20: That I can take away your hurt

August 2016

Molly's P.O.V

So, in these past four months of this tour, let's just list the highlights.

1. I am opening for one of the biggest bands at the moment.

2. I was offered a record deal

3. I went condo shopping

4....and probably the best one of them all, Calum and I started dating.

Now, with #4, there have been its pros, and it's cons.

The pros, I'm finally dating my best friend after what feels like forever. We've had so many good times together and Cal has been the best at making this the best thing that's ever happened to me.

The cons. So, we kept it a secret which leads to many rumors. Now, the rumors are true. The thing is, we never wanted to go public only cause with the tour going on, we don't want that focus and hype of the tour to go away. If we go public, we think that all everyone would focus on is us two when it came to the band....and I'm not even in the band.

The con is basically all the social stuff. Everything else is a pro.

Now, we are halfway through this 8 month tour, but, we're still doing press.

Here and there, the guys have been doing press, and since I've been their opening act, the hosts would occasionally ask me to be in their interviews as well. 

If I'm being honest, they're kinda boring. However, the guys got this one interview with Elvis Duran.

The guys have done interviews with him since they could even remember.

They do seem to have genuine fun in that studio, so that's where they're starting press off, and they wanted me in this interview once again.

So it's the end of a show in Madison Square Garden and all 5 of us are running off the stage.

Yes, I said it. Madison Square Garden.

I remember watching one of their twitcams when they were opening for One Direction, and they were saying how they hoped to headline there one day.

They finally did it, and I got to open for them.

Dreams were really coming true.

So the next day looks like this. First thing in the morning, we have to do press, then soundcheck, and then the second show in Madison Square.

During their encore to She Looks So Perfect in tonight's show, Ash called me up for that song as well, and we never rehearsed it. So Luke whispered to me to do the bridge and I nodded.

To bo honest, I didn't mind it. It was actually really fun to do. A bit out of the ordinary, but it was fun. Especially since it was an improv move. I think after that show we went to in Toronto, Ash is becoming big on improv.

Seeing him practice before the show is honestly hilarious to watch. It's become a new thing we all like to do before we hit the stage.

After we all come off the stage, we head back to the hotel, and then we all head into one of the rooms to just chat.

It's honestly fun when we all just come together after the show because we'll still be buzzing and we'll still have that adrenaline rush.

"Alright, guys. There's one thing we haven't done. Since Molls is now with us in Capitol Records, we need to celebrate. The last month based on shows was our biggest. However, since we have an off day after the second NYC night, we should go to some sort of club." Ash says.

"Guys cmon, we can do that anytime. Plus like you said Ash, last month was the busiest month for shows. Maybe this next day-off can be a bit more chill." I say.

"Molls, it's been a long time since we headed for drinks. What happened to the Molls who wanted to go almost every night?" Michael says.

"She's still here, but at the same time, someone wants to sleep in." I say.

"Ok, if we're talking about sleeping in, we can go after the show tomorrow, and then we can be hungover the next day." Luke says.

"Now that's a plan." Cal says as he and Luke high five.

"Alright, I'm in. We better go to a good place if we're going to get hella wasted." I say and everyone starts to cheer.

So we all chat some more and then Michael, Cal, and I head to our room. Now this trio, this the fun trio.

We'll stay up doing stupid shit all the time.

Literally one time we were up and Michael accidentally broke the lamp that was standing. I think it was from when we started throwing pillows at each other for some apparent reason, but then Cal or I was near the lamp, so when we ducked, it knocked the lamp over.

That would have to be one of the best times we've had with a room of us 3.

We get hectic fast, and we weren't even drunk that night.

But there was this one night we were drunk, and we got videos of us doing drunk karaoke. Ash and Luke ended up joining because we also went live after they saw our story and fans were in love with it.

The morning after that night, we all watched the videos in our hungover state as #5SOSDrunkKaraoke was trending that day.

We really made a fool of ourselves, but thinking about that night was the best.

So since I wasn't tired, I decided to head out to the balcony to see if being outside can drift me to sleep.

Looks like someone decided to follow.

"Don't mind if I join?" Cal says.

"Not at all." I say as he joins me on the lounge couch. Yes, I said a couch. This balcony was a bit bigger than out usual balconies we've been on.

We just stare into the night sky as we ended up seeing some stars in the sky.

"Can you believe it, you guys played a headline show, in Madison Square Garden." I say.

"You opened a show in Madison Square Garden, and you'll get to do it all over again tomorrow night as well." He says.

"Yes yes. But I remembered when I watched one of your twin cams and you guys were opening for One Direction that night. I was sitting in the dorm room like damn, they out here doing things." I say.

"You were watching?! How come we didn't notice you?" He asks.

"I had this weird username so you wouldn't have noticed. I just remember watching it and I was constantly smiling because of how happy you guys were." I say.

"Aww. We could've said hi through the screen." He says.

"You wanna watch it again? I found someone who screen recorded it and uploaded it. I was watching it after my soundcheck, and then I went live." I say.

"You gotta tell us when you go live. Then we can be in it." He says in a child's tone.

"They did see you. I showed from the sidelines of where I'd usually watch you guys." I say.

"You are one sneaky person Molly Saunders." He says.

"I am a woman of many talents." I say.

"That you are." He says.

"Now do you want to watch or what?" I say.

"Let's watch it." He says.

I went to get my phone and then I got the video playing.

"Oh my god. We look so tiny here." He says.

"This was only 2 years ago." I say.

"2 years is a long time Molls." He says.

"Yet you still act like children." I say.

"Yet you still act like children." He mocks.

Ahh, the mocking never gets old.

We get into the video and then he starts talking.

"Ok, so I was thinking." He says.

"About a new song?" I say.

"No silly. About us. How we were able to keep this a secret for over 3 months." He says and I pause the video.

"Damn, it's been over 3 months already?" I say.

"Yes, yes it has. Ok, the part I was thinking about. So, we all agreed that keeping this whole thing a secret was a good idea, right?" He says.

"Yea, I mean, it's working though." I say.

"But then there are the articles. Look, Molls, we can keep it a secret or-" He says and then I cut him off.

'Or we can reveal it during the Elvis Duran interview tomorrow." I say.

"How did you know I was gonna say that?" He says shocked.

"Cal, I know you. I can read your mind like magic. But, I'm kinda down to. All the rumors can be resolved and then we can feel free." I say.

"Not completely free." He says.

"Ok true, but the fact of keeping it in can kill sometimes. Sometimes it's hard not being with you in the public eye." I say.

"Alright, so, we're establishing that we're gonna reveal it tomorrow to the whole world?" He asks.

"I guess we are." I say.

To blow off some air, we decide to finish the video and then call it a night.

It's already midnight. Oh lord, I may need both an iced coffee and an espresso shot.

*A few hours later*

So, we finally make it to the studio where the Elvis Duran show happens.

I think judging both Cal and I's face, we're hella nervous.

Like, we're all still in this sleepy state, but we still have the nerves.

The rest of them don't know we're doing this.

God, I don't know how it's being brought up.

We get into the room where Elvis and the other interviewers greet us.

The more and more closer the time comes, the more and more the nerves grow.

*A few minutes into the interview*

So, the interview started, and my leg is shaking more usual than it should.

It's going well. All of us are collectively trying to talk, basically meaning that it's been mainly either Ash, Luke, or Michael talking.

Next thing you know, one question is pointed towards me.

"Now Molly, you've been with these guys for the past 4 months. What has it been like opening for them?" Elvis says.

Alright, put away the fear.

"Well, I mean, it's just fun all around. It's a great dynamic when I'm with these guys since I've been with them almost all my life. So it's literally as if we were hanging out on a regular day back home." I say.

"That is true. They have mentioned you the last time they came." Elvis says.

"Really? When was this?" I say curiously.

"Actually, let's playback the footage we got from that day." Elvis says and then the recording starts playing.

"Now, have you guys been back home since this tour?" Elvis asks.

"We are heading back soon, and then we'd be coming back to LA to do some press for the upcoming album." Ash says.

All 5 of us start laughing because of how professional Ash said it.

"Is there anything you miss when you guys go back home?" One of the ladies ask.

"It mainly family. We don't usually get to see them often because we're in LA so much." Cal says.

Finally, he talks.

"Oh, one person we do miss though, one of our friends that's back home." Luke says.

"Her name is Molly, so Molly if you're watching or listening, hiiiii." Michael says and then they all say hi back.

"How long have you guys known each other?" The other lady asks.

"We've known her around high school times." Luke says.

"I met her over the phone once and then Cal has known her for a very long time. Really great girl." Ash says.

Then that's where the recording ends.

"Awwww. You guys. Too sweet." I say.

"Is someone getting shy in the corner?" One of the lady interviewers say as we see Cal getting shy and then I start to blush.

"Oh this is just adorable. Now, this kind of leads into the next topic I have. Now, for the past couple of months, fans have speculated some things with the two of you. Is there anything you want to comment on?" Elvis says and both Cal and I start to look at each other.

With our eyes, he told me to say it cause for some reason he's getting shy all of a sudden.

Gah, oh my gawd. I'm about to say it.

"Well, we can confirm, that, those speculations....are true." I say as my pitch gets higher and higher when I said they were true.

All of the guys went wide eyed  cause they didn't expect it, Cal and I are all shy and everyone is excited, I think.

"Congrats you two. If I'm being honest, the videos of you two on stage is just adorable." One of the lady interviewer says.

"So wait, it's official. Colly is a real thing?" Elvis says.

On twitter, fans would call us Colly since Malum is Michael and Calum's bromance name.

"Yes, yes it is." Cal confirms and then we both get shy all of a sudden.

"Ladies and gentlemen tuning in and are listening, you heard it here on the Elvis Duran show. Colly has gone official." Elvis says and there are everyone is either cheering or clapping.

"Alright, can we talk about what the rest of the year will look like?" Elvis says.

Thank god the guy can move the topic fast.

*After all the press*

We finished with all the press we had to do today and then we were on our way to soundcheck.

"What got you two to go public?" Ash says.

"I mean, I guess it was time. It was fun keeping it a secret, but at one point, it was going to come out. I guess doing it on a morning radio show was the way to go." Cal says.

"Is this why Molls had both an iced coffee and an espresso shot?" Michael asks and I nod.

"So now we have something to celebrate. The halfway point of the tour, Molls's record deal, and now, the fact you two went public." Luke says.

"Seems like a good celebration." I say.

*After soundcheck*

Alright, it's been a heck of a long day so far, so since everyone was done soundcheck, I decided to find a dark room and then decided to catch some sleep. If we're gonna have some fun, I gotta have some sort of energy before we go.

I headed into the room and decided to go into a nice sleep until someone turns on the light.

"Oh, sorry." Luke says.

"Nah it's fine. I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep anyways." I say.

"So, you two went official?" He says.

"Yeah, I mean, think about it. If we didn't more articles would've gone out, more rumors, the more I will become insane. So we both thought it was time." I say.

"Now I can tweet about it, and then say how annoyed you were about keeping it in. Oh, that'll be a nice tweet." He says. He's back to being him.

"You know I can make a remark to that." I say.

"If you want fans to see a twitter war, we can give them one." He says.

"I would've gained some of your fans because they would realize how amazing I am." I say.

"We'll see about that." He says and then my phone starts to ring.

"Who would it be?" He asks.

"It's an unknown number." I say.

'Ooooo, prank call. If this is someone trying to prank call, we gotta strike back." He says.

"Good thinking." I say.

"Hello?" I say in a low voice.

"Molls?" He says.

"Okay who is this?" Luke says as he takes over and gets all defensive.

"This is her father. So whoever you are, can you give the phone to her?" My dad says and we both go into complete shock.

First off, he didn't even notice that was Luke. Second, how the hell did he get this number?

Luke hands back the phone and I pretend to put the phone off the speaker when we kept it on.

"H-hello?" I say.

"Molls, is that you?" My dad says.

"Y-y-yea." I say shakily.

'How d-d-did y-you g-get thi-this number?" I add.

I can barely speak. Like we legit haven't spoken since that night.

"I got it from your mother, and that's the reason I called." My dad says.

"What happened to her?" I say.

"Molls, she died. She died from a drug overdose. They said that once they got her to the hospital, they couldn't save her in time. I was the only contact linked to her which is how I found out." My dad says and I'm in shock.

I know she did a bad thing, and I basically cut all ties to her before the tour, but, now she's gone. Like gone, like Lyss gone.

"Molls, babygirl. I know this is a lot. But I need you to come back home and-" He says and I cut the line.

"Molls, you okay?" Luke says and a tear slips down.

He brings me into a hug and it's what I need right now.

We may be bickering and happy, but in this moment, he didn't bother to make a funny comment. He was just here.

We break the hug and I wipe the tears off.

"Luke, you have to do me a huge favor." I say.

"What is it?" He says.

"Keep this between us two. I'll say it when I'm ready. For now, just don't say anything, I don't want someone to be asking me 'Am I ok?' 24/7." I say and he nods.

I guess my nap is gone.

So, going on stage was the worst. I tried everything I had in me to pull through that performance.

I don't know how I did it, but I did.

We still went out that night, and I got wasted.

I needed this distraction.


(June 28, 2020)


So, we were on a good thing and then....BAM!

I don't know how this next chapter will play out but I'll see.

Wait, if you see this story, that means I did write it.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
