"I should have got a haircut." Sheriff Stillinski sighed as he stood with Scott, Stiles, and Veronica in his office at the Sherif's station.

    "Well, someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut,"  Stiles commented jokingly, causing Veronica to roll her eyes.

  "I think you look great," Veronica added in, smiling at the man.

   "I agree." Scott nodded, wrapping an arm around Veronica as they both smiled at Stiles' father.

   "Why thank you, kids I should have had." The Sheriff smiled and Stiles looked at his two best friends, deeply offended.

"Anytime," Veronica replied, still smiling.

     As they kept talking amongst themselves, they heard someone yelling, "Stillinski!" An unknown person shouted angrily.

      The group of four shared a quick glance before making their way out of the office, "I'm going to kill you!" The boy growled at the Sheriff as two deputies held him back.

  Stillinski sighed, clearly not surprised by the boy's angry outburst, "Donovan, if you think that shocks me, it was well documented, in your anger expression inventory." He explained before turning to the two deputies holding Donovan back "Deputies, escort the prisoner out." He ordered and they obeyed, only to have Donovan refuse as he turned to Sheriff Stillinski.

  "I'm not angry like I'm going to throw a brick through your window. Angry like I'm going to find you, and I'm going to stab you with a knife until you die." The boy kept going and Stiles rolled his eyes, unimpressed.

   "Wow, that was awesome," Veronica spoke up, sarcastically clapping her hands together as everyone turned to face her.

"That was awesome, that was great. Can we do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know? Okay, you know what? It's fine, you'll have plenty of time to work on in your tiny little cell," Stiles added into Veronica's comment, clearly to pissed off Donovan even more,"Just stuck there forever."

    Donavan stepped forward, ready to lunge at Stiles and Veronica. Veronica was the first one to protective go in front of Stiles and soon after, Scott did also.

"Get him out of here!" Sheriff yelled and the deputies were quick to get him out of the station.


 Once getting the call from Lydia and the Sheriff about a crime occurring during their ride back home, Veronica, Scott, and Stiles made their way to the crime scene. Scott and Veronica stood listening to the sheriff with Stiles standing beside them, "Scott, Veronica, you saw this kid Donovan, He...He wasn't like you right?" Sheriff told them quietly so others couldn't hear.

"No, he couldn't have, I would have smelt it," Veronica replied, shaking her head.

"Unless he knows how to hide his scent," Stiles told the group, walking over to him.

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might have murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded officers. We've got an AFB out on him, think you two  could find him faster?" Stillinski asked them curiously.

"We can try." Scott nodded as he looked over at Veronica, who smiled at him.

"All right, keep it on channel two." The Sheriff informed them as he handed Veronica a wallow talkie.

Veronica and Scott began to run as fast as they could. Scott was unable to catch Donovan's scent, but Veronica had it locked in her memory after their encounter earlier that night.

"He's here," Veronica told Scott as they walked into an alleyway.

"How do you know?" Scott asked her, a confused look on his face.

"Because of this." Just as Veronica replied, Donovan yelled out, charging at the female Alpha. Before he could do anything, Veronica grabbed him by the shoulder and roughly threw him to the ground.

Donovan looked up at her, fearing for his life as he slowly backed away from her.

Veronica sighed she picked up the walkie-talkie from her leather jacket pocket and held it near her mouth, "Parrish?" She called out as pressed the button.

" Veronica, is that you?" Parrish replied concerned.

  Scott walked over to Veronica's side so he could hear what Parrish was saying, "Yeah, we found Donovan." She answered calmly.

"He's completely freaked out and he keeps repeating some name," Scott spoke up, adding into the conversation.

"What name?" Parrish asked confused.

"Tracy, he keeps saying, Tracy." Scott and Veronica said in unison, the two staring at each other.


  Once getting home, Veronica quickly closed the door to her bedroom before running her board that was covered by a sheet. She pulled off the sheet to reveal a board similar to what Stiles had. One side of it was information on Theo while the side that Veronica was facing was on the Desert Wolf.

  A map of the western United States covered half the board with numerous magnets it on it that hung pieces of evidence Veronica had obtained during her time tracking the Desert Wolf over the summer.

 "What's that?" A voice spoke up and Veronica's eyes widened when she saw Scott standing in the doorway, a concerned look on his face.

   Once not getting an answer, Scott walked over to see all of the information on the Desert Wolf, "How do you have more information on the Desert Wolf than Stiles?" He questioned confused, "And why?"

Veronica sighed as she turned to Scott, "There's something you need to know Scott," Veronica sighed as she grabbed Scott's hand, pulling him to take a seat with her on the bed, "You can't tell anyone this, okay?"

Scott nodded, "I promise, I won't. Just tell me."

Veronica was quiet, quickly glancing at the board before back at Scott, "Malia is not the only one that has ties to the Desert Wolf," She told him, "After my mother died, my father married a member of his pack, one that was a werecoyote. She was the Desert Wolf."

 Scott's eyes widened when he heard Veronica's words, "W-What?" He gasped and Veronica shut her eyes for a moment.

"I thought I killed her along with the rest of her until I heard Peter talking about her with Malia at the Lacrosse game against Devenford Prep." She told him, even though she was lying about where she got the information from. She had actually got the information from Kincaid right before killing him, but Scott couldn't know that, "The truth is, I only spent the first and last two weeks in London. The rest of the time I was trying to track her down. I was so close, but then I lost her."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Scott asked her shocked, "Does that make you and Malia related."

 Veronica shrugged her shoulders, "Not really. We're technically related by marriage because her mother was married to my father up until his death, but that's all." She explained to him.

"So that means you guys are stepsisters." He stated and Veronica let out a groan.

When she noticed Scott staring at the board, she quickly used her hand to turn his face so that he was looking at her, "Why do you keep looking at it?" She asked concerned.

 A smiled appeared on Scott's lips as he stared at Veronica directly in the eyes, "Don't tell Stiles this, but I think you're better at these kinds of things than he is." He admitted and Veronica couldn't help but laugh as she leaned in and kissed him.

   The kiss deepened and Scott placed his hands on Veronica's waist as he pulled her into his lap. As they continued to kiss, Veronica stopped for a moment and pulled away, "I have a question," She spoke up, "How come you never told me you wanted to go to UC Davis?"

"I didn't tell you because..." Scott trailed off, "I'm worried I'm not smart enough make it in."

Veronica scoffed at his comment, "What are you talking about? You're smart. Really smart. And I know for a fact you'll make it." She smiled as she placed her hand on the side on his face, pulling him in for a kiss.
