Liam, Stiles, and Veronica stood behind Scott as he knocked on the bedroom door, trying to get Hayden to come out. When getting no answer, got placed his ear against the door a moment to see if he could hear her heartbeat. 

  Veronica sighed as she walked over to the door to stand next to Scott in front of the door, "Hayden? It's Scott. I know that you're scared right now, but we want to help you." Scott told her, but got no answer.

 He then turned to Liam, giving him a concerned look, "She's really freaked out. What happened?" Scott asked him.

"She was okay when we got here," Liam began to explain, "I went to text Veronica for two seconds and she locked herself in."

"Why?" Stiles asked confused.

"I don't know," Liam shrugged as he glanced over at Stiles.

"And she's a Chimera?" Veronica questioned, "You're sure of it?"

Liam nodded his head, "She said she heard a voice saying, 'You're condition improves."

 Veronica's eyes widened in shock as she turned to the door, "Okay, that's is very unsettling." She commented before she lifted her hand up and knocked on the door, "Hayden." Veronica called out, "It's Veronica. The one who gave you that hundred at the Sinema. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us, I promise. " Veronica sighed when she got no answer, "We just want to tell you the truth, Hayden. That's all. And the only way to do that is face to face. Not with a closed-door dividing us. I'll give you two choices right now: You open this door or I'll be forced to kick it down. It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe what we have to say, but you still have to listen. I have to know you're okay in there."

 Veronica backed up a bit, ready to knock down the door. Just then, Hayden opened the door to reveal herself half turned. Her eyes glowed yellow as she slowly looked up, "I believe you."


 While Malia, Liam, Lydia, and Scott protected Hayden at the school, Stiles and Veronica were stuck with Theo, guarding over the body. Veronica stepped out of the passenger's side of Stiles' jeep before she and Stiles walked into the Animal Clinic to see Theo standing next to Josh's body, waiting for them, "What's going on?" Theo asked them, acting as if he were actually concerned.

"Whoever's stealing the bodies probably isn't going to do it while we're standing guard over them," Stiles explained to him as both he pulled out his phone.

"So you've got a better idea?" Theo questioned curiously.

 Stiles placed his phone on top of where Deaton's X-ray machine resided. The back camera faced the body. The group then headed for Stiles' jeep where Theo and Stiles sat in the front while Veronica was stuck in the back seat for some odd reason. Stiles placed his watch which had the camera of his phone connected to it, "What happens now?" Theo asked them.

"We wait," Stiles replied to his question.

"You want to take shifts watching?" Theo offered.

 Veronica leaned forward in her seat and the back so she could talk to the boys. She turned her head to look at Theo, "No, no. Why in the hell would we do that, huh?" Veronica asked her, her voice becoming sarcastic, "We want to spend quality time with you, Theo."

  Theo slowly nodded his head, "Sounds good to me, V." He replied with a smile on his face.

 Stiles turned to Veronica, frowning as he pointed his finger at Theo, "Is that why you used to hate Scott calling you. 'V'?" He asked her curiously.

"Yup," Veronica replied, a smiling appearing her lips, "But now I quite enjoy Scott calling me, 'V'. But him on the other hand..." She turned to Theo, "It's a no-no."


   Later on, Veronica, Theo, and Stiles were still sitting in Stiles' jeep, which was very awkward, "You still wondering why I haven't told Scott?" Theo asked Stiles.

"Maybe," Stiles replied and Theo nodded his head in understanding.

"You guys think I've got some kind of ulterior motive." Theo told them and Veronica couldn't help but scoff.

"Because you do." She muttered under her breath and Stiles couldn't help but smile, clearly hearing his friend.

"Veronica's right," Stiles spoke up, "It's more than likely."

"Would you believe me if I said all I want...All I've ever wanted is for you guys to trust me?" Theo asked them as he turned to look at them.

"Nope." Veronica and Stiles answered in unison, causing them both to glance at each other.

"So you guys are here because you're never going to trust me," Theo stated and Veronica nodded her head.

"Yep. Glad we all had this talk." Stiles replied sarcastically.

Theo scoffed quietly, "You know who the two of you remind me of?" He asked Stiles and Veronica curiously.

Veronica sighed as she shook her head, "Theo, I don't really give a crap. And neither does Stiles. I mean, look at him," Veronica gestured over to Stiles, who nodded his head in agreement to what she had said.

 "My sister." Theo told them anyway as he turned to look at Veronica, who rolled her eyes, "She was smarter than everyone, too. And just like Veronica, she was always multiple steps ahead of everyone in what they did. And definetely a pain in the ass like her, too. But she always looked out for me," he turned to Veronica, "Just like you used to in Middle School and in our first year in High school. And the same way you and Stiles look out for Scott."

  Theo seemed a bit relieved when he noticed Veronica's guard to seem to finally been let down after his words. Something that Theo had been trying to do since arriving in Beacon Hills. Stiles and Veronica became silent, not making any remarks about what he was saying.

"You know, I was the one that found her body," Theo informed them and Veronica's seemed to soften a bit even though she didn't mean for them to, "She'd fallen into a creek, broken her leg. They told us she would've been okay if it wasn't one of the coldest nights of the year. If it wasn't for the hypothermia. And when I found her, all I could think was that I should've known. That I should've been looking out for her."

"Why are you telling us this?" Stiles asked him quietly.

"I'm telling you guys this because even if you don't trust me and even if you don't like me, I'm still going to be looking out for you..." Theo trailed off as he became quieter, "The way I should've been looking out for her."

 Just a few moments after, it had become quiet and awkward once more in Stiles' jeep, "You know I saw his teeth," Theo spoke up, causing both Stiles and Veronica to turn to him confused, "Donovan. He was a, uh...Wendigo, wasn't he?"

"Yeah," Stiles replied quietly.

"That's the cannibal one, right?" Theo asked him curiously.

"It's Native American," Veronica informed Theo, not sounding too interested in the conversation, "The myth says that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craved it."

 Theo furrowed his eyebrows and shifted in his seat, "That's pretty judgmental myth, don't you think?" He commented.

"Well, I didn't make up the myth, did I, Theo?" Veronica snapped at him.

"What if it was the only way to survive?" Theo asked curiously as he turned to her, "I mean, you ever hear of the Donner party? I'm pretty sure they didn't turn into Wendigos."

"Well, they didn't live in Beacon Hills." Stiles defended Veronica.

"Good point." Theo replied, "So what's the punishment for killing a Chimera?"

"You spend five hours in the car with Theo Raeken," Stiles answered and Veronica stifled a laugh. Theo chuckled as he turned to glance at Stiles, "Look, I know what my punishment is. I'm gonna lose my best friend. I'm gonna lost Scott." Stiles was quiet for a moment as he stared down at his steering wheel, "And when Scott finds out Veronica knew this whole time and kept it from him, I'm gonna be the reason Scott loses the love of his life." 

  Veronica turned to Stiles and gave him a sad look. She placed a comforting hand over his shoulder, "Don't worry, I think I might cause that myself." She confessed quietly and Stiles shared that same sad look.

  "Look, if Scott really gave up on you two for some piece of crap like Donovan, then he wouldn't be a True Alpha, would he?" Theo told them.

"Or maybe that's the definition of one, someone who doesn't put up with murder," Stiles argued with him.

  Theo sighed as he shook his head, "It sounds like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide." Theo retorted.

"Only someone like you would!" Veronica argued with him.

Stiles turned to Theo in disbelief to what he had said, "Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?" Stiles asked him.

"A werewolf's eyes are supposed to change color when you take an innocent life," he began to say as he pointed to Veronica, "Since Veronica had taken almost two dozen innocent lives, hers would be blue if she wasn't an Alpha," Theo glowed his yellow eyes, "Do these look blue to you? It was self-defense. For me and for you. I can't say the same for Veronica though."

Veronica scoffed as she gave Theo a glare, "You're a dick, you know that?"

"Or maybe you just don't feel all that bad about it like Veronica does," Stiles defended Veronica, "You can't say one life is objectively less innocent than another one. What if they turn blue 'cause you feel guilty?"

"So it's up to interpretation?" Theo asked him.

"Yeah, maybe," Stiles replied.

"Okay," Theo nodded his head, "Then here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan: Not guilty." He argued and Stiles became quiet, "Did you feel bad about it?" Stiles turned to him confused, "Not now. I mean right then. Right when it happened. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him?"

 Stiles avoided eye contact with both Theo and Veronica, "One word...Good."

  Veronica ignored the small smile that appeared on Theo's lips when she suddenly smelt something, "You smell that?" She spoke up and both boys turned to her.

"Smell what?" They asked her confused.

 Veronica's eyes widened in shock when she turned her head to see a person on fire about to punch Theo, "Look out!" She yelled, about to push him forward.

 Just then, the man on fire punched Theo in the face, causing blood to spurt from his mouth and get on Stiles. Theo was suddenly pulled out of the truck and before Veronica could get out, the jeep was suddenly flipped.

  Shards of glass in the back seat ended up stabbing Veronica in all part of her body, causing her to be knocked out.

 Soon after, she had woken up to find Stiles in the front seat, unconscious as his head stuck out of the flipped over jeep. She groaned in pain as she pulled out numerous pieces of glass out of her body before crawling out.

 Before helping Stiles, Veronica ran into the Animal Clinic to find the body gone. She quickly found a fire extinguisher before running back outside. She began to spray the fire entingusiher everywhere to get the fire surrounding the jeep out. 

 Veronica kicked Theo with her boot roughly, "Wake up!" She shouted to him before crouching next to Stiles. Veronica grabbed Stiles by the arm as she pulled him out of his jeep. Stiles began to cough, beginning to wake up. Stiles turned Veronica and Theo, who stood on both sides of them. Veronica didn't seem to have any marks on her but some blackness on her shirt. Theo, on the other hand, had blood coming down from his lip and nose, "Stiles, the body...it's gone." She informed them and Stiles' eyes widened in shock.
