35: Still Have Me

I just wanted to add this song here.

I want you guys to give this song a listen.

Demi Lovato is just overall a goddess in my eyes no matter what struggle she's gone through with.

She's come back stronger than ever.

Even after all the shit she's goin through rn, she comes with a such a beautiful tune like this.

I have been a Lovatic from when I can remember, like watching her from Sonny With A Chance to now releasing a song like this.

She's had changed so much and has become such a superwoman for me.

On top of that, she has killer vocals....but like she's always had them vocals tho.

Anyways, enough of me rambling about my life for Demi.

This song, it can sort of relate to Molly. She still has herself even after the breakup with Calum, and she's also grown as a human in this story.
If you have fallen deep with Molly, I hope this song can describe her strong personality.

Anyways, I'm sorry for this long ass A/N.

Now, on with the chapter!

October 2018

Molly's P.O.V

Alright, today I woke up feeling a bit ambitious and adventurous.

I got up at...and you're not gonna believe it....6 in the morning.

Yes, 6 A to the M.

What does AM even stand for?

Anyways, I'm up at 6 AM because for some reason, I wanted to watch sunrise.

So I made my coffee, I grabbed whatever it is I use to do work and write stuff with.

I wrote a little note and then left it on the fridge for Kate to see, and then I headed off.

I went for a shorts and oversized sweater look.

Since it is October, it is starting to be a bit cold, so I decided to do that look.

I made a messy bun in the car and then I was headed to the best sunrise spot.

I don't know what it is, but I've started to become someone who likes sunsets. Sunrises are artsy as well, but I never get up early enough to see them.

Sunsets, everyone can see...unless you sleep early.

Obviously I'm all about aestheitcs...I mean, my place is built on an aestheic mindset.

But, my love for sunsets have grown and soon to be sunrises.

Even though I don't like getting up early, I thought let's give it a try sometime.

So I decided that on this fine day off that I have, might as well make it enjoyable.

I put my 'Getting up' playlist because even if it's still the morning, I'm not fully awake yet.

I decided to go to some beach where I can park my car and then watch the sunrise as I lay on my car.

I think me doing this on my own is like a step for me to realize that you don't need a partner to do these type of things with.

So as the sun rose, I'm just enjoying the view that I get.

Also, coming down to the area I did come down to, I didn't expect to see this many people walking around, or going for jogs.

Also, I did see the cutest dogs, and their owners let me pet them.

So after watching sunrise, I did the usual and took some photos, with the car windshield being my stand.

I don't know what it is, but phone shoots are just fun to do.

After my little phone shoot, I decided to find a spot to start writing. So I went to that park we went to back in August when Kate and Santana took me.

I wanted to find a shady place so that I can write and the sun won't be bothering me, but, it ended up bring too sunny.

So I decided to take the trail that leads to that river we were sitting at. Maybe the cool breeze from the water can get me writing.

*A half an hour later*

Sooooo, that didn't work. I ended up doing another phone shoot because the scenery is just very beautiful to me and I wanted to get some shots.

At the same time, I got a nice look going on and I ain't putting that look to waste.

I think I may have a problem.

So, after enjoying the view a bit more, I decided to head back into the city area.

It's about the time I would usually have lunch, and I think I may need another coffee.

Waking up for sunrise is too much work and effort. The next time I may have to do that is if we were going for press for the album or for touring.

So I decided to head into a Starbucks because I wanna have a Iced Caramel Macchiato. Food wise, I honestly don't care what it is....unless it has pickles. I'm sorry, but like, pickles are just something I just can't stand.

Anyways, I decided that as I was ordering my stuff, I was debating weather or not I was gonna be in my car or was I gonna go to the outdoor patio.

Now, the last time I was in a coffee shop patio, it wasn't the best moment. It was a couple weeks till we were going on tour, then you know who wanted my mom and I to talk before I left for the tour, and then we all know where that went.

So, the real question is, should I?

Like, it's not like I have some sort of PTSD moments. Well I mean, going on a patio like that is just I don't know.

*A Few Minutes Later*

Ok so now I just took in that I'm having an internal debate with myself weather or not I should sit on that patio.

After having a long an unnecessary debate in my head, I decide to put a brave face on and just sit on the patio.

So after my order was called, I grabbed my stuff and then found a place outside.

I sat down and then got everything I needed to do what I'd do on the computer, which is to talk to as many people as I can and reply to snarky stuff....but only if I feel like it.

As I'm sitting here, I'm trying to log into my computer, but I get this jittery feeling inside of me, but it's not like an excited jitter, it's more of this nervous jitter.

All of a sudden, I just end up starring somewhere and all I could think about was the last time I was on a patio in a coffee shop.

All the memories of my mom trying to tell me her side of things and with him trying to keep me calm, it's all those feelings just coming back.

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and I gain conscience but jumped a bit after being a bit startled.

"Hey, you okay?" Someone says. I turn to see a tall guy in a blue shirt and jeans standing behind me.

"Um, yeah. No offence, but what were you doing?" I say weirdly.

I mean, I'm being approached by someone I never met, so, obviously I'm going to act weird.

"The name's Dalton. I was sitting in the corner over there, and I noticed that you didn't look okay, so I came by to see what was up." He says and points to where he was.

"Soooo, you were in a way stocking me?" I say.

"I wouldn't say stocking. I'm just the type of person to see if someone's okay? You know, like a little guardian angel." Dalton says.

"Well, since you introduced yourself, I'm Molly." I say.

"A pretty name for a pretty girl. I like it." He says and  I give a small smile.

"Does this place remind you of something?" He says.

"Well, um, Yea. I just had a bad memory from the last time I was in a coffee shop patio." I say.

"I see. How about, maybe we can get out of the setting, and we can take a walk somewhere?" He says.

"Is this your way of asking someone on a date?" I say.

"Is it working?" He says.

"It might be. The only problem is, I have my car with me." I say.

"I can send you the address and then we can meet each other there." He says.

"I'd like that." I say.

So he adds me as a contact and I do the same. Then he sends an address and then I put it onto my google maps for directions.

I said bye, but then he reminds me that I'm meeting him there, and then we both laugh and head to our cars so we can meet up at this area.

Based on photos, it looks like this trail, kinda similar to Edward Gardens back when I saw that place in Toronto.

As I get into my car, I start to drive to the place.

But before that, I just had to take in all of that.....what the actual fuck just happen.

One minute I'm going into this somewhat daze of going through my past, and then next thing you know, this fine gentleman named Dalton comes up to me....to see if I was okay.

Like, what?!

When does this type of stuff happen?

After taking a few minutes to take that all in, I start driving to that place.

Once I got there, Dalton's car was already there. Not surprised though since I did sit in my car for a few minutes taking that whole situation in.

"Took you long enough?" Dalton says jokingly.

"I got a bit lost." I say.

"Are you new to LA?" He says.

"Nah. I've been here for about a year or so. So not too long." I say.

"You seem to be someone who gets lost easily." He says.

"Damn, harsh much." I say jokingly and we both laugh.

We start walking along the trail. It gets a bit quiet since we had to go though some branchy areas.

"Did you know that this area was a bit branchy?" I say.

"The last time I was here with my family, there was not this many branches." He says.

Some reason, I decided to start a conversation. I think this ambitious me is coming out, and secretly, I ain't complaining.

"So what do you do for a living?" I say.

"I'm actually a therapist. Earlier at the coffee shop when I said I'm someone who likes to make sure people are okay, one it's because it's a part of my personality, but at the same time, I do it as a job." He says.

"Ohhhh. That would make sense." I say.

"What about you? Since you moved to LA a little over a year ago." He says.

"Well, um, it's a bit of a complicated story, but I am a musician. I released an EP last April, and soon I'm releasing a single." I say.

"Ohhh, that's pretty cool. Now, how complicated can this story get?" He says.

"You really want to hear the complicated life of Molly Saunders?" I say.

"I'm a therapist. I listen to anyone and everyone." He says.

"Ok then. Well, I was an opening act for my friends 5 Seconds Of Summer."  I say shakily.

"Wait, you know that band?" He says.

"Yeah, I um went to school with 3 of them, and then, I met one of them about 3-ish years ago." I say trying not to sound awkward.

"Your tone, like the way you said it, did something happen?" He says.

"Yea. I just don't like talking about it. So, after that I really haven't kept in contact with them. So, yea. But, I was their opening act in their Sounds Live Feels Live Tour. After that, the manager of Capitol Records offered me a record deal, and yea." I say.

"That doesn't seem to complicated." He says.

"That's because I didn't bother saying that part." I say.

"Molly. I'm here to listen, not judge." He says.

"Just saying, the complicated part has nothing to do with the band." I say and he nods.

"Ok. So, here's where I consider the complicated part. When I was 17, I lost my older sister, and I wasn't the same after that. From what my um I guess in this case ex friend told me when I was in uni, he said he found my parents fighting one time he went home. So, when I reunited with the band, I ended up confronting my parents only to find our they were divorced. So I ended up living with my friend and his family, and thankfully they were okay with it. Then a couple weeks before the tour, I ended up meeting my mom at the coffee shop patio, which is why I had 'that moment' back there. She ended up passing away, and I got the call from my dad when I was still on that tour. So when I was moving some of my stuff from here to LA, I went back to my house, and I ended up confronting him, and I never saw my dad since the day I saw them when they were divorced. So I didn't think things through, and I lashed out and I haven't seen him since." I say.

Dalton is quiet for a good second, and me overthinking, I thought it was bad.

"Ok, I know, that was a lot, and I didn't expect any of this to even happen and like it wasn't intentional and-" I say but he cuts me off.

"First off. I hear a ton of stories, so this is alright. Maybe I'd suggest that you find a way to meet up with your dad and solve things through. You seem to have matured since that day, so maybe talking things out can help." He says.

Woah, that was something.

"Wow, um, okay. See, I would do that, it's just, how?" I say.

"Do you have his number?" He says.

"Um, yeah." I say.

"Just give him a call. Don't over think what you want to say. When the call happens, just lay it all on the line." He says.

"Wow, um, that really helps." I say.

I'm just in shock of how he was able to give such good advice to quick.

"How are you able to give all this advice in minutes? It seems like your secret talent." I say.

"It's taken years of training and listening to others. My friends would say that I'm the person they'd go to when they have a problem. So I would just listen, analyze the problem in my head as if that was me, and then tell them what I would do if that was me." He says.

"Well, you are very good at it." I say.

"Thank you. Maybe I should check your stuff out. You seem like you got a really good voice." He says.

"Maybe on your car ride home." I say and we both laugh.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind it. Something new to listen to." He says.

So we walk along that trail until we reach back to the parking spots. After that, we started walking and then talking some more, and just kept the convo more light headed. I think I've said before how I never really liked talking to therapist about my problems, but somehow, Dalton has definitely changed my mind on that.

But, we just started talking about like stuff to get to know each other, and then we had a debate on what Disney movie was the best. I say The Lion King, but Dalton thinks The Jungle Book is the best one.

Guys, cmon....we all know the answer is The Lion King.

"Well, that was very fun." I say.

"I feel like just with one walk, we found out so much about each other." He says.

"Walks are a great way for getting to know a person." I say.

"It is isn't it?" He says.

"I mean, we kinda proved that theory." I say.

"Now, it's getting late. How about I text you later and we can meet up again?" Dalton says.

"I would like that." I say.

We both say bye and then we go our ways.

I grabbed some food for myself and something small for Kate incase she got hungry.

Then I head home to find Kate watching Black-Ish.

"Heyyy. I'm home." I say.

"Where have you been missy?" Kate says.

"I've been out all day. I thought why not watch sunrise and find some inspiration to write. Then I went to a coffee shop and then I met someone there. We took a nice walk somewhere and we talked." I say.

"You met someone?" She says.

"Yesss." I say.

"Uh....DE-TAILS!" She says.

"His name is Dalton, he's a therapist, and he enjoys talking to people." I say.

"Molls, please tell me you got his number?" She says.

"Of course I did." I say.

"Molls, this is a great direction for you." She says with a smirk.

"Kate, I just met him today. And can't a guy and a girl just hang out as a friends?" I say.

"In your case....nope." She says and I playfully punch her.

"Rude." She says.

"Go get the food." I say as she grabs the food I brought.

"I'm just saying Molls. This could be the way to move on from you know who." She says.

"Kate, I'm not treating Dalton like a rebound. He's a really nice guy and so I mean, at the same time....I JUST MET HIM TODAY." I say but emphasize the last part.

"I'm just saying, you never know." She says.

"Just eat your food." I say.

So then we just ate our food as this show makes us laugh every couple minutes.

I know Dalton and I can't go far.

So yeah it's been a year and a bit more. That doesn't mean I have to be in a relationship now. At the same time, I'm working on an album. So of course my main focus is the album.

But I think this day gave me some inspiration to write a song.

*The Next Day*

So I decided to take Dalton's advice and I was about to give my dad 'the call'.

It just seems so scary to me, but I know it has to be done.

I have to leave for the studio for a recording session, but I just have to do this call. If I don't do it now, it won't ever happen.

Kate already left and she asked me for a ride, but I said no so I can do this call.

I grabbed my coffee and headed out to the balcony.

I got my dad's number on my screen, and after a couple minutes, I pressed the dial button.

Shoot, it's probably night in Sydney, he may not even-

"Hello?" My dad says.

I guess he did answer.

"Hey d-dad." I say.

"Molls?" He says, it's definitely the night time over there.

"Um yeah." I say.

"Oh Molls! How are you?" He says.

"Did I wake you?" I say.

"Oh no sweetie, it's alright. How are things with you?" He says.

"They're alright. Um, I'm sorry I took so long to call. I don't know what is was but I just wanted to reconnect. I feel like I left things between us on a horrible note, and I wish I can forgive myself for what I did." I say.

"Molls, don't blame yourself. This is not all your fault." He says.

"I feel like it is. I know I was in a rough spot, but I forgot that you were also in a rough spot and I never considered that." I say as tears start to slip down.

"Molls, don't worry about the past, we're talking now. It's all going to be okay." He says as I wpie the tears off my face.

"Um so, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up somehow. I could fly you over to LA and we can talk and catch up." I say.

"Oh honey no, I can deal with the expenses and-" He says.

"Dad please. I owe you." I say.

"Whatwever you say Molls." He says.

"Alright, um, I'll let you get back to sleep then." I say.

"Alriht then, goodnight." He says.

"Night." I say and then we hang up.

All of a sudden, these tears of joy just come to me and it felt so liberating. I just went for the call like Dalton says and then I did it.

I was able to make the call.

Wow, that felt so good.

So I decided to call the one person who I have to thank for this.

I called the number. It took a couple calls, but he called me back a few minutes later.

"Hello?" Dalton says.

"Hey are you busy?" I say.

"Not at the moment. I'm on my break, but what's up?" He says.

"Alright, guess what I just did?" I say.

"You got up early to go to work?" He says.

"No silly. I took your advice." I say.

"You called you dad?" He says.

"Yea, I got the guts and called." I say.

"And how did the call go?" He says.

"It actually went so much better than I expected." I say.

"See Molly, I told you if you called, everything will be okay." He says.

"I just wanted to call to let you know that. But I also wanted to call to say thank you. I know we legit met like 24 hours ago, but you really pushed me to do something no one has ever pushed me to talk about. I'm really glad we met yesterday." I say.

"Anytime Molly." He says.

"Call me Molls." I say.

"Will do. Now, don't you have somewhere to be?" He says.

"I'm heading to the studio now." I say.

"Ohhh. By the way, I heard your stuff. You're really good." He says.

"Aww, thanks. I guess we both are good at what we do." I say.

"We really are. Now, my break is almost up. How about I text you later tonight?" He says.

"Yea, talk to you later then." I say.

We both said bye and then I asked Siri to play my upbeat playlist.

Today has already started off as a great day.


(July 24, 2020)

Wow, okay, another chapter.....done.

So, how are we liking Dalton?

He seems like a really nice guy.

Maybe Molls may end up with him, who knows?


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And I'll see ya on the next chapter
