18: You're in New York, I'm in LA

A/N: Ok so since this story started....I didn't know the read count was gonna grow this fast. To you guys that would see this, may think '151 reads for a story isn't that much'
But, for me it means so much especially since I was able to gain it in just 2 weeks
And seeing the rankings on this story just makes me happy cause this story out of the many I've written over the years is the one I'm truly proud of.
So I guess that was my way of saying thank you for continuing to read and vote and all that
Now on with the chapter!
July 2016

Alright, I am safe to say that.....I finally have my peace.

Oh my god, I don't know when I will ever say that again, but thankfully I got a few days to myself.

So, this is one part of the tour where I get my 'off-time', meaning that the guys got someone else to open the show for a while.

I told the guys I was flying back home, but that's where I left them with a lie.

I actually flew to LA.

I've been here for a couple of days doing nothing. Then I got a couple more days till I meet them in the next city following. I think I'm gonna get there earlier than them, so seeing their reaction will be cute.

So a few months ago, I told Cal that I was condo shopping, the one thing I didn't say was where I was doing it.

I wanted to make it a surprise that I was moving to LA with them. Obviously, I can't say anything yet because I haven't seen the places.

So, once I get some sort of confirmation that I got a place, this may be the biggest secret I've had to keep from them.

I would occasionally tell them what's going on in my life, but this would have to be one of the biggest challenges I'd have to face.

At the same time, I am so ready to get out of Aussie. Now, I love that place. But at this point, what do I call home? There isn't much to call home over there other than Sydney only cause that's my hometown.

Also, the guys now record in LA, so if we're apart again, it'll feel like 2011. aaannnndddd, Cal and I are together. Although we can work distance since we did distance as friends, it may not be a challenge.

However, I do love being with the guys all together because they've been my real ones from the beginning. Plus, if I'm gonna hopefully take this music thing seriously, I'd need to go somewhere where I can be noticed.

Alright, I think I just listed all the reasons.

That wasn't my intention, but I guess I have a problem with speaking my mind.

Ok, now I'm bored.

So, I'm gonna facetime every one of the guys, and see who answers.

If Cal doesn't answer, we need to have a talk.

Alright, first one up, the annoying one....aka Luke.


Next, Michael.


Wait, what city are they in?

Damn, I really am forgetting time zones, but cmon, if you were in my position, and we have already done 2 months-ish of tours, you start to forget time zones.

Here's how I look at it. If it's the day, I'm up. If it's the night, expect me to be asleep.

Alright, Cal, don't fail me now.


Ok, we are gonna have a very important chat later.

Ok, Ash, please please pleaseeee pick up.

"What up?" I say.

"Ashhhhhhhhhh! Finally, someone answered." I say.

"What do you mean. Don't say you called everyone." He says and I nod.

"Do you miss us that bad?" He asks.

"Yup." I say popping the 'p'.

"Awww, we miss you too. But, what's up?" He says.

"Nothing much. Landed a few hours ago. Caught some sleep, and now I don't know what to do. What up with y'all?" I say

"The guys are still asleep, and we're almost at New York." He says.

"Ohhhhh, y'all are on the bus. How have the shows been the last couple of nights?" I ask.

"If I'm being honest, pretty weird. It was like when you lost your voice that time and we went without an opening act. Our other act is alright, but don't tell them I said this, but you're my favorite opening act." Ash says and then whispers the last part.

"Awwww. Don't worry, I won't tell a single soul." I whisper to him.

"Now, how's your dm girl? Y'all still talking?" I say to get some convo going. It's early for him, so I will be nice since he answered.

"Is someone getting shy?" I ask.

"no." He says quietly.

"Awww. Dad is blushing. How cute?" I say and then laugh at the end after I realized what I just said.

"Molls, we had this discussion already. But, yes we're still talking." He says once he mentions the mystery girl again.

"Can I get a name?" I say.

"Alright fine, her name is Kaitlin. She actually said that she's from LA. I kinda got happy about that, 'cause that's where we are living currently and where we record. So like, it, gah, it made me happy." He says.

"Awww, Ash your feelings are too cute. Like this big smile comes to your face and you get lost." I say.

"I would ramble all day if I could." He says.

"By the looks of it, you could. Honestly, hearing it cures my boredom."  I say.

"Really? I thought me rambling can get annoying." He says.

"Ash, why would it be annoying? It's just yo speaking your mind out. Remember those couple of days I rambled to you about my feelings towards Calum." I say.

"Ahh, yes. Thankfully y'all finally got together." He says.

"He won't be thankful after I ask you to do a certain thing for me." I say.

"Molls, what are you planning?" He asks.

"Can you give him a little wake-up call? If you get the rest up, that's a bonus. But get mainly Cal." I say and he knew exactly what I was thinking.

He even turned the camera so I can see the reaction.

Once he did it, he woke up, but then bumped his head on the roof and both Ash and I were dying of laughter, and then us laughing got Mikey and Luke up.

God, I'm good at wake-up calls.

"Cal, are you okay?" I say through my laughter.

'Mollssss!" He says. I can't tell if he was annoyed or happy,  but it was funny.

"And that's what happens when you don't answer my calls." I say through the laughter because I couldn't stop.

"Molls, I'm sorry, but someone here would love to get his beauty sleep." Luke says.

"Shut up Luke. Don't y'all got things to do? Like write music or like something?" I ask.

"Molls, you were literally on tour with us a few days ago. Here you are enjoying what looks like paradise and we're stuck on the bus." Mikey says.

Damn, morning moods are a thing, no one is okay without their morning drinks.

"Well y'all gotta get up and why don't you do something productive. And trust me, this is paradise. Y'all are missing out. But maybe when we're on another break we can go to some island and tan there." I say.

"Molls, I'm sorry I didn't answer, if I knew it was you, I would've answered. I thought it was some random person." Cal says. I can't stay mad at him, the voice he used when he was apologizing was just adorable.

It was like a little kid who wanted to get candy from the candy store.

"Okayyyy. You're forgiven." I say.

"Well, sorry I wanted my beauty sleep." Luke says.

"I mean, Luke, I'm not surprised you didn't answer and him and I laugh.

It's been a thing with Luke and me when we call each other. We'd purposely miss the first one and we wait to see who'd call the second time.

"And that's why I've deemed the favourite one." Ash says when he puts the camera back on himself.

"Nooooo, I love you all equally." I scream so they can hear me as he walks back to the front of the bus.

"Ash I secretly like you more a teeny bit. Don't tell Cal. He'll kill me when I come back." I whisper and he gave me a thumbs up.

So we just end up talking a few minutes more and then I had to head out since I was leaving to check some condos out.

'Alright Ash, imma leave y'all alone for a couple more days. Just wanted to catch up." I say.

"Well that was a very fun catch up." He says.

"Welp, I'll see y'all in a couple of days." I say.

"Byeeee." All the guys say.

"Byeeee." I say and then we hang up.

Alright, time to look at condos.

*A few minutes later*

So I got to the first location. The one I'm at is a two-bedroom place.

It's got a nice beige and white theme going.

I really like the view of it though.

It had a really nice living room and kitchen area. A nice place for if the guys were to come over.

There was one big room and then one small room. It seems like the type where the small room could be used as an office and then the bigger one as a bedroom.

The place does 't look too bad. It's what I'm looking for and it's got nice views to it.

Alright, next location.

So, this one gives me this black and white theme.

It's a one-bedroom and this one has a bigger living room space because the office area is also in the living room. The bedroom is smaller than the other one, but if I were to decorate it, oh it'll look cute.

I would say for this one, it's alright. I mean, if I were to get a different size bed, I could make something out of it.

But I'm really loving all these places.

Now, for the final location.

So this one is another 2 room condo, kind of like the first one.

Ok, so this one gives me some interesting vibes. It also has a lot more room than the other two.

I'm literally in love with this one. Oh no, how can I choose?

Like, every one of the places I've seen has its own little touch that makes me like it.

Even the office space is more huge...like what?!

The room though, I walked in, and then next thing you know, there's a sliding door...a sliding door.

This makes me fall in love.

Gahhhhhhhhh, this is my first time doing this type of shopping and I can't decide.

Ok, so the bedroom color could use some work, but wow. That room is huge. This place is huge.

*A few hours later*

After much deliberation, I had made my choice, signed some papers, and hopefully, this will work out.

I would get a call in a week or so to see if I can get the place.

So, I decided to go in the first place because it just fit the type of look I was going for.

All in all, I hope I can get this place. I've been saving up since uni. After working many jobs and as many hours as I can, along with juggling school, I hope this will work.

My parents made me this account where they've deposited money into that account. Since they had really good jobs, there was a lot in there, which could basically pay for uni and an apartment. But when I worked on the weekends, that was mainly the extra money to get a place like the first place I saw.

I guess me working was something I never mentioned cause I guess it wasn't a big thing. Although there were days I 'shopped till i dropped', I've saved majorly of the money to one day get a place and make my dream come true.

Hopefully, everything works out and I can move out of the area that somewhat feels like hell.


(June 25, 2020)

Alright, well that was something.

I just wanted to give some sort of visual; to make it look somewhat realistic.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
