43: Passed love burned out like a cigarette

I hope y'all r happy about Colly being together again.
This is a long awaited shoutout, but I want to give one to Curly_DaCurliest_Fry
Ty for reading 😊
Anyways, on with the chapter!
May 2019

Molly's P.O.V

Cal came over after he was done at the studio and we were watching a movie last night, which led us to fall sleep on my huge ass comfy couch.

Let's just talk about one thing real quick. Cal and I.

Yes, I'm about to gush over all of it, so if y'all don't wanna hear about it, well too bad.

Ever since that day we did get together, things felt...normal.

It was like we went back to everything before whatever happened almost 2 years ago.

I would say telling my dad about it when I called him was funny. As soon as I said it, all he yelled was I told you so. I kinda expected it from him but seeing his reaction was funny.

What was funnier was catching Santana up on evrything because her face just dropped to a huge jaw drop the whole time. She got lucky no flies went in.

Then when we revealed it to the girls, they were even more excited.

The main phrase I heard from all 5 people: We saw this coming.

I feel like I'm back on my feet again, like I feel like myself.

Before I knew something was missing, I just didn't know that it was Cal, and it took me months to figure it out.

Once I woke up, I felt someone staring remembering he was there.

"Morning." He said in his deep morning voice. God I missed that.

"Mornin to you too." I say in my sleepy voice.

"Any plans today?" He asks.

"I mean, I'm off today, sooo probably just gonna chill." I say.

"Ok good. I wanna take you back to the studio." He says.

"Sooo we're gonna go back to work on our day off?" I ask.

"Ok, no but yes. There's a song that the guys and I have been working on, and Jeff said that he has the final cut of the song. So, Luke said he was bringing Sierra, so I was wondering, if you wanted to tag along with them?" He asks.

"Usually we don't do this. So yeah, why not?" I say as I try to get up.

"Not now though." He says as I try to get out of his grip but he latches on.

"But I wanna go now." I say.

"In a few minutes. It's too early." He mumbles.

"Cal, it's almost 10." I say.

"5 more minutes." He says as he looks down on me.

"Fine." I say after giving in.

I mean, I don't want to get out either, but now I wanna know what it is. He's never got me to come to the studio. So this is about to be interesting.

*A couple hours later*

It was close to 12 and he wouldn't let me leave until I got the energy to get myself out.

I got ready in black jeans with a white top and Cal's red flannel. It does look a bit big, but it fits like a cardiagn, so I'll take that.

Since he's stayed over a few times, he left some stuff here, so today I took that advantage.

I put my hair in a bun with strands out and then I headed to the living room to make some iced coffee.

As I was putting the music on, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as he was placing kisses on my neck.

"Yes Thomas?" I say with a small laugh.

"Since when do you call me by my middle name and is that my flannel?" He asks once he realizes.

"Since I felt like it and maybe." I say as I turn to face him. I was about to kiss him until I heard the water stop boiling, so I turned back to my boiling water to make my coffee. Yet he still continues to keep his latch on me.

"You should wear my stuff more often." He says.

"Cal, the more time you take, the less time we have to get to the studio." I say as Cal decided to act like a Koala who wouldn't let go of the branch.

"But we haven't done this in a long time." He says.

"Yes, and there are plenty more days to do this. Plus, I'm curious to hear this sing you guys have done." I say.

"Oh fine. But after a cup of tea." He says.

"Since when do you drink tea?" I say while laughing.

"Hey, things can change." He says.

"Did you guys live in London for like a year or two when we were separated?" I say jokingly.

"No. The taste of tea is better." He says.

"Cal, you must be crazy. Tea puts you back into a sleeping daze. Coffee is what gets you  started in the morning." I say.

"Tea is a very calming drink to have and it gets you up slowly while coffee can make people too jittery." He says as I jump on his back.

"Like that." He adds and we laugh as he spins me around before carrying both of our drinks to the balcony.

We're back to our little debates and hanging out in the mornings.

Then there was a moment where the music was just playing in the background and I had my laptop open looking at emails. After I just stare out into the distance and just think about life.

I didn't realize I missed this till this moment now. Just having him here in the mornings and us just enjoying the peace and quiet even if it's midday.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He says.

"Nothing. I guess, I just missed all this. You know. All the times we used to have when you'd stay over and then we'd wake up in the mornings, except I would usually be in a rush or you'll be in a rush. I don't know, I just miss it all." I say.

"Well, I mean, think about it, it's all in the past. I mean, if you want, we can go condo shopping again. But this time...you and me?" He says and I look from my laptop to him.

Wow, ok, I've dreamt of us doing that, but he wants to make that a reality. Damn.

"Uhhh. Um. Yeah." I say.

"It's okay if you-" He says but I cut him off before he could think of anything else.

"Cal. I do. I really do. It's something I've wanted to do. I just didn't know when to bring it up." I say.

"Oh come here." He says as I move from my chair to his lap.

"I'm too lucky to have you." He says.

"And I'm too lucky to have you my Cal-Pal." I say.

"When will you drop that nickname?" He says.

"It's gonna be on your grave as well. I'll make sure of it." I say.

"You are one funny gal." He says.

"And you're one funny pal, Cal. Ahh I'm so funny." I say.

"You're lucky you're the only one that gets to call me that." He says and then we kiss. Then I just lean on him for a few more minutes.

After those few minutes, Cal had finally left to get ready. So, to kill time, I turned on some Black-ish because that show is amazing.

The only way I knew I took a shorter time to get ready than Cal because it was an hour later and I got through 3 episodes.

We drove over to the studio where Luke and Sierra are already in the room.

"What took you guys so long?" Luke asked.

"Blame him." I say as I look over to Cal and he makes a shocked face which got everyone else laughing.

"Well, you're the one who wanted to have a debate on Coffee and Tea, so that's on you." Cal says as if he doesn't want to admit defeat.

"Alright, Coffee or Tea? If you guys say tea, I don't even-" I say.

"Coffee. All the way. Tea is just so bland." Sierra days.

"Now that's my girl." I say as Sierra and I high five.

"Hey, she's MY girl." Luke says.

"Damn why you gonna be so territorial?" I say jokingly.

"Why you gotta be so territorial?" Luke mocks.

"Alright, is the song ready?" Cal says.

"The song is amazing. Molls, it's literally the best wedding song that could ever be made." Sierra says.

"Alright, let's hear it." I say.

Jeff presses play and then the song is on.

The start of it already makes my heart melt.

"Can I have this dance?" Cal says and then I take his hand as we walk into the booth. Since the booth had space, the lights were dimmed and it was like the perfect ballroom moment. Then Luke and Sierra joined us and it just felt like the perfect moment.

Once I leaned into his chest and we were just going from side to side, I had closed my eyes and imagined this moment, but in a wedding floor.

I can imagine Cal and I just dancing along to the beat of the sound, with the other 3 couples joining afterwards. Just thinking about that moment, it would be a nice moment to live.

I know Cal and I got back together literally like over a month ago, but like, these kind of things came to my head whenever.

When we were dancing to the piano tune that's now in Ghost Of You, I'd imagine this being what girls would call their 'wedding song.'

I don't know, it's probably just the little girl inside of me who wants this to become a reality.

Once the song was over, we looked up at each other and just smiled.

"That song was beautiful." I say.

"Well, at least we got good reviews on it." Cal says and he high fives Luke while Sierra and I laugh.

"What's it called?" Sierra asks.

"Best years." Both Luke and Calum say and then I smile knowing that it's the perfect song title for a perfect wedding song like this.

Then Sierra's phone and my phone got a notification, probably from the group chat we're in with Crystal and Kay.

"Uhhh guys, we gotta go." Sierra says.

"Where are you guys goin?" Luke says.

"Girl things!" I yell as we run out of the room. I mean we took Cal's car coming here so he can just drive back with Luke.

*Moments Before*

Crystal's P.O.V

Ok so, Michael and I were on this rough patch. But now we've been probably better than we ever had before.

Recently I haven't been feeling the best and god knows why.

Michael has brought it up to me if he wanted to go to the doctor's office to see but I'd always decline it.

Now I'm at the point where I feel dead.

I decided to text the girls and then see what's up.

They all said they were dropping everything and then they were coming over.

So I walked from the living room couch to the door and unlocked it and then went back down.

At this point, I literally have no energy in me to even try to do things.

Anything I'll try to eat, it just comes back up. I've been feeling probably the worst cramps in the world and the only people I can try to get help from are the girls.

Hopefully they come soon.

*Present Time*

Molly's P.O.V

Sierra and I rushed to Crystal's place since she said it was an emergency.

Once we got there, KayKay was there as well. Sierra and I ran out and we went to KayKay.

"Do y'all got any idea of what's going on?" Kay asks.

"The two of us were in the studio when this came up and left the guys there." Sierra says.

We went to knock on the door and then Crystal yells saying it's open.

We all got in and we just see Crystal lying on the couch looking dead.

"Crystal, you alright?" I say.

"Do I look alright?" She says in a sassy tone.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." She says and I nodded.

"Why do you look this sick?" Sierra asks.

"How long have you been this sick?" KayKay asks.

"I've been like this for a few weeks now. It feels like cramps but the worst ones possible. I can't keep anything down. Every morning I'll just end up in the bathroom and then-" Crystal says but Sierra cuts her off.

"Crystal, when was the last time your period came around?" Sierra says.

"Uhhh, it was supposed to come like a couple weeks ago." Crystal says.

"Molls, you stay here. Kay come with me." Sierra says and they run out.

I know I'm the youngest out of all four, but if this is what I think it is....oh my god.

"You want anything to eat?" I say.

"Whatever I eat usually comes back up." Crystal says.

"How about some toast?" I say.

"With Vegemite?" She says.

"Michael's got you on that?" I ask.

"I've been having it for the past couple weeks and I can't seem to stop. It's like I'm obsessed with it when I rarely had it before." She says.

"Alright, Vegemite toast coming up." I say in this chef's voice and she laughs.

*A Few Moments Later*

Crystal and I just talk on the couch while Sierra and KayKay come running back inside with bags.

"Crystal take this." Kaykay says as she hands over the box.

"I can't be." Crystal says.

"It could be a possibility." Sierra says.

"Now what's with the candy?" I add.

"We got distracted." Sierra says as she hands me the gummy bears.

Haribo gummy bears are possibly the best candy on earth.

Crystal's P.O.V

So I did as Kaykay told me to and I took the test.

It said that it takes 5-7 minutes to load the results.

So I sat on the floor just waiting for time to pass by.

It felt like every second was passing by slowly. The girls decided to come in after a minute or two and then they played some music to try and get me out of this thought.

I was basically tuning them out until my alarm went off. The result must be on the box.

Molls paused the music and all of us just went silent.

I stood up and then went over to the box where the test was covered and once I saw the result, I was in immediate shock.

Tears were flowing down and they all came to see and they also had a couple tears. We all got into the group hug in the bathroom and stayed like that for a couple minutes.

"Oh my god. There's gonna be a mini Clifford running around." Molls says and we all laugh.

If it's one thing Molls got from being with Calum, it's definitely his humour.

"When are you gonna tell Michael?" KayKay says.

"Uhh. Well maybe tonight?" I say.

So we all just went into the living room and then started talking about baby stuff and other things.

It was getting closer to the night so Sierra was driving Molls while KayKay brought her own car.

I kept the test in my pocket for when Michael comes home.

Telling him is bringing all of the nerves from when I was waiting for the results and it's killing me on the inside.

I put the tv on and Modern Family was on.

Then I heard the door click open and knew Michael came home.

"Hey." He says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Hey." I say.

"Feeling better?" He asks after he puts the groceries on the table.

"I honestly don't know." I say.

He comes near me and we went into an immediate cuddle.

"So, I was thinking about what colour I wanted to dye my hair next. I was thinking maybe a blend of two colours." I say.

"Any colour would suit you. But what colours were you thinking?" He asks.

I don't think my heart has raced this fast in my life.

"Uhh. Maybe a pink to blue blend?" I say.

"Ohhh that would be cool. But you did pink already." He says.

"We won't know the gender until later on so I thought why not do both colours." I say and he shot up from my grasp.

"Gender? Crystal? Are you-" He says and I pull the test out of my pocket.

Michael's face goes into a huge shock and once he holds the positive test, he brings me into a hug letting a couple tears slip. He then lets go which causes me to tear up and smile seeing his reaction.

"Oh my god." He says.

"I know. The girls and I were all shocked as well." I say as I wipe my tears.

"There's gonna be a mini Clifford!" He says as he jumps up in excitement and I just laugh.

"That is exactly what Molls said." I say.

"This is so crazy. Like, wow." He says once he sits back down.

"I'm so frickin scared." I say.

"I am too. But this is going to be so exciting." He says.

"This will be an interesting adventure." I say.

"Interesting indeed." He says as he leans for a kiss.

Well this took a very interesting turn.

(September 1,2020)

Wow, so, Mystal is having a child.

Colly is going on a possible condo hunt.

This is one interesting story all right.

I don't know why, but writing the beginning of this was just adorable.


Enough of me talking about my own story

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And I'll see ya on the next one
