Later on that day, in Miss Fleming's math class, Theo was sitting in his desk in math class behind Veronica. Miss Fleming was walking around, taking attendance, "Has anyone seen Stiles, or Scott McCall?" She asked the class, "I can't be the only one who thinks it's slightly coincidental they're both sick on the same day?"

Miss Fleming turned to Veronica, "Veronica, do you happen to know where they might be?" She questioned the Female Alpha, "You're usually part of their trouble causing trio, aren't you?"

Veronica shrugged slightly as she shook her head, "Sorry, haven't seen them." She answered the teacher's question.

Ms. Fleming nodded before looking back at her gradebook briefly before she continued with her attendance of the class, "And Lydia Martin wasn't in class today, either." She added in with a sigh.

Theo smirked as he began to speak up,
"She won't be in for a while." He suddenly spoke up

Numerous students, Ms. Fleming,
And even Veronica turned to look at Theo curiously, forcing him to continue on with his comment, "Medical issues."

Out in the hallway, Malia was passing by the classroom when she heard what Theo had said. She stopped outside the doorway and shot him a glare, which Theo returned with a smirk. She then turned to look at Veronica, who gave her a questioning look.

Malia gestured for her to come out and Veronica shook her head. Once more, Malia gave her a look to follow her out.

Veronica sighed as she turned to Miss Fleming and raised her hand, "Yes, Veronica?" She asked.

"May I use the bathroom?" Veronica asked curiously.

"Yeah, You may. Take a pass." Veronica quickly got up from her seat before taking a pass.

She exited the classroom and followed Malia to the locker room, "What is it?" Veronica asked the female concerned.

"I need help," Malia told her, causing Veronica to give a concerned look, "Does Scott leave a pair of extra keys for the Animal Clinic at the House?"

Veronica nodded, "Yeah, he does. Why?" She replied, sounding a bit confused.

"I need help looking for something that can help us find Deaton." Malia told her and Veronica sighed.

"I'll go tonight. I'll text you if I find anything." Veronica replied and Malia nodded before both girls left the locker room and went to their classes.

Theo, who still sat in Math class, smirked to himself, clearly hearing their conversation.


Veronica was in the middle of searching the animal clinic for any hint of where Deaton could have been captured by the Desert Wolf, but paused when she heard a noise.

Veronica looked up and sniffed the air. She turned to look around for any sign of visitors, but after a moment, she returned to her search. Veronica flipped through stacks of papers on his desk, briefly looked inside a file cabinet, and read the numerous print-outs he had pinned to boards on the walls until suddenly, she sensed someone behind her, "I thought I smelled trash." She commented as she turned to look at Theo, who stood in the doorway, staring directly at her.

"Can't find him, can you?" Theo spoke up, ignoring Veronica insulting comment about him, "Probably don't even know where to start. You're not gonna find him."

Veronica gave Theo the look that clearly told him that she was trying her very hard to resist the urge to rip his throat out, which only seemed to only amuse him more.

"Let's be honest...He's probably already dead." Theo continued on, earning a glare from Veronica, "I wonder what's gonna happen when Scott realizes that it's you and Malia's fault? You know for a fact he still hasn't forgiven you for lying to him about Donovan."

Veronica's eyes flashed red for a brief moment as she growled aggressively at Theo, lunging at him. She shoved him on the chest so hard that he flew backward against one of the cabinets in the exam room.

Veronica grabbed Theo by the neck in a choke-hold with one hand as she threw him against the metal cabinet, causing numerous things to fall.

She grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him against the wall. Veronica grabbed Theo roughly by the neck and pinned him to the wall so that his feet weren't touching the ground. She punched him hard in the face with her free hand before growling at him once more, "I should have killed you months ago."

   Theo smirked smugly at Veronica's threat, "Yeah, but you wouldn't. You liked me too much, still do." He replied, still smirking.

  Theo's words only seemed to make Veronica more furious. She made an inhuman growl under her breath before she punched Theo in the face once more, then slammed him into another cabinet, flipping him onto the exam table. She used only one hand to break Theo's left arm, causing Theo to yell out in pain.

Veronica wasted no time before jumping up on the table, straddling his hips as she brutally beat him until he was bleeding from both his mouth and nose.

  Veronica punched Theo once more, "That's for tricking me," she growled, delivering another punch, "That's for causing my pack to fall apart."

Another punch, "That's for hurting Lydia,"

  Yet another punch, "That's for ruining my relationship with Scott,"

She punched him once more and heard his nose break, "That's for killing my boyfriend."

  Veronica swung one last punch, "That's for leaving me with the Dread Doctors when you were supposedly my best friend."

  Theo looked up at Veronica and started to laugh in amusement. She  stopped what she was doing, not understanding what was so funny, "I let your buddy, Stiles, kick my ass, too. He never broke any bones though." Theo commented as he reached over with his right hand and snapped his broken left arm back into place with a groan before looking back at Veronica with a serious expression.

  Veronica, still angry, almost delivered the killing blow before Theo spoke up,
"Look, I can help you find them—Deaton and the Desert Wolf." Theo told her, causing Veronica to frown.

  "How?" She asked him, clearly suspicious.

  "The Dread Doctors. I know how they found everyone." He informed her and Veronica couldn't help but consider his offer.


  Later on that night, Scott and Veronica were dozing off on the couch in the living room when Veronica suddenly woke up to see Liam and Mason standing before them, "Scott, wake up." Veronica lightly shook her boyfriend.

Scott finally woke up and looked at Veronica confused, not noticing right away that Liam and Mason were standing in front of him. When he finally noticed the two teenagers standing in front of him, he quickly  got up into a seated position and became concerned, "What's wrong?" Scott asked them.

  "I found out something from Corey. We know what Theo's doing." Mason informed the two Alphas.

Mason looked over at Liam, who was quick to speak up, "He's looking for an Alpha. A blind Alpha."

  Both Veronica and Scott's eyes widened in shock when they realized who they were talking about and shared a worried look, "Deucalion..." They spoke up in unison.
