22: California girls we're unforgetable

October 2016

Molly's P.O.V

Alright, so the last month felt like a bit of a whirlwind.

So Joanne told me the whole story of the 'attack' I had from that night. She was saying how since I never knew how to cope with what was going on properly, she said that it was the cause.

I mean, I never knew something like that could happen, let alone happen on stage.

I guess it was a scary night for the 5 of them.

The guys since then have basically watched over me and Joanne has been with us 4 more often.

It was like she was taking a motherly role towards me.

It felt really nice to have them.

Like, this past year was filled with so much since everything. Whatever happened in December just followed through this year. There were times I felt like shit, then there were times I felt like I was having the time of my life. Then as soon as the tour happened, it was all good stuff, then I get hit with some shit news which brought my whole mood down.

Since that night, I guess I'm better than before. I had people around me, and Joanne really helped me get back to where I was before hearing that news.

Whenever I finished soundcheck, we'd tend to drive around and listen to the radio, or she would drag me to the gym with her.

She is older than me and still has the body of someone my age. It's insane.

Then there are some days where I'd go live and I'd just talk to the fans. After doing that live from that night, I really genuinely enjoy them. I get so bored easily, the days I'm not with Joanne, I'd go live.

One time Cal went live on his own and I ended up joining the live on my phone and everyone went crazy in the comments.

I only came for a few minutes and then he called me over to be with him, so I did, but I didn't stay for long.

Even if we did announce we were together, we still tried to keep our appearance together in public limited.

So today, it's gonna be a live with all 5 of us in support of Google. It's our Halloween show night, and so they got us to dress up and look stupid.

Somehow I got dragged into it, and now I have to dress up.

They went with the theme of Mario characters, so I dressed up as Daisy.

Unpopular Opinion: Dasiy is much better than Peach.

Like, it's always about Peach and Mario, that Daisy never gets the damn spotlight.

So, today I'm dressing up as Daisy and Imma give her the spotlight she deserves. The thing is, no one knows that, so this will be a nice surprise.

*During the live*

Calum's P.O.V

So once we walked into the room, Ash knocks over the tiny drumset that was there and all of us starting bursting into laughs.

We all got onto the couch and for some reason, it is very huge.

'Hi, guys. So, since it's Halloween, we wanted to a special live stream with you all. Thanks to Google, we were able to make it happen. So, I decided to be Luigi." Ash says.

"I decided to be Mario." I say.

"Some reason I ended up bring Toad." Luke says.

"And I turned into Yoshi cause he's a very cute character." Michael says.

"Cal-I mean Mario, where did Peach go?" Ash says.

"Uhhhh, she said she was-" I say and then I get cut off.

"Peach couldn't make it. So Dasiy is here to get the party started." Molls says as she makes a bold entrance and all of us are in shock.

Whoever was in charge of her makeup, they did such an amazing job.

"What happened to you?" Michael says in a shocked voice.

"Did you really think I was coming in with a poofy dress. Hell Nah. I had to make Daisy look more modern. Hi guys." She says to the camera.

"You look stunning." I whisper to her and then she just smiles back.

"Well then, that was an entrance." Luke says.

"Alright guys, what's the plan? Cause I got some plans I'd like to get to." Molls says. Damn, she making Daisy the most modern I could ever witness, and she's doing it while pulling off this look. I literally cannot stop staring at her look. She's literally looking like one of the VS Angels.

How did I get so lucky?

"What plans you got?" Ash says in this sassy tone. Ahh, the sass in this group is a whole other level.

"Mario and I got plans." She says.

"Oh, um, yea." I say to try and play along.

"Mario, what about peach?" Michael says.

"I guess she doesn't gotta know." I say and there's a ton of oh's and laughs going around in the room.

Wait, why are we acting like this? But at the same time, this is kinda fun.

"Alright guys, so we wanted to chat with you guys, and just hang out." Ash says.

We do have a show tonight, so if you guys are coming, come dressed up." Michael says.

"You don't have to, but that would be fun though." Luke says.

"Imagine if they dressed like you guys?" Molls says and we all gave some sort of face. Don't know why we did, but we did, and then we just laughed it off.

"Molls, did you like chug a beer before you came in?" I say.

"No. Think about it. Guys, can we make this the not-so-secret fan project. Try your best to dress like one of these guys and we'll repost a few." She says.

"Guys, you don't have to." I say.

"Oh stop. This will be fun to see. 5SOS fam...don't let me down." She says.

"What's the hashtag gonna be?" Ash says.

"Oh, how about HallowSOS." She says.

"The creative genius behind it all." I say.

"Aww, stop. I literally just came up with that on the spot." She says.

"Guys, should Luigi and I go into improv?" She adds.

"Molls, we have careers." Ash says.

"We need a backup plan if this goes downhill." Molls says and Ash rolls his eyes.

"Alright, so, aside from all this stupid stuff we're saying, how is everyone doing? What are the plans for tonight?" Michael says.

"Oh guys! We can see ourselves on the other screen." Luke says and all of us look over to that screen.

"Jeez, we all look stupid." I say.

"That's on you guys." Molls says.

"Who's the one that said Daisy should make an appearance?" Luke says.

"Me, because Daisy rarely gets all the attention. Unpopular opinion, Daisy is better than Peach cause Peach will be with Mario all the damn time and she takes the spotlight. So, I decided to give Daisy a chance at the spotlight, and based on what the comments are saying, it looks like its working." She says.

"Alright, who thinks we should perform something. You two bicker too much." Michael says.

"Alright, let's somehow switch over to the small stage we have." Ash says and we all move to this other area.

"Guys, why didn't you tell me that I look like an effing genie with the mushroom head?" Luke says.

"Cause if we did then it would've ruined the fun." I say and then we all laugh.

"Alright, for the first song we're gonna do is Jet Black Heart because that seems to be a fan favorite." Michael says and then the song starts.

I came in during the chorus, and then Molls and I harmonized in the bridge. That was our literal first time ever doing that and we actually pulled it off.

How did we manage to do that?

*After the live stream*

Molly's P.O.V

After we did Jet Balck Heart, the 5 of us were put up to some challenges to make the live stream interesting, and then we did Don't Stop. After that, then we answered a ton of fan questions and we actually got to chat with some of the viewers that were watching. Then as the last song, we did She Looks So Perfect because it's a catchy song.

I don't know why they got me to do that live stream, but it ended up being somewhat fun.

So now we're in the arena and the guys are doing their soundcheck. This time I decided to stay on the stage and I was lying down on the floor. Sometimes I find the floors to be comfortable.

I had my laptop as I was checking some emails. Now that I'm somewhat becoming 'busy' in my life, I have to act like an adult for this type of stuff.

I've been getting some brand stuff cause some reason they want me to brand deals for them. They've been minimal so I wouldn't mind it.

Imma let you guys on the inside scoop for one of them. I had this one where it was a perfume, and as soon as I got it, the smell of it was so horrible. So I ended up lying to them saying that the bottle was broken in the package. They asked to send another one, but I declined.

I can't remember what I did with it though. All I remember was that I hated the smell of it.

So, as I scroll through emails, I also got a bit distracted with online shopping. It looks like Cal's place bout to get a ton of packages.

"Calllllllll!" I scream. They are being loud on the stage, so I gotta be louder.

"Yeah?" He says,

"Can you tell your parents that if they get a ton of packages on their doorstep to leave it inside the house?" I say.

"Why?" He asks curiously.

"I may have done a ton of online shopping." I say with a smile so he sees it.

"Why couldn't you have waited till we went to a mall?" Michael says.

"Cause I'm impatient. It's a bad habit I grew on this tour. Plus, I'm stuck here and I don't know where Joanne went. So I got bored." I say.

I really did get bored at looking at emails.

So, after that, I looked at some more until I stopped at one.

It was the email about the condo I looked at back in July.

I shot up and ran somewhere that's not anywhere near the guys to open it.

I headed into a room that had probably 2-3 people and I re-opened my laptop.

The nerves are coming to me because I was in love with that place. If I don't get it, I don't know what place I'll fall in love with next.

I open the email anxiously. I start to skim through the stuff until I saw the news I wanted to hear.


I am literally jumping. On the inside and out.

Oh my god, I got the place.

I got my dream place.

Can I move in...like now?

Like, as soon as the tour is finished, I am so flying to LA as the first trip. We can catch a flight to Aussie afterward.

I wanna like move in now. Like, this is exciting.

How am I supposed to hold all this excitement in.

*A few hours later*

Ok, I think that has been my best show since August.

Like I felt all that excitement like I had back when I started. It literally felt so good.

I think it was the excitement from when I saw the news about the condo, like, maybe that's what gave me that adrenaline.

"Molls, where did you get this energy?" Michael says.

"I honestly don't know. I think we were just having too much fun in that live stream today." I say.

We head onto the bus, and then I check twitter.

"Guys looks like the challenge worked," I say as I retweet a few of the ones I saw.

"Molls, you are a literal genius." Cal says.

"I've heard that saying many times before." I say.

We're all a bit silent as Nickelback plays in the background. This is when I decided that I wanted to tell them.

"Alright guys, I got a small confession to make." I say.

"What did you do?" Luke says.

"Hush. I didn't do anything. Ok, remember when those few days back in July when I said I was in Aussie?" I say.

"What about it, you saw Kelly?" Michael says.

"No, and ew no. I was actually in LA becauseeeee I went condo shopping." I say and all of them are in shock.

"So you lied to me?" Cal says as he looks offended.

"Just a little white lie. But, I have some good news......I'm moving to LAAAA!" I scream. The excitement was too hard to hold in.

"Wait, so you're gonna be living in LA with us?" Cal says.

"Yup. As soon as the tour is over, I'm flying over to LA to get the keys and hopefully start shopping." I say and then Cal kisses me as the rest of them cheer.

"I think this calls for some shots." Michael says as he brings out the shot glasses and tequila.

Now that is a way to end off a good Halloween,


(July 1st, 2020)

Damn, so now she moving to LA and she gonna become an LA girl.

This story seems like that it is everywhere, but I hope it makes sense when you're reading it.

This is literally the first story where I've actually put a shit load of work into, and I'm trying to make it my best.

I hope I am doing that through this, and I guess we'll see how the rest of the story goes.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
