15: Two in a million, can't even begin to to find where I found you

A/N: Ok I know this story is new....but this story got #2 with the tag soundslivefeelslive
Holy shiz balls I'm freaking out
Anyways, yea...on with the chapter
May 2016

Molly's P.O.V

I am telling you, not singing those last few shows were a pain in the arse.

Like, me not talking was bad, but me not singing, that was even worse.

In the last couple of days though, I was able to work with the guys in soundcheck and test out my voice.

After that test, I've been doing fine and today I get to see whether or not I can finally preform the openers again.

We are in the city I'm most excited about.

I woke up in the city of love. Yes, Paris, France.

I remember as a teen, I told myself that Lyss and I were gonna move to Paris and find love. Lyss did find love back home.

However, me on the other hand, it's been a challenge.

I mean, I am in the city with my closest friend that I have feelings for.

Will they come out during the 2 days we're here? God knows.

Maybe if Lyss's spirits traveled to Paris, maybe she can give me spiritual guts to tell him.

Yea, I know it's been only a few months since I broke up with 'him', but at the same time, I think it was easier to get over him only cause he was the bad guy in this situation. At the same time, the articles about Calum are growing more. The only reason I've been seen with him more is cause him and I would be behind the guys if we ever are together. Ash, Luke, and Mikey always seemed to be the 3 ahead of us while Calum and I are referred to as the 'old couple' because we're so slow.

I actually saw one article where it said I was moving from 'guy to guy' cause there was one where there were pics of me being with Luke.

I think when both of us saw the pics, we both were disgusted, but we laughed that one off cause Luke and I are the ones to act like children. Those pictures may have come along when Luke was running after me when I pranked him for all those insults a couple of days ago.

*Flashback to A couple of days ago*

It's 6 in the morning. I'm not up this early, but today I am, only to get back at Luke. I wasn't lying when I said I was going to come up with some way to get him back.

My voice, in this case, is getting there. I've been saying things here and there without the app and it's been fine.

Since my voice is starting to get better, I decided was the day to test it out with the guys at their soundcheck, but I had some business to settle with Luke.

"Alright, so, I need y'all to be out of the room when this happens." I say.

"And why is that?" Ash says acting like Luke's protector.

"Well, I had this prank in mind where I place a ton of spiders all around the room. Obviously Luke hates spiders, so him seeing them on the floor will make him flip." I say.

"And why are the spiders going to be his wake up call?" Michael says.

"This is what you call payback for when you try to annoy me. If y'all try to be like Luke, you will get payback. I ain't letting him get away from all those annoying things." I say in a sassy tone.

"Damn, sassy Molls in the morning. I like this." Cal says.

"Aww, thanks. Now, Ash and Michael, get the cameras set up and hide them well. Cal, you're gonna help me set the spiders up around the floor. I also found this remote control one that I gotta set up." I say.

So, we head into the room quietly. Thankfully Luke is a deep sleeper. So he won't hear a god damn thing. 

*A Few Minutes Later*

"Luke, get up. We gotta be downstairs by 7." Ash says.

We don't have to be down there by 7, he'll usually say it to get him up.

So based on the camera, he has his phone but hasn't rolled to the other side. That's when I decide to start moving this damn spider. It starts to make some sort of noise.

"I'm getting up Ash- AHHHHHHHH!!!" He screams as he rolls over. Then he gets on the floor and then as soon as he sees the spiders on the floor, he darts out of the room and all of us are just standing outside laughing out minds out at 6:30 in the morning.

He runs back and then he is exhausted.

"Ok, can we get maintenance to clean up the room?" Luke asks.

"No, because that's what happens when you get pranked by the prank master." Michael says.

"And we have it all on camera." I say.

"Who was it?" Luke says in an exhausted by annoyed voice.

I had to give myself a headstart.

I darted all the way to the stairs and ran my arse down before he can reach below. The guys follow him and then we end up outside when we see the sunrise.

Luke starts to somewhat tackle me from behind onto the grass and the guys catch up.

"Damn, who knew you can tackle from behind?" I say.

"Well, I learned from the best." Luke says.

"Awww, I'm honored that you finally listened to me." I say.

"Not you! Dave showed me how. That man is a genius!" Luke yells and we all laugh.

"Yes, yes he is. Quiet, but a true genius." I say.

"Jesus, don't ever wake me up again like that. Can someone go pick up all the spiders from the room?" He asks and of course, Ash is on it. Then again, it is his room as well. Thankfully he let us do it though. Otherwise, it would've taken me a long time to come up with something better than this prank.

We all enjoyed the sunrise until we had to get up to clean up and then we head back upstairs so we could finish up getting ready.

*End of Flashback*

Now that was a really good prank. It had to be done.

So, we waited a few minutes until Donna and Rick came to tell me if I can fully perform again.

We waited patiently...but the suspense was killing us.

*A few minutes later*

"Well, how does your throat feel after a few days?' Donna asks.

'Well, I've been doing small soundcheck sessions with the guys. It seems pretty fine to me." I say.

"Is she finally ready to perform?" Michael asks. Next thing you know all 5 of us are begging on our knees with pouty faces to beg. I mean, at the same time, I want to perform again.

"Molls, if you can keep up with what you've been doing the last couple of days, you can open the shows again." Rick says and all of us get into a group hug.

"You're back!" Cal says.

"Ahh, feels good to be back." I say.

So, now we head to soundcheck and I go through my normal soundcheck routine.

God, it really does feel good to be singing my songs again.

*A Few Hours Later*

Calum's P.O.V

Alright, so we're in our dressing room backstage to get ready for the show.

Now, since we were in Paris, I thought why not make it special.

Molls has told me many times before that coming to Paris was a dream.

Tomorrow we have an off day so we're going to be acting like tourists.

However tonight, I wanted it to be us two.

So, I know my attempt at admitting my feelings didn't go well. The timing was off and Molls had a lot on her plate.

I decided to take all the advice I've heard from Mali and the guys, and I'm going to tell her tonight... at the Eiffel Tower.

So the plan is to have a little picnic in this area that I found where it's lit up in the night.

Then we'd take a walk to the Eiffel Tower, we get up there, and that's when I'll say it.

Am I nervous? Oh hell to the yes.

I just hope I get the response I want.

Now with me being lost in my mind, time passed by and Molls was heading onto the stage.

The guys and I rushed to the sidelines to watch her like how we did the first time.

She didn't go her usual full out, but as they say, baby steps.

The guys and I are always excited to watch her perform. Her shows are full of lights, and smoke, and all these other things, and it gives you the vibe of Zedd's True Colours tour from last year.

I"m always in awe watching her, She's able to have that connection with the crowd fast. It took us a while to get that when we were opening for One Direction.

However, Molls has got it in her.

We really helped her before the tour.

I'd say the guys and I did a pretty good job.

She finishes her show and then she comes to where we were and then she watches us along the sidelines.

Then she was finally able to come up with us to sing Broken Home, and having her on the stage when we sang it felt so good.

*After The Show*

If y'all thought that the show was 'the show', then all I gotta say is get ready. This is the show you've been waiting for.

"Ok Molls, imma need you to meet me in the car in 15 mins." I say to her.

"Why, what's up?" She asks.

"I thought you and I can go for a little stroll around town." I say.

"Ooo, I'm up for that." She says.

So we both go our own ways and then we meet at the car 15 minutes later.

I was walking out to the car and there she was waiting.

In a leather jacket with a white top and black jeans with combat boots.

"You look stunning." Were the first words that come out of my mouth.

"You don't look too shabby yourself." She says and we head into the car.

The drive going to the area is pretty quiet. I mean, we're coming from doing a show. Per usual, she takes a little power nap.

Why is it cute when she curls up into a little ball when we're in the car. It's literally cute and funny to see.

So, we finally get there and I'd wake her up.

I grabbed the basket from the back after Dave set it there. I sent him to pick out some things while we were in the show. When you got 2 bodyguards, it helps when you want to do things like this.

We walked to the spot I wanted to go to and then I put the blanket on the floor.

"Aww Calum! Did you plan a little picnic?" She asks as I put the blanket down.

"Well, you've always said you wanted to come it Paris, so I thought why not make tonight a little special." I say.

"Mr.Hood, you are one for the ladies." She says.

"I have my ways." I say and we both laugh.

So, we dig into whatever Dave got.

There was a baguette, some chocolate croissants, and this thing called dates, a very weird fruit, and then none other than chocolate-covered strawberries.

"Damn, Dave did good." I mumble.

"You sent Dave out to get the things?" She says.

"If he didn't go for me, then this wouldn't have happened. He even told me he got noticed by a couple of fans at the store and they asked for a photo." I say as I laugh cause that's actually funny.

Dave, our security, gets asked to take a photo, what are the odds?

"If that fan does end up getting that photo of him, they need to tag us." Molls says and I agree. I actually want to see if he said yes or not.

So we ate, we talked, then we laid down before we started walking.

"What was it like performing again?" I ask.

"Well, it felt better than when I had to go up for the very first time. It was like, I wanted to go up so badly. Sitting on the sidelines but not opening was a pain to watch." She says.

"I mean, not having you on stage felt weird." I say.

"Now enough about me, anything up with you?" She asks.

"Here, we play therapist again, except we can both stay lying down." She adds.

"Ok, so, I talked to Mali a few weeks ago. I asked her if she was ever planning on coming home, but she didn't give a definite answer. I never knew she was in LA until I heard her first record when we were on our first tour. I just have this feeling that if we can't work out something, then she may never come back home." I say.

Damn, I didn't know this was turning into a therapy session.

"Ok, so think about this. I couldn't face my parents after Lyss left. She may be going through that same feeling of 'What if they don't want to see me?' But, you got me through it, and we faced them. Maybe if you told her you'll be there when she comes, she may feel the comfort of someone who supports her, which could bring her back home. Think about it, the tour ends in December. Tell her to come for the holidays." She says.

She really knows how to put things into perspective.

"Damn Molls, you've done it again." I say.

"Hey, we all have that talent of giving the right advice." She says.

So, we decided to get up. I dropped the basket in the car and told Dave to drive to the tower and then Molls and I start walking.

I think at this point, the nerves that I had before, they are coming more as we get closer.

The thing is, Molls is somewhat distracting those nerves from coming back. This is like witchcraft and wizardry right here.

I'm here feeling nervous, but at the same time, I'm not.

Is that even possible?

So, we get to the tower. As we start to head up, it's crazy to think that we're about to be at the top of the tower.

The look on her face as we go up is just adorable.

It's crazy to me how this is even happening. Like, I'm about to say something that can change both of our lives, and we can both hopefully be with each other.

Once we get up to the top, we just admire the view.

Molls is usually scared of heights, but all of a sudden, that fear wasn't shown. I think it's the fact she's actually here, the excitement took over.

It feels good to see her not worry about anything for once.

She's just so happy, and a little jumpy.

I think she had more than one cup of coffee today.

"How crazy is it that we're even up here?" She says.

"Being here is already crazy. But, I've got something crazier to say." I say.

Holy shit. I'm about to do it.

Deep breath Cal. Deep breath.

I take her hands, and then I begin to ramble.

"Ok Molls, all of this may seem all over the place. But, the main thing I can say is, I've loved being with you for basically all of my life. All the times we've had in all the years we've hung out, naming every moment will make my head explode. Molls, that time when we weren't together much, I hated being away from you. It killed me on the inside when I left for LA. It felt like I was leaving you when you needed me the most. I am just so glad that whatever brought us back together a few months ago, I'm glad it did. Every effing second of it, I've loved it. The group dynamic became better than it could. You and I, aka the dynamic duo, were back like old times. Molls, I like you. I've liked you since high school. I've liked you even when you were taken, and I still like you now." I say.

Holy shit. I did it.

Molly's P.O.V

Holy shit. He just confessed his feelings, on the Eiffel tower.

"C-Cal, can I say one thing?" I say.

"Yea." He says.

Deep beath Molls. Deeeep breath.

"I think ever since high school, maybe before, I've had these feelings bottled up inside me and I never knew what to do with them. It's probably the one thing that I've actually kept to myself. I couldn't come up with the courage to even said it. Even when I tried to say it, the timing just never felt right. That night when we had that kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wished we were together then. But this is now. When I was with Kyle, for some reason, you always came to my mind once he was out of the room. It was like those feelings I've had, they never left. Every call we had when I was in the dorms while everyone else was at frat parties, I loved every second of it. I always wished it could happen more, but we did them as much as we could. But whatever brought us here on this Eiffel tower, if it was Lyss, we really gotta thank her. Cal, I like you. I liked you through high school. I've liked you even when I was taken, and I still like you." I say.

Damn, I just said all that.

Both of us just stare down, but we'd stare and smile, and let out little laughs as we're out of breath.

As soon as I catch my breath, I say something.

"So um, what's next?" I say as he looks out in the view and then back at me.

"This." He says and he pulls me into a kiss. On the Eiffel Tower.

The butterflies are swarming, the fireworks are sparking, and I think Lyss is spiritually cheering.

I think THIS may be the highlight of the tour.


(June 21, 2020)


Molls and Calum are finally togetherrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

If y'all are excited, you better be.

I think out of this whole book, this would have to be my favorite chapter to write.

Also, it's father's day when I write this, so Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.

Now, let's hope this story gets interesting after this amazing, cute, and fun chapter.


Comment and Vote for all this fun and cuteness in this chapter

And I'll see ya on the next one
