31: Dancing through our house

Ok, I don't know why I do this but I love documenting the rankings I would get.

soundslivefeelslive is at #1. What?! Ik it may not be one of my well-known rankings, but any ranking is a good ranking.

Anywho, on with the chapter!


*Moments after Molls runs off*

Calum's P.O.V

I tried going after but Mali kept stopping me. By the time and went outside, I broke free. I couldn't even see her.

What the actual fuck just happened?

"Cal, please tell me you know exactly what happened?" Mali says as she runs out to me.

"Can you find out and see where she is?" I say nervously. She ends up dialing her number and she says there's no answer.

Mali got Kate and Santana and then they went off to try and find her.

Luke then runs outside along with Ash and KayKay.

"Mate, you good?" Luke says.

I'm still in shock, and I couldn't even process what just happened.

"Um, Well, I'm still processing shit. Like what the fuck happened." I say.

"I think we should go before paps could spot something." Ash says.

"Not until I find her." I say in somewhat of a harsh tone. All I wanted to know was that she was safe.

"She will be okay. Mali, Santana and Kate all went to find her." Luke says.

I may be somewhat drunk, so half of these things I won't remember, but I will remember this.

So the guys ended up taking me back to my place and then all I was able to do was get on my couch. I didn't even have the energy to get back up.

*One Month Later*

August 2017

After that night, I was a cold soul.

I was broken, defenseless, and I was being played as the suspect.

After that night, I got through the mild hangover, and I rarely left my room.

I couldn't even bear to go out into the outside world or else all I'd feel is the world crashing down on me. Then I would also have some secret paps try to get footage and then make up stories as to why I'm not with Molls since the paps would catch that a lot.

At the same time, I felt so helpless, like there is no one who could relate to my pain because it hurts that bad.

Molls believes that I cheated on her. The fact I can't forget her face at the moment it happened, seeing that face in my mind leaves me to some sleepless nights.

I haven't been me, I don't know if I will, and I don't know when I'll be.

So, it's another regular day where I get up and I stay in bed. I've lost all motivation to do shit in life cause I barely have anything to keep me going.

One thing I do start to hear is Reign talking to someone, then again, it may be some people he has over for work stuff.

He then knocks at my door and tells me someone's here.

I didn't even move, I just stayed where I was.

"Cal, what the hell is this?" Some other voice said. One I haven't heard in a long while.

That's when I realized who was here.

"Go away." I say.

"Cal, you can't keep doing this." Michael says.

"I will and you can't tell me otherwise." I mumble loud enough so they can hear.

"When will you get up?" Luke says.

"Never." I say and then my blanket is taken off of me.

"Cal, when was the last time you showered?" Ash says.

"I don't know." I say as I put the blanket over me until Michael grabs a hold of it.

"Alright, this is going on for too long." Luke says.

"No it's not." I say as I get the energy to sit up and cross my arms like a child. Yes, I will act like a child,

"It's been over a month. You haven't come to the studio, you haven't been recording, and most of all, we miss you." Michael says.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to do anything." I say.

"Cal, trust me, this was literally me months ago, but who helped me through it?" Luke says.

"I don't know. Was he a genius?" I say.

"Cal, if you sit around and mope like this, you aren't helping yourself. All you're doing is making yourself feel like shit for something you're in the wrong for." Ash says.

"Oh so somehow you believe I'm the victim now?" I say.

"Ok, that came out a bit harsh." I say right after I realized the tone I said it in.

"Of course we believe that it was whoever did frame you. Wait, who was it though?" Michael says.

"It was Kate." I say in a quiet tone and they all go silent.

"Cal, if she isn't going to call and talk, then you gotta do something to move on." Luke says.

"How can I move on from Molls? She and I knew each other for almost our whole lives. I can't just throw her out of my life." I say.

"Now, he never said to 'throw her out', you gotta find a way to get yourself back up again. Maybe when the time's right, and she's in a good tone, you can explain what happened." Michael says.

"How can I? I can't think straight, and every time I see that face she made the last time she saw me, I shut down and I can't even do anything." I say.

"Well, that's why we're here. We're gonna get you back on your feet." Ash says.

"So, go get ready, and then we're going on a little trip." Michael says.

"Where are we going?" I say.

"You'll see." Luke says.

So then they all leave and then somehow I got myself up.

I decided to clean up the room and bit and then went to get ready.

I went with sweats and a black tank top cause I wasn't in the mood to even try to put myself together.

"Alright, are we ready to go?" I say.

"You could've at least tried to get something decent on." Michael says.

"The fact I'm up is progress itself." I say.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Ash says.

We all got into the car. The place they drove to was some area with a shit ton of trees.

"Guys, if we were coming here, why didn't you tell me?" I say.

"Then it would've ruined the surpise." Luke says.

"We needed to bring you to a place where you wouldn't have to think much, which is why we came to this very 'green' area." Ash says.

So we all get out of the car and we start this trail.

It's a very green trail, and by that, I'm basically saying that we're walking on a trail with a bunch of trees and rocks.

I just stayed behind them cause one, I never been here, and two, I wasn't walking their speed.

We ended up at this waterfall area where we all were just sitting on the rocks. The guys were all talking, but I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I could barely even comprehend what they're trying to say. I was just inside my head, but just in a different setting.

This is the first time in a month where I was somewhere other than the same 4 walls that I saw every day. I couldn't get my mind out of the same thoughts that ran in this last month. The main thing that would come up is what Molls was feeling.

To her, she was going through it for the second time, in her eyes at least. She wasn't able to process the first time for a while, so in this case, who knows. At the same time, Kate literally dashed once I got up. Molls was only able to see the back of the person, so she could've thought it was anyone from that party that night. She believes that I was the one in the wrong, and who knows when she'll find out the truth.

Sometimes I would debate whether I would try calling Molls so I can try to get her to listen and hear the real story, but then when I see her name on the screen, I would feel tears trickle down because I knew right now, she wouldn't believe a word I say.

"Cal?" Michael says.

"Earth to Cal." Luke says and somehow I gain conscience.

"Yeah?" I say.

"How are you not enjoying this?" Ash says.

"I don't know guys. Like, I want to try to have fun, but I just can't." I say.

"Look, it'll be hard to get through, but, you got us, and this amazing view while you're at it." Michael says.

"It is a nice view." I say as we all just stare as we just watch the waterfall.

Then we all get into this debate on what fast food joint should go after Michael saw this post on Instagram.

So after that, we all walked back to the car to get some food, cause that debate got us all wanting some food.

After that, we drove around the area just listening to music and having our own  Carpool Karaoke.

"Guys, random thought, but have you guys noticed how many times we've been on James Corden?" Michael says.

"Maybe twice? Why?" I say.

"And what are we doing right now?" Michael says.

"Singing to songs." Luke says.

"And what does James do?" Michael says.

"Ohhh, he's trying to say that we're doing our version of what he does." Ash says.

"Close, what I was trying to get to was why haven't we done one?" Michael says.

"Seriously? This was your random thought?" I say.

"That's the reason they're called random thoughts because they come out of nowhere." Michael says.

"Sometimes, all of are here just like 'what the hell goes on inside your head?'" Luke says.

"Are you trying to quote the Inside Out meme?" Ash says.

"You know that meme too?" Luke says and then the two of them get all excited.

"Just put the music back on." Michael says.

Hmm, now that I start to think about it, maybe we do need to have one. Or we can just record it ourselves.

That would be fun to do though.

*A Few Hours Later*

So we drove around more until we ended up at a less crowded beach. We walked around and then watched the sunset like how we did in the Amnesia video.

After watching the sunset, I asked Luke if I could come by his place, so Ash dropped Luke and I, and then we were just chilling. We ordered takeout so we were waiting for that while watching a basketball game.

Luke decided to go live on Instagram and then I ended up starting one so we could see who could get the most views, but in the end, Luke won. I gotta learn his ways of how he does it.

After we ended the lives and ate, I went to his piano.

That tune that I played at Molls' place stayed in my head. The memory still stings a bit, but I tried to remember how the tune went.

"Hey, whatcha doin?" Luke says as he comes into the room.

"Well, there was this tune that she and I played when I was with her. Now I'm trying to remember that tune." I say.

Then I remembered the lyric that she said to do and immediately I played the tune on the piano.

"Damn Cal. Who knew you could play the piano?" Luke says.

"Keep playing this tune. I think we can make this the base keys for the piano tune." I say.

Next thing you know, Luke and I were writing a song with this piano tune.

We called Ash and Michael so then we get some help to create this song.

*A few hours and 2 coffees later*

So this is what we came up with.

Ash and Michael came up with the first verse:

Here I am waking up
Still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup
The lipstick stain fades with time
If I can dream long enough
You'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine

Then Luke and I came up with the second:

Cleaning up today
Found that old Zepplin shirt
You wore when you ran away
And no one could feel your hurt
We're too young, too dumb
To know things like love
But I know better now
(Better now)

When we wrote the lyrics, it literally put that scene into words. That night it happened, I was somehow able to feel her pain, even though she's feeling pain towards the wrong person.

Then we all came up with this chorus using that piano sound:

So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you

"Wait. Don't end the song singing the same chours. Maybe we can change the last two lyrics." I say.

So I took the paper that had the chorus written out again, and that's where I knew that lyric can be placed.

So then this is how we would sing the last chorus:

So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house
With the ghost of you
And I chase it down
With a shot of truth
That my feet don't dance
Like they did with you

"Okay, play that tune on the piano and then sing this part." I tell him and he does so.

"Cal, that's amazing, where did that lyric come?" Ash says.

"That's the lyrics she said when we were dancing to this piano tune." I say.

"Cal, you took a bittersweet moment, and turned it into something amazing." Michael says.

"We all did it together." I say.

"I think we just wrote what fans may call the best ballad 5SOS has written." Luke says.

"I think we did." I say.

"Well ok, we had some pretty good ones on the last album." Ash says.

"Damn we make good music." I say.

"Now we can bring this demo in and get this song recorded." Michael says.

Now getting this recorded.....that's gonna be a whole other process.


(July 17, 2020)

Alright, before all the 5SOS fans come at me, yes, I know neither Cal nor Michael were there when Ghost Of You was written.

We just gonna make it like all 4 of them wrote the song in this story because it fits the current situation.

Now, wasn't that a nice chapter? I mean, have y'all ever went on trails in the woods like how I described this one?

That would have to be something I have on a bucket list....especially for those aesthetic pics.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
