During the time she was supposed to be in English, Veronica stood at her locker, searching for earphones. She closed the door to her locker after finding them to see Theo standing before her, a pleading look on his face. She stared at him for a brief moment before she began to walk off without saying a single word to the boy that used to be her closest friend just two years prior.

Of course, Theo began to follow her, clearly trying to tell her something. Probably about her seeing him turn back into a human after she witnessed him in full wolf form, "V? Veronica! Please, just let me explain." Theo pleaded as he tried to keep up with the girl as she quickly walked down the hallway.

"Hmm," Veronica hummed in response, acting as if she were thinking about it. She turned to Theo and smiled, "I think I'll pass."

"V--" Theo began to call Veronica by her nickname once more as he grabbed her arm, trying to stop her from walking away.

As his hand touched her arm, Veronica growled, grabbing his arm before twisting it behind his back. Theo winced at this, Veronica pinning his arm behind his back, "Touch me again and I'll tear your arm straight off, understand?" She warned him and Theo nodded his head. Veronica sighed as she let go of her grip on Theo.

Theo let out a breath as he turned to Veronica, "Are you really not going to let me explain?" He questioned and Veronica stared at him intently, clearly thinking about whether or not she should actually listen.

"I don't know, Theo," Veronica sarcastically answered, "I think watching you turn back after being in wolf form pretty much explains everything."

Theo sighed, "I can explain everything to you." He told her, "But you can't tell Scott."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Veronica assured the male, "I'm not going to tell my pack anything until I know every single detail. And, Theo? You know if I really wanted to, I could figure out everything within mere days."

Veronica sent the boy a fake smile before strutting off to her classroom.


Later on that day, in A.P. Bio, Veronica was sitting in her usual seat next to Scott, waiting for him to read out the chapter in the previous night's homework when she noticed Liam peaking his head into the classroom. Both Veronica and Scott looked up at the beta werewolf and frowned. Liam pointed out to the hallway, which confused both of them.

"Scott?" Mrs. Finch spoke up, waiting for him to start reading.

"Sorry," Scott apologized as he glanced up at the teacher, "Just looking for the page."

It kept on like this until Scott pointed to his ear, telling Liam to whisper it so he could hear it with his werewolf hearing, "She's here," Liam whispered, "She's in History class right now. Tracy. She's here."

Without hesitation, Veronica abruptly got up from her seat, "I need to be excused." She told the teacher quickly before running out, the teacher calling out for her.

"What's the plan?" Liam asked her curiously as they walked down the hallway together.

"This," Veronica replied, stopping in front of the fire alarm. She pulled it and the alarm sounded, causing students to begin exiting their classrooms.

Once the fire alarm went off, Scott walked with Liam and Veronica to Mr. Yukimura's History Class to find Tracy sitting in one of the desks in the back with her hand gripped on to Hayden's wrist. Veronica could smell the blood coming out of the wound Tracy had inflicted on Hayden.

"Tracey, hey," Veronica called out quietly as she and Scott slowly walked over to her.

"Tracey?" Scott spoke up, continuing to walk over to the girl.

Her breathing was heavy as she stared at both of the Alphas as she stood up, "Tracey." Veronica called out once more.

Hayden cried out in pain as the grip on her wrist became tight, "Hey, you're hurting me." Hayden cried.

"Tracey, let go." Scott insisted in a pleading tone.

"They're coming," Tracey stated as she let go of Hayden. Hayden looked down at her wrist to see it covered in blood, "They're coming for all of us."

Tracey dropped on the ground, face first. Veronica's face filled with disgust as metallic liquid began to spill from her mouth.

Mr. Yukimura helped Scott carry Tracy's body out of the History classroom, Stiles and Malia soon catching up with them. Liam and Veronica watched as they all walked out of the school with Tracey, "She wasn't even supposed to be in our class." Hayden spoke up, causing Veronica and Liam to turn to her, "Where are they taking her?"

"Uh..." Liam trailed off as he glanced over at his friends once more.

Veronica sighed when Liam didn't answer and placed a hand on his shoulder, "They're taking her to a hospital." She answered for him,

Both Liam and Veronica looked down at Hayden's bloody wrist, "Do you need help getting to the Nurse's Office?" Liam offered sincerely.

"I think I'll make it," Hayden replied with attitude before walking off.

Once Hayden walked away, Liam and Veronica rushed over to Lydia and Kira,
They're taking her to the Animal Clinic." Kira informed the group.

"Yeah, to see if Deaton can figure out what's wrong with her," Liam replied calmly.

"What's wrong with her is that she killed two people." Lydia retorted quietly, "Her father and, according to Parrish, her psychiatrist."

"Is there anyone else we can talk to? Does she still have her mom? Any family?" Kira asked the group curiously, "Does she still have her mom? Any family?"

Lydia's eyes widened when she thought of a person, "Alpha," She realized, "If she's a werewolf, she has an alpha right? Anyone know if there's a new one who moved to Beacon Hills?" She asked them concerned.

Veronica sighed as she thought of a person, "No, but there's an old one," She replied quietly.

"One of the oldest," Kira added into Veronica comment, "And we know her."

Liam sighed in frustration, "And her pack."

Veronica smiled as she clapped her hands together, "I guess that means I finally have a chance to visit my favorite asshole." She announced.
