23: There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you

December 2016

*The final show of the tour.*

Molly's P.O.V

Ok, I have mixed feelings about this.

It's our last show, and I'm excited to be able to like be done with it, but then at the same time, I'm sad cause I've had a ton of fun with going to different places almost every day and being able to hang around with the guys and goof off.

I will miss the feeling of performing. Every crowd has been amazing, but the one that sticks out the most is the one in Madison Square on the first night.

That arena is basically my dream arena to perform at, and there I was. Although the second night was a bit rocky, Madison Square Garden will hold a special place in my heart.

So our last show is in LA. Who know that would work out so well. The last show is in LA, and I'm soon moving into my condo. It's like the timing was right.

Today we got up extra early so that we can get our stuff from the bus since this will be the last time.

Since last night was our last night on the bus, the guys and I had a karaoke night. We played a ton of songs and just sang along to the lyrics on the screen. Then when everyone went decided to go to the bunks, Cal and I decided to spend our last night in the back room. All we did was chill and talked about all the stuff that happened on tour, and it was like any other night in the back room.

I just can't believe 8 months went like that. Like it's insane to think that we started touring a quarter into the year, and here we are at the near end of the year about to play the last show.

I'm going to miss the backroom chats we'd have. Along with the morning chats we'd have in the hotels.

At the same time, it's been over 7 months since Cal and I became official. 7 months, like where did the time go?

Anywho, I headed into my last soundcheck. Once again, mixed feelings. I mean, since that live about needed songwriting lessons, I actually got some. Cal helped me write one, and then I'm planning on getting that recorded as soon as I head into the studio.

One thing I learned about writing is that I was told to write from the heart.

That could be an advantage for me because I can write my songs about the year I went through. There was a ton of stages I went through, and with those songs, I could be able to put my first EP in a few months.

God, I'm excited.

*After soundcheck*

Alright, so. Soundcheck went alright. It was a bittersweet moment, but it was fun while it lasted.

Now I'm watching the guys do their last soundcheck. I felt like being on the stage again since it'll be the last time I'm on any sort of stage for a long while.

They weren't even playing their stuff. They're just fooling around, which is funny because watching them fool around is a whole other level. They were literally learning the NSYNC's 'Bye. Bye, Bye' choreo to kill time. So I decided to chime in.

"Alright. Are y'all going to continue soundcheck, or should we start getting ready for meet and greets?" I say.

The reason I say this is because I have a teeny tiny surprise for Ash.

So, remember when he told me who he was talking to?

Sooooo, I ended up finding her, and since he said she's in LA, I made it so that the two of them can meet.

Here's the craziest thing in the world.....she doesn't even know Ash is the drummer of the band.

How crazy is that? They've been talking for 7-8 months and she never picked up the fact he's in 5SOS.

Then again, Ash posts pics like it's just regular nights....so it makes sense... I think.


So, we get into the meet and greets. My part was almost up, and so after I met a few more fans, I ran off to try and find out where KayKay was.

I was finally able to find her after taking too many turns. She was talking with Dave and he wouldn't let her in.

"Dave, don't worry. She's with me." I say.

"Molls, shouldn't you be at the meet and greets? Dave asks.

"I just wrapped up. The guys are also done in a few minutes. Now would you please let her in." I say.

"Oh alright." Dave says and he lets her in.

"Heyy. Really nice to meet you. I'm Molly, but call me Molls." I say as she shakes my hand.

"Kaitlin. By call me KayKay. Thank god we did a facetime call, otherwise, I would've taken you as a stranger." She says and we laugh.

"Now, do you know why I asked you to meet me here?" I say.

"Not really. Is it for something specific?" She says.

"Ok, so, I know you've been talking to one of my good friends Ash." I say.

"He talks about me?" She says and I nod which she starts blushing a bit.

"So, there is one teeny-tiny detail he may have forgot to mention." I say as I search the 5SOS insta page to show her a pic.

"So, Ash has been in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer, and we've been on tour, and I've been their opening act. So, I thought, since this is our last show, why not you two meet for the first time." I say in a cheery voice.

"He's in that band?" She asks in shock.

"Yeah, the fact he never told you or you haven't realized is a bit shocking to me." I say.

"Was he scared of telling me?" She asks nervously.

"Oh honey no. He would never be shy. I'll let you in on this. The reason he didn't say anything was because he thought you would've thought of him differently, or something along those lines. He really cares about you and he would talk about you to me all the time." I say and she starts to blush.

"Oh, hun. This the moment." I say as I look at a text Cal sent asking where I was.

No one knows about this surprise other than me.

"What?! Oh my god. Molls, I'm nervous." She says.

"Oh honey, don't be. Just be the person he's seen over text." I say.

"Hey guys!"I say as KayKay and I walk into the room and then Michael, Luke, and Cal look over confused and Ash is straight up in shock, and so is KayKay.

"So guys, I've got a new friend for you to meet. This is KayKay. KayKay, this is Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton." I say and everyone is still quiet.

"Guys, why all of you silent all of a sudden?!" I say and then as soon as I snap they all start babbling things but Ash finallt gets up like a man. Finally Ash, it was about time.

I walk over to Cal as Ash walks over to KayKay.

"Molls, how did you make that happen?" Luke whispers as the guys and I watch this cute moment.

"Ash showed me her @. That got me thinking to bring her here so they could meet. Now, this is what you call a match made in heaven." I say.

"Nahhh, that's still you and Cal." Michael says.

"Hush, the more you guys whisper, the less we can hear." Cal says and then they both look over at us while we quickly turn and pretend nothing happened.

"Alright, I hate to ruin this precious moment, but, how about we walk around. There's a Dunkin Donuts and a little antique shop we can head to so we can kill time. Who's up for it?" I say and everyone cheers.

Ashton's P.O.V

So Molls decided that we were gonna head out to kill some time.

I still can't believe that she got her to come here.

I feel like a dork cause I have no clue what to say.

We start walking and the guys and Molls walk ahead leaving KayKay and me alone.

"Are they usually this hectic when you all go out together?" She asks.

"Sadly yeah. But I mean, it's what makes these hangouts fun." I say.

"How long have you been in the band?" She asks. Oh right, she hasn't known till now.

"Well, sometime in 2011, Michael asked me to play a gig with these guys. It was for 1000 people. Only 12 showed up. However, we ended up playing more gigs. Then we got signed. Releases a couple ep's, released 2 albums, did some twin cams, opened for 1D, and-wait, am I rambling?" I say and she laughs a little and then I start to blush.

"It's cool though that you did that in 5 years. For someone who just finished uni a few months ago, you seemed like you dominated life." She says.

"Really? I thought this was just the beginning." I say.

Damn, me rambling made me realize that we did a ton of shit in 4 years.

Even though we all still somewhat act like children, we really did stuff.

"So, what are your plans for the future?" I ask.

"Well, right now I'm employed in a retail store. As for later, I honestly don't know. I want to do something related to management, but at the moment there's barely any openings." She says.

"Ohhhh, so you were doing something similar to Molls then?" I say.

"Oh really. Huh, who knew." She says.

"So, other than this band stuff, what do you like to do in your free time?" She asks.

"Well, I mean, the main thing is probably just doing freestyle drumming. I had a job, and I ended up getting fired because I was in their words I was 'causing a ruckus' and 'annoying the customers.' The funny part about it is that the customers actually liked the drumming." I say.

"You're kidding. Literally I would do that pencil thing where you use the pencil as the drumstick, and I would always get told to stop by my teacher because I was 'too distracting', but when the guys did it, she didn't even say a thing." She says.

"I guess we both got in trouble for drumming. First off, your teacher was very sexist. Second off, can you still do it?" I say.

"First, she wasn't those type of teachers I liked at all. She was the one who the whole class basically hated. Second, sadly I listened to my teacher. I'm a bit rusty since I haven't done it in years." She says.

"Well, I believe that if you like doing something, don't ever give up on it. Maybe one time I can give you some drumming lessons." I say.

Did I just make another date?

"I'll hold you to that." She says.

We finally get into the store and we order all our stuff. Thankfully it was empty at this time, so we were good.

As we waited for our stuff, Cal and Molls were talking a bit and then I asked to steal her for a sec. I really owe her one after she made this happen.

"Hey, how's it going?" She asks.

"It started off a bit awkward, but then we were able to hit it off." I say.

"Well, you two looked very happy. I looked back once and you two had the biggest smiles on your faces." She says.

"Thank you for doing this." I say.

"Anytime. It was about time that you two met. I'm telling you, as soon as I said you were in the band, she was in pure shock. You really know how to hide it well." She says.

"Okay, I may have blocked her on my stories." I say in a high pitch whisper.

"What?! Ash, what's wrong with you?!" She says.

"It was so that I can make those thank you vids after a few shows. I mean, I made it look like I don't post on my stories. Sooooo, I blocked her. I know it was a bad move. I just didn't want her to think of me differently." I say

"Ash, calm down. She knows already. Has she treated you differently now?" She asks as I sigh in defeat knowing that Molls was right. I really did over think this. However, I had my reasons.

"No." I mumble.

"What was that?" She asks.

"No Molls, she hasn't." I say as I admit defeat.

"Ok, so maybe you were a bit scared, but look now. She's right here and she is acting normal. Now go over there and continue whatever convo you were having with her." She says.

"Alright Ms.Know it all." I say.

"Hey, if it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happened." She says.

"Thank you...again." I say.

"Anytime, now, scram." She says and I head to KayKay.

Molly's P.O.V

I really am an amazing matchmaker.

"Molls, you did a great thing for Ash. He looks like a shy puppy who doesn't know where his tail is." Cal says.

"I mean think about it. The two of them have been talking about the same time we've been together, it was about time." I say.

"You did a good thing Molls." He says as he wraps his arms around me.

"Oh, I know." I say as he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Alright, the next person we gotta set up is Luke." Cal says.

"We are so heading out one night before we head back to Aussie." I say.

The reason he didn't say Michael is because Michael is already been with someone for almost a year. Her name is Crystal and they met one time we went to a club. She actually made the bold move to come up to us, well mainly Michael and the rest is history.

We finally get our stuff, and we start walking to the antique shop, but then we start to hear screams in a distance.

We all look at each other and then we make it to the antique shop, but we told the employee working there to lock the store up.

"Guys, what are we going to do, because we got 2 hours till we perform." I say.

"Uh, who's phone is not dead?" Ash says and all of us look at each other because we all left them back in the arena.

"Great, now what do we-" Luke says then he gets cut off.

"I got my phone here." KayKay says.

"You are our literal lifesaver." Ash says. Awww, he got excited when he said it.

"Does anyone know anyone's number?" Ash says.

"You're lucky because I somehow remember Joanne's number." I say and Ash hands the phone to me.

After 1 ring, she answers.

"Yello?" She says.

"Joanne, we need your help." I say.

"Molls, what-where are you guys?" She says.

"We ended up going to Dunkin. Then we almost got mobbed by fans and now we're stuck in an antique shop." I say really fast.

"Okay, um, you know you guys got a show in two-" She says and we all cut her off.

"WE KNOW!" We all yell.

"Okay okay. I'll let Dave know, and then hopefully he can get there fast. Also, where are all your phones?" Joanne asks.

"In the green room." Michael says with defeat in his voice.

"Oh you guys are something. Okay, I'll let Dave know where you guys are. Send me your location and I'll send it to him." She says.

'Okay then. Byeeee." I say and then hang up.

"Now what do we do?" Luke says.

"I guess now we wait." I say.

*15 minutes to showtime*

So, we've been stuck in the store for almost 2 hours. Luke and Michael slept on each other. I slept into Cal's arms while he laid his back on the wall, and Ash and KayKay have been talking the whole time. When I woke up and they were still talking, I just had a smile cause Ash looked so happy.

We all heard some sort of honk and all of us completely shot up.

The employee brought us to the back where we found Dave.

"DAVE!" We all scream.

"Get in! You guys are going to be late." He says and we all scramble to get in.

"Now what did I say about going out?" He says.

"Always bring you." We all say in a tired voice.

"And what did you do?" He says.

"We get it. We made a mistake." Michael says.

"Now, go have fun. It's the last show so make it count." He says as we all took in that we were in the arena.

We all ran out of the van and I quickly changed into my outfit. I got handed a mic and the show was already underway. The band was playing and once I ran out on stage, the fans erupted in screams.

Hopefully, we weren't too late.

"Alright, guys. We are truly sorry for the delay. Now, LA, are you readyyyyyyyy?!" I scream while out of breath at the same time.

The crowd responds with cheers and we get the show underway.

Calum's P.O.V

Molls killed her last show. She was literally amazing. For someone running onto the stage like that after becoming a bit late, it's insane.

Since her show was underway, we were able to also get ready.

We finally got on stage and gave it our all.

When we were performing vapor, I looked out into the crowd per usual, except I saw a familiar face, my sister was in the crowd. I had this huge smile on my face and she had that same smile as well.

God, it felt so good seeing her.

*After the show*

I got Dave to go and get her so I could see her again.

The guys and I were celebrating since we finally completed the tour.

Damn, we really finished our second headline tour.

Dave comes with Mali and I just run over to her. I couldn't hold the excitement in.

"Hey, baby bro." Mali says.

"Why do you always gotta call me that?! I'm 21 for crying out loud." I say.

I bring her into the room and we all just chill for a while.

The guys said that they were heading out, and so I told them I was heading out with Mali.

We decided to book hotel rooms for the night so then we can just head to our own places in the morning.

"It is so good seeing you again." I say.

"It feels good to reunite with family again." She says.

"It's been a minute, what's up?" I say.

"I mean, making records. I've been spending so much time in the studio so I can try to release something big next year. But I had to give myself a break and come surprise you, and by the looks of it, I did a pretty good job." She says.

"It really was a shock. I was actually gonna call you after the tour and see if we could meet up, but this was so much better." I say.

"Now, one thing I noticed on stage. You and Molls. I heard. Congrats. You finally got the guts." She says.

"Over 7 months." I say.

"Damn, y'all dated during the whole tour?" She says.

"I wish, but it was basically the majority. When you called back in April, your advice kinda pushed me to make it happen. So, when we were in Paris, I took her on a small picnic, and then we walked to the Eiffel Tower, we said how we felt, and then became official right then and there." I say.

"Awwww, is my baby bro blushing?" She says in a little child's voice and I actually start blushing.

"It was about time. I remember when Lyss was calling me, one thing we'd talk about is for you two to become a thing already. She would be very proud." She says.

"Molls would tell me all about it." I say and we both laugh.

"Ok, I've been thinking. We're in LA for a few days, and then we're heading back home. Sooo, I was thinking, you wanna tag along?" I say and she gives me a look.

'Cal, I was serious when I said Mom and Dad may not want to see me." She says.

"Mali, we can go together. Molls will be there as well, so you won't feel alone. They probably want to see you after you basically ran away. Please, do it for me?" I say with a pouty face. Since Molls did it so much, I picked up on it.

"You can't deny the pouty face." I say in a little child's voice.

She's silent for a few seconds and then she speaks.

"Okay, fineeeeeeee. But if you dare leave me, don't expect me to meet up with you for a long time." She says.

"Yesssssss!" I say with excitement as she laughs.

Well, this will be an interesting holiday.


(July 3, 2020)

Aww man, the tour is over.


Wait, why am I booing? I'm the one who should be happy.

At the same time, I have mixed feelings like Molls, so deal with it.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
