17: Cause girls like you run around with guys like me

A quick lil A/N here:

S/O for this chapter goes to TheUnknownSun

Tysm for the votes for the chapters. Your kindness means everything 😊.

Also the tag brokenhome is now reached to #7
All I can say it thanks for reason and I guess, just keep the reads coming

On with another chapter!


June 2016

Molly's P.O.V

Alright, it's been a month-ish since Cal and I started dating.

Our month mark was at a show we did in Barcelona.

Let's just say there were a lot of side-eye smiles going back and forth on that night.

Literally being with him is just a dream. I guess that cameraman was right when he said the chemistry was there.

I would say one main thing we like to do is hang around the backroom once everyone goes k.o. and then we'd just talk, and then end up sleeping in each other's arms.

Like, this is pure gold.

There are times where we all are in the backroom, but then we break out into little karaoke sessions or we play video games....or it's the guys who play the games and I watch.

I wasn't one for the games. Probably the one thing that I didn't latch onto after being with those guys.

We weren't lying when we said that the backroom is the best room on the bus.

So, now we're in the North America leg of the tour, and today we're in Toronto. From what I've heard about this place, Downtown has a lot to offer.

Today is also our day off here. We got here late night yesterday, so we have the day off today and then the show tomorrow.

It's probably 7 am when I wake up and Cal was already awake.

Wait...7...what is wrong with me?

"Cal, why are you up at 7 in the morning?" I ask in my sleepy voice.

"I wonder that too." He says.

"You know, we could just fall back asleep." I say.

"Remember the last time we woke up late?" He says.

"Yes, Luke got your sweater wet and I had to dry it out in the sun. The only reason I don't wear it as often. At the same time, I still have this Disney one from Paris." I say.

"Damn, it's already been more than a month since that day?" He says.

"And yet I'm still stuck with you." I say.

"Heyyyy! Is that supposed to be a good thing?" He says with a pouty face and someone knocks the door.

"Why would I say it was a bad thing?" I say and he just kisses me.

He's too cute I can't

"Who could be at the door?" He asks.

"Who else. It's gonna be the three musketeers." I say as I head to the door.

"Damn, y'all aren't even ready?" Luke says as I open the door.

"For your information, we have all day." Cal says.

"Damn Molls, your sass passed down to him." Michael says.

"What can I say? It's a gift." I say as I attempt to flip my hair...which turns into a flop.

"When will you two stop being all lovey-dovey and get up so we can go?" Ash says.

"When we feel like it." I say.

"Actually, I have an idea." Cal says.

"And what would that possiby be?" Michael says.

"Why don't we make this a vlog, and we do some sort of photo challenge. There's a ton of places to go in this city. So, we hit the main ones, and then do something when we hit the place. If we come up with the ish too early, it won't be fun, so we make it on the spot." Cal says.

"Huh, not bad. I'm down." Luke says.

"But it seems like too much work." I say.

"I have a small plan for the two of us after." He whispers in my ear.

"Alright, I'm down." I say.

So Cal and I end up getting ready and we head somewhere to get breakfast.

"Guys, we gotta go to tims. If we're in Canada, we gotta try it." I say.

"Tims is a well-known place here. I mean why not." Ash says.

So, we end up having some sort of 'buffet' since we got some random-ish.

So, we turned it into a segment on the vlog and we were getting reactions on camera.

"Ok guys, so, we decided that we were gonna record ourselves trying all this stuff and getting pure reactions." Luke says to the camera.

The camera set-up for this was tiring itself.

"So we came to Tim Hortons because we've seen one at almost every corner we turn to. So we thought, why not" Michael says.

"Ok, one thing I'll say, these old fashioned glazed Timbits, these are actually good." I say.

"Molls. You good?" Cal says.

"I got hungry. Also, the iced coffee a bit bitter. Maybe add a bit more sugar." I say. It genuinely is.

"Then why didn't you ask for sugar packets?" Ash says.

"Now you tell me?" I say. At this point, I think we just forgot that we were recording.

"It's called using common sense." Ash mumbles.

'You really wanna have a sass battle Ash? Cause I can give you a good one." I say with the tone getting way too far.

But this is pure content.

"Save it for another day princess." He says as he pretends to check his nails.

"Was his coffee to bitter as well?" Michael says.

"At this point who knows." Cal says.

So we end up finishing this portion of the video. Now for the real thing.

So the first place we come across is the Distillery District.

It's like this little area which actually looks very artsy.

"Alright who's up first?" Michael says.

"Based on a heart statue I see, I think we should have our love birds start this off." Luke says

If I'm being honest, it is a cute statue.

"Molls, you down?" Cal says.

"Okayy, why not. This vlog better not be up for a good while." I say

"Alright, you two have toooo...wait what should they do?" Michael says.

"I got it. Go over to the statue, and do one of those cute couple piggyback photos." Ash says.

So, we do the challenge and then we take a couple of photos.

The thing with these type of days is that we try to go in the day time where there's school. If we did these things on the weekend, then we may be screwed. But, this time we were a bit smarter and we brought Dave along.

The next place we headed to was the St.Lawrence Market.

Going inside there smelt like a fresh bakery.

I mean, we did enter through the bakery side.

we walk around the store until we find an area, and then bingo.

"Alright, who's up?" I say.

"I'll go next just to get it over with." Ash says.

"Alright, go over to the glass area on the bakery and look at it as if you were a child who wanted everything in that glass." I say.

If he was gonna come up with mine, I was so coming up with his.

Being this brave soul that he is, he did it, and the photos were priceless. There was one point I was trying to take the photos, but I couldn't stop laughing. He really made the face, which made it priceless.

The next place was Ripley's Aquarium. Now, we're not going in the actual place. There is this little area where at the front there are a few fishes.

"Cal, you have to do this one. You make the best fish face out of us 5." I say.

"I agree with her." Luke says.

"Damnnnn Luke. You agree with me?" I say.

'Don't push it." Luke says.

"Pwease?" I say as we all made a pouty face.

"Oh alright." He says giving in.

Okay, rude.

So, we got Cal to stand next to the fishies and make a fish face once we got one looking at the camera.

After that, the CN Tower was right next to it.

"Alright, Michael. Luke. This one is you two. Now, one of you is gonna sit on the floor. Then one of you is going to have your hands near the camera so it looks like you're holding the CN Tower." I say. Damn, I really do know how to be artsy.

I mean, photography is my thing. From doing my own shoots at times, I've loved taking those artsy photos people would want on their lock screens.

While we've been doing this challenge, I've also been taking some pics for the guys. We did a lot of them at the Distillery District, and then maybe we get some more as we go by.

"Dibs on doing the hands." Luke says.

So this one took us a while to figure out, but we were able to get it down.

Now it's the part I somewhat dread.

Believe me, I love meeting fans, I really do.

But on the days where I just wish it can just be us 5, then those are the days where I just wish it was like 'Maybe not today', but I guess living this life is hard to have that.

"Guys, can there ever be a day where it can just us hanging out?" I say.

"Molls, you don't know the number of times we've wished for that." Michael says.

"but at the same time, having this type of career is part of the deal." Ash says.

"Think about it though, you're getting recognition just from a half n hour-ish opener. Imagine tour own headline show?" Cal says.

'I guess there's more to learn." I say.

"I mean, I was only 16,17 and 18 when we decided to make this a thing for real. Who knew 5 years in and we're still doing this." Luke says and they all laugh.

"I mean, y'all are living the life." I say.

"We sure are, aren't we?" Ash says and we all laugh.

*A few hours later*

So we ended up going to a few more places like this comedy show in a little showroom called 'The Second City'. There was this improv show going on and Ash became one of the people who went on stage.

If this band thing doesn't work out, Ash should become an improv actor.

So, Cal wanted to take me somewhere, but he left with Dave, so the 4 of us just hung around the room till he got back.

Then about a half n hour later, he texted me saying to come downstairs.

So I met him in the lobby and then we headed to the car.

"Am I going to get a hint as to what's going on?" I ask.

"If I give hints, wouldn't that ruin the surprise?" He says.

He is one to plan surprises.

So, we get to this place called Edward Gardens. Seems like an artsy place....for some nice artsy photos.

He takes out a basket from the back of the trunk, I think I have an idea of what he's tryna do.

We get to the spot we decided to go to. He places the blanket, and sets up the blanket.

"Callllll. This is too cute." I say as he pours the glasses of champagne and then he hands me one.

"Cheers to one month." He says.

"And many more to come." I say as we cheer our glass and then we kiss.

"Cal, this really is cute." I say.

"I had to do a better one since the one in Paris wasn't the best." He says.

"Anything you plan is the best. Plus, we're having a picnic, while we can watch the sunset." I say.

"Pretty romantic huh?" He says.

"Very. Now, let's dig in." I say.

So we ate, and then talked, and then just laid on the blanket until sunset.

Once sunset was here, we started taking photos of each other.

You gotta do what you gotta do for the aesthetic pleasure.

"Molls, get in." He says as the timer on the camera goes.

We take some photos before the sun went down fully. Thankfully we got some good ones.

There were the good ones, the goofy ones, and then the cute ones.

"I think this one is my favourite." He says as he shows me the photo is him kissing me.

"All of the photos are my favourites." I say.

"Why can't you choose one?" He asks.

"Cause you're in them all." I say.

"You're too cute Molls." He says.

"I know, I know. A secret talent of mine." I say.

"But if you had to choose a favourite, which one?" He says.

"Maybe the one when we were laughing in the moment." I say as I show the photo.

"I am the comedian here." He says.

"Nah, I think that's Ash." I say and we both laugh.

So the night ends once the sunset went down and then we waited for Dave to come pick us up.

This was probably the cutest date we've been on. We've been on a couple, but this one may have to be the favourite.

***********************************************************************************************(June 23, 2020)

Awhhhhh. Molls and Cal are just too cute.

I hope that challenge was a bit funny to read.

I think I had to do something like that challenge on a trip, but it was really fun though.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
