Veronica, Stiles, and Scott stood in front of Noah's locker as Scott used his superstrength to break off the lock to the locker. Scott glanced at both Stiles and Veronica before opening the door. He quickly took out a shirt of his before closing the locker back up.

 Scott lifted it up as he turned to Stiles and Veronica, "Now we can catch his scent." He announced, passing Veronica the shirt.

 Veronica took a large whiff of it before turning to Malia, who was walking toward them, and passed it to her, "You called her?" Stiles asked Veronica, seeming a bit disappointed.

"We need all the help that we can get." Scott answered for her, causing her to send him a smile, "She should be calling everyone."

"And Veronica and I are the only ones who know what this kid looks like," Malia spoke up and Veronica nodded her head in agreement to what she had said.


 Veronica and Malia walked ahead of the group in the tunnels, tracking Noah's scent. Scott soon caught up to them with Stiles standing behind them, looking around, "He didn't want you to call me, did he?" Malia asked Veronica curiously.

 Veronica let out a sigh as she nodded her head, "No, he didn't actually," She replied as she glanced over at Stiles, "Is it that bad?"

"We kind of broke up, I guess." Malia shrugged.

 "Yeah, we kind of broke up, too," Scott added into conversation and Veronica gave him a confused look, "I was talking about me and Stiles, don't worry."

Veronica nodded her head in understanding before she and Malia began to walk ahead once more with Scott trying his hardest to keep up, "Hey, you can tell what's going on with you." Scott told Malia reassuringly, "I mean, besides Stiles. You can talk to me. Just like you talk to Veronica."

 Malia turned to Veronica and gave her a worried look, clearly wondering if Veronica had blabbed about their plans to kill the Desert Wolf. Veronica lifted her hands up in surrender and shook her head, assuring her that she didn't.

Malia stopped walking for a moment and turned to Scott, "I said I'd help find this kid and I'm doing it to save Stiles' dad," Malia sighed, "Don't ask me to talk."

"Well, I'm not asking. I'm offering." Scott replied, "I'm just saying it's okay if you want to."

"I know," Malia told him as she finally got a scent.

Malia and Veronica had smelt the same thing causing them to walk over to a small entrance area in the tunnels. Stiles soon caught up to Scott and both boys shared a glance before following the two females in.

Veronica closed her eyes for a moment before smelling the air, "I got it. I got his scent." She announced to the group before walking through the underground tunnels with Malia, Scott, and Stiles following close behind her.

 As they walked through the tunnels, Malia stopped when she found a bit of blood on the pipes. With her fingers, she picked some of it up, "This is Noah's. He was here." She spoke up, "I think he's close."

 Scott and Veronica stayed close to each other as they walked a bit away from Stiles and Malia as they caught a scent and also heard something, "Guys..." Scott spoke up, sounding a bit worried, "I think we've been down tunnels like this before like when we were trying to find Veronica, Liam, and Hayden."

  "Okay, so what?" Stiles asked Scott confused as him and Veronica walked over to the group.

"Maybe, it means we're closer than we think," Scott replied calmly, "Maybe there's something else down here. Something that we haven't found yet."

"Yeah, nothing that helps my dad." Stiles commented with attitude, "Look we can't just be standing around here waiting for something to..."

 Veronica's eyes widened in shock as the Chimera named Noah ran over and threw Stiles to the ground, "Stiles!" Veronica shouted out worriedly when she saw Stiles' eyes were now closed, "Stiles, hey." She called out, grabbing onto his hand as he held it out. Veronica helped her friend up and looked at him concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied before he was interrupted by Malia growling. 

Scott, Veronica, Stiles turned their head to see Malia on top of Noah, ready to attack him, "Let me go, please, please." He begged her as he turned to the rest of the group, "They're coming."

 Veronica sighed when she heard the Dread Doctors coming their way. Malia soon got off of Noah, allowing him to get back on his feet. He was about to run until Stiles got ahold of him and pinned him to the wall, "You're not going anywhere." Stiles snapped at him.

"I said I don't remember," Noah told him quickly, clearly fearing that the Dread Doctors would catch up to him and kill him.

"You don't remember anything?" Stiles questioned him.

"No," Noah replied, "Not when it happens. Not when I change."

"You clawed my dad half to death, okay? And now it's poisoning him. So you're going to start remembering every detail right now." Stiles demanded. 

"Scott, Veronica, I heard them," Malia spoke up nervously.

"Yeah, I do, too," Scott replied.

"So do I," Veronica added in.

"Hey, Stiles, get him out of here," Scott ordered, "Go to the hospital. Figure out a way to save your dad."

"We're not going to be able to stop them," Malia told Scott and Veronica.

"Yeah, but we can definetely slow them down." Veronica reminded her as she turned to Stiles, who had Noah pinned to the wall, "Stiles, go. Now."

 Stiles quickly glanced at Veronica and Scott before he pulled Noah along with him as he began to run. Scott suddenly groaned in pain, causing Veronica to look down to see blood from his wound seeping through his shirt. The Dread Doctors were now visible to them and Scott turned to Malia and Veronica, "We're going to be okay." He assured the two females.

"Scott, we're going to die down here," Malia argued and Veronica shook her head in disagreement.

"No, we're not," Veronica argued back, a smile on her face as she turned to Scott.

"How can you be so sure?" Malia asked them confused.

"Because you're not the only one we called," Scott told her quickly.

"Get down," A familiar voice said.

 The group turned around to see Chris Argent standing there with a gun in his hand. Malia, Scott, and Veronica quickly ducked and moved out of the way as Argent began to shot at the Dread Doctors.

 The Dread Doctor seemed to have been able to make force field to stop them from getting hit, but it still slowed them down, "Run!" Argent shouted and the three teenagers quickly obeyed with Argent following close behind them


 After escaping the tunnels, Veronica, Scott, Malia, and Chris Argent walked into the hospital to find Melissa at the front desk. Scott looked over at her, only to have her nod, meaning the Sheriff was now okay. Veronica sighed in relief at this as a smile appeared on her lips, thankful that the Sheriff was now okay. 
