34: Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages


Alright, so seeing as that this account has basically blown up (in my eyes at least), imma come on here and give y'all a chapter.

For all my readers all over the world, hello and thank you for support wherever you are!

Showing your support for the story really helps and it means the world.

I actually wanna do a S/O since I haven't done one since the following has basically skyrocketed.

So S/O for this chapter goes to  StealMyLem0nTree

She's got a really good story called 'Wrapped Around His Finger'

It's ongoing at the moment, but you won't regret reading it.

Anywhoooo, on with the chapter!


September 2018

Molly's P.O.V

Ok, if I'm gonna be honest, going out with the girls back in August was actually fun.

Like, I started to feel like me again.

It is going to be a slow process to get to where I was before, but I think so far, I'm on the right track.

Since that day, I've actually somewhat gone out. I went to do the groceries with Kate, but she held me back from the home decor and all the aesthetic stuff.

Rude, I know.

Every time I go to target, well the times I did go was either by myself or with...him.

Anyways, anytime I make some sort of Target trip, I always go to that area.

Sometimes I buy stuff, and sometimes it's a look around....so that I know what to get next time.

Now, I may only be 23 years old, but I feel old, cause once your at the point where you get excited for home gagets, room decor, and all that adult stuff, like that's when you know you're old.

The last time I went to target alone...which was a long time ago, I found this electric hand mixer and I bought it, and I have baked a ton of cookies with that bad boy.

Like, I feel old. But, I'm like Joanne, well, actually wait. Joanne is older than me, but she has this young soul. I'm still young, soooo, wait, now that I think about it, I don't think I can relate to Joanne.

Maybe Santana? Santana thiugh, she's only like 5-6 years older than me.

OK, basically what I'm trying to say is that I feel somewhat old because I get excited over house products and gagets.

So, it's a gloomy morning in Los Angeles, California.

Woah, hold up, why am I trying to sound like a weatherwoman, ok, something's wrong with me.

At the same time, Californina doesn't see much gloomy weather, so I am very excited.

Anyways, this gave me an excuse to wear sweats and a sweteer.

So I went with some sweats I ordered from Roots and the sweater you know who gave me.

Why do I still wear it? Because I'm undecisive on how I feel and this sweater is also very comfy.

Also, these Roots sweats would have to be my fav.

Like, the material may be a bit thin, which is why I'm very careful with it, and also why I don't put it through the dryer.

But like, their material makes it so that these sweats can be worn in any day. However, I prefer to keep it for the gloomy days like this.

I head to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and some french toast sticks.

Some reason I was in the mood to make a full breakfast.

I put my music I would do to get myself up and running, so like my upbeat playlist.

I start to make my coffee. Now, I've been trying different things, and so one day I was scrolling through Pinterest and I came across this Knock-Off Caramal Macchiato. Basically you would make your hot brew as usual, then you'd add the caramel sauce around the cup, then you pour the hot brew, add the ice, and then the milk. Then it said to mix it all and then add more caramel for a sweet effect. (A/N: I basically just gave you a good recipe, highly recommend.)

After making that, I did a taste taste.

Holy shit, that tastes so good. Like, the more caramel, the better.

Wow, this is going to be a new drink for me. I don't know if I can go back to the usual iced coffee I'd make.

Wow, this is amazing.

So, after drinking a few sips more, I went on to make the french toast sticks.

This recipe, all I remembered seeing was that you need eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla extract.

I always forget how much....which is why I'd make Kate make it for me.

Since she's asleep, I don't want to wake her. So we just gotta do this without burning down the kitchen.

As I'm making the toast, She Looks So Perfect comes onto the playlist.

When I say it's been forever since I heard that song, I really mean it.

Like the last time I heard it probably was when we were on the tour bus that morning after my 'sudden attack' I had from that night.

Why do I remember details like this

Woah, that was like 2 years ago.

Damn, it's been that long.

So for good few seconds, I stood still cause I was stunned that this song was playing.

Then once I started making it again, the batch of bread pieces I had on the pan were burnt.

Well I guess that's what happens when you think too hard on the past.

I finished up breakfast and whatever wasn't burnt, I decided to put it on the plate.

I headed out to the blacony to take in the cool crisp air, along with my laptop which was playing my music, then my beautiful coffee, and then my food. The food came out last cause who knows what bugs may be out here.

Before eating, I for some reason wanted to get some artsy shots of the setting I had.

Taking these photos will for sure make my food cold, but hey, that's why microwaves were created, so we can have warm food.

Alright, here's my thing on this whole situation, like, yes it's been over a year, and yes I basically distnaced myself from my 4 best friends.

Like, I want to talk to them, but at this point, it's just like how do I do it? Especially Cal only cause it was bwtween me and him.

My mind can't even picture ways to have some sort of convo. It's like anytime I think Cal, the first thing that comes to mind is that night.

Even though I've been listening to Ghost of You....other than this morning, anytime that song came on, the memory of that night would just replay in my head.

I don't know what it is though.

So, as I sit out here eating my breakfast, looking on twitter, and eating, Kate comes out and joins me.

"You didn't make me anything?" She says.

"You were asleep. So I made breakfast for one." I say.

"Don't worry. I'll make something. Now, why are you in sweats and that sweater?" She says.

"It's a nice gloomy day. LA doesn't get these often, so I'm taking my advantage." I say.

"This is your way of bringing back mopey you. The one we got you out of literally over a month ago." She says.

"Kate, it's just one day." I say.

Now, Kate's style, I'm in love with it.It's so bold, it's got this edgy look. Then sometimes she'd go for looks that make her a tumbler girl, and I do get inspried by her.

One thing with me though, is comfort is key. So I have all sorts of bottoms, just to keep a variety.

"Anyways, where you heading to?" She says.

"Target, since you didn't let me go to the home decor section and stuff, and I gotta go to the studio for a writing session." I say.

"Ooo, lemme come along. I gotta get some stuff from Target too." She says.

"I thought you were off." I say.

"Just because I'm off doesn't mean I'm gonna just waste it. Might as well get some stuff done since you won't be home." She says.

"Aww, I see someone likes my company." I say.

"Yes I love you, but sometimes I got my own ish to do. I also do have my own place, so might head over there and get a couple things." She says.

"Oh alright, you can come." I say.

"You got 20 minutes to get ready and then I'm heading out." I say.

"20 minutes?! Honey, I got looks to serve. 20 minutes is not enough." She says.

"19 minutes." I say.

"Okay, okaaayyyyy!" She says and then she goes and I laugh.

While she gets ready, I decided to wash the dishes because I don't want to leave them for tonight.

Once she is ready, we both head out to target first. I wasn't told what time I had to be there for this session, so I'm assuming I'm having like an afternoon/evening session.

So got to Target, and I'm literally jumping on the inside once we get in.

It's the second trip to my post-breakup stage....is that even a stage? I don't know anymore.

But, we head to the one and only section I'm excited about.

Now, the goal for this trip, I have this sort of bookcase stand for the tv. The sheleves are kinda empty. So I was planning on getting some plain frames to print some quotes and to place it ther, and then I wanted to find some sort of fake-looking plants to match the black/white aesthetic that I have.

I also have to look for colour ink to make the quotes, and I have to head to the polaroid section.

Basically, over the last couple months when I do my pinterst searches, some of the room decor inspiration I had included polaroid.

So, my plan is to find a polaroid peinter. Yes, I know the good ones are pricy, but I got a nife space to hang them and I don't want that item to go to waste.

*An hour or 2 later*

So, found my fake plants, found my colour ink, found my frames, but most importantly, I found my printer, and I also got something else. I got myself another stainless steel cup to add to the collection.

It's this light pink wine tumbler cup, and I'm literally obessed with it.

Like, I'm assuming it's called a wine tumbler becaue ir's in the shape of those small wine cups.

I don't know, but it's cute, and these are the type of things where it's love at first sight.

Might be my new iced coffee cup.

I got probably I think 50-60 sheets of refills for the printer, and the printer itself, with everything else, oof, that's a hefty load of cash gone down the drain.

This is why my target trips got lower and lower, and lower.

It's also another indicator that I need to get some music out.

Well actually I am. One of the new stuff we wrote and recorded, we're planning a realease for that, so after the session, Steve wants to meet with me about realease, and I'll get to see Santana again, even though I saw her a couple days ago.

We're driving to the studio, and Kate and I are just screaming to songs because were just in that mood.

I think the coffee has kicked in.

It took a while to kick in, but I don't blame it.

Now, I'll be full focus mode when we get to the studio.

*An hour later*

So we finally get to the studio and I head into the room. Everyone's there and we got started.

Being in a room with other people during these sessions are so fun. It's like I'm learning so much just being in the room and hearing lyrics be crafted is a true art.

So usually when we have these type of days, we would get the vast majority of it down, and then I would take it home and try to add a couple more lyrics myself. Then I would go to the studio the next day so we can finsh the song up.

For this type of song, we seemed like we got the vast majority down. There have been other songs I've done where the writing process was a bit longer, but those songs turned out to be what I think are the best ones, which is why our goal is the album.

Alright, the more I talk my mind, the faster this session is going.

Once it was over, I got up to head into another room where I was gonna have my meeting.

I got to the room, but it looked like someone was in there, so I waited out in the chairs. Sitting in those chairs gave you that feeling when you were about to walk into the principal's office.

Once the door opened, I got up. As soon as I looked up, I was just in shock.

It was him. It's been over a year and both of us have this shocked face.

It was silent for a few seconds until one of us spoke.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I say quietly.

"You have a meeting?" He says.

"Um yeah. Just some release stuff." I say.

"Oh cool." He says.

"Well, um, gotta go in sooo." I say.

"Yeah." He says and then I go into the room.

I close the door and then I took a good second to regroup myself.

"Molls, you okay?" Santana says as she walks over to me.

"Um, yeah, it's nothing." I say to her as she rubs my shoulders.

So we talk about the release stuff and how we were gonna do it. We wanted to make it somewhat big since it's like my return after the EP release.

Then after the meeting, I headed out with Santana. Kate said she ended up taking an uber back to my place.

So Santana and I went in our sepeate cars and then we met up at a Chick Fil A.

We ordred our food and then we found someplace to eat.

"Okay, tell me." She says.

"Tell you what." I say as I dip the waffle fries into the ketchup.

"Um hello, whatever happened before we were talking about release stuff. Don't make me act like I didn't just have back to back meetings with ex lovers and his bandmates." She says.

"Okay, yes, it was awkward. But the other guys weren't there so it was 75% less awkward. But it felt 100% awkawrd because I haven't seen him in so effing long." I say.

"I know babygirl. It must've been hard. Hey, you got through it, we had the meeting, and here you are eating waffle fries." She says.

"Yes yes, I know. It's just, out of all settings, why then and there?" I say.

"Some first interactions after situations happen like that." She says.

"I'm just glad I didn't blow up in there. It was short and bittersweet." I say.

"Oh Molls, you're too cute." She says.

So we ate and then we just talked some more.

All I can say is, that confrontation was hella awkward.


(July, 21, 2020)

Yes! Another one! In the books!

And...it was before 1 AM before I finished it.

That literally makes me excited to say now.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
