26: Everything comes naturally

January 2017

Molly's P.O.V

Ahh, what a way to end a nice trip.

I mean, the main goal was to have fun. The only surprise was the unplanned performance on New Year's Eve.

Surprisingly, that even turned out better than expected.

Even though I had an interesting yet somewhat weird confrontation, it also lead to someone getting a black eye...again.

Now the black eye wouldn't have happened if he warned me about coming. Taking a stick and staying in a batting position is also my first instinct for when I may be in attack.

I just hope I won't have to face that.

So, today was my first day in the studio.

Now, I've already been into my first meeting, now going in and actually doing work, jeez that has another layer of nerves itself.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I am excited, but at the same time, it was like going through the first day of school. The times when you have all the excitement to see all your friends, but then the nerves of who's going to be in your class come to you as well.

In this case, the excitement is getting in a more advanced studio and being in a better space, the nerves though, it like you want to put the best first impression, but the only thing is how?

So I'm in the car with Cal. He wouldn't let me go on my own and to be honest, I'm kinda glad.

If I went on my own, I probably wouldn't have left my car for an hour or so. Having him here is giving me some sort of relief, but I've just been clouded with thoughts of what could happen.

We have tight deadlines to reach, and to make this EP and get it out will take its time. One thing though, I've got some stuff we can record and I may need to write at least 1 or 2 more songs.

I've run over some demos with the stuff I already wrote with some people during the tour, and so going in creating the actual product is going to be exciting.

The drive is pretty long since we're not near the studio. I just stare outside as I am only half awake. The coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

"Molls?" Cal asks getting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I ask in a sleepy voice since I'm not fully up yet.

"You good?" He asks.

"Yeah, I mean, the first day on the job. So getting into the mindset, if that even makes sense." I say, then start to realize that may have not made sense.

"I think someone still needs time to wake up." He says.

"I know I do. It's like going back to the rehearsal schedule...except I missed my couch nap." I say.

"Oh Molls, you'll be fine. Just imagine it like when you went into the campus studio. The way your face lit up when I came with you to the campus tour, and when we snuck in to try it out. You sounded amazing, Just remember that moment and then you'll be okay." He says as he puts his hand in mine making me have butterflies. Yes, I still get butterflies around him when he remembers things from long ago, and when he does little things like this.

"Maybe you and I can do a duet for the EP? It would sound really nice, plus, you did help me write my first song." I say.

"Molls, I have a little confession. The song we wrote together is supposed to be a duet." He says and my eyes go wide.

"You purposely made it a duet?!" I say. I think hearing that woke me up, or the coffee kicked in.

"How did you not notice that?" He says.

"In my defense, we were writing this late night in the back room of the bus and I was distracted." I say.

"What were you distracted by?" He says.

"you." I mumble.

"What was that? Did you say the musical genius aka me?" He says and he'll always know how to make me laugh.

"Yesssss. I said youuuuuuu." I say louder.

"Now that's more like it." He says.

"Why are you such a dork?" I say.

"You mean a genius." He says.

Sometimes, I never know what to do with him, but I should know by now that this is him.

Our fun chat somehow made the drive quick and we ended up at the studio.

"How did we end up here? Did you speed?" I say in a fast tone. I think the fact I'm more alert, the nerves are starting to pick up.

"No. I'm a good child. And were you actually trying to quote our song? He says as he tries to make an invisible halo.

"Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." I say.

"Molls, you'll do great." He says as he kissed me on the lips.

"I think you just calmed the nerves down." I say while biting my lip.

"Really?" He says as he did it again.

God, he knows how to make me swoon.

"Alright, so, here are the keys. The delivery people should be at my place around 12. Lead them to the bedroom and then they can do the rest." I say.

"Sounds good." He says.

"Feels good." I say. I had to.

"Oh, Molls. Alright, see you later." He says.

"Call me when they finished setting up." I say as he gives me the thumbs up and drives off.

I told Cal to head to my place since I won't be there when my bedroom stuff comes. Finally, I can start living in my own place.

The couch was coming the next day and I'll be in the condo when that comes.

The place is coming together so well, I'm just excited to see the final product.

The kitchen is already good, I got everything for that. Today is going to be the bedroom, so I'm planning on getting some stuff for that. Then tomorrow is living room shopping, and then I can find somewhere to get some beanbags.

I set up my office as soon as we came back. I was too excited to put everything together, and then I went k.o for the rest of that day.

Oh lord, me walking around while talking in my head is really killing time.

I literally look like a lost puppy, until I finally saw a familiar face.

'Kate!" I say as I saw her. She brought me into a hug because it feels like forever since I saw her.

"It's been a while." She says.

"Too long. I think the last time we saw each other was right before you guys left for the tour." I say.

"Then all we did were facetime calls." She says.

"Hey, at least I found one way to talk to you." I say.

"And I'm very grateful that you still haven't forgot about me." She says.

"How can I forget about my first genuine friend?" I say.

We walk over to the recording booth where someone was waiting inside. I'm assuming that was Mike.

"Hi, Mike Stent, right?" I say as I come in.

"The one and only. What's your name?" He says.

"Molly. Molly Saunders." I say.

"Ahh, the infamous Molly. The guys have told me a ton about you." He says. Damn, the guys talk about me that much.

"Yeah, I guess." I say.

"Alright, what's the goal for today?" He asks.

"Well, I've already got demos for a couple of tracks I wrote over on the tour with the guys. Then I also have drafts for the songs that I did on the tour. So maybe we can perfect the drafts of the songs from the tour and make them look neat?" I say.

"Sounds like a brilliant plan. Let's get to work." He says.

I took out my laptop and then I played the drafts we had for two of the songs.

"Molly, these are amazing. For drafts, this is a really good starting point." He says.

"Thanks. I mean, I remember saying in my mind that these sounded 'rushed', the only reason I had them done was so I had something original during the opener show. So I felt like, I can bring these over, make them sound better, and incorporate it into the EP." I say.

"Ok, what kind of EP do you want to make?" Mike asks.

"I mean, after hearing these songs, I can go into a pop lane. This kind of music is what gets people jumping. So I want to keep that pop vibe, and then have this duet ballad. Cal and I wrote something, and I just found out it was meant to be a duet. So if he's up for it, we can add that as the last song on the EP." I say.

"You really had this planned?" He says.

"I mean, after performing it live for 8 months, I had some sort of idea." I say.

"Okay, I want you to get into the booth. We're gonna get the vocals for this first song, and then we'll see where we go from there." He says and I nod.

I pictured that moment Cal was referring to earlier about the first time I stepped into any sort of recording booth. It was like the same feeling all over again. It was a bigger space which made it more astonishing.

"You like the booth?" Mike says into the mic.

"More like love. I've been into a smaller both, but this is some next-level stuff." I say.

So I've been recording the first song that I performed on the tour called Young Love. The song is basically about kids who've been friends for a long time but they weren't able to tell each other how they felt until years later. The song is to relate to the road Cal and I went on as far as the friendship that started the relationship. It seemed like the perfect song to start off the EP cause it was like the intro of my life, and how Cal has been with me majorly of my life.

*A couple of hours later*

So I finally finished up with vocals and then Mike started making the melody that I was going for.

Hearing it all come together is making it sound similar to how we played it live but in this electronic pop way.

I was so into the music that the rining of the phone took me out of that daze. I looked down at who it is and it was Cal.

Awwww, he's too cute, and I'm saying that because that's what I'd say every time I look at the pic I set as his contact photo.

"Is it okay if I took this call?" I ask.

"Yeah go ahead." Mike says and I head out of the room.

"You called?" I say.

"No hi or hey to the best friend turned best boyfriend of the year?" Cal says.

"Why do you always need such a long intro, and the year just started." I say.

"Because I deserve one. Anywhoooo, how's the first day been?" He asks.

"Well, I went through with starting to perfect Young Love, and now Mike is just working on the melody." I say.

'Ohhhh, you going for that one? Nice choice. What happened to our duet?" He asks.

"Well, do you want to make it a for sure thing, as in it will go on the EP as the last song?" I say.

"Ohhh, so that gets a long intro?" He says.

"Hey, when did my sass get passed onto you?" I say.

"We've been together for a very long time." He says.

"Too long." I say.

"I mean, I'm down. Just tell me when you're planning on recording it and I'll stop by." He says.

"Sounds like a plan. Now, has my stuff come in yet?" I say.

"More like your stuff is built and set." He says.

"What?! Where are the pictures?!" I say.

"No surprise? Damn you desperate." He says.

"Just put the facetime on. I wanna see it." I say.

"One second." He says and then he puts the facetime on and then I answer it.

"Alright, let's see." I say.

"No 'I miss you cute and adorable and-" He says and I cut him off.

"Yes, I miss you too you bozo. Now, give me the best MTV cribs room tour you possibly could." I say.

"I'm just showing you, there ain't no cameras." He says.

"Oh just show me." I say and he flips the camera.

The room looks.....AMAZING!

Like, the bed is pushed to the wall. The nightstand with the matching dresser fits so well, and there's so much space to add decor. The first thing I'm gonna hang, the frames.

Those frames from almost a year ago deserve to be displayed.

"Molls, this place actually looks good." He says.

"It's not just good. It's AMAZING! The whole place is coming together." I say.

"If this singing thing doesn't work out, look into interior designing." He says.

"Maybe I'll do both." I say.

"Now that would be a badass move." He says.

"I'm just a girl with many talents....and who also gets her inspo from Pinterest." I say.

"You still can make it work. We all get inspo from somewhere." He says.

"Alright, if you don't mind, could you pick me up in a couple of hours?" I say.

"Of course." He says.

"Thennn, would you be able to take me somewhere?" I say.

"Where?" He says curiously and I make a huge smile, and then he realizes what I meant.

'You are so lucky you're the only person I can stand when going to Target." He says.

'Thank youuuuu. Alright, I gotta go. Hopefully I can finish this today and then the next day is the next song." I say.

"See you later then." He says.

"Byeeeeee." I say and he says the same and we hang up.

After that call, we worked on a couple more vocals and then we were almost done with Young Love.

This is going to be a really sick EP, and we're only at the start.

This is going to be a hectic next few months.


(July 9, 2020)

Alright, the rest of the story is now planned out. Took a while to make the timing work, but hopefully, it all ends up good.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
