46:I promise darling you won't regret the best years

Alright y'all, we're almost at the end 😢
I have a book for y'all
It's called 'just a simple fan...or not' by 5soskilljoy
It's literally one of the most relatable things to me ever when being a fan of something such as 5SOS and 1D
So go give that a read

And now, on with the third last chapter
*Over A Year Later*

August 2021

Molly's P.O.V

So in the last year or so, a pandemic hit the world, and we were stuck indooors.

The guys had released their 4th album C A LM a couple weeks after the lockdown was in place, and might I say, watching them promote the album at their own houses was very fun to watch.

In that time, Michael actually bought a house, so he ended up moving out of Cal's place and he also got Lexi to move in with him. Very adorable.

Cal and I ended up finding a house instead of a condo because we're both crazy people. We probably didn't move in until August of last year cause we just kept getting lazy on when we wanted to move our shit from both places. However, all of us are in the same area which is kinda cool. So when the gathering numbers were increased, we met up with the guys more.

Since April of this year, things were slowly getting back to normal. The stupid 6 feet apart and mask shit was all over with.

When they said we didn't have to wear masks anymore, you do not know how releiving that was to hear.

Wearing a mask gave me slight skin problems, and I'm one to have natural clear skin. So hearing that news was probably the best thing out of 2021.

Now it's August. My birthday passed a couple of days ago, and so all 8 of us went to a sushi bar to celebrate it. Nothing too fancy, just a chill night with the group.

I woke up this morning to no one in the bed, which is odd because there were no showers running, dishes banging, or TVs' on.

I rolled over to where Cal would usually be and found a note.

'Had to run a few errands. But be ready by 10 and there will be a driver in front of our house to pick you up. If you're asking where your card is, don't worry about that since I left mine on the nightstand. This day is all about you. Consider this as you birthday celebration extension. Love Your Cal-Pal x.' The note said.

A driver? Coming to our house? What the hell is going on?

I looked over at my phone and it was 9:30.

Well, this doesn't seem like it was off to a good start.

But seeing how he signed the note was very cute. I mean, he is my Cal-Pal. Always have, always will be.

I rushed myself so that I look somewhat decent. I went to the kitchen and it was literally 9:55.

I opened the fridge and saw there was no milk. Great, even worse of a start.

I took the last 5 minutes to contiplate what I'd do and then I saw the stove clock and it said 10.

There was a knock at my door, but I think I know who it could be.

"Ms.Saunders?" Dave says.

"Aww Dave! It's good to see you." I say as we hug.

"Good to see you too. Calum has some sort of plan for you so it's a must that we can get out of the house promtly." Dave says.

"I'll just grab my bag and we can head out." I say and he nods.

So I rush upstairs to get my things because this day isn't starting well.

Once I got my stuff, I loocked my door and went to the car.

I opened the car door to see some stuff from Starbucks.

"Calum wanted me to order this for you." He says.

"Is there a reason he's not here?" I say.

"No comment." Dave says as he zips is mouth and throws away the invisible key.

So we drove until we got to the first place which was a hair salon.

If I'm bring honest, this would've been one of the days that I needed a good hair do.

Calum's P.O.V

Alright, this may have to be one of the most stressful days of my life.

Today was the day I was going to propose to Molls.

I was gonna do this last year, but because of the stupid pandemic, all the plans I had in my mind had to be pushed back.

I decided to do this at this time because the main point of her birthday this year was to keep it nice and chill. All so that this whole plan could work.

The guys and I released a song which starts off the process to 5SOS S5 around June and we finshed the press for all that a bit after August started.

So the plan was for Molls to be driven around by Dave all day to various places. By now she should be at the hair salon. Then she's gonna meet the girls at the nail salon and then go for lunch. Then she would go to a boutique with them where she'll pick out a dress, and then it all ties back to our home where the guys and I will be, and yes I'm gonna do the most cheesiest thing and use She Looks So Perfect to propose.

I got up in the middle of the night to stay over at Ash's place since we were the closest in walking distance. Then all the guys met up at Ash's place. I got the text from Dave that she was at the hair salon, so it was safe to go back to the house.

The plan I had in mind was to setup the living room with a bunch of candles and petals since we'd be in ther after the proposal. Then the backyard will have a little picnic setup with the fairy lights. because that was the first thing Molls and I did together as a couple in Pairs. The outlook will be like how her condo balcony was. She tried to do a smaller version of what we now somewhat have, so I had to look back to 2019 for those pictures we took. Then I'll go into my little speech, sing the song, and then BAM! Pop the question, and let's hope it's a yes.

I will say, going through those photos back from 2019 brought too many memories. Now here we are, over 2 years later and I'm about to get on one knee.

To keep this all under wraps, I had to get everything today, so thank god I got everyone together.

Now to get everything set up before 7.

Molly's P.O.V

So I just finished at the hair salon. I decided to go dark brown and get some blonde highlights, so I didn't finish until 1 and now I was starving. May have gotten inspo from a certain someone *cough cough Cal* So Dave drove me to a location where he said all the girls will be there. So that would mean Lexi, Sierra, Mali, Kaykay, and Santana.

Once we got there, I found the group of girls we went inside Olive Garden.

Then we all decided to drive to the park Santana showed me a couple years back.

I would've taken them to that trail, but that became the spot the guys and I go to for whenever we wanted to just disconnect from everything.

Think of it as the place we go to if all 5 of us are both at the studio, or when the other girls are busy with work so us 5 need something to do.

After that, we drove to this boutique shop. So I guess I'm getting a dress here.

"Alright ladies, are we gonna play say yes to the dress here?" I say and they all nod.

So they all went around the store and found some dresses I may like.

Once I got them all, I had someone help me into them.

From seeing all the options, they know me really well because there are dresses of the colours I'd prefer. There's 2 maroon ones, a red one, a blue one, and a black one.

So this was the first maroon dress that I tried on:

Dress 2 was this one:

Dress 3 was this:

Dress 4:

Last but not least, Dress 5:

So after going out in all the dresses, I got good reactions to each one, which makes my choice harder. The lady came in to help me out.

"They all look so beautiful." I say.

"They really are." She says.

"How do I choose one?" I say.

"To choose a dress, you gotta choose the one you connect with the most." She says.

Ok, that kinda made my life a bit easier.

Now, they really all look so good. However, when I look at them all, the red dress some how connected to me.

I mean, it made it look like 2 dresses in one which I don't think I've ever worn.

"I think I made me choice." I say as as I held up the red lace dress.

"Here, I'll be there to help you once you're all ready." She says and I nod.

I got all my stuff on and then I headed to the cashier.

Alright, are we ready to go?" I say.

"Molls, where you think you're going?" Santana says.

"Uhhh, home to get ready." I say.

"Oh hun, you're getting all dolled up here. It's 6." Sierra says.

"The ladies here are letting us stay back so you can get ready for your little date." Brynn says.

"Alright, I guess we're getting ready here." I say.

Santana helped me with the dress since this one had a zipper and then the girls came in and did whatever then can to get me ready.

Once they were all done, we were all standing by the mirror, and yes we took a couple mirror selife pics.

Okay, maybe more than a couple.

What? I can't help it. Ever since I found out what a mirror selfie was, it's all I ever did....especially with Crystal.

Once we were all done, the girls said they were heading home, and Dave was right on time to get me.

"You look wonderful. Calum will be stunned." Dave says.

"Why thank you." I say in a try-to-be posh accent and then we laugh.

If I'm being honest, I am freaked out at what Cal has got planned. This guy is making this little date such a big deal.

Calum's P.O.V

So Mali sent me the text that they just got Molls all ready to go.

The guys had left a few minutes ago to meet the girls since they all were going to let loose. I mean they really do need it because they're the reason this day was happening according to plan.

I waited at the door with the bouqut of roses as Molls was coming.

Once I heard the key twist, it was go time.

"Thomas, what on earth did you send me all around LA for?" She says as she snaps me out of my thoughts.

"You. Look. Wow." I say because she literally looks so hot.

"Dave told me to expect this reaction." She says with a small laugh. I handed her the bouquet as we walked into the living room.

"This is for later, but the real surprise is outside." I say as I close her eyes and reveal them once we got out there.

"Calum Thomas Hood. How do you always tend to impress me?" She says. I know she's in shock because she'll ask her cute questions like that.

"I do it for you and only you." I say as she leans in for a kiss.

I took her hand to the backyard to where the little picnic was setup.

"This literally gives me the 2016 Paris vibes, but a million times better." She says.

"Well then, mission accomplished." I say as we clinked our champange glasses together.

"By the way, your hair is just amazing." I say.

"I may have gotten inspired." She says with a smirk.

"Should I bring it back?" I say.

"Nah, I kinda like this look now. Gives me beach boy vibes. Plus if you change your hair, the Santa Cruz joke can't be used." She says as I sigh and she laughs.

Ash and Luke have definitely planted that joke in her head. It may have also to do with the fact I decided to grow my hair out, which I mean, I honestly don't mind.

After I saw the sun starting to go down, I put on the fairy lights that we set up and looking at Molls' reaction was just adorable. Her face lit up as the lights lit up. God I'm too lucky to have her.

I helped her up and she laughed probably because of my sweaty palms. These nerves are worse than the nerves I'd get before a preformnace.

"Molls, I just want to say, this last few years since you came back to us, I feel like I don't say it enough, but you literally lit all of us up, me especially. Not being able to meet up from those years you were in college, or the year we were apart, all I wanted to do was be with you. Since we were little kids, all those times we'd have to all the moments we have now, I just just want them to last. I want us to last. But, for now, we shall enjoy this moment, and sing a wonderful classic." I say as I grab my guitar and sing 'She Looks So Perfect'

I literally had Luke and Michael teach me how to play the song on the guitar just for this moment.

"Now Ms.Saunders, will you do the honours and sing the first verse?" I say.

"I'd be delighted to." She says.

"Simmer down. Simmer down. They say we're too young to amount to anything else. But look around, we worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now." She sings so beautifully.

"If you don't swim, you'll drown, but don't move, honey." We both harmonize.

"You look so perfect standing there in my american apperal underwear. And I know now, that I'm so down. Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name totooed in an arrow heart. And I know now, that I'm so down. Hey! Hey-hey, hey-hey, hey-hey, hey!" We both sing.

"Let's get out, let's get out. Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down. While I was out, I found myself alone." I sing.

Now it was the accapella part as I held her hands and sang to her.

"Just thinking if I showed up with a plane ticket, and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it." I sing.

Now it was the big moment.

"Would you want to run away too? Cause all I really want is you." I say on my knees and her hands go to her face.

"Molly Saunders, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I say.

Molly's P.O.V

He got up and said this wonderful speech, and then we were jamming out to She Looks So Perfect.

How can this night get better.

And then he sings acapella.

"Just thinking if I showed up with a plane ticket, and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it. Would you want to run away too? Cause all I really want is you." He sings as he's now on one knee and my hands go to my face.

"Molly Saunders, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He says.

"Yesyesyes. A million times yes!" I scream and he got up and spun me around as I scream.

He put the ring on my finger and I cupped my hands to his face as we kiss.

Wow, I'm now engaged to my Cal-Pal.

We pull apart from the kiss and both of us look into each others' eyes as we both blush heavily. Any time we kiss, he still gives me butterflies. It's crazy.

We now head inside since it was getting dark and he lit up the candles. Now our house smells like vanilla and I'm in love.

This whole day was so eventful that I still can't wrap my head around everything.

Both of us are just cuddled up on the couch while I just stare at the ring. We're just enjoying the quiet music in the background and then he starts to place neck kisses on me.

"Now, even with my birthday just passing, I wasn't expecting this." I say.

"I know. I just knew that I had to make it meaningful. Speaking of meaningful," He says as he changes the song to Best Years.

"May I have this dance?" He asks.

"Why of course." I say as I take his hand and we just slow dance to this song.

This night just felt so perfect, as if it was a full movie.

Once the song was over, we both leaned in for a kiss once again.

"Now, let's end the night on a nice note." He says.

"But this was already nice enough." I say.

"Oh Molls, you know what I mean." He says with a smirk and I blush.

He blew out all the candles and then he carried me upstairs bridal style and ends off the night perfectly.

(September 6th, 2020)

Ahh, finally the proposal chapter.

This one just thinking about how it would've been in real life does seem like a scene out of a movie.

Hope you guys did enjoy reading that chapter as much as I loved writing it.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
