28: We're looking for something dumb to do

May 2017

Calum's P.O.V

So, today marks 1 year since Molls and I confessed our feelings for each other on the Eiffel Tower.

The thing is though, we've known each other our whole life that at this point, it already we felt like we were in this long time relationship.

I mean, the friendship is the base of the relationship.

See what I did there ;). Ahh, I'm a man of many words.

Now, Molls has been working tirelessly this whole year. Take this in, it's not even halfwaythrough the year and she's already done so much. She barely gave herself time to take a breath.

Well I mean, she kinda did when we went out on my birthday, and she still managed to get more drunk than all of us. All I remember was that I stayed over that night to. make sure she was okay, and she almost managed to whack me because she thought I was a 'robber' who decided to break in and take a nap on the couch.

What robber would even do that?!

Now, for almost a month now, she's been all over the U.S. promoting her EP, and she's been killing it.

I'd call her almost every night, and I say almost because sometimes she wouldn't pick up, and I've been in her place.

I mean, for her it's been her busiest year, and for the band, it's been our less busiest.

The guys and I decided that we should take time off, and create something that can bring a change to the music we make, but we've done some live shows here and there since we love to preform for fans.

Honestly, the best part about this year would have to be making the duet.

That was fun to record, especially with the lyrics cause it was talking about the time Molls and I were apart for 4 years. Those were some hard 4 years to get through, but as she says, Lyss's spirits brought us together.

So she came back to LA last night, and she's on break for a couple of days, and then she goes back to press for the rest of the month.

The night before, she told me how she was going to the UK, and hearing her ramble is one of the most adorable things she does.

There are so many things that if I type it up, it would take all day.

So it's around 9-ish in the morning. Santana said that they had a long flight so she'd be asleep until 10 or so.

I decided to drive over to her hotel to surprise her, and then the plan is to go to hotspots in LA since she never gave herself time to have some actual fun.

I got to the hotel and then Santana told me the room.

You'd think that the was Santana is with Molls is more of this sister bond. The thing is, she's her manager, but she's one of the youngest, and one of the best.

Molls has told me all the fun times she and Santana hung out on some nights, and the way she describes it is like a sisterly bond.

I mean, she did lose both her mom and sister, but Joanne and Santana literally filled their shoes for her and she's so much happier.

Once I got in, Santana opened the door and then I just headed for the balcony.

"You guys got a nice view." I say as Santana comes with a cup of coffee.

"The only reason I booked this room." Santana says.

It only gets quiet for a while cause I never really talked to Santana that much, but then she starts something up.

"So, you and Molls. How long has it been since the infamous Eiffel Tower kiss you two had?" She says.

"1 year ago today." I say proudly.

"Damn, 1 year already?!" She says.

"Well like, we've known each other almost our whole life." I say.

"Oh, I know it all Hood. She's told me all the stories, it's hard to move on from the topic of you, but at the same time, I don't blame her." She says as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"Really? Cause every time she calls me, she'd always talk about the nights that you two have after her press stuff." I say.

"I guess she likes to talk about us." She says.

"I mean, for you it's understandable. You may be her manager, but you act more like an older sister to her. You and Joanne made her life better." I say.

"I guess we did, didn't we. At the same time, you were with her for the majority of it." She says.

"Well you sure do make her happy, her starting this new career has put the biggest smile on her face. Even after a long day, she'd come home, and then when I go over there, she's either cooking something or binging a show." I say.

"She went from 1 cup of coffee to 2 two cups now. With those late nights she's had at times, she switched to that, probably the reason why she's not that tired. But since we were on a flight, she's been tired, and quiet." She says.

"It's been a minute since Molls hasn't been, how do I put it...loud." I say.

"She was out like a light as soon as we came. When we came here she was saying she wanted to drive to her place cause she 'missed her vibe', and no one knew what that meant." She says.

"She's basically saying that she loves her place so much that she wants to go back." I say.

"So for her to come out with us, we would avoid her place." She says.

"It's basically the only reason why her and I never leave her place when I go over there. Have you been there?" I say.

"A couple of times, one thing though, her couch is so easy to sink into that it's hard to get out." She says.

"Literally the reason why she got it." I say and we both laugh.

Molly's P.O.V

So I start to get up cause I hear Santana talking with someone.

Oh my god, what if it's her secret boyfriend she never told me about.

I wanted to get up, but I literally don't have the energy.

So to block off all noises, I plugged one earbud, kept one ear to the pillow, and then put the blanket over me.

I know it's past 10, but I have no energy.

Then Santana comes on the other side of my bed and tries to hug me to get me up, so I kicked her, except, that wasn't a girl's scream.

I got the blanket off me so quick and I turned to see who it was and my face lit up as soon as I saw it was Cal.

"Callll!" I say as I try to hug him but he's holding onto the spot where I kicked him.

"Why didn't you tell me she does this?" He says to Santana.

"I didn't want to get kicked today, so I decided to let you take the hit. Just be a man and the pain will go away." Santana says.

He ends up holding me in his arms.

"I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you too." He whispers.

"Now, is there a reason you came to surprise me?" I say in my sleepy voice.

"Happy anniversary." He says.

'Wait that's today?!" I say and he gives me a shocked face.

"I'm just kidding." I say as I kiss him.

"Good, for a second I thought you had amnesia." He says.

"Were you actually trying to make a pun with your own song?" I say.

"Yes I was, and I'm proud of it." He says and I laugh.

"God you know how to wake someone up." I say.

"Now, go get dressed, I have a nice day planned for you." He says.

"Wow, very demanding I see." I say.

"Molls, the longer you take, the fewer places we go to." He says.

'Ok fine, give me 20." I say.

I am one to be quick.

*An hour later*

Ok so maybe I took an hour, but that was only cause Santana wanted to do a glam look on me when all I was wearing was some denim shorts with a white tank top and a cardigan.

"Why are you doing a whole glam look?" I say.

"I felt like it. Plus it's not that much. It's just concealer, blush, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss." She says.

"That seems like a lot." I say.

"Oh hush. You look beautiful with or without it, but since today is a little special, a little makeup won't hurt." She says.

"Ok fine, you can have this one, but on the day you and your boyfriend reach 1 year, I will be doing your makeup." I say.

"Molls, Jordan and I are just friends." She says.

"Right, but then when you bring him up, you tend to ramble about him and wish y'all could hang out more. Just plan a day or a few to hang out once your done with me and all this." I say.

"I would never want to be done with you. You're like the child and a little sister to me at the same time, I would never leave you." She says and I went silent for a good second.

Those were similar words Lyss said before she left.

"Molls?" She says.

"yea?." I say.

"You okay, you went quiet there for a second." She says.

"Yeah, it's just, the thing you said was similar words Lyss said to me before she....left." I say.

"Oh baby girl don't cry, then the makeup will be ruined." She says as she brings me into a hug as I laugh at her complaing about the makeup.

"Now, you have a very pretty boy out there who is waiting anxiously to be with you. This day is about you two, just go have fun." She says as we look at each other in the eyes.

"Ok, can we stop this awkward stare." I say and we both laugh.

"Yes, yes we can." She says.

I help put eveythig away and then she calls Cal for the reveal.

"Cal, you ready?" She says.

"Been ready." He says and then I walk out shyly.

"You never seem to disappoint me." He says as he gives me a kiss.

"See, he likes it." She says.

"Oh hush." I say.

"Have fun love birds." She says.

"Don't be like the guys." I say as both of them laughed.

I put on my low wedge sandals and then we headed off.

We got into the car and he started driving.

"20 minutes you said, right?" He says.

"Santana wanted to do a little something. Don't know why it took 40 minutes, but she is known to procrastinate during these times." I say.

"Can you believe it's been 1 year?" I add.

"Well, 7 months of it was during the tour, and then the last 5 were basically at your place." He says.

"I would've taken you out some nights, but you always looked tired even if you say you weren't. At the same time, your couch is manipulative." He adds.

"Then again, I do love my place." I say.

"You're too attached." He says.

"Maybe it's the thing I love the most." I say.

"Then where do I come in?" He says.

"Maybe close second, or tied first with my place." I say and he gives me a shocked face.

"Fine, then Duke is my #1." He says.

"Now that's understandable. A dog is a boy's best friend." I say.

"First off, I'm 21, I'm a man. Second, of course you come first. Duke is also first, but I did meet you first." He says.

"Awww, that's too cute. But you still tied first with my place." I say and he gives me a pouty face.

"Aww, Callll. You too cute when you do the pouty face, and you will always be first." I say and his face lights up like when a child gets candy.

So the first place he takes me is to Griffith Park where we have a nice little picnic.

Picnics are just our thing, and it's our way of re-creating that night.

Then we took some pics at the park cause we got bored, and we always do it.

Cal wanted to go live, so when we drove to our next place, we started the live on insta as we drive.

"Alright guys, so, Cal wanted to go live with you guys, but he's driving, so I'm taking over." I say to the thousands of people who wanted to watch us.

"Guys, it's been 1 year since Molls and I have been together!" He screams.

"Cal I'm right here." I say to him.

"Guys, like can you believe it, I've been with this dork for a year." I say to the viewers watching.

"Actually, you've been with me for many years." He says.

"Yes, but we didn't date till last year, you think I'd be dating you as a child?" I say.

"For your information, I was a very cute and dateable child." He says in a sassy tone.

"Guys look at the pics Cal took for me." I say as I show the pics.

"Let Mali have a music career and you can go into photography and modelling." I say.

"You guys fight like an old couple." One comment read.

"He acts like an oldie, don't ya Cal." I say as I punch him and he rubs his arm.

"See? He's an oldie." I say.

"Molls, do you want to crash?" He says.

"Why you gotta act like an adult all the time? Guys, I'm telling you now, he is never this calm and adult-like off camera. The only time he's been calm and boring is when he's in meetings and stuff. Otherwise, this guy is a goof." I say.

"Cause you have to be serious in a meeting Molls." He says.

"Ok since it's our one year, let's name some moments from the last year that we liked." I say.

"Okay. Well, there's a ton. Right now the one that comes to me is when we would hang out in the back room of the bus after a show. Like first it would be the 5 of us, but then the guys would go to their bunks, and then Molls and I would hang out, and one of those nights was when we wrote Far Apart, which is on her EP which you should go download." He says.

"This is not a live to promote my EP, I've done that a ton in the past month." I say.

"It is a good EP though." He says.

"Aww thank you." I say.

"Okay, I said something, now you." He says.

"Mine would have to be when we had that picnic on our day off in Toronto. It was sunset, we took some cute photos, and we laid under the stars, and it felt like something out of a movie scene." I say.

"Ohhh, the day we did that photo challenge. That was a sick day." He says.

"You already said the tour bus back room, which is also my favorite, but this would have to be my second favorite." I say. 

"Did you guys do anything this year?" One comment reads.

"Well, Molls has been busy making the EP, so I would go over to her place and binge shows." He says.

"I think I like that more than going out to places." I say.

"Of course you do, guys, Molls has an obsession with her place. She literally got it months ago. MONTHS, and she's still not sick of it." He says.

"How long was it till you got sick of your place?" I say.

"Honestly, I haven't been sick of it. But that's only cause the last 2-3 years we've been busy making the albums and touring, so now not doing a ton of that and taking time is nice." He says.

"When will you guys make music again?" One comment reads.

"Cal this one is all you." I say.

"I mean, at the moment, we've just been in the studio, or we've been hanging out together. There's not much that has gone on since we're taking time to make the next record." He says.

We ended up ending the live since we got to the next place which was the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

I think this is one of the biggest spots I've wanted to come to ever since I came to LA.

It really was fun to walk around.

Then we headed to the Farmer's Market and we got some caramel apples.

After that, we drove to Santa Monica Pier and went on some rides, and then to end the night off, we found a spot in Sunset Boulevard and watched the sunset. 

I have never been around LA since I actually came and started living here.

This would have to be one of the best days I've had this year.

With the first 5 months of me just focusing on the EP, this was a real nice breather.

We may only have a couple of days till I get back to promo for a few more weeks but definitely excited since it's going to be in the UK.


(July 12, 2020)

Finally, I've done the 1-year mark for Colly.

Anyways, hope you liked the dialogue for this chapter, and the fact I started with Cal's P.O.V and not Molly's.

And how are we liking Santana? Personally, I love her. She seems like Molls's other half and I can't wait till I can put her in the story more.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
