38: But I won't forget the good times

Calum in this pic... 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Also, I wanna give a shout-out to chrysthh
She's got this rlly cool story called "He Came Out Of My Phone" and I really enjoy it bc it's something i haven't read about in a 5SOS fanfic before
So you guys should definitely check that out!
Anyways, like I said before, these next upcoming chapters will be very interesting.

Also, the song I added, it's Good Times by All Time Low. I don't know what it is, but this song may resonate with what will happen in this chapter. To me this song is about someone reminiscing on the good parts of their life. The line "but I won't forget the good times", that's where it made me think that maybeeeee this song can fit the chapter mood You'll see something like that in this chapter. Sooo yeah.

On with this chapter!
December 2018

*New Year's Eve*

Alright, so this whole month or so, I've been starting to hang out with the guys.

I think the first time we hung out as us 5, it was awkward at first, but then it all went back to normal and we hung out as if it never happened.

Of course we knew in our minds that there was that period of time where we weren't in the same room togehter. We all will acknowledge that.

But we all put the past behind us and we've just been having good times all around.

Now, as for work wise, basically I released a song called Strangers and it was based on the first time Dalton and I met. We were two basic strangers who came together and started talking.

It's not like those type of songs where there were references to a certain person *cough cough T-Swift* but I took that concept of meeting someone out of the blue and turned it into a song.

Now, there are songs in the album where it was during my breakup phase, and I mean, when I was feeling low, I would be in the office playing with chords and writing lyrics.

I don't think I'm planning on releasing those until the album actually comes out.

As for things outside of the studio, I told Santana and Joanne about what happened. Trust me when I say, they were shocked to find out it was her. Their faces were pricesless so I was laughing.

I mean, she's out of my life. It's like that short term weight I had on my shoulders were dropped to the floor and I was able to breathe.

Now, living in the apartment alone isn't fun, so in these past couple months or so, I've had Santana over a couple times and we've had fun.

Now, there's this thing called VSCO, and it's become this new thing in late 2018. One of the things I saw were like these backyard outdoor setups like a group of friends wee gonna watch a movie togehter.

So before the hollidays, Santana and I did something like that, and we did it out in the balcony. Honestly, that was one of the most fun times I've had.

With having a tight schedule for December before the holidays, it's been real fun.

November was filled with some in and out promo for the single, and then along with recording and writing sessions. I've used my day offs to hang out with people.

So when I was given my holliday break, I hung out with Santana for a couple days until she was leaving. Then the guys and I all flew together back to Aussie and we stayed with our familes for Christmas.

When I did come home, my dad had the whole house re-decorated and I got to meet his girlfriend Kara who was such a sweet lady.

From what I found out, the two of them have been togehter a little before I came to the house to get my stuff.

Seeing my dad happy again now that he has someone in his life and that he has me back was the most amazing feeling in the world.

Even though it's half of the family, Kara makes it much more better.

After Christmas, the guys and I hung out a couple of times until yesterday.

Yesterday, the guys and I flew to Minesotta where we were all gonna stay at this cabin in Minneapolis and the guys were gonna bring their girls along.

From what I was told in the last couple months, Michael propsed to Crystal mid-April, Luke is with someone named Sierra, and Ash and KayKay are still going strong.

It's a 8 room cabin and when I say it's huge, it really is huge.

So when you walk in, there's the living room.

On your left there's a closet for coats and stuff, and then on the right there are stairs.

After going through 2 sets of stairs, there's a hallway where 4 of the rooms are, and then after another 2 sets of stairs, there's another floor of bedrooms.

There are also balcony doors for each room, so one connected balcony on the first set of rooms, and then a second connected balcony for the second set of rooms.

If you ask me, seems like a pretty cool cabin.

The best part....there's snow.


Like, I don't remember the first or last time I ever got to experience snow, so this was just exciting.

So I get up and it's like 7 something. Because of all this time change from LA to Sydney, to now Minneapolis.

It's all confusing me.

I head downstairs to make some hot chocolate, and then I heard someone come down.

"Molls?" I heard someone call. I turn around as I'm sitrring my coffee to see Cal.

"Hey." I say as he smiles back.

It's early in the morning, so there isn't much talk going on.

After I make my coffee, I went outside since I went in a wool robe.

I just watch the outdoors cause there is literal snow on the ground.

It's literally such a pretty view, probably one of the best places to be.

I put my cup down and I started throwing the snow in the air.

Luckily I was wearing my short boots so I can step into the snow.

"I see someone likes the snow." Cal says as he comes outside.

"I mean, how can you get sick of it." I say.

See, here's the thing with us two. There are times where it can get awkward, and that would usually happen when you haven't been with someone for so long.

Cal and I, we were probably awkward in the first few minutes when we were with the guys and it was fine.

The thing is though, this is probably the first time that we've been alone together since we actually started hanging out again.

So after I finshed playing with the snow, Cal and I sat on the chairs where there was a patio table.

It was quiet for a few seconds until Cal speaks up.

"Do you remember the last time we did this?" He says.

"Did what?" I say as I drink my coffee.

"I mean, there's a lot of things. But the last time you and I were out on a balcony alone." He says.

"That's probably over a year. From all those times you came over to my place and we'd either binge shows or watch sunset over my balcony." I say.

"I miss those times." He says.

"I mean, we can do them again. I mean, it's not like a year ago." I say.

"Maybe when we get back to LA." He says.

"You know, I just can't wrap my head around one thing though." I say.

"And would that be how all 5 of us were able to find a nice cabin like this." He says and I laugh. He still knows how to make jokes this early in the morning.

"Well that's one. But, the thing I'm refering to is how I let a cheater live in my place for over a year." I say.

"Molls, that's all in the past. Just think about now." He says.

"It just bothers me only cause I beleived that she had nothing to do with it, and I was thinking it was just some random girl." I say.

"Molls. Look. I know it took us over a year to tell you the truth. Well, the guys did. And I wanted to tell you. Trust me. Like anytime I saw your name on the screen I'd-" He says but all he's doing is rambling.

"You were saying." I say.

"Right. Point is, even if it took longer than expected, look at where we ended up. We're here in Minneapolis on New Years Eve with everyone, well soon to be everyone, but, we're here, in the same place, and that's all that matters. So what if one person took away one year from us. It may have caused both of us misery, but we did get some great songs." He says and I laugh at the last part.

"You guys we're very um, specific when it came to Ghost Of You." I say.

"We're musical geniuses." Luke says and then the two of us turn to see the rest of the guys.

"Well you all are up early." I say.

"We do have to head to the airport. So yes, we're up early." Ash says.

"But as for Ghost Of You, Cal was the one who started the song, and then now it's a fan favourite." Michael says.

"I can tell from the videos I've caught up with in the last month or so." I say.

So we all talk some more until we ended up in this snowball fight.

Then Ash, Michael, and Luke left and then it was just Cal and I, but this time it's just us two in the empty cabin.

"You wanna head into town for the day?" Cal brings up out of the blue.

At first I'm in shock because we haven't hung out like the two of us, and the only thing we've done is talk outside on the patio.

If I say yes, will I regret it? Honestly, if I'm able to be with him with the other guys, this shouldn't be any different.

"Give me 20 minutes." I say and I head inside.

"You're still a quick one." He says.

"Always have, always will be." I say.

So we both got ready and then we headed out into town.

We didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.

There's barely anyone in the streets, but then again, it's cold, and it's the day time.

We just walked around and went into different stores.

Since we didn't want to stay in the cabin, we were just walking around killing time.

"Alright, I never got to ask, how did you and your dad end up coming together again? Cause the last time you were with him, things didn't go so well." He says.

The fact he still remembers these little details, I start to get small butterflies.

Like ok, I don't know where my feelings are. Like sometimes they come, and then they'll just go.

"Well, do you want the short version, or the long version?" I say.

"Long version, especially so we can kill time." He says.

"Alright. Where do I start?" I say.

"From the first moment of the day it happened." He says.

"Ok. So, basically I wanted to be productive on one of my day offs. So I got up and I drove to this beach area to watch sunrise. After that I went to a park Santana and um you know who took me to after a year of me just going from the studio to my home. So I went there to see if I can get some writing inspiration, but it didn't work since I ended up doing phone shoots." I say.

"Since when does Molly Saunders do phone shoots?" He says.

"Since October when I had this oversized hoodie and shorts look." I say.

"Show me pics after this story." He says.

"Check my insta feed. Anywaysssss. So after that, I drove to a coffee shop and I made the brave move to go on a patio area and then-" I say but get cut off.

"You went on a patio area....in a coffee shop? Damn Molls, how ambitious were you that day?" He says.

"Let me finish!" I say and Cal lets out a small laugh.

'Whatchu laughing at?" I say.

"Luke said that exact line the same way you did in our cocktail chats." He says and I let out a little chuckle.

"Anyways. So, I was just logging into my laptop, and then I went into this like flashback mode and the last time I was on a coffee shop patio came to me. Then someone named Dalton came over to see if I was okay. We ended up hanging out and he told me he was a therapist. So when the topic of family came along, I told him and so he kind of gave me the push to make the call."
I say and then it goes quiet for a few seconds.

"Now this is the part where you can talk." I say cause he kept quiet and he didn't know what to do.

"Heyyyyy, I thought playing therapist was our thang?! You replaced me. I'm betrayed." He says with a sad face.

"Calllll! He's an actual therapist." I say.

"Oh wait what?" He says.

"Yes. Dalton is a therapist. A real one. He got a degree and became one." I say.

"So therapist will still be our thing?" He says.

Literally, when he remembers the small things, it hits different.

"Yes, therapist can still be our thing." I say and he gets all excited.

"Now, you tell me what's up." I say.

"Well, first off, you and Dalton. Is there anything between you two?" He says.

"Nope. We're just friends. We've hung out a couple times, but mainly because of our schedule ls, we stick to calling and texting." I say.

"It's good that you were able to find someone you never met. I mean, knowing you, that must've been big." He says.

"Honestly, it really was nice." I say.

"Now, you tell me what's up." I say.

"Well, I mean, the guys and I released the album. Went on tour before and after the release and did press in between." He says.

"So busy 2018 then?" I say.

"Very. By the way, I heard your song. Very cute." He says.

"Cute?! I took a lot of time with that one." I say.

"When I mean cute, it's like saying it's got this nice catchy vibe to it." He says.

"Oh, then in that's case, thanks." I say and we both laugh.

"Anything happened during that busy schedule? Like metting people or such?" I say.

"I mean, I wasn't in it. Like all I had my mind on it as this album. But the guys and I would go out to let loose with other friends on the days we didn't have anything. You were constantly on my mind, and it was like I couldn't move on from you. When we were filming the Cocktail Chats to promote the album, and we were talking about Ghost Of You, I could barely look at the camera cause all I could think about was you." He says and all of a sudden, butterflies are punching me as if they have fists because that's how many butterflies it felt like swarming inside me when he said that.

The fact he said that he was thinking of me when they filmed this Cocktail Chat thing, damn, that's just sweet.

I gotta watch this Cocktail Chat series. It seems like things get deep.

So then we talked some more and walked around more until it was close to nightfall.

That's when we decided to walk back to the cabin.

Once we came in, we just heard loud music and a ton of cheers.

"Ohhhh. Look who it is. Our favourite lovebirds." Michael says.

Damn, they haven't said that in ages.

"Can't a guy and I girl hang out for fun?" I say as I grab a cup and pour some tequila in it.

"Now, Molls, you haven't met the girls. So, Crystal. Sierra, Molls. Molls, Crystal, Sierra, and you remember KayKay." Ash says and we all say hi.

"How much cup pong did you guys play?" Cal says.

"The guys have been at it for an hour now." Crystal says.

So Cal joined the guys and then KayKay, Sierra, Crystal and I headed outside.

KayKay started the convo since she knew all 3 of us.

"Molls, how've you been? It's been a minute." KayKay says.

"I've been good. I mean, the last couple months have been better to say the least." I say.

"Now, I wanna know, how did you meet the guys?" Sierra says.

"Ok so, 4 of us grew up in Sydney in different towns. Cal and I were best friends long before we met Michael and Luke. We all went to the same high school and then that's how Cal and I met Luke and Michael. Then years later when I went to one of the guys' promo interviews for their second album, I met Ash that night." I say.

"Damn, so you've known them for a long while?" Crystal says.

"Too long." I say and we all laugh.

"Anything to spill that we may not know?" Crystal says.

"I mean, other than the fact that Luke and I had this love-hate friendship, nothing really. I mean, they probably are the same guys, just slightly matured." I say.

"Okay, the big question, you and Cal. What's the status?" KayKay says.

"Well, um. So, over a year ago, something happened at a party that involved someone I got rid of in my life. But I spent over a year thinking the wrong thing. So him and I basically hung out today without the other guys for the first time in over a year." I say.

"Oof. It was that bad?" Sierra says.

"It was all me for thinking the wrong thing." I say.

"Oh don't say that. You didn't know. But, forget about the past. The question is, do you still have feelings for him?" KayKay says.

"If I'm being honest.....I honestly don't know. Sometimes they're there, and sometimes they're not" I say and they all cheer but I quiet them down.

"How are you planning on figuring it out?" Crystal says.

"I mean, I wanna see where things go for now. I honestly don't know what would happen, or how to even approach that topic." I say.

"I mean, just look for signs. PLus if ou need anyone to talk to, you've got us three now." Sierra says.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind." I say.

We just ended up talking a lot more and we got into lighter topics.

The convo is more like a 'get to know them' convo, but we're talking like we've known each other for ages.

"Alright, can I just bring this up. Crystal.......How the hell did Michael propose?" I say.

"Well, basically we went to Bali on a time where he was off. We were there for a few days, and then on one of those days, we were walking along a beach, and then he popped the question right then and there." He says.

"Was it at sunset?" I say.

"Yup." She says and she starts to blush.

"That's just adorable." I say.

"It was so simplistic, but so romantic all at the same time." She says.

"He wanted to keep the moment intimate. A good move he made." Sierra says.

"The ring choice though, he did real good." KayKay says.

I feel like I just gained 3 new best friends.

Like I already knew KayKay, but we weren't close like now.

But this was literally so much fun, and since we are here for a couple more days, oh this trip will definitely be fun.

So we all headed back inside and had some more drinks with the guys.

There was a ton of stuff on the tables like glasses, confetti poppers, those things that are supposed to be like kazoos with streamers on them, so all of us grabbed stuff.
We had a New Years Eve show that was filming in Minnesota and then we got ready for the countdown.

Once the clock stuck 12, all 8 of us popped the confetti poppers and the couples had their quick New Years kiss before there was confetti all over the floor.

It's like anytime I'm with these guys, New Years always seems to be an exciting time for us, but that's only cause we know how to make it a good time.

(July 25, 2020)

Finishing a chapter before midnight is for some reason this liberating feeling.

Like, I don't know what it is, but like, after finishing the chapter, it's a good feeling, but finishing it before midnight, it just adds more excitement.

Anywhooooo, Molly and Cal got to hang out again.

Can we see Colly in the future?

She also got to meet Sierra and Crystal and reunite with KayKay.

This seems like a good chapter if you ask me.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
