go into the idea of this blind date. I don't know what it is with puppy dog eyes and pouts, but they have a way with convincing people.

They all came over to my place and we all got glammed together.

If you saw us walk out the door, we literally looked like the modern version of the cheetah girls.

Michael let Crystal borrow his car, so Crystal was driving up to this location.

If I'm being honest, my heart rate is rising rapidly.

I feel like my thoughts are so clouded that I have no clue what is happening.

Then Sierra snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Molls, you alright?" Sierra asks.

"Um, yeah, just a bit nervous." I say.

"Molls, you look dashing. You will sweep this guy off their feet." Kay says.

"Aww thanks guys. I mean, you guys are the reason this is happening." I say.

"Molls, we want to see you happy. You've been working too hard on that album, let this be your night off." Crystal says.

Kay turns on the radio and then we were all jamming out to some Little Mix.

Once we were getting closer, my heart was pounding, probably to the point where I was able to hear my own heartbeat.

"Alright Molls. The main thing on a blind date, is that you need a blindfold." Kay says as she hands over the blindfold.

She helps me out of the car since I'm blindfolded and then both Sierra and Crytal say good luck.

Here goes nothing.

Calum's P.O.V

Alright, going into this, I'm somewhat regretting.

The reason I was hesitant to say yes was because I have a small confession.

I still have feelings for Molls.

I don't know what it is, but when we were apart, when she came to my doorstep that night, New Years Eve, that little hangout from her place last month, like, month by month, these feelings grow bigger, and bigger.

I think the moment she knew the truth, that was the moment my feelings for her made me keep going, like I have hope to get her back.

I don't know if I'm leaving enough hints, but like, I don't know what to do.

I only said yes to let the guys have this one.

I don't know if this will turn out good, or bad.

Who knows what'll happen.

Ash helps me over to wherever this place is and then as soon as we get here, he runs off, and then there's another voice along with Ash's voice that yells open.

Both of us opened the blindfolds at the same time and we're both in shock as soon as the reveal was made, but then we laughed it off.

"Why do I feel like we got tricked?" Molls says.

"The guys planned this, and I'm assuming the girls knew about it as well." I say.

We start to look around realizing that no one is here and now it's just us two.

It was this little area with a bunch of rose petals all around and then you see a table, with a picnic basket.

"They did all of this?" Molls says.

"I'm surprised they knew the things we used to do." I say.

We both sit down and then I pours the glasses of champagne that was left there.

"For making a scene in the movies, the guys and the girls did a pretty good job." I say.

"We do got a great group of people." Molls says.

"Reign was even surprised that this was happening. I walked out into the living room, and he had a playful grin on him. He was probably in on the plan as well." I say.

"I mean, our shock must've been bigger. We didn't even know this was happening. He probably had some sort of idea and then put on a golden globe performance. Just like when I took Duke." She says as she brings back old memories.

"Have you ever thought about getting yourself a pup?" I say.

"I have, only thing is, anyone I could possibly ask to take care of the little pup comes on tour with me. So I literally would have no one." I say.

"Just leave the pup with Reign. That's what I've done." I say.

"Nah, I can't intrude like that." She says.

"Oh cmon Molls. You know you're always welcome. You'd just have to let Reign know in advance." I say and we both laugh.

"I'll think about it. Speaking of tours, how's the tour with The Chainsmokers goin?" She asks.

"It's been good. It's like any other tour. Obviously we got this week off, and then we're heading back in a couple days until beginning of March." I say.

"I guess this was a much needed hangout then." She says.

"It sure was." I say.

The two of us talk some more of things we've done and old memories from before everything.

After we finished with the food portion, we just took a nice long walk all over this area.

This hangout is literally like as if it's the first time we ever hung out. It was like the ice cream parlor shop all over again. Just talking, laughing, and there was food.

But most importantly, it's just us two. The last time there was a moment with us two was when we were on her balcony last month.

As we were walking, we found this rose bush and Molls wanted some photos by it. Obviously I said yes to taking the photos. She looked stunning in her dress and her sitting by the roses just brings back the time we did the photoshoot.

She's a natural at them. So taking a few of these were too easy.

Then we took some together, and knowing us, there weren't many serious ones.

Everytime we tried to be serious, it just ended up with us laughing, but it made the best photos.

Once it was getting dark, we tried to find someplace out of this area so we could head home.

We also realized that no one was here, so we were waiting by a bench for the uber that I called.

So we were just talking, and then it got quiet.

We looked up at each other, and then I lean in, she leans in as well, but then we backup up after someone honks at us.

We both looked up to see our uber car so I helped Molls up and then we both got inside.

Looks like this uber driver wasn't too happy.

We got back to my place and then I offered to drive Molls home.

It was a bit quiet only cause it was getting late, and then we said bye.

I couldn't start driving until she walked inside.

She just looked so stunning.

If only that uber driver let us have our moment. I was so close.

Maybe next time.


(August 1, 2020)

Alright, wow, we got 4 P.O.V's today.

For lazy author reasons.

Anyways, first off, was Colly about to kiss?

Like whaaat?! As readers, y'all should be excited.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
