The Beasts of Gevudaun ran down the street, causing the ground to shake as they did so. They stopped for a moment and stood on to feet, hearing the sounds of sirens down the street. Smelling the sudden scent of the hellhound, both Beasts roared out before running down the street on all fours.

On various roads of Beacon Hills, many members of the Beacon County Sheriff's Department, including Sheriff Stilinski himself, Deputy Clarke, and several others, were involved in a chase after receiving numerous calls about strange sightings of two larges beasts.

Meanwhile, Stiles and Scott were in the Jeep behind the polices cars, listening to the conversation on Stiles' police radio while they followed the Sheriff. Both Stiles and Scott stayed quiet as they listened in on the police radio.

"Unit five heading northwest on Crescent, reporting two incredibly large..." Clarke trailed off, not knowing the answer, "Somethings!"

"Unit nine to Dispatch, I think I've got eyes on the same things. They're some kind of rabid animal."

"Unit five to nine...Trust me, that's no animal."

"Unit six to Dispatch? We have a situation downtown. Multiple fatalities."

"Copy. Medics on the way. Do you have a perp in sight, Unit 6?"

"Negative. Looks like a ten ninety-one E. Animal attack."

"Ten Four. Can you say what kind of animal?"

The sound of police sirens wailed around them as Scott and Stiles shared an anxious look in the Jeep before Stiles reached forward and grabbed the microphone attachment to his police radio to add his own warning, "All units stay back. Do not engage. I repeat, do not engage." Stiles demanded.

Suddenly, the sound of Sheriff Stilinski's annoyed and frustrated voice was heard in response, "Stiles, get off the radio!" Stillinski shouted on the radio.

It was quiet for a moment, Sheriff Stillinski thinking about what Stiles had said, "All unit alert-- wait for backup. Repeat-- no one goes near these...things." Stillinski repeated what Stiles had said.

"Unit five reporting a sighting on Hill Road southbound..."

"Unit nine, I've got them turning off Oakridge, southbound on Beachwood."

"All units, this is Dispatch--we've got a nine one one call with an additional sighting on Mitchell."

Stiles' eyes widened in alarm, clearly recognizing the street names, "Wait a second..." Stiles trailed off as he thought about it, "Beachwood to Mitchell?"

Scott's eyes widened in realization, "It's headed back for the hospital.

Stiles grabbed the microphone once again so he could get a warning out to the other officers, "Dad..." Stiles began to speak up

"Stiles, get off this channel!" Sheriff Stillinski told his tone, his tone annoyed and irritable, the situation that night clearly stressing him out serverely.

"Dad, just listen to me, okay?" Stiles replied, sounding desperate, "It's headed for the hospital, all right? He's headed for Beacon Memorial. You hear me? Its headed for the hospital."

Stiles, who, just like Scott, was visibly panicked, shifted gears before hitting the gas pedal and speeding even faster toward the hospital, "Scott, have you heard from Veronica?" Stiles asked quickly, "We might need her Alpha power at the hospital. Tell her to meet us there."

Scott nodded, pulling out his phone to call his girlfriend. The call ended up going straight to voicemail, causing Scott to frown in confusion. He placed his phone back in his pocket before turning to Stiles, "It went straight to voicemail."

"Dammit!" Stiles complained, "Where the hell does she keep going?" He asked annoyed, "Every time we need her lately, she's nowhere in sight. And you know for a fact that's almost always."

"I don't, dude," Scott shrugged, "The only times it feels like I see is when we drive to school together and during school. Once it becomes dark out, she's gone."

Stiles chuckled as he turned to Scott, "Hey, maybe that means she could be the beast." He told his best friend jokingly as he began to laugh. Noticing Scott's unhappy look, Stiles stopped joking around, "What? Not funny?"

Scott sighed and shook his head, "Definetely not." He replied before it became silent in the car.


Scott and Stiles arrived at the hospital and began to walk through the hospital's entrance when they suddenly heard a gun loading behind them. They frantically turned around, but became relieved to find that it was only Sheriff behind them, who put his finger to his lips to shush them, "Shh..." he told them in a hushed tone.

The three slowly made their way down the hallway when they suddenly heard loud snarling noises above them. Both Stiles and the Sheriff looked over at Scott, waiting for him to do something.

Scott focused his hearing on the battle upstairs and soon found out where it was coming from, "Fourth floor." Scott informed them quietly.

Soon after, the three arrived up up the staircases to the fourth floor, where they found the hallway trashed; Medical equipment knocked over, papers scattered all over the floor, and segments of the walls, floors, wheelchairs, and medication cabinets burning with bluish-orange flames.

Just then, they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw a flaming Parrish flying backward down the hallway. His back slammed against the wall at the end and bounced off before landing on the floor.

Parrish slowly sat up in a seated position and placed his hand over his wounds, which were smoking as they began to heal. Parrish's eyes were still glowing reddish-orange, meaning that the Hellhound was still in control. Soon enough, the color in his eyes went away and it went back to its normal shade of green.

Sheriff slowly walked over to him to check on him, kneeling next to him, "Parrish? You okay?" Sheriff Stillinski called out quietly.

Parrish remained silent and stared off into space as if he were in a daze, "Deputy!" Stillinski called out louder.

Parrish jumped in fright and blinked. He looked over at Sheriff in surprise before looking around, clearly confused about how he had gotten there and why he was covered in soot and injuries as Sheriff comfortingly placed his hand on Parrish's bare shoulder.

Scott noticed the Beasts' bloody pawprints leading away from them down the hallway. He followed them for a short distance before realizing that the pawprints were turning into bloody shoe-prints, which clearly confused both him and Stiles. Scott looked down at the two bloody shoe prints and noticed them to be from two different people. One of them looked to be a sneaker print while the other seemed to be shoe print from a high heel.
