29: Too rad, to get mad

June 2017

Molly's P.O.V

I wake up on the beanbag in my office because I think I was working in here last night.

I wrapped up promo stuff for the EP a few days ago. So I came to the place I call home and I was more than excited. I think the first night I came back I went to my couch and went k.o. from there.

I've basically been getting my sleep back now that I have something out for fans to listen to.

Soon it will mark 2 months since the EP was out and I couldn't be more excited to reach that milestone.

Making that EP was one of the biggest projects I ever did in my life, next to the summer internship I had in my second year of uni.

I've been getting so much positive news on it, and the support has been unreal. I think one of the most surreal moments was when Demi Lovato heard my EP and she reposted Far Apart and Young Love on her story. I was literally stunned, cause she is a literal queen. I think we had a small chat afterward, and I remember sending screenshots to the guys on the group chat. That's how stunned I was.

All I could say is, even though I am excited to reach that milestone, I'm just glad I can sleep in the comfort of my own home and wake up to the nice view on the balcony.

Since I was in a good mood, I played the guy's self-titled album on my speakers and went to the kitchen.

I decided to make french toasts sticks since I've been craving those.

I've been craving french toast after I've had it on our early morning flights.

French toast with sliced bananas on top, a perfect combo, and you can't forget the iced coffee with it. That is a must.

Once I made breakfast, I headed out to the balcony because it wasn't too hot today.

You know those types of mornings where it's somewhat sunny, but then there's that light breeze that comes along? So it's one of those types of mornings.

I got on my laptop and replied to some people on twitter...the nice ones of course.

If there were people trying to 'roast me' I would make a much better response to it during the times I'm drunk.

I am so down to clapping back at people just to get a statement heard.

One time, I saw one tweet about the guys, and it said something along the lines of how there was this one part one of the guys sung in a song, and they were shocked to see who it actually was.

So I went on Twitter and defended them by saying how each guy has their own voice melodically and that there was no need to act all like 'oh my god I can't believe it was his voice' and stuff like that.

Like it's okay to act shocked in the sense that you loved hearing it, but the way that tweet was written, I was able to tell it wasn't that.

I wasn't trying to start beef, I was just defending my guys.

Can I just add, it was yesterday morning when I did that response.

One thing I've done a few times was that I've responded to fans under an account I had before I made like a 'main' twitter account. I think that the username was also the name I went under when watching the guy's live streams.

After breakfast, I decided to go and have a shower while playing the album.

For someone who loves music, I don't know what it is, but playing your favorite music while getting up, or getting ready, like, it a vibe I live for.

Like, I have different playlists for different settings, so sometimes I'd either play the guy's albums or a 'Breakfast playlist' for the mornings. Then I have an office playlist, which has some calm mellow tunes to get me into the work zone, and then I have like a 'Shower/Get Ready' playlist because why not.

After the shower, I got ready in an oversized white t-shirt and some black leggings. (Pic Above or on the side..whatever y'all call it on this app)

I heard someone knocking at my door and so I quickly put on the belt and headed for the door.

Apparently I got a PR box.

Oh, now I'm excited to find out what it is.

I decided to go back to the balcony and I went live on insta so then I wouldn't have to do it through a series of stories.

"Okayy, so imma let the viewers come in, and then we'll start in a couple of minutes," I say to the small thousand of viewers who came on.

"Ok guys, hi. It's been a minute since I came on here. So basically I just wrapped up promo for my EP a few days ago. I've been in my home since and I don't think I ever left, but at the same time, I love the comfort of my home. I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been sharing the EP, buying it, streaming it, anything you've done to show your support, your support is noticed and I am in awe with the response." I say as I drink my lemon water.

"So, the reason I came on live, obviously to say hi to you guys, and I also got a PR box, so I decided to open that up on here instead of doing a series of stories. Now, I have no clue what it could be, so this will be a surprise for us all." I say as I hold up the box.

I went to the kitchen to open the box and then I went back outside.

"Alright, so, we now have the box opened. Oh, okay, I think we got some shoes here. Oh my god, it's a shoe company. Ok, small confession, I'm a sneaker freak. I'm starting to grow a very large collection, but I ain't complaining." I say.

As soon as I saw the box, my face goes into a pure shock mode.

"Oh my god, it's the Vans customs. OK, wow. This is mindblowing." I say as I pace my balcony looking like a freak.

"Oh my god." I say as I open one of the boxes.

"Guys, I was literally about to order these shoes. So these ones are the Old Skool/Checkarbard Fusion Platform shows. When I saw this one on the website, I was literally in love. Like it had both types of patterns I liked, all in one shoe. It's literally the most genius thing ever." I say.

At this point, I'm rambling.

"Alright, the sec-oh my god."  I say as I pick up the shoes.

They were the platform shoes in white, but it's got blue butterflies.

"Vans, you really did it with these ones. These ones are so effing adorable. If I do go out today, I'm definitely wearing these. Wait, there was a note. I got too excited that I forgot about the note." I say.

I read the note out loud, and then I saw there was a code at the back.

"Ok, guys, guess what, there's a code. If you use the code 'MOLLS' all caps, you can get 20% off your purchase. Imma put the link in my bio. So use the code 'MOLLS' in all caps and you get a discount. Okay, imma go get some socks and then try one on each foot." I say.

So I went and grabbed the socks and then put the checkered shoe on my right foot and the butterfly ones on my left foot. Then I grabbed my phone to change the angles to show the shoes.

"I would never do this in public, but I had to show both. These are actually amazing shoes. They would make such a good addition to the collection I'm growing. Vans, you really did it with this one. Bravo to you." I say.

After that, I put my phone back to where it was before and I put on the butterfly shoe for the right foot.

"Okay, let's get to some questions." I say as I watch the chat flow.

"Wait, why am I seeing comments saying that Michael is on the live?" I say as I try to scroll through the comments.

"Michael if you're here, send me something so I can put you on." I say.

So Michael ends up commenting and then I invite him onto the live.

We both scream at the camera because it's been so long since I saw them.

"Mikeyyyyyyyyy! It's been a while." I say.

"Molls, the guys and I have been here the whole time, I've commented stuff, and fans we're trying to help, but you got too distracted." Michael says.

"You wanna see the shoes? Don't worry, I have 2 of the same one now." I say.

"Show dem off gurl." He says in a girl's sassy tone.

"Alright, I gotchu." I say in a similar sassy tone.

I lifted my feet to show the shoes.

"Ok those shoes actually look good." Michael says.

"I know right!" I say.

"Oh is Molls showing her shoes again?" Luke says.

"Missed you too." I say as Luke came into the camera.

"Okay, we got Muke here, where's Cashton?" I say.

"Are you really gonna be like the fans and use our bromance names?" Luke says.

"Why does it annoy you?" I say.

'Very much so." Luke says.

"Cashtonnnnnnn!" I yell and they actually come in, except Ash is carrying Cal bridal style.

"Um, okay. What was with the entrance." I say.

"I stole Cal from you." Ash says.

"Heyyyy. That's not nice." I say.

"I'm just kidding." Ash says.

"Heyy Molls." Cal says.

"What have you guys been up to?" I say.

"Well, we're in the studio, being productive for the first time in 6 months." Michael says and we all laugh.

"He's just kidding, we've been in the studio a few times in the last month or so. " Ash says.

"How was EP promo?" Luke says.

"Thank god it's over. Like, I loved going around to different places and going back to some, but there was barely any time to do full tourism days. Maybe in the future, I can go back to these places and go around them." I say.

"Can we tell them a funny story?" Cal says.

"What story?" I say.

"The Demi story." Michael says.

"Do I have to?" I say.

"You might wanna say it if you want your views back." Luke says.

"Woowwww. Way to ruin the mood." I say.

"But yes, do tell the story cause your reaction was very funny when you sent the screenshots." Ash says.

"Alright fine. Okay so this happened I think a few days after Cal and I's one-year anniversary. I was on my UK promo route, and then I'm just scrolling through insta per usual on the car ride to the next place. Kate sends me someone's story, and that someone was Demi Lovato. So went to that DM and I clicked the story, and I see two of my songs on her story. Literally, when I saw them, my jaw dropped to the floor. Like, I've stanned Demi for so long, and the fact she saw my music was just unreal to me. So I messaged her saying thank you and I reposted it on my story since she tagged me in her story. I had a small chat with her and then I sent the screenshots to the guys." I say.

"Beautiful story." Ash says as all of them start clapping.

"Hey the views went up Molls." Luke says.

"Is that what you were watching the whole time?" I say.

"Maybe." Luke says.

"If I was there, you would've definitely had a pillow thrown at you." I say and he sticks his tongue out, so I do the same.

"You guys are literal children." Michael says.

"Well, he started it." I say. 

"She's the older one, she should be mature." Luke says.

"Why you gotta bicker with her all the time?" Cal says.

"Oh hush lover boy." Luke says."

"Cal, you know I love you, but you should know after many many years, that's our thing." I say an Luke nods.

"Alright, Molls, this is a horrible time to say this, but we are being called to go back to work." Ash says.

"Nah it's cool. Go make some good music." I say and all the guys had faces like I offended them.

"Are you saying our music is bad?" Cal says.

"Nooo. You can now go to make better music. If your music wasn't good, then you wouldn't have the fans you have today." I say.

"See guys, be more insightful like Molls." Ash says.

"Thank you Ash." I say.

"Alright, byeeee." I say and then they say bye and I kick them off.

"Damn I miss those guys. Okay wait, since they're basically off the live, I've got a nice little plan. It's been a minute since I pranked them. Imma head over to Cal's place, hopefully, his roommate Reign is home and then I'm gonna take Duke for a while and see what he does." I say.

"So, I will end this live here, and then Imma start it back up again when I'm in my car." I say as I end the live.

I tied my shirt into a front knot and I grabbed a denim jacket and went to his place. I started the live again and then we had a little karaoke session.

I got to his place, and looks like Reign is there, cause his car is still in the driveway.

So I grabbed my phone and then brought it with me.

His roommate answered the door and he let me in.

"Hey Molls, Cal won't be home for another few more hours." Reign says.

"Oh I know. Now, I may need you to put on your best oscar-winning performance when he does come home." I say.

"Why?" He says.

"Oh first of say hi to everyone." I say as I put the camera on him.

"Two, I am looking for-there he is!" I say as Duke comes running to me.

"Why do you need Duke?" Reign says.

"Can I dognap him for a while?" I say.

"Go ahead. I wanna see Cal's reaction to this as well. He loves this dog like it's his child." Reign says.

"Alright, can I set a couple of go-pros?" I say.

"Oh damn, you ready?" Reign says.

"I always come prepared." O say.

So I taught Reign how to turn on the go-pros and I told him to turn them on when he calls saying he's coming home.

So I grabbed some of Duke's stuff like food, toys, and his travel bed.

Duke is very hyper when he sees me, but today he doesn't look very hyperactive. Then again, Duke is just very adorable.

So we headed back to my place and then I detach his leash so he can run free.

I took him out to the balcony and he rushed out there, I just thought he was a hyper dog so I let him out to run free. Then I go to take off my shoes and I go back out to find out he went to take a shit.

Great, now I gotta clean dog shit.

"Hey, I thought you liked me." I say to him and then he goes running around.

I went to get a bunch of paper towels and then some cleaning supplies. I know it's on a pavement area, but still, I don't want the floors to smell like dog shit.

So I just sit on the balcony as I do a bit of stuff on my laptop. If Duke was gonna run around, thank god I have a huge balcony.

So I decided to take him on a walk since he seemed to have gotten bored of the apartment, so to bring some excitement back into him, I decided to walk to a dog park.

I threw the ball a ton of times, and him running back and forth getting him all tired out.

So thankfully I had some sort of small bowl with me and I poured some water and I fed him some food.

I don't think Duke was into it, cause he only ran a few times, and he was tired instantly. Then after I fed him food and water, he just laid on the grass.

Dog sitting seems fun, unless they make messes.

Otherwise, when they come to you and jump around you and lick you and. just have their tail wagging all the time, it's cute.

Then we headed to Pet Smart so I can pick out some new toys for him cause why not.

After that, it was starting to get late, so we headed back home.

Cal's P.O.V

So after a long day at the studio, we finally got to go home.

Ash was driving me home cause my car was getting fixed.

I come home, but Duke doesn't run to me when I open the door.

Then again, he isn't doing the best cause poor dog isn't feeling well. I probably have a few things to clean up in the backyard then.

I went to the backyard, but still no Duke.

I went to my room to see if he was in his bed, but still no Duke.

"Reign?" I say.

"Reign?!" I say as I see him on his headphones in his room.

"Oh, hey bud, how was the studio?" Reign says.

"It was alright. The usual. Hey, did you see Duke?" I say.

"Uhhh, check the backyard. Maybe he left you a couple of surprises." Reign says.

"He's not there." I say.

"What bout your room?" He says.

"Just checked, not there." I say.

Then I get a call from Ash.

"Hey." I say.

"I know exactly what you're looking for. I'm outside." Ash says. I hang up and run out.

"Ash, where's Duke?" I say as he laughs at something.

"Ash?!" I say.

"Dude chill. Your girlfriend decided to dognap him." Ash says as he shows me Molls' story.

"Drive over there." I say and we head over to Molls' place.

We got to Molls' place and then we rushed upstairs.

I knocked on the door and she yelled that it was open.

So I opened the door, and then I stepped in something mushy.

Then I look down and realize I stepped into Duke's shit.

"Molls!" I scream and she immediately runs out to the living room.

"Duke!" She says as Duke hides his face with his paw.

"Oh hey Ash." She says and he waves.

"Now, I'm mad that you dognapped my dog, but at the same time, why haven't you cleaned his shit?" I say.

"I was cleaning the last 2 or 3 drops he left me. I didn't know he made another one." She says.

"Thank god that wasn't me." Ash says.

"Not helping." I say.

"But you're lucky I still love you and this dog." I add as she comes over to give me a kiss.

So I take off the shoe and then I headed into the bathroom to clean it off.

"Cal, is there a reason Duke's been shitting constantly?" She asks as I clean off my shoes.

"I'm surprised Reign didn't warn you. He's not feeling too good." I say.

"No wonder he got tired instantly at the park. A warning would've been nice." She says.

"Hey, you dognapped, and you had Reign in on it." I say.

"You didn't see the go-pros?" She says.

"There were go-pros?!" I say.

"Cal, she got you good. Now that wake-up call on the bus was good. But Molls, you stepped it up." Ash says as he gives her a high five.

"I see how it is. Molls, I am so gonna get you back." I say.

"I'll be waiting." She says.

So after I cleaned the shit off my shoe, we ended up ordering takeout and decided to binge shows cause why the hell not.


(July 13, 2020)

Ok so, I was supposed to write another chapter, but this idea came to mind and I thought it was funny and cute.

Anywho, next chapter....all I can say is....it's gonna be something alright.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
