13: Best duo in LA since Kobe-Shaq

April 2016

Molly's P.O.V

So, we wake up in London England. Home to one of the biggest boybands in the music industry.

We performed in a couple more cities in England and now we have made it to our biggest city yet.

Preforming just feels exhilarating to me. If this can become a new norm, I honestly would be down for that.

So, since we is in London, it also happens to be a show night, but we're bored.

So we all got ready and were about to act like tourists and go around London.

It may be hard to, but the question is, will it be worth it?

If I can have some sort of fun before a show tonight, then yes, yes it is worth it.

Me being the fast one out, I just sat out in the balcony to enjoy the fresh air.

How is it that guys like them take a long ass time as if they were teenage girls heading to a party.

The math and logic don't make sense.

So, I decided to give the guys a little scare. So I told one of our security guards, Dave, that I'd be on the bus. But I told him not to tell the guys. He agrees with me and then I head downstairs.

They'll learn their lesson about what happens when they try to take too long.

During this tour, they have been protective of me basically anywhere we go. We would usually have to deal with paps, and so since the first time for me at the airport, they have this protective side of them.

So, once I get into the bus, the first thing I do is just scream in excitement, just cause.

It's like one of those feelings when you wanna scream just cause. It feels good.

Then you put on some songs from the Vamps cause who doesn't want some Oh Cecilia in the early morning.

However, the energy I had died down after a few songs, and I did the usual.

I climbed into my bunk and then slept.

Calum's P.O.V

So, we have a show today in London, but we decided to be tourists in the morning, and then we have this photoshoot today, and then we have the show. There's a quick soundcheck in between, but that ain't important.

Another thing with this photoshoot is that they wanted both 5SOS and Molls. Like, Molls already is a model, her insta pics say so.

It's about 10 something and I just finished getting ready. Molls got up pretty early and she's probably doing the usual thing and hanging around in the balcony.

That's been our thing since the tour. She and I would be outside in the balcony while Michael gets ready, and we'd just talk. We'd talk about the dumbest things.

Yesterday, we were debating if eggs with ketchup is a good combination.

She's for it while I was against it.

Okay, potatoes with ketchup, now I've seen that before. Like, what weirdo puts ketchup with eggs. If Molls actually does that, and she makes me try it.....send help.

I grab my phone and go out to the balcony. One thing though, I don't see Molls.

So I head back into the room to see if I'm blind.

I guess I wasn't. Where is she?

Michael comes out so I ask him.

"Mike, did you see Molls?" I say.

"No. Why?" He asks.

So the two of us run over to Ash and Luke's room to see if she was there.

We knocked as fast as we could until Ash answered the door.

"Guys what's-" Ash says but I cut him off.

"Is Molls in here?" I ask.

"Awwwwww, is someone looking for their long lost love?" Luke says and the rest of the guys laugh.

"Guys! What if she went out around town and then gets surrounded by paps. Who's gonna be laughing now?" I say.

"Here, since we're all ready to go, why don't we all go around places near the hotel, and we'll see."Michael says.

"Then what are you guys doing?!" I say.

"Okay, okay, we're getting up." Luke says and then they all head out.

"Cal, calm down." Ash says.

"How can I? She could get into the worst-case scenario and we won't be there to help." I say.

"Cal, breathe." He says as he holds me down.

"Better?" He asks.

"No." I say.

"Cal." He says.

"Yea, I guess." I say.

"We're gonna find her. Don't stress." He says.

Ash really knows when to calm you down. Maybe Molls wasn't wrong about Ash being the momager of the group.

So we all headed out. We told Dave to come with cause he's our security. He can help if Molls is in that worst-case scenario.

The first place we headed to was a coffee shop. I mean, Molls loves her coffee. So we sent Dave to go in.

Once he came out, he said she wasn't there.

So the next place was a mall. Yes, there's a mall near our hotel. You never know, she probably got bored of waiting that she wanted to get the shopping over with.

Since it was early morning, it was also the time kids are in school. So us going into the mall wasn't that bad.

There were a couple of fans who came and stopped by, so we didn't mind taking pics and talking for a bit, but we had to make it quick.

After running through a mall, she wasn't there either.

The last place, the donut shop. Molls is a sucker for donuts. So her going there, she has to be there.

*A few minutes later*

Ok, so she wasn't there.

It's about 12 something, and we still haven't found her.

"Guys, what are we gonna do?" I say.

"Have you ever tried calling her?" Dave says.

"Dave, you're a genius!" Luke yells.

So one of us call her, but it goes to voicemail.

The second time, voicemail.

"Ok, why don't we head back to the hotel, and then we'll get more of the crew going around London while we head to the shoot." Ash says and we all nod.

*A few more minutes later*

Molly's P.O.V

So, it's been 2-ish hours. The shoot is around 1 or 2.

So much for tourism.

The guys probably went without me. Rude.

So, after my little nap on the bus, I decided to go back to the hotel and I make myself an iced coffee cause why not.

Once I get up there, I see 4 tired and exhausted guys on the beds and the floor.

"Guys, why are y'all scattered everywhere?" I ask and they all shot up.

"MOLLS!" They all scream and come over to me.

"Stop, there's a nice cup of iced coffee in my hand. Don't make it spill on one of you." I say. I put the coffee cup down and I end up getting tacked onto the bed.

Geez, 2 hours of me gone and I get tackled.

"Where the hell were you?"

"What the hell were you doing?"

"Why you gotta scare us like that?"

"By us he means him." Luke says. That one I caught onto and then Cal nudges him.

Okayyyyy. One, I was in the bus, and then I came up here. Two, I wanted to prank you guys and teach you a lesson of what happens when you take too long. Three, I bet that scare was hella good though. Four, awww Cal." I say and then Cal starts to blush and we all laugh.

"Also, Dave was in on it." I say and they look over to him as he and I high fived and the guys give us glares as we laughed.

"Don't tell me y'all went around without me?" I say.

"No, we were running around the nearest places to find you." Michael says.

So much for becoming tourists for a couple of hours.

Now, you guys have a photoshoot to get to." Dave says and so we all head downstairs.

*At the shoot*

So the shoot was for a magazine cover the guys were doing for their tour. They also wanted me to do some shots since I'm their opening act.

So they got each of us to do our own shots. As soon as I was up, I already knew what I was getting myself into.

I honestly love doing shoots. I did them for fun on my own.

Whenever I went out on my own or I went with the people I used to call friends, I would take pics myself cause I wanted to get the credit of doing what a photographer would do on the daily.

Every time I do shoots, I'll always have this huge smile on my face and it's just fun taking pics in the outdoors.

I would say it was probably the only thing that kept my mood up, other than those occasional calls with the guys.

Thank god this photoshoot was outside though. The sun was shining at the perfect time....aka golden hour.

After my shots, I take a look at them. I'm in love with them all.

"Molls, you're a natural." Cal says.

"Like, did you do modeling as a secret gig?" Michael says.

"Aww guys. I mean y'all are good too." I say.

"We can be meh." Ash says.

"They may be meh, but I can say I'm the flawless one." Luke says.

"The ones who say they're flawless are the ones hiding their flaws. Don't become another bitch from out high school." I say and I get a lot of oohs and ahh's.

"Oof Molls, why you gotta be so harsh?" Luke says.

"Just giving you a reality check." I say and we both glared.

"Alright, let's have some group photos." The cameraman says.

So they got us sitting on the grass, lying on the grass, standing, giving piggybacks (Had to have 3 for one, don't know how they managed), and recreating an old iconic photo of the guys from 2012.

*An hour or so later*

So, we thought we were finished, until the cameraman called Cal and I.

"Ok, you two don't have to say yes, but would you be willing to take some photos together?" He asks.

We looked at each other, then looked behind the people who we think we're in charge of this. Cal and I both gave them glares as they were mothing yes and holding the thumbs up, and then we looked at each other. We just gave looks in our eyes that we didn't even have to talk.

"Yea sure." We say.

So, they got us doing photos in similar poses like how we did the group ones.

There were sitting down ones.

The standing ones.

The ones of us walking.

They even caught a couple of us laughing at each other even though we weren't purposely posing. He was telling me something funny about how he missed our debate today and then we both laughed, and they caught it.

After we took them, all 5 of us look at the photos.

"Awwwww." Michael says,

"This is just adorable." Ash says.

"It's a match made in heaven." Luke says and I give him a look.

"Are you two together?" The cameraman asks.

"No!" Cal and I say at the same time.

"We're just really good friends." Cal says.

"Well, for really good friends, the chemistry is there." The cameraman says.

We look over the photos once more and then we head out to soundcheck.

On the drive, all we could talk about was the shoot.

"Ok, if you had to choose your favorite part of this, what would it be?" I say.

"I mean, aside from you and Calum being the best friendship soon to be couple goals, it was having you with us." Michael says.

"To be honest, you probably kept our energy up." Ash says.

"Our group ones actually looked like we were genuinely having a good time." Luke says.

"Awwww. Stawp." I say.

"At the same time, you took some stunning photos." Cal says.

"Yea, where did you learn to model like that?" Ash says.

"I do shoots for fun. The times when I went out on my own, or when I went out with 'them', I'd do the photos myself and try to make them as if I was a real photographer.

"Plus, I've had this camera, and this little remote where I can set up the camera, and this remote can help me take the pics without needing to go press the button." I say.

"Damn, the power of technology." Luke says in this weird voice and all of us laugh.

So, we got to the arena. We all did our soundcheck.

Then we listened to Nickelback, and then we completed another show.

What a day. It was a day we all needed. Even if we may have missed our chance at going around London, the shoot made up for it all.

Having someone take the photos is really nice to have, a feeling I feel like I may have to get used to.


(June 19, 2020)

Damn, another chapter down.

I honestly had fun writing this one.

There's a prank involved. Then the Luke/Molls bicker.

Then you got some Cal/Molls action with the shoot and how he was worried for her.

All in all, it may have been a light chapter, but it felt really nice writing this one.

The next one may be a bit heavy, so enjoy all this fun while it lasts.

Also, I wanna know if y'all have the same movie in your mind like I do when reading this story?


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And I'll see ya on the next one
