12: You make me feel like we're living a teenage dream

The Next Day

Molly's P.O.V

So, I basically just played my first show last night.

The feeling of performing on stage felt exhilarating.

I feel like performing in our hometown as our first show made it more comfortable.

So, we're in the tour bus since we're driving to our next city. After that, we got the rest of the day off.

I headed to the front of the room after getting out of the bunk. That'll take some getting used to.

I grabbed a bowl of cereal and then checked my phone.

As soon as I opened my phone, I see a ton of notifications from twitter and insta.

I've basically grown overnight.

I've been tagged in videos from the show. Some parts are my solo performance, and some were when I was with the guys singing Broken Home.

Now, can we just talk about that?

Like, Cal called me up on stage, to help them with a song, where I can relate to.

Literally singing with the guys on stage is a dream itself.

After the show, I found out that it'll happen when they perform Broken Home in their shows. Based on the reaction, it seems like it may happen at every show.

I also got tagged in some articles that somehow managed to make one in just a few hours after the show.

I clicked on one of them to see what it said.

"Overnight sensation Molly Saunders took the stage in her hometown Sydney, Australia to perform the opening act for 5 Seconds Of Summer 'Sounds Live Feels Live' tour. Saunders has been seen a few times with the band before the tour had strated. She was seen playing a couple gigs in some bars and such.

*Video Attached*

Saunders's followings had grown overnight after her on-stage performance. Another thing fans noticed was that she was very close with 5SOS's lead bassist Calum Hood.

Here's a video of the two of them singing together.

*Video Attached*

Some fans are having positive reactions after that video was released.

One fan wrote: 'If Calum finds love this tour. I will be happy. If he and Molly end up together, I'll be even more ecstatic!!!'

However, not all the reviews have been all great.

One fan wrote: 'Calum has a tour to focus on. He doesn't need any distractions.'

The road to stardom can be fun, but it can have its bumps.

Keep it here as we follow Molly Saunders's road to stardom." The article reads.

"Damn, a distraction?" I mumble as I eat my cereal.

"Whatcha reading?" Ash says as he sneaks up behind my back.

"Jesus, I gotta get used to that." I say.

"Well, it's only your second day. The first morning on a tour bus." Ash says.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll get used to it eventually." I say.

"But what were you looking at before I startled you?" He asks.

"Oh, just some random article." I say and he tries to take my phone. Somehow, he gets his hands on it.

"Molly Saunders, Overnight Sensation." He says as he reads the headline.

"Ash, stopppp." I say, but he doesn't stop.

"Aww, is someone embarrassed by their first article about them?" He asks.

"Maybe." I muble as I try to eat my cereal in peace.

"Molls, don't listen to the hate stuff. It's just going to bring you down." He says.

"How do you know I've seen a few?" I say.

"You just got tagged in one." He says as I go over to him and then we both read it together.

'@MollySaunders can go to hell. She's just using the guys to her advantage to start her career.'

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Where did that fan get the guts to write that?' I say.

"Was it this bad for you guys?" I ask.

"I mean, for me, it was a bit hard in the beginning since I was considered 'the new guy', but then after a month or so, I just pushed it away cause there's no point in looking at those tweets. Just remember to look and appreciate the tweets where fans are caring. That's how you know who your real fans. The ones who just hate, they have nothing better to do then bring other people down. Don't listen to them. And based on the tweet from the article, you are not a distraction. You are probably one of the best things that this tour could bring." He says.

"Aww, thanks dad." I say jokingly.

"Hey! I may be older, but that does not make me the 'dad' of the group."  He says trying to prove his point.

"Fine, momager." I say.

"First off, I am not a woman. YOU DO NOT GET TO CALL ME THAT!" He says in a sassy tone. Damn the sass is really coming out.

"I don't have any other names. But, you are right about the advice you gave." I say.

"Also, you're only older by weeks. Just cause your birthday comes in July while mine comes in September doesn't mean you're that much older." I add.

"What advice?" Michael says.

"Why are y'all up?" I say.

"First off, you and Ash are very loud. Secondly, who knows. Molls, you ask too much in the morning." Luke says as he tries to sleep in my shoulders as I flick his forehead.

"Hey!" He says.

"Did that wake you up?" I say.

"Why you gotta be so rude?" He says as he goes and tries to cuddle Ash and Ash does nothing but treat him like a child.

Yup, he's the dad and the momager. I've made it official.

I swear these guys haven't changed since high school.

"So Molls, what was it like performing on stage?" Cal asks.

For some reason, I like it when his morning voice comes out.

"Um, well. It was nervewracking when I got on stage. But I think that after I started singing, that's when I was like 'this is hella fun' and just had that mindset. After getting off the stage, it just felt like this rush I couldn't stop having." I say. 

"Well, one down. Many, many more to go." Michael says.

"100 more." Ash says.

"See! I told you! Momager of the group." I say.

"NO I'M NOT!" Ash says.

"Then why are you massaging Luke's head as he lays on your lap like a child?" I say as Michael and Calum look over and laugh.

"Ok, what's the plan for today?" I say.

"Well, we drive to an airport. Fly to Sheffield, and then we have the rest of the day off." Ash says. He knows what I'm about to say and he rolls his eyes.

Great, a plane.

Have I mentioned that I've got a fear of heights? If I didn't, well now you know.

I hate heights. If the guys as to go on the rides in carnivals, I go with them to hide it, but I have a genuine fear of heights.

"Oh...yay." I say.

So, I decided to somehow make iced coffee, and then I headed to the backroom since that seems to be my favorite place.

Once I got in there, all I could do was replay that video a fan took when we did out 'duet'. Even if it was Cal and I singing his part together....wait, that's a duet.

Ah, morning brain. I hate it.

"I see someone can't stop watching a certain video?" Cal says as he peeks his head into the room.

"Come in." I say as my way of giving up my loneliness.

"You really like this back room?" He says.

"I mean, it is comfy." I say.

"We killed that last night." He says cause I still can't stop watching it.

"I mean, I was alright." I say.

"Hold up. It wasn't just alright. Molls, you got a whole crowd of 10,000-ish people cheering and more energetic. You got them more energetic than the first time when we opened up for 1D." He says.

"You guys were very tiny and cute doing it." I say.

"But you did hella amazing. I can't wait to see the rest of the tour." Cal says.

Damn, his compliments in the morning are making it hard for me to concentrate.

"Cal, do we have to go on a plane, can't we just crash a cruise and hope it takes us to Sheffield? I say.

"Then we would've missed the next few shows." He says.

"I'm good with that." I say.

"Molls, is that fear of yours getting to you?' he says.

"How did you know?" I say.

"Your leg was shaking 10x more than it was." He says and I look down to make it stop.

"You know heights is something I don't do well with." I say.

"Here, I'll sit beside you on the plane. That way, you won't feel all nervous." He says.

"You'd do that?" I say.

"Anything for you Molls." He says and we later hear awe's coming from the other room as we both laugh.

*At the airport*

Am I hyperventilating? Possibly.

I literally have not been on a plane just cause of my dear of heights. Plus, road trips are fun.

Flight 3038 to Sheffield, England is now boarding." The flight attendant says.

Oh boy. Here we go.

Is my anxiety getting high? Hella high.

Cal ends up taking my hand, and I look down, and then I look up and he's smiling which made me smile too.

Ahh this guy, making me feel something before we head into my death bed.

We got into the seats, and then, I'm frozen. I feel like I can't move, but Cal is still holding my hand, unless he helped with putting baggage in the storage things up in the plane, or when we put the seatbelts on.

I plugged my music in, and then once the plane started moving, I was shaking.

I could hear my heartbeat.

Somehow as soon as we headed into the sky, I fell into this deep sleep.

Calum's P.O.V

Damn, my feelings took over my mind and got me to hold her hand. Once we got in the air, she fell asleep on my shoulder. So I ended up sleeping as well. But at the same time, it's hard sleeping on a plane.

It's too crowded. I need ma space.

So, we finally land, and that's when I decide to wake Molls up.

"Molls?" I say.

"Yeah?" She says as she gets up.

"We're here." I say.

"Damn, I did it." She says in her sleepy voice.

"You did." I say as I smile and then she smiles back. I'm just glad I was able to help her.

So, we got out of the airport, and of course, there are paps there.

"Molls, this is one of the biggest challenges right now. So, put your hood up, and don't leave our side." Michael says and she follows.

"Is that Molly there?"

"Calum, are you and Molly dating?"

"What can you tell us about the next shows?"

These are the questions and many more we hear until we get to the car.

We ended up getting to the hotel, and we took the back entrance to get in.

"God, that was hectic." She says.

"Welp, it's something you may have to get used to." Ash says.

We finally get into the hotel rooms. It was Luke and Ash and then Michael, Molls, and I.

Now us 3 is the fun room. After the time she came for that weekend, that was already fun itself. Now, it'll be that by 10x better.

The first thing we did was we just laid in the beds.

That was literally what we did. We didn't move for a good few minutes. Until Molls, decided she wanted to change into something comfier. So Michael and I headed to Luke and Ash's room. Looks like they did the same thing.

"Cal, first off, can we just talked about what happened in the airport, cause it looked like the airport was getting heated from the cuteness." Michael says.

"Oh stop. I was just helping her." I say.

"Out of loveeeeee." Luke says.

"You guys know her fear of heights. So, I decided to stay with her, and she was fine afterward. I was just trying to do a nice thing." I say.

"Out of-"Luke says but I cut him off by hitting him with the pillow.

Damn, that is fun to do.

Next thing you know, the guys and I erupt in this pillow fight that teenage girls would do in sleepovers.

Damn, who knew Katy Perry can make us feel like teenagers on any day?

"What did I miss?" Molls says as she comes in.

"When Cal was-" Luke tries to say but I throw the pillow at him and he falls over.

"Nice one Cal!" She says as we high five each other.

I mean, watching her do it, she makes it look so easy.

So, the rest of the night was basically us just talking and ordering room service because we were all lazy to get ready again.

Damn, whatever happened at the airport.....can we do that every day without her being in a state of panic?


(June 17, 2020)


More Calum and Molls.

We also got a few comedic parts during the beginning.

So, what do y'all think of this story?

Do y'all like it?

I mean, it's ok if you don't.

If you do, thank you.

If you don't, don't worry, I have some surprises up my sleeve.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
