Veronica walked up the steps of school alongside Malia and Stiles as Stiles ranted to them about Theo, " So you ran a background check and all you found was a speeding ticket?" Malia asked her boyfriend curiously.

"Boring," Veronica muttered under her breath. She had so much more in her background.

"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago," Stiles explained to them.

"Which means what exactly?" Veronica frowned in confusion.

"Who speeds, Veronica?" Stiles retorted, "People trying to get away from something."

"How many tickets do you have?" Malia asked curiously.

"Zero," Stiles replied quickly.

Veronica rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest, "How many if your dad didn't get you out of them?" Malia questioned, annoyed.

Stiles looked down at the ground as he began to count the numbers of tickets he had gotten in his head, "Seventeen." He answered and Veronica quickly covered her mouth to stop from laughing.

"I don't know, Stiles. I can definitely see why you're worried about him," Veronica commented, "Theo's really hot. He's definitely had a glo-up in the past two years since I saw him. I mean, he's got great hair."

"Perfect body," Malia added into Veronica's comment, "You should definitely feel threatened."

Stiles stared at the two girls in disbelief as he nodded his head, "Thank you. Because I do. Now more than ever. Especially since you added in your own comment about him, Malia."

"You want us to torture him?" Malia offered as she pointed to herself and Veronica, "I'm pretty sure Veronica will be down to help me torture him."

Stiles glanced around to make sure no one was looking before turning back to the two females, "No, I don't want you guys to torture him." Stiles argued.

"I'm pretty sure I can take him, especially with Veronica's help," Malia replied, seeming confident about the idea.

"I have a plan, alright?" Stiles told them, "And there are steps to doing this right."

"What steps exactly?" Veronica asked with a raised brow.

"We get the story," Stiles began to explain, "Verify the facts. Find the piece that doesn't fit and...and catch him in the act. That's how you do it."

Veronica began to think hard about Stiles' words. 'Catch him in the act'. If Stiles was right about Theo, Veronica would be the one to be able to get closest to him and catch him in the act. She thought about it, maybe she could help Stiles without anyone even knowing.

Veronica turned her head to see Theo getting out of his parent's car. Once he did so, he turned around to see Malia, Stiles, and Veronica staring at him. Smiling Theo waved to the three of them and Veronica was the only one to wave back even though her wave was a bit sarcastic.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" Malia asked confused.

"Because I remember Theo from the fourth grade, okay?" Stiles replied as he shook his head, "That's not Theo."


After ditching Stiles and Malia, Veronica smiled brightly as she walked into school alongside Scott. The now couple pushed open the double doors and entered their high school to find the hallway filled with students. The couple looked around at their surroundings, many groups of friends stood next to each other, making conversation and laughing.

"First day of senior year, I can't believe it." Veronica smiled at Scott as she continued to look around.

"Last first day ever." Scott smiled also, wrapping his arm around Veronica.

The first bell of the school day rang and Scott and Veronica quickly kissed each other before going separate ways, which ended up being the same exact place little they know.

Veronica walked into AP Biology and took a seat in the front across from Lydia and Kira. Both Lydia and Veronica shared a confused glance with each other when they saw Scott enter and take a seat next to Veronica. Scott took a deep breath as he took out his materials.

Lydia kept giving Veronica a gesturing look and finally, Veronica obeyed her command instead of arguing with the Banshee. Veronica sighed, "Scott?" She whispered and Scott quickly turned his head to look at her, "Are you sure you're in the right class?"

"This is AP Biology, right?" Scott replied calmly.

Veronica smiled and nodded, "Yeah, it is."

"Do you know what AP stands for?" Lydia questioned curiously.

"Advanced Placement." Scott chuckled as he opened his book to show that he had many things highlighted.

"Welcome to AP Biology! Let's see who's awake!" Mrs. Finch announced, walking into her classroom confidently, "Can somebody tell me what plasmids area?"

"Circular self-replicating DNA molecule often used in clinical proteins," Lydia answered confidently.

"Nicely stated, Lydia," Mrs. Finch told her, "Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?"

"Uh..." Lydia trailed off as Veronica raised her hand.

"It's B-12," Veronica answered without a second thought.

"That is correct, Veronica," She told Veronica before turning to Scott, "Mr. McCall." She called out, making Scott look up, "Did you know the answer?"

"Umm, no," Scott answered as he shook his head.

"It's a common test question," She informed him, "What's your number one college pick?"

"Umm..." Scott trailed off.

"Stop saying 'um'!" Mrs. Finch snapped at him, clearly growing annoyed.

"Sorry, UC Davis," Scott told her.

"Good Choice," Mrs. Finch complimented and Scott turned to quickly glance at Veronica, who sent him a small smile even though she seemed a bit shocked by this revelation, "It's the best school on the West Coast for Biological and Physical science. You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for," She explained to him before turning her attention towards the rest of the class.

"Who else thinks they're in the right class?" Mrs. Finch asked.

Veronica grinned as she confidently raised her hand. Scott and Veronica turned their heads to see only one other person raising their hand at that time. Theo Raeken. Soon after many other hands went up, but with way less confidence than Theo and Veronica had.

"Good. Then you should all be prepared for the test tomorrow." Mrs. Finch announced and everyone started to groan once hearing this, including Veronica, "Don't be so disappointed. This test is specifically to help you determine whether you should actually be in AP Biology. You have two weeks to drop. Tomorrow's test will just weed out the ones who shouldn't be here. And that could be any of you."


Veronica sighed as she sat with Scott on the school steps, "It's okay, Scott. You're going to do great in that class, I'll help you." Veronica placed a reassuring hand on top of his hand as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Hey! Both of you!" The two werewolves heard Stiles yell from a distance. Both Scott and Veronica turned their head to see Stiles walking over to them, "You two are coming with me. Right now. Come on."

"We have a free period," Veronica frowned in confusion, both her and Scott looking up at their best friend.

"So do I," Stiles replied, "And so does Theo Raeken. Let's go!" Scott and Veronica shared a hesitant glance before getting up and following Stiles to the boy's locker room.
