16: We're living higher than high

Molly's P.O.V

Alright, so, I think this night was more eventful than any night in my life.

So, I think at this stage.....we're dating.

Ok, that sounds weird to say for some reason.

All of a sudden, this like giddy feeling is coming to me and every time I look at him and he looks at me, we just smile. Like our smiles radiate on each other.

He kept his arm around me ever since the kiss and we've just been admiring the view.

Keep in mind, we're still on the Eiffel Tower.

We can't leave it. It's like if we leave it, then we lose that moment, or, maybe this would be 'our place' so if we were to think of Paris, this would be the memory, or the other fact that this was the first show where I got to sing after I lost my voice.

This city will definitely mean a lot of things to me.

Calum's P.OV

So, at this point, we can't seem to leave our position. It's like, if we leave it, the moment may feel like it's over.

I just can't believe that we both admitted our feelings on the Eiffel Tower, and now we're finally together.

The day has finally come.

The best day of the tour.

Molls got to perform again, and then now this was the night we basically started dating.

Here's the thing though, if you look at it, Molls and I already act as a couple.

But then at the same time, we've been friends basically our whole lives, and that we've been so comfortable with each other, it's like we could do anything.

But now, all those things people considered a 'couple's thing' is what we can do now constantly.

God, it feels good. I finally have the girl of my dreams right beside me in the Eiffel Tower.

*An hour or so later*

We end up leaving the tower an hour or so later.

We both were just exhausted that I laid my head on the window while my arm was around her and we slept.

We had a long drive back and it was probably close to 1 in the morning.

The guys will definitely wonder where we were.

We finally get to the hotel and we didn't wake up until Dave got us up.

We slowly got out as if we were drunk, except we were just tried.

We then slowly came upstairs and then opened the door to the room.

Somehow, we both ended up climbing onto the sofa bed, and at this point, I didn't care.

We're finally together. Why should we care?

*Many hours later*

Luke's P.O.V

So it was about 9 something when the 3 of us got up.

Ash, Michael and I stayed together in the room since we kept talking about the show, stuff that went on outside of the tour, and then we kept talking about where Molls and Cal could've gone.

Knowing Cal, he probably took her somewhere since Molls never stopped talking about Paris.

Before the band was famous, we'd always talk about places we'd want to play. Molls would always say she'd want to see us perform in Paris.

I mean, even if we do annoy each other, it was really nice to have her back on the stage with us.

So the 3 of us headed back to the other room. As soon as we walked in, we see Molls and Cal together.....like.....they together, on the same bed.

Awwww, even Molls is wearing the sweater Cal gave her.

So, we waited, and waited, and waited till they got up.

The 3 of us were ready, but now we had to wait for these two.

Ok, I'm getting them up. I wanna get out and these two acting all sleepy and shit.

"WAKE UP LOVEBIRDS!!!!!" I say as Ash opens the blinds.

"Rise and Shine kids. We got a day plan we'd like to get to." Michael says.

"Can't you give us 5 more minutes?" Molls says in her tired voice.

"Exactly, can't y'all leave us alone?" Cal says.

"What time did you two even come back?" Ash says.

"Ask Dave." Molls says. Ok, I'm done.

I grabbed 2 cups and then poured it on the two of them.

"Luke!" Molls screams and then the 3 of us start laughing.

Why you gotta do thatttttt?" Cal says like a teenage girl.

"Y'all we're taking too long to get up." I say.

"Why were you two out for that long?" Ash asks.

"None of your business dad." Molls says in a grumpy tone.

"If y'all went to the bar, why didn't y'all bring us?" Michael asks.

"We had a picnic, went to the Eiffel Tower, confessed out feelings, and then now we're together." Cal says and then they both go wide-eyed while Michael, Ash, and I are just in shock.

It's too early to process.

but holy shit, they're together.


Calum's P.O.V

Oh shit.

Well, the cat's outta the bag.

The guys started cheering and started jumping up and down while Molls hides cause she became shy all of a sudden.

"Awww, is little Molls shying away?" Luke says.

"Shut up." She says.

"Hold up, so now you two for real?" Michael says.

"It's for real for real." I say in a girly tone.

"Did Molls fall back to sleep?" Ash says.

I look over, and I think she did. Classic Molls.

"Somehow yeah." I say.

"Alright, you two get ready, and then we can go. I wanna go to Disneyland. But the longer y'all take, the less time we got." Luke says.

He really is a child.

"Then can y'all leave?" I say and then they all left.

"Are they gone?" She whispers.

"Yes, yes they are." I say in a funny deep voice.

'Why you tryna act like some old man? You only 21." She says.

"Do you not get my humor?" I ask with a little pouty face.

"I do Cal, I do." She says as she kisses the pouty lips.

I can get used to that.

She's too cute in the morning, I really did get lucky.

*A few hours later*

Molly's P.O.V

So, we finally got out of the hotels.

When we meant we were gonna tour the city, we meant that we were gonna act like kids and go to Disneyland.

At the same time, Disneyland is a place where anyone could act like a kid.

So when we got there, the first thing we did was get the ears.

I remember telling myself that if I ever went to any Disney resort, I'm getting the ears.

If y'all thought Cal and I were getting matching ears, you thought right.

The thing is though, we didn't go for the typical Mickey and Minnie ears.

We actually got a different pair.

I got the Belle ears while Cal got the beast ears.

Beauty and the Beast was originated in France, so it felt right.

We went on a few rides and then walked around.

This may be the one of the very few times where we didn't have security.

This may have been a teeny bit of a mistake not bringing them.

There have been crowds but this is probably the first time we haven't had one.

"Okay, you two didn't tell us the whole story. How?" Michael says.

"How what?" Cal says.

"How did you two suddenly happen. What was it? As soon as we get to Molls's dream place, you decide to become a thing?" Luke says,

"Actually.....I guess yeah. What more explaining is there?" I say.

"It was like the perfect place, the perfect time, what more can you ask for?" Cal says.

"Well when we saw the two of you, y'all looked like things got freaky last night." Michael says and I punch him.

"Rood ass. We were exhausted. Imagine finishing a show and then someone says they want to take you in a stroll which leads the two of you to confess your feelings on the Eiffel tower. Then you come back to the room and then the first instinct is to cuddle at 1 am cause you feel like it. If you think about it, you guys probably would've done the same." I say.

Wait, did I just speak my mind out.

Oh lord 🤦‍♀️.

"Awww, Mollssss. You too cute." Cal says.

"If y'all wanna keep it a secret, watch for paps." Ash says.

"I really can't decide if you're the dad or the momager." I say.

"I'm Ashton Irwin and I am the drummer of 5SOS. That's all." Ash says.

"Riiigghtt, and not the guy who just started talking to someone after getting drunk one night." Luke says and Ash punches him.

"Ooooo, what did Cal and I miss during this gossip sesh?" I say.

"Ash has been talking to someone ever since that night we got drunk in London." Michael says.

Then the guys walk ahead as Ash pushed them away. Aww, now look who's getting shy.

"Here's the thing though, I don't know where this is heading," Ash says.

"Well, if I were you, I'd wait a couple more weeks. If the talks are fun and genuine to you, keep going. If you don't think it's what you wanted, slowly distance yourself." I say.

"I mean, I was in this situation before, kinda how Close As Strangers became a record on our old album." Ash says.

"Bud, all I can say is, listen to the advice. If you start to like her, pursue those feelings. Just because whoever the last one was and it didn't work out, well boo-hoo. That's the past. Think about now. Don't even worry about the future. Just live in the moment." I say.

"Aww, thanks Molls. You may be 2 years younger, but you do know some stuff." He says.

"That's what happens when shit happens." I say and we both laugh.

"Now, are you two done chit-chatting? there are more rides to go on." Luke says.

"We're coming!" I scream and then we catch up to them.

Woah, this tour gave me a new mindset. I kinda like it though.

It keeps me away from all the stuff I dealt with before.

I mean, this tour gave me this light I never knew I'd find.

Who knew a tour can do so much.

*More hours later*

So, many hours later, and our trip in Disneyland ended.

For the first time going out in public without security wasn't that bad.

It was a little bit interesting to deal with during the day, but it kinda dies down during the night.

We got to watch the fireworks show which was probably the best part of it all.

I also go this new Disney sweatshirt that I wor over the shorts and shirt I had on. It's oversized which made it comfier.

Now, we just heading back to the hotels since we leave the next day for whatever city we have next.


(June 22, 2020)

Alright, another one down.

I can't believe I have the mindset to write chapters on a nightly basis.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
