32: With the Ghost of You

Oof...starting online school. Ugh, starting senior lyear online slightly sucks, but it's good for you guys since you'll get updates since I'm a smartie and pre-typed this whole story.

I was so not listening to Ghost Of You when editing, so um yea.

Anywhoooo, on with this chapter


October 2017

Calum's P.O.V

So, since the guys have helped me over the month of August, I gained some sort of mind.

Basically I'm starting to regain myself and get back on my feet.

After we wrote the song that night, we wanted to call it Ghost Of You because the song was sort of describing the way someone is feeling after they've been broken up and they feel like they're left with the ghost of their past lover after they leave.

I've been in the studio more in the last two months than the last year itself. They were starting to record the songs we've all wrote collectively since the beginning of the year.

When I went into the studio to hear what they already got so far, it's crazy to see it coming to life.

Like when we're listening to the songs, you can tell that there's been growth and change in the way we do shit.

So today we were going to go record Ghost Of You. Now, this process would've been easy like how I did my vocals for the songs they already had 75% done. This one is one of the songs they haven't got done yet.

I was taking the long way to the studio to hope time will slow down. Once I started the route, I also forgot about LA traffic, so now I'm screwed.

The only way I'm screwed is if one of the guys would call me...and I haven't got- nevermind.

"Yello?" I say.

"Cal where are you?" Ash says.

Yup, I'm screwed.

"Well, um, funny story. So, um, I was driving, but I kinda went in a different route, and so, um, I'm kinda stuck." I say.

"Cal, are you good?" He says.

"Yeah. yeah. Totally." I say but then realized that my voice got higher and higher. Hopefully, he buys that.

"Then why is your voice getting higher and higher?" He says. Shit. he knows me too well.

"Okay fine. You caught me." I say after a sigh.

"Cal, if you want to record another day, you can." He says.

"If I say another day, will I end up doing it?" I say.

"That is true. Okay, come when you do come, they want to start with getting those bass riffs in and then they want you to get vocals done." He says.

"Alright, I may be there in an hour or so. I have no clue why I took this route." I say.

"Neither do I." He says. We both say bye and then we hang up.

So, it did take me an hour or so to get out of the traffic. It was a pain, but, I guess that's what happens when I take the long way.

I got in and they were recording Ash doing his drum parts.

I just sneakily get in and onto the couch where Mike and Luke were.

Then I get called in to record the bass part. I go inside the booth slowly, and somehow I make it inside.

I shakily grab the bass and I get the music sheets out.

The only way I could do this was if I could have a clear mind. So, I took a breath, and then once they hit record, I was playing.

Ashton's P.O.V

The guys and I clear the room so Cal won't feel any pressure.

We all know he's having a hard time, but he's done so well. This song though, this one will be a hurdle, but knowing him, he'll find a way to jump that hurdle.

But I think he should head out somewhere that's not the studio, so I decided to call someone who can help with that.

After a couple of rings, she ends up answering.

"Yello?" She says. No wonder those two are somewhat alike.

"Hey Mali. So, I need kind of a big favor?" I say.

"How big is it?" She says.

"It's Cal. We're recording Ghost of You, and that song's kinda-you know. Can you take him out for a while to distract him? I can call when they ask for him and we can go from there." I say.

"Yea, I'll head over in a half n hour or so." She says.

"You are about to become his lifesaver." I say.

"He's my baby bro. Of course I'm his live saver." She says and we both laugh. We both said bye and then hung up.

"Ash, whatchu up to?" Michael says.

"If Cal is gonna get through this song, he's gonna need another place, and someone else to help clear his mind." I say.

"How do you know what to do?" Luke says.

"Call me a genius." I say.

So Mali ended up quicker than she said she would. I showed her the room we were recording in and she went inside.

Am I the best person in the world or what?

Calum's P.O.V

I was finishing up with the bass line and then I look up, and Mali was there. I smiled at her and then somehow she gave me that motivation to get the last bit right.

Once I was done, they told me I would have to wait a while till I do my vocals, so thank god Mali came.

Then we said hi and we ended up walking out of the studio. We decided to walk instead of taking any cars. I mean, it did feel good to do so, at least I wasn't doing it alone.

"For someone who knows when someone needs saving, you are very good at that." I say.

"Well, the alpha's gotta look out for their pack. Ash called me up so that you and I can hang. Plus it'll be nice since I'm heading to Scotland for a few days." She says.

"Ohh. Scotland. Wait, why you going to Scotland?" I say.

"I'm doing a couple writing sessions down there." She says.

"Ohhh, can you take me with you?" I say.

"I would love to, but then that would be like bailing you out of class." She says.

"Oh please, been there done that." I say, then she makes a face at me.

"Oh, I'm so joking. I would never skip school." I say.

"You're lying. Your voice is getting higher." She says.

"Damnit." I say.

"I mean, you're looking at the one who ran away." She says.

"Now that's on you." I say.

"And if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to make records." She says.

"Now that's facts. Now, here's a topic we haven't brought up in a while. You and. Devan." I say.

"What about him and I?" She says.

"Is it something? Cause you two seem closer than before." I say.

"Okay, give me a guy's perspective." She says.

"Okay, lay it on me." I say.

"Okay, so like. Anytime I'm with him, both of us just act somewhat awkward. But then we'd end up into deep convos, and he's opened up to me a lot, but I've never opened up as he has. Then if we were on text, it's all fun and stuff. Like, sometimes, I see both the friends route and the route he may have feelings, but I have no clue what to think." She says.

"Well, the way it seems like is that he likes you. He seems like the type to start out as an introvert, and then become an extrovert as soon as he's comfortable in his setting. He does like you, but that introverted side is hiding him from saying it." I say and Mali just looks at me shocked.

"Mali?" I say.

"How do you have the words to say what I was looking for?" She says.

"Molls and I used to do this thing where we played therapist. She or I would ramble, and then we'd try to help each other out." I say.

"You miss her don't you?" She says.

"Every fucking day." I say.

"You know, sometimes, I just wish she can find out who it really was that did it. I just want to go to her and just say that she was the one who did it. She's the one who kissed me." I say.

"The thing is though, how do you remember?" She says.

"It was Kate. That night, Molls went to grab drinks, which is where I'm assuming she saw you, which lead you to see that as well. While she was gone, Kate and I were having this nice convo, and then next thing you know, she lashed at me, kissed me, and then dashed as soon as I got up to follow Molls." I say. Woah that felt good to let out.

"It was Kate?!" She says in a shocked voice.

'I know." I say in a disappointed voice because that was Molls's first friend.

"If only I could tell her." Mali says.

"What do you mean 'you wish'?" I say.

"After the whole thing, we slowly have gotten distant. I haven't heard from her since probably August." She says.

"Damn." Is all I could say.

"Okay, let's move from something else. How's recording been?" She says.

"It's been alright. I'm assuming that we'd be recording probably till holidays, and then who knows what's next." I say.

"At least things are moving along." She says.

"That's the reason this cafe is the first actual place I've been since all I've done in the last two months were studio and then home." I say.

"Baby steps Cal. You getting back to the studio is one step. You and the guys going out that day when they got you up, that was the first step. Trust me, you'll be okay." She says.

So we ended up heading back to the studio since Michael called saying they wanted me for vocals.

So Mali was trying to walk fast while I was trying to walk slowly because I'm dreading this part of the day.

I told myself before I left my house 'If I don't do it today, when will I end up doing it?'

So now I have to listen to that.

Mali's P.O.V

Cal looks hella nervous. Then again, he's about to sing his part of the song, which is the one that hits different, especially for him.

When he showed me the song, I even shed a tear because the lyrics in that verse were raw. You can tell they can relate to that night.

We head into the studio, and Cal is literally shaking, so I'm about to do what I do best.

"Cal look at me, you're gonna go in there and kill it. Take a deep breath and sing. Pour your heart out into this. Give the song that emotion." I say and I push him in. I walk in as well to see what would happen.

"You think he's gonna do it?" Luke says.

"Knowing him, he will." I say.

He puts the headphones on and then he takes that breath, and next thing you know, he's singing.

"Mali, what did you tell him?" Ash says.

"I just told him to have a clear mind and to pour his soul." I say.

"You. Are. A Genius." Michael says.

"That's Ash for even bringing up the idea of bringing me here." I say.

"Thank you." Ash says with a small smile and I return it with a small smile back.

We just watched as Cal does what he does best.

It truly is amazing to see what one can do when they put their heart and soul into a song. It can really bring out that emotion and fans and resonate with it.

Once we came out, all of us just smiled and we all got in this group hug cause he did it. He got his recording done.

"I knew you could do it." I say with a smile.

"Thank you." He says but comes more like a whisper.

"Anytime Cal." I say.

Once they all finished in the studio, the guys invited me to go to that trail Cal told me about when the guys got him out of the house.

Once we got there, it really looked like a nice calming place. They really know some good calming places.


(July 18, 2020)

Damn, so two chapters without Molls.

Don't worry.

She'll be back.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
