41: Acting like I'm alright with someone new

I wanna give a S/O to -nopayne
Tysm for reading and leaving ur comments. They're really fun to read😊
So, let's just say, this chapter will definitely put Molly's emotions to the rest, hope ur ready 😂
Now, on with the chapter!
March 2018

Molly's P.O.V

Ok, so after last month, I don't know what it was because like, that blind date was just amazing.

One thing though, we were so close, he was about to kiss me.

I was about to kiss him.

Next thing you know, our angry taxi driver ruined the moment.

The car ride was a bit quiet, but once we got to Cal's place, he offered to drive me home.

We played it off that it's been a long night, but in reality, both of us knew it was a quiet ride because of the moment before the driver came.

I don't know what it was.

Like, I know we're still friends, and like, I don't want to ruin what we already had. If we get back into it, I have this fear that someone may try to come in between it.

I probably sound crazy right now...maybe it's those long days at the studio.

Anywho, since that day, things have been alright, I guess.

We never brought it up since, and now I feel like we're 17 all over again after finding out about Lyss.

Anywho, after having many long days at the studio, I was finally able to get the day off.

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes and then covered myself with a pillow.

After being lazy for an hour, I decided to get up and then head into the kitchen to attempt to make something.

I opened my fridge to find out I barely have grocereies. Great.

I settled with a bowl of cereal and then made my most precious iced coffee.

My phone starte to ring as I was stirring, but I missed the call.

After I made the coffee, I went over to see who it was, and it was Dalton.

So, Dalton and I.

It's been the same. All we've done is talked and hang out like normal friends.

I mean yeah we may be getting a bit closer than normal, but at the same time, we've just been becoming closer friends.

I called him back to see what he called for.

"Hey. What's up?" I say.

"Ok good. I thought you were purposely ignoring me." He says.

"And why would there be a reason to ignore you?" I say.

"Well, you aren't a morning person." He says.

"Toucheé. Now, any specific reason you called?" I say.

"Nope. Just on break, so I decided to call you." He says.

"Oh how sweet. You want to use your break on me." I say.

"Yes, yes I did. Oh wait! There was a reason I called. Do you wanna hang out after my shift? I'm ending early today." He says.

"Yeah sure." I say.

"Ok, I'll be at your place at 7?" He says.

"7 works well." I say.

"Alright, see you then." He says.

"See ya!" I say and we both hang up.

I got ready and decided this was going to be a day of errands.

So I headed over to Walmart to get groceries and then I headed over to Best Buy to get some wireless earbuds since I was getting sick and tired of buying wired ones evey couple of months.

I got out of Best Buy and quickly drive home so I can drop off the gorcereis.

After that I decided to try these earbuds out. I feel so old cause I never bothered to get these things till now...and there are teenagers using these things.

Since my phone was connected to them, I got a call from Santana.

"Hello?" I say.

"Molls, why are you screaming?" She says.

"I'm not screaming, what are you talking about?" I say.

"Molls, are you okay?" She says.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?" I say as I take one of the earbuds out.

"Okay now you sound normal." She says.

"It was probably these earbuds I got. Still getting used to them." I say.

"Anyways, Steve wanted me to tell you that there was a last minute meeting planned and he needs you to come." She says.

"Aww man. My day off is ruined." I say.

"Oh hush, you're playing with earbuds. If you were curious, it's a short one but it's an important one." She says.

"I'll be there soon." I say.

"See ya." She says and we hang up.

So I got my bag and then headed out the door. Thank god I look somewhat presentable.

I got into the room and Steve, Santana, and Mike were all around the table.

"Hi guys." I say.

"Alright, so, Molls,we're aware thay you're recoding your album. However, we got an opportunity where they want to create a documentary." Steve says.

"It would basically be like the creation of the album and you would talk through the album process." Santana says.

"Basically we've got the beginning of it secretly while you were recoding. We had some editirs finish the draft and when we sent it in, producers loved it. So, they wanted to make a whole thing about it since it will be your first offical album." Mike says.

I'm in shock. They want to do a documentary about the album.

This is literally crazy.

Would fans even want this?

Would this even work out?

What the hell is going on?

All these questions start to come to my head and I start to doze off.

"Earth to Molls?" Santana says which stops me from dozing off.

"Are you excited?" She says.

"Y-y-yeah. It sounds cool. Just trying to wrap my head around it." I say.

"Now that you know, we want to ease it in. They want to start with how the songs came to be. So they want to do like an interview thing where you do a track by track of all the songs. Then they would do some behind the scenes work, so there will be cameras in the background." Steve says.

"And if you're okay with it, they want to do some parts of you of your outside life, so fans would get some sort of personal experience with you." Santana says.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind that, but can those type of scenes be kept minimal?" I say.

"We can have a couple days of fimling outside of the studio." Mike says.

"I can work with that." I say.

*A few minutes later*

I come out of the meeting and it was already 5.

I rushed home and decided to shower again because I feel like I've been running around all day.

Then I got dressed in some blue ripped jeans with a black tank top and a white flannel.

I got my combat boots on and then I was waiting for Dalton.

I sent him a text just to make sure he was still coming over and he said he'd be over in a bit.

To kill time, I decided to call my dad and catch up.

After a couple rings, he ends up answering.

"Hey dad." I say.

"Hey! How's my little popstar?" He says in a cheery tone.

"I'm good. Actually, I have some news." I say.

"What's up?" He says.

"Well, I'm making an album documentary." I say.

"Oh my god! Congrats!" He says.

"Thank you." I say.

"How long have you known about it?" He asks.

"Well, it was only a couple hours ago I went into a meeting and then I found out there." I say.

"I'm proud of you. You're just one step closer to having it all." He says.

"Aww dad. First off, I already have everything, don't think I need more." I say.

I would say that even though my dad and I had a rough patch, he was still seeing what I was doing. The day I saw him again, I caught him up on everything and it honestly felt so good.

I'm just so glad that I was able to mend everything and now it's like we have our close bond like we did years ago.

"Now, I know you're an hard working girl, but please tell me you've given yourself time to breathe." He says.

"Yes I have. I'm actually meeting up with someone tonight." I say.

"Oh is it Calum or any of the other guys? I'm getting too old to remember the rest." He says and I laugh.

"No it's none of them. His name is Dalton." I say.

"Oh, is he the one you told me about during Chirstmas?" He says.

"Yeah him." I say.

"Is there anything going on?" He asks.

"Dad! No there isn't we're just good close friends." I say.

"Oh alright. I just thought that maybe you found someone again." He says.

I did tell him about Cal and I and everything that's been going on. He may be many miles away, but I'll make sure to catch him up during our monthly calls.

"Dad, I'm perfectly fine. Plus, with the album and this documentary, I don't have time now." I say.

"Well, as long as you put your dreams first, I would say that's all that matters." He says.

"Aww thank you dad." I say and then I hear a knock at my door.

"Well, I hate to cut the call, but Dalton has arrived." I say.

"Oh go live you life, have fun honey." He says.

"I miss you." I say.

"I miss you too." He says.

"Alright, I'll talk to you soon then." He says.

"Alright then." I say. Then we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I went over to the door and Dalton was there.

Dalton's P.O.V

So, usually when Molls and I hangout, it's usually planned an hour or two before we meet up.

However, there's a specific reason I called hours earlier.

I felt like today was the day I should tell Molls about my feelings.

I don't know where they came from, but I remember that the day I saw her on that patio, she just stood out.

Her peronality is just amazing and her looks are out this world.

I may sound like I fell head over heeels, and that's probably because I have.

Every time we hung out, it's the best feeling in the world.

She's like no other girl I've been with.

The only reason I've held back was because she's also friends with Calum, and he seemed like a threat.

However, from what Molls told me, they're getting back to where they were before which is that they're close friends.

Yes I'm aware they have history, but these feelings put all of that aside.

So I thought that today was the day to just blurt it.

I have no clue how I'll do it, but all I know that something will be said tonight.

So to keep things lowkey, I decided that we would have a picnic at the park we went to the first time we ever hung out.

I went over to her place and when she opened the door, she literally looked stunning.

Like, to her it may have been something simple, but she can look stuning in anything.

"Wow, you look um great." I say.

Great way to hide it.

"You look good as well." She says as we both let a small laugh out.

"Lemme just grab my bag and then we can head out." She says and then she goes to get her back. Once she got it, she locked her door, and then we were off.

This will be one eventful night.

Molly's P.O.V

So Dalton came over and then we were headed to this mystery location.

"Is there a reason you're not telling me where we're going?" I say.

"Well, I wanted to at least try with this hangout." He says.

"You know anytime we hang out, it's fun no matter where it is." I say.

"But this one will be a reminecing time." He says.

A reminecing time? What doesn he mean by that?

He said that we were close by and then he told me to put this blinddold on.

The last time that happened, I ended up in a blind date. What can it be now?

"You're not trying to kill me right?" I say.

"Why would I do that?" He says as we both laugh.

We got to a spot and he told me to stand still.

There was some shuffling going on and then he told me to take off the blindfold.

It was a little picnic setup. Damn, this is bringing memories back.

"Dalton, this looks very cute." I say.

"I mean, I thouguht maybe we should come back to the place we first met." He says.

"Then that would have to be the cafe." I say.

'Well, then after that, you trusted a stranger aka me to directions to this palce." He says.

"And then we walked and talked." I say.

"And then we got close over the months." He says.

"I mean, hanging out with you is fun, why stop when we like to have fun." I say.

We ate and then we talked some more.

I don't know what it is, but Dalton has been acting very weird this whole night.

Usually, when we hang out it's never like this. It's usually light hearted times in little places.

This time just seems a bit awkawrd.

"Um Molls, can I tell you something?" He says.

"Yeah what's up?" I say.

Ok, so, he's leaning in closer than usual, and for some reason, I'm finding this weird.

"Ok so, I have no clue where to start. Molls, ever since we met at the cafe, I couldn't get my mind off you. Literally any hangout we have makes me nervous all the time and it's crazy because of the way you make me feel. You're like none of the other girls I've met in the past and like, the only way I can put it into words is that...Molls, I have feelings for you, and they've never stopped." He says and I'm left in complete shock.

All I do is stare because I don't even know how to react.

He's liked me all this time, and I've been so oblivious.

"Dalton, I-" I say but then Dalton leans in and just kisses me and I'm in even more shock.

It's not like the kisses that I've had with Cal. Like, it's more of a shock than me wanting to continue it.

However, I pull apart because I felt my phone buzzing.

Cal? Why would he be calling me?

"Cal? What's up?" I say.

"Molls. C-come o-over." He says.

'Cal, are you drunk?!" I say.

"J-just c-come." He says and hangs up.

"Dalton, I-I-I'm so sorry. I have to go." I say as I got up.

I didn't want to wait for his response and I just got up and left.

I felt so bad right after he just admitted his feelings to me, then kissed me, and then I just left him like that.

At the same time, I'm still in shock.

I managed to call an Uber to get to Cal's place.

Usually he doesn't get drunk often. But some reason he called while drunk.

Is something up with him?

It was a long drive, but I managed to get there.

I knocked on the door, but then I saw it was open.

"Cal!" I say as I see him on the couch with all of these beer bottles scattered around.

"So you've came." He says in seductive voice. I turn around and I get startled because he's right in front of me.

"Cal, a-are y-you o-o-okay?" I say shaikly. I've never seen him this drunk, so it's kinda scaring me.

"I mean, now that you're here, I'm perfectly fine." He says as he comes closer while I try to back up.

He puts his arm around my wasit and then pulls me closer to him.

We're inches apart and next thing you know he crashes his lips onto mine. The way he did it was so rough, but for some reason I'm caught. It may have felt rough, but I was able to still feel his touch. I knew this was wrong. This felt so wrong. He's under a drunk state. I can't do this. So I pulled apart and somehow got out of his grip.

"So you're not gonna stay?" He says.

"Cal, I-I c-can't. Y-you're dr-drunk." I say shakily.

"Cmon baby. Admit it. You loved that. You probably missed that for so long." He says in that same deep voice from before the kiss into my ear.

"C-Cal. You've g-gotta be s-sober before we c-can t-talk." I say.

"Molls, just stay." He says with that deep voice he's held onto.

"I-I c-can't." I say and then I run out before he can get me again.

What the actual fuck was that?



Wow, I don't remmember the last time I typed.

So, I hope this was good enough to read.

I had a whole other direction for this chapter, but we ended up to what you just read.

Hope you enjoyed that


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And I'll see ya on the next one.
