"I told you he was up to something." Stiles remarked as he stood with Liam and Veronica behind a few trees, watching as Theo took out a package from his trunk before walking in a different direction.

"We just spent three worthless hours with you watching him play videos games in his bedroom. This dude better be covering up a mass murder." Liam argued, making Stiles roll his eyes.

"Let's find out." Stiles replied quietly as he walked out from behind the three and began to walk through the woods.

"You two still got his scent?" Stiles asked calmly as they walked through the woods side by side.

"Don't need it." Veronica shook her head as she looked down at the ground to see foot print marks.

As they kept walking, Stiles began to speak up, "How's living with Scott?" He asked Veronica curiously.

Veronica shrugged, "I don't know, things just seem awkward all of a sudden." She replied.

Stiles looked at her confused, "What do you mean?" He questioned.

Veronica sighed, "Nothing really, but I just don't know about this. I don't know how to explain it. But don't you think it must be weird for me to be living with Scott, you know, since we're dating now?"

"What if things get bad between us and I'm stuck having to have neighboring bedrooms with him?
What if—" Before Veronica couldn't finish her sentence, she fell through the ground and ended up in a hole.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stiles questioned as he looked down into the hole, "I swear—" before Stiles could finish his sentence, his attention went
somewhere else, "There he is! Hurry up, stop screwing around!"

When Veronica fell in, she ended up dropping her phone. Veronica used her glowing red eyes to find it. As she picked her phone, she noticed a necklace in the mud, but Veronica shrugged it off, "Need some help?" Liam asked, holding out his hand.

Veronica nodded and grabbed his hand, getting out of the whole.

Veronica stepped out of the hole and quickly made her way over to Stiles alongside Liam, "There he is."

"Try and get his scent, guys." Stiles told them and they both quickly nodded.

Veronica inhaled deeply, smelling the air, "Soap, its smells nice. It's smells good." Liam commented and Veronica turned to him, giving him a confused look.

"You're joking, right? Not his soap, his emotional state. Chemo signals, remember?" Stiles groaned.

Veronica rolled her eyes as she took a whiff of the air, "He's sad." Veronica told quietly.

"He's sad?" Stiles questioned, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"More like grief." Veronica corrected him.

"Grief?" Stiles muttered to himself.

Veronica's eyes widened when she watched Theo toss a white flower into a pond. She finally realized why he was there and pulled Stiles away, "Oh my god!" She gasped quietly, "Go! Liam, Stiles, we have to go!"

Stiles stopped for a moment and looked at the female Alpha confused, "What? Why?"

"Go! Right now!" Veronica demanded as she, Liam, and Stiles started to walk away, "Stiles, that's the bridge where they found his sister. When I was friends with him, he told me about it."

Liam looked at her confused, "What sister?" He asked her.

"The one that got lost and died of exposure. He's leaving a flower for her," Veronica explained to him.

"Huh? That doesn't sound evil?" Stiles questioned himself.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Veronica snapped at him with attitude.

The trio was stopped for a moment when they looked up to see Theo standing on a giant three branch.
Out of instinct, Veronica protectively pushed Liam and Stiles behind her.

Theo jumped off he branch and slightly smirked, "What you guys doing here?" He asked curiously.

Liam growled under his breath and stepped forward. Veronica cautiously put a hand in front of him, stopping him from attacking Theo.

"Woah," Theo remarked, holding his hands up in defense as he smirked, "Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he looks?"

"Only when we let him off her leash and Veronica's around." Stiles sarcastically remarked.

"Stiles, we were in little league together," Theo told him, "Why are you so suspicious of me?"

Stiles sighed before hesitantly taking the two papers out of his back pocket. Stiles handed them to Theo, "Because of these." He informed him.

Theo examined the signature closely as Veronica spoke up, "One's a speeding ticket signed by your father eight years ago. The other ones a signature from a transfer form for Beacon High, they're different." She explained to him.

"Huh. Yeah, they do look a little different." Theo replied.

"No, they're totally different," Stiles argued, "Signed by two different people."

Theo chuckled, "So my dad's not my dad? Like he's an imposter?"

"Something like that." Veronica shrugged, knowing she sounded stupid.

Theo's sighed as he folded the paper back up, "Who do you two think I am?" Theo questioned calmly.

"We don't know yet." Stiles answered his questioned.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample?" Theo offered.

"No, I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to." Stiles retorted.

Theo looked at the two teens with a saddened look, making Veronica almost feel bad for him, "You know, Stiles. I came back here for Scott and Veronica, but I also came back for you. Someone like you. Someone who's willing to walk into the middle of the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that. Scott and Veronica do. You all do. I know I'm in the right place, I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be apart of this pack."


After Stiles left, Veronica decided to stay at the bridge and see if Theo would come back. She knew something was up and she was keen on finding it out.

Veronica stood to the side and watched as a black wolf arrived on the bridge. The Black Wolf walked onto the bridge before turning back to human form. Veronica quietly gasped when she saw that it was Theo.

"Need some pants?" Veronica shouted at him, walking out of the shadows as she threw a pair of pants at him.

Theo looked at her, a shocked expression on his face, "You know, I'm not as dumb as you think I am, Raeken." She remarked, crossing her arms, "I'll always be ten steps ahead of you. Just like when we were younger."

"I–I–" Before Theo could finish his sentence, Veronica cut him off.

"I'll be seeing your around, Theodore!" Veronica shouted before storming off, leaving Theo shocked.

Veronica sighed as she placed her car keys down and made her way upstairs. She stopped when she saw Scott in his door way, waiting for her.

"Where'd you go?" Scott asked protectively.

"Did some more digging for Stiles." Veronica answered calmly.

"Did you find anything?" Scott questioned curiously.

"Nope." Veronica shook her head and looked at up at Scott, smiling. Stiles was right, she was a master at steadying her heart beat while lying. She hated lying to him. She hated lying to the pack. Why was she lying? Who knows?
