30: Now the day bleeds into nightfall

A/N: I felt like posting this one now to celebrate the fact that this story somehow caught the eye of some Australians. So S/O to my Aussie readers!

Thank you for the reads you've given to me with this story, and I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it!

The outfit pic here is Molls' outfit to the party.

Now on with this chapter! If you love Molls, Calum, or both, get some tissues ready.


July 2017

Molly's P.O.V

Alright, so, tonight, we are heading to a party.

Now, I'm not one for parties...even though I threw Cal a surprise one.

That one is different though because we were celebrating something. This party is gonna be in the setting of what may feel like a frat party.

I avoided those parties in college.

I don't know how the hell the guys convinced me to go. What's funny is, Kate, Santana, and Mali all helped convince me as well.

Cal said the host of the party is someone he knows and he said that if we get 'mobbed', then there is a way out.

I took his word, maybe it took a couple of days to say yes, but, I'm doing it for him.

Gah, I hate this. I hate it so much that the girls all wanted to go on a shopping trip.....and they're making me drive.

So, we were heading to the mall. I put the radio on and Kate, Mali, and Santana were all jamming out while I was in my thoughts. I was mentally preparing for this because I am secretly dreading this.

I know for sure there will be some drinks, and that's probably the only thing I'm looking forward to.

Somehow I got out of my thoughts and then I just hear screaming from them so I turned to the nearest parking lot and stopped.

"Molls, you okay?" Kate asked.

"Yeah. I was just, I don't know. I was focused on the road and in my thoughts, then when I got out of my thoughts, all I heard was screams." I say.

"You want me to take the wheel?" Santana says.

"Nah, I'm fine." I say.

We started driving again and they jammed out to the next song, but then Kate turns off the radio.

"Hey, what happened to the radio?" I say.

"Molls, what's going on in that little head of yours?" Mali says.

"I don't know. If I'm being honest, going to this party is giving me second thoughts." I say.

"Then why didn't you say no." I say and I give them a look.

"Molls, the look isn't helping." Kate says.

"You all looked excited to go, and I didn't want to ruin that excitement. Since we were going, I was probably planning on staying with Cal the whole time." I say.

"Babygirl, if you don't want to go, then we don't have to." Santana says.

"Nono. It's fine. We can go. I mean, if we do end up going to more of these, might as well get used to it. I'll just think of it like that bar we were in on New Year's Eve." I say.

"Now that's the spirit." Kate says.

I ended up singing the rest of the songs with them while focusing on the wheel.

I mean, these kind of parties are like more intimate bars.

So we get to the bar. We all went for the food first, and then we started looking around.

One pro of having your manager like your best friend, she can still help you get out of mobs.

Mali and I headed into a store while Santana and Kate went into a different store.

"Ooo, Molls, what about this dress?" Mali says as she shows me a short lavender off-shoulder dress.

"That would look so pretty on you." I say.

"I'm talking about for you silly." She says.

"Mali, I'm dressing down." I say.

"Are you trying to quote Cal's lyrics?" She says.

"Did I actually?" I say as we both laugh.

"What's going on with the two of you?" She asks.

"I mean, now that my EP has been out for a while, I've just been writing. Cal's been in the studio recording. So it's what we've always done, except he's the one driving to me when it should be the other way around." I say.

"Well, that's Cal for ya. He'll do anything to see you." She says.

"Ok, I wanna tell you this part. So, one time he came over, and then he had this tune in his head. So he played that tune on my keyboard." I say.

"Cal knows piano?" She asks.

"I taught him the basics." I say.

"Awwww. That's just adorable. Now continue." She says as she looks at dresses and I walk beside her.

"So, he kept playing this tune, and I was able to record stuff on the keyboard. Once he finished that tune, it was recorded, so we were slow dancing to it. Then he said I can't dance like this unless I'm with you. So then, in my head, a lyric that came was 'That my feet don't dance like they did with you' and next thing you know, he added that lyric somewhere to hopefully be used." I say.

"Oh Molls, he will definitely use that lyric." Mali says.

"It just seemed like such a cute lyric at that moment, now it sounds so cringe when I say it out loud." I say.

"As a songwriter myself, lyrics may sound cringe, but if the moment from that creation makes an impact, it can tell a story. It doesn't matter where the lyric put, the story can come from anywhere." She says.

"Woah, that was so inspiring." I say.

"Alright, what's up with you Ms.inspo?" I say.

Mali really does have a way with words.

"Well, I did meet someone." She says quietly.

"Whooooo. Detailsssss." I say in a bit of a louder voice.

"Molls!" She whispers loudly.

"Sorry. I got excited." I say.

"His name is Devan. We met during a writing session." She says.

"Oooo. Writers getting along, now this can be a very cute story for your future nieces and nephews." I say.

"Oh dear Molls." She says.

"Whaaattt. I can tell them how Auntie Koa met someone when they were writing a very cute love song that became a big hit on the radio, and then it was history from there." I say.

"Very funny. We've only hung out a couple of times, so who knows what will happen." She says.

"If you two keep hanging out more often, the possibilities are endless." I say.

"Alright, enough about this talk, shall we finish up this shopping?" She says.

"How have you still not picked something out?" I say.

"I'm a picky person." She says.

"No wonder." I say.

"Is that supposed to be a good or bad thing?" She says.

"It may look bad to people, but it's good. You want your own style, and you are killing the fashion industry with your looks. If I turned into a fashion designer, you and Santana would be my first models." I say.

"Aww, I'm very honored." She says.

So we ended up finishing up and then we all met up back at the food court.

"Molls, you didn't find anything?" Kate asks.

"I found some cinnamon sticks from some booth. Might I say, one of the best snacks to get when with a picky shopper." I say and we all laugh.

We all headed home and then started getting ready.

It was about 5-ish until we all headed back to our own places. All of us agreed to meet at my place at 8. So I got an hour and a half to kill.

Knowing me, if I played my playlist, I would've been in there much longer.

So I decided to watch 3 episodes of Black-ish because that show will get me laughing in almost every scene.

*2-ish hours later*

After finishing my episodes, I got myself up since no one was gonna make me and got ready.

I decided to for an all-leather look. So I went with a black top, with some ripped black skinny jeans, and a leather jacket. I went with my checkerboard VANS because I love those things to death.

Everyone ended up coming earlier, but thank god I was ready.

"Hey, guys." I say. Ash, Cal, Mike, and Luke came before the girls, not surprised though.

"Ohhh, I see someone had the same idea." Luke says as he looks at Cal and me.

Then we look at each other and we both have almost the same outfit on.

"The question is, who thought of it first?" Michael says.

"It's a question that may not be answered." Ash says.

"Why you gotta put us on the spot like that?" Cal says.

"Actually if we're gonna answer it, it was me. The girls dragged me to the mall to pick stuff, so as Mali was finding something, I just thought of this look." I say.

"Are we really gonna start this? Cause if I'm not mistaken, I gave you the thought about having vans." Cal says.

'Noooo. I saw a VANS ad on insta and then saw these on the site." I say.

Then the others wanted to get into this debate but then it stopped when we heard someone knock and we all said it's open.

Why did we all say it? Who knows.

"What's with all the bickering from you 5?" Santana says.

"And the only reason we're asking is cause we can hear you as soon as we come out of the elevator." Mali says.

"Guys, I'm one of the condos on this floor that's near the elevators." I say and they go silent.

"Alright, who's ready to go?" Kate says and we all pile out.

The girls go in one car while the guys go in theirs.

We got to the place, and all you'll see are cars piled up in the streets. This is going to be an interesting night.

Calum's P.O.V

Ok, why is it that Molls can rock VANS better than me?

Even if she didn't dress up like the others, she still looks stunning.

So we're at a party one of my friends wanted me to come to, and he said bring whoever. Reign was already there, so I brought the guys, I convinced, but I had my sister, Santana, and Kate to help me bring her.

I know for a fact Molls isn't into these things. When she was in college, she wasn't the type for party scenes like these. That's when we would have our calls, and calling when her roommate was at a frat party became our thing.

But, I am glad to have her here to experience one.

We get inside, and immediately she's by my side, but I don't mind it cause now I have this protector role to play.

There are so many crowds around that's so hard to find people. But I found my friend at the beer pong table, not surprised though.

We all got some drinks and found a spot to hang. Mali and Santana went somewhere while Kate and Molls stayed with Luke and I. Michael brought Crystal, but I have a slight feeling they may have left. Then Ash called KayKay, so she was here.

The four of us were just talking, and then Kate asked for a drink, so Molls became the brave one, and then she went off. Then Luke went to some corner to talk to some people and then I was left alone.

Now, Kate is a nice person and all, but since we came back from tour, things about her gave me this weird vibe.

All of a sudden, we went from this calm chat to all of a sudden her about to go off.

"Actually, there's one thing I wanted to talk to you about." She says.

"What's up?" I say.

'It's Molls. Now, good for you two for getting together, but why the fuck has she always been with you?" Kate says.

"Woah, Kate, calm down, I think you had too much to drink." I say.

"Why do I have to be the one to be calm? Huh? Why do I have to be the one in her shadows?" She says just a bit louder.

"Kate, if you're so bothered, why can't you just ask her?" I say. Was she that drunk?

"I mean I would if you weren't with her all the damn time." She says.

"Maybe if I do this, she may stay away." Kate says and next thing you know she leans in to kiss me and my eyes are wide open, and then something I never wanted Molls to see, she sees it, and with my sister beside her. Her best friend basically betrayed her, and I don't even know how to react.

I legit have a shocked face from the start to the end cause I didn't even know she would do that.

Molly's P.O.V

*A Few Moments Earlier*

So I went over to grab drinks for Kate and me, and then I see Mali with someone, and they're both talking and laughing, so I decided to go over.

"Oh hey, Mali." I say.

"Oh hey Molls. Oh Devan, Molls. Molls, Devan." She says and then I shake Devan's hand.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

"The same for you. By the way, really love the EP." Devan says.

"Oh thanks." I say.

"Mali, you wanna come over, show Cal that you can have fun." I say.

She pauses for a second, and then Mali agrees.

We headed back to the spot until I find Cal....kissing someone. As soon as he saw me, he just has this unexplainable expression as if he doesn't even know what just happened, yet he clearly does.

I start to back up and then my hands start shaking to the point where I dropped the drinks and then I just ran off.

Mali doesn't follow only cause she's stopping Cal from following me. I just ran. I ran until I found the nearest bus stop. Through the tears, I tried to go on google maps to find a way home.

At this point, I'd rather just pay a taxi. My mind is so clouded that I don't even know what to think.

So I got into a taxi that drove me home, and once I got upstairs, I slid on my door, and the tears just streaming down my face.

I felt broken once again....and it was by the person that was by my side all my life.


(July 16, 2020)

Okay then....so that happened.

Sorry....not sorry.

So like, now y'all are thinking about what happens now?

Well, you're about to see.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
