45: Fight so dirty but you love so sweet

Alright, here's a special bonus update in honour of Michael's birthday.

I honestly loved writing this chapter especially with the little breakfast bit you're about to read

Now, before I go off, imma stop so you guys can read.

Also, Molly's outfit is on the top.

On with the chapter!
January 2020

Molly's P.O.V

Ok, this is gonna be probably one of the biggest catch-ups that I would possibly have to give you.

Sooooo....hopefully you can keep up.

So since August, Michael was able to do the press interviews for Teeth. I still went with them for moral support and it was really fun to watch them preform since I didn't watch them preform in the last two tour they did. In some of the press stuff, they did 2-3 songs, so in one of them they did Easier, and hearing Luke use his low vocal tone was something I've never heard. Luke is known to be a very light hearted person, but seeing him in the music, that was something that's fun to watch....even if him and I tend to be the duo that would bicker all the time.

In October, I released my debut album. Probably one of the biggest milestones of my career. The last time I had release something was in November of 2018. Getting this album done was probably the biggest releif.

The album consisted of songs with situations I've dealt with. Two of my favourite songs that I wrote were Mistaken and Chances. Mistaken was the song I released in November and it seemed to be a fan favorite. Another song I wrote was called Chances which is about me being able to give Cal and my relationship a second chance. This one just hits different since we made it a ballard and the process of getting back with him was a whole rollar coaster itself.

On New Years Eve, all 7 of us went to a bar, and a certain someone, aka Michael was found talking to someone. No kissing or anything. Just talking. Ever since, the guys and I have occasionally watched him on his phone smiling to himself, and whenever we'd ask...his answer was as childish as his personality...porn.

At this point, all of us seeing Michael happy was what mattered to us.

So in a few days, it was the Grammys. This for me is huge since it's my first nomination. What's even bigger is that they wanted me to preform as well.

Preparing for this show has been so exciting for me. I have said it during the first ever show I've opened, and I'll still say it to this day...... I hate rehersals.

Since the second day of January, all we've been doing was rehersing the same thing over and over.

The plan for the show is to open up with Chances since it was a piano ballard, and then we would dive into Mistaken since we made that into like an upbeat song.

The guys have also been preparing for the show since they'll be closing it out. From the little hints that they told me, it's going to be a meoldy of their songs from the past couple years. 

We've gotten the week before the show to relax and stuff until Saturday when we get the stage rehersal. So today, I decided this day to get my dress because I wasn't planning on going all out. Just nice and simple, with a bit of elegance. Since it's my first award show, I decided to not go full out. Calum invited me to a couple shows when they got nominated in 2016 and 2017, but I decided agaisnst it.

Shopping today is going to be a bit scary. So Calum and Michael are coming, and Mali is also coming because then I can get girl's opinion as well. Plus, Mali and I haven't talked since New Years Eve, so this will be a nice catch up.

"Molls?" Cal says.

"In here!" I yell.

I decided that I was in a cooking mood, so I'm making chocolate chip pancakes. Since Mikey woke up, he decided to help...kinda.

It was more him and I holding a convo while I make the pancakes so that the house won't be quiet.

So while I'm flipping pancakes, I'm gonna do the usual and bother him.

"Mikey." I say.

"Mikeyyyyyyyy!" I yell and he's still looking at his screen.

"Gordon!" I say and then he looks up.

"What have we told you about middle names?" He says as Calum walks in.

"Like I said to Thomas here, I use it whenever. Now, would you like to tell me what you've been smiling about on your screen?" I say as I spin the spatula in my hand in circles.

"Porn happy?" Michael says.

"You're such a child." I say.

"Cmon Mike. So, who's the girl?" Cal says as he sits on the chair with his arm holding himself up while looking at Mikey as I do the same.

"Guys, it's nothing." Michael says.

"So you're saying that you're just smiling at your home screen?" I say.

"Michaelllllllll who's the girl?" Calum says.

"It's you." Michael says to Calum as Calum starts to gush.

"Hey, hands off my man." I say.

"Instead of being territoral, how bout you watch the pancakes." Michael says as I turn and flip a burnt pancake.

"Well, I mean, it was only one." I say.

"Check the last couple." Cal says.

"Alright, then you guys take over." I say.

"Nah, I'm good." Cal says as he places a kiss on my cheek.

"And Michael. Don't give me sass. I don't need another Ash or another person to bicker with. That's me and Luke." I say.

"Then what are we?" Michael says.

"We're the fashionistas because you introduced me to a new style and we're punk rock and we do what we want." I say.

"I'll take that." Michael says.

"Then what are we?" Cal says and I give him a 'Are you kidding me?' look while putting the pancakes on plates.

"She's your fuck buddy." Michael says and I laugh while Calum pouts.

"Thomas, you know you're more than that." I say as I peck his pouty lips.

"Ok, you calling us by our middle names gotta stop." Cal says.

"Why should I? It's fun." I say.

"Do you even have a middle name?" Michael asks.

"Mike, how long have we known each other?" I say.

"It's been a long time, without you by my side." Michael says trying to sing my song Chances.

"Ok first off it's 'It's been a hard time, without you by my side.' Second, even if I did have one, you guys wouldn't have known it since I wouldn't have said it." I say.

"One word Molls. One word." Michael says.

"Anywaysssss. Have y'all got your stuff for the award show?" I say.

"Nope." The two of them say.

"Good. So you're doing it today with me since I gotta get my dress." I say.

"Ooo this should be interesting." Cal says.

"Plus, Mikey, I need your help." I say.

"I'm down." Michael says.

"Heyyy! Why can't I help?" Cal says.

"Cal, I love you, but I need Mikey since I've been leaning towards fashion help from him." I say.

"Then again, where are the girls? Can't you bring them?" Cal says.

"Mali's coming. Sierra and KayKay already got their dresses while I was in rehersals." I say.

So we all finished with breakfeast while we had Twenty-One Pilots in the backgroud.

The guys got ready while I just took a nap on the couch. Ahh, feels like 2016 all over again.

Then again, rehersals are tiring, but the work gets paid off in the end.

*A couple hours later*

We met Mali up at the mall and then Cal and Mikey went somewhere to get their stuff.

Mali spotted this boutique she wanted to take me. Having her will really help me out. However, we did the smart thing and went to the food court first. The guys said they'll be a while, so we just stayed at the food court till they came.

"Alright, you wanna tell me the story of how you landed this big rock on your finger?" I say as I held up her left hand.

"Molls, you spot things too quick." She says.

"What can I say, I got a good eye." I say.

"Well, it happened a couple of weeks ago. We took a trip down to London after New Years. The first couple days were chill since we didn't feel like doing anything. Then on the third day, Devon wanted to go around the city. So we acted like tousits for the day and then once we got to see the outside of Buckingham Palace, he took my hands, said a little speech, and then got down on one knee asking him to be his queen and for him to marry me." She says and I squeal.

"Mali, that's so adorable. In front of the palace, that place must've been huge." I say.

"Just from seeing the outside, you can just tell that the inside probably had thousands of rooms." She says.

"If I had to choose my favourite part, it would have to be riding in a carriage. That part was just the most romatic of the whole day." She adds.

"Awwww. Maliiiiiii. Devon is one lucky guy." I say.

"And I'm one lucky gal." She says.

"Oh honey, he lucky he got such a talented person like you." I say.

"Oh stop. If we're talking about talent, that's you miss." She says.

"Me? Pfft. I'm just another singer in the industry." I say.

"Mhm. A singer who is up for best new artsit and prefomrong at the Grammys, along with the fact that your debut album reached #1 in multiple countries." She says and I shush her.

"If you get louder, we'll be in a mob." I say.

"Sorry. But it's true. Molls, it's a huge deal." She says.

"Yes, yes it is. I mean, even if I don't get it, I'm still honoured to even be considered as a nominee." I say.

"You're just so frickin humble, it's amazing to watch. Now, what's been happening with you and my baby bro?" She says.

"Nothing much. We started house hunting again. We were searching from May to July. Then didn't pick it back up till November." I say.

"You're moving?" She says.

"Cal opted that we get our own place instead of having two separate places and one just staying over, so we've been looking. Probably not going to be too far from the LA area since work is here. I mean, I don't know. I'm excited." I say.

"You two are just meant for each other. Like I love it." She says and I let out a chuckle.

"Yea, it's crazy to think that whatever we went through just to be where we are now is unbelievable." I say.

"When do you think he'll pop the question?" She says.

"You're her brother, he probably told you something." I say.

"Oh cmon Molls. Anytime soon, he'll pop the question." She says.

"Who's gonna pop what question?" Michael says.

"Molls was wondering about life and I was just helping her, you know. Girl things." Mali says. She's probably the best at hiding stuff.

"Alright, is Ms.Saunders ready to pick out a dress for the upcoming award show?" Cal says as I take his hand.

"I was born ready Mr.Hood." I say as we all laugh at the way we executed this exit.

We got to the shop and just by walking in I was overwhelmed.

There was so many options that I feel like I'd choose them all.

So I decided to choose my top 3.

I tried them all and felt like a customer in 'Say Yes To The Dress' but I didn't choose my final option till they left.

So once I finished trying on the dresses, I got the guys to leave except Mali and then she helped me make the final decision.

We went to the cashier where I paid for the dress and then we headed out.

*A few days later*

It was finally the night of the award show.

I headed back to my own place to get ready so then we all can meet up here.

Santana came over to help me get ready, and I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.

Now, I'm not one to get all dolled up. However, this night is something speical and I had to choose the perfect dress.

Santana helped me with my makeup and then helped me into my dress.

My dress was a red off the shoulder high low dress. Once I tried this dress on, I immedietley fell in love with it. 

Santana came over to me and had a tear or two slip down.

"You look so fucking goregous." She says.

"Stop. If you cry, I'll cry." I say.

"Your makeup is waterproof. A tear or two won't hurt." She says as we both let out a laugh.

We wanted to facetime Joanne to get her raction.

"Oh my god Molls. Don't tell me you look like a grown woman." She says.

"You tell me." I say as I flip the camera to the mirror.

"Oh Molls. You look absolutely gorgeous. You are going to leave Calum jaw dropped." Joanne says.

"How did I do on makeup?" Santana asks.

"You did wonderful. I could've done better, but you did very good Lopez." Joanne says.

"Joanne, when is the next time I could see you? I miss when you drag me to the gym." I say and she laughs.

"I'll see and tell you when I can." She says.

"You're not leaving me for some other popstar right?" I say.

"Of course not. You will always be my number 1." She says and then we hear knocks on the door.

"Alright, Saunders here has got to go, but we will talk to you sometime soon." Santana says and I let out a little laugh.

"Alright girls. Good luck Molls and tell the guys I say hello." Joanne says.

"Will do!" I say. We said our goodbyes and then Santana told me to wait until she called me.

While she called for me, I put my silver heels on and then add a silver necklace and hoop earrings to complete the look.

As I look at myself the mirror, I just smile to myself. This would be the first time in a long while where I looked at myself and saw a smile.

It was like everything in 2019 was such a whirlwind that now I'm at a place where I feel at peace with everything.

As soon as I heard Santana call for me because she wanted me to have this bold entrance.

I walked out and I just saw everyone all dressed up like we were all going into this ballroom dance.

Joanne was right, Cal was going to be jaw-dropped.

All of us just chatted for a while and then we heard another knock at the door. I opened it and I saw Michael with a girl.

Oh my god, I knew it! He was talking with someone. That little punk rock liar.

"I beleive we haven't offically met." I say.

"Hey. I'm Lexi." She says.

"Molly. But call me Molls." I say as I let the pair in. Brynn introduces herself to everyone and then we all headed to the show.

As we all made our introductions, it was revealed that Lexi and Michael have been talking since September. Once again, we all knew it, but we're just happy that he's happy.

*An hour into the show*

This show has literally been amazing. Watching the Grammys live was so much better than watching through a screen. I got to preform and that was just exhilarating itself.

So now they were about to annonce the Best New Artist award and we waited for the announcers to come out.

Since I was coming from backstage, I had no clue who's presenting. So I took my seat, but the guys weren't here.

"Sierra, where are the-" I say and then we both looked to the stage and I was in shock.

How did 5SOS manage to get a presenting gig at the Grammys?

I guess anything can happen.

"Hey guys!" Luke says into the mic and the whole crowd is screaming.

"Alright, so this maybe our 2nd or 3rd time doing this, so if we mess up, as Ms.Demi would say, Sorry not Sorry." Ash says and everyone laughs.

Wait a minute, Demi was here tonight.

Oh my god, my queen is in the building. I'm going to faint.

"Now, before we say anything more stupid, let's go through the nominees." Michael says and then the video of all the nominees pop up on the screen.

Cal had the envelope in his hand and my leg was shaking more than ever.

Like, I mean, I hope I win, but like, I'll still be happy either way.

"Alright, and the winner is..." Cal says as he take the card out of the envelope.

"Molly Saunders!" They all say and my face goes into a complete shock as they everyone around me has huge grins.

All the girls and I share a hug and then I go up the stage and hug the guys and then I was handed the award.

"Wow. That's literally the first word that comes to mind. This is just an unreal feeling to me since it's my first time. All I gotta say is these past couple of years have been something, but it all came together into the album last year. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to helping me create my music and for just being such a collabratove group. I also want to thank my dad who is back home in Sydney. He's been suportive of me throughout and I couldn't thank him more. I also want to say a massive thank you to these 4 guys up on the stage with me. These guys are mainly the reason I am standing on this stage today. If I didn't end up opening for their tour, god knows what I could've been doing right now. And lastly, to the fans, thank you for your supprt with my entire journey up to this point. It's been truly amazing to watch the supprot grow and I love you all so much. Thank you." I say and then I walk off the stage with the guys.

"What the actual fuck just happened?" I say.

"You just won your first grammy." Cal says.

"And how did y'all become the presenters for this catagory?" I say.

"We begged people so we can do it." Luke says. Of course.

"We just got put to present this one." Ash says.

"Honestly, out of the times we have presented awards, this one was the best." Michael says.

"Indeed it was." I say as Calum wraps his arm around me and we lean for a kiss.

We got back to our seats until I accidently bumped into someone. As soon as I look up..it was Ms.Demi Lovato aka my queen.

"Oh-my god. I am so sorry." I say.

"Don't worry about it. Congrats!" She says as she pulls me into a hug.

The Demi Lovato pulled me into a hug.

"T-thank you." I say.

"Well, I gotta go get ready for my preformance." She says.

"Good luck. Even though you're gonna slay." I said. Slay? Oh god, why would I say slay? What's wrong with me.

"Thank you Molly." She says as she gets taken backstage and I head back to the seats.

"Holy shit I just met Demi Lovato." I say to Cal as I sat back down.

"Oh we saw you. And you looked like a dork." He says.

"Heyyyy!" I say.

"But you're my dork." He says and we lean for a quick kiss.

The rest of the show was just amazing to watch. The guys killed the closer and it was epic. They did a meoldy of Easier, Teeth, and Youngblood. It was all around an amazing show.

We went into the after party where many drinks were sipped and it was honestly a good time.

"You wanna get out of here?" Cal whispers in my ear as we dance on the dance floor.

"I thought you'd never ask." I say.

"The uber should be here in a couple mins, and then I can make your night more wild." He says.

"Oh Thomas, you know that's all I wanted." I say with a smirk.

"Ok, yes that annoys me, but for some reason you saying it turns me on." He says.

"Well then Thomas, why don't we get the fuck outta here." I say.

"Aye, aye captin." He says.

"And just so we're clear, you're the one steering this ship." I say.

"My pleasure." He says as he takes my hand as we head out.

The rest of the night just got more wild than the after party.


(September 5, 2020)

Alright, so, finally I made some award kind of chapter.

I honestly don't know why I waited till this long in the story.

All I can say is, after the last chapter, I guess I needed something good to happen.

This story is slowly coming to a close soon.

The next couple chapters will be a couple more time jumps and then an epilouge.

But, it only gets happier from here.


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And I'll see ya on the next one.
