Veronica sat on the ground in a large tunnel on the sub-level of the sewers. Mason was lying asleep in Corey's arms. She sighed, looking over at Corey, who was awake also, "Why did you help me escape?" She asked Corey curiously.

 Corey stayed quiet for a long moment before finally speaking up, "I don't know," he shrugged slightly, "I just feel like I can trust you more than the rest of the pack. You've helped me when the Dread Doctors were after, I thought I owed you."

  Suddenly, Mason woke up, cutting Corey and Veronica's conversation short. He suddenly started to remember the events of the previous night and stood up before he began to pace around. Both Veronica and Corey got up, both of them looking panicked as they approached the male, "What are we doing down here?" Mason asked worriedly.

  "It was the only place we could think of..." Corey trailed off as Mason glanced over at Veronica.

 "Wait, what do you mean?" Mason asked him confused.

  "Scott can't follow you and Veronica down here. He can't follow your scent." Corey explained to him.

   Mason was clearly overwhelmed by all of this information and began to pace around again, "Okay, hold on--It's not me! I'm not even a genetic chimera." Mason argued.

 "You sure about that?" Veronica retorted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Mason looked as though he was struggling to come up with answers, and Corey sighed before he continued what Veronica was beginning to say, "It was on the bus. After I made us disappear, I felt something. I don't know how to describe it, but it felt...wrong. Completely and totally wrong. And trust me-- every other second I'm with you is completely and totally right."

"It can't be me," Mason argued before turning to Veronica confused.   "After we left the bus, I lost you at the game. Remember?" Corey reminded him, "Where did you go?"

  Mason frowned and tried to remember, "I went to...I was..." Mason continued to struggle to remember what he had done, and Corey looked even more concerned.

  "All those times you said the Beast showed up, everything you said about frequencies..." Veronica asked him, "Where were you all those times? The night at the transmission towers..." She trailed as she began to remember the events at the same time Mason did, "The observatory downtown? The Army base? All the times you said there were transmissions..."

    Mason, who had been pacing back and forth, placed his face in his hands in disbelief. He suddenly stopped when he suddenly realized something, "Wait. They can still find us! They can find us by frequency..." Mason trailed off as he began to panic.

"Who? Scott?" Veronica asked him confused. 

 "No. Them..." Mason trailed off.

  All of a sudden,  with her werewolf hearing, Veronica could hear the skittering noise that indicated the presence of the Dread Doctors as they made their way toward them from three different directions. 

  Veronica turned to Corey and Mason with fear in her eyes, "They're here! Run!" She shouted.

 The two boys did as Veronica said and rushed down the adjacent hallway with her, but they were quickly cornered by the Geneticist, forcing them to back up and turn around, only to run straight into the Pathologist.

   With the Doctors closing in on them, Mason and Corey cut down another hallway as the two Doctors met up with the Surgeon and pursued Veronica and Mason together. The three teenagers finally reach an alcove where they found a ladder that lead up through a sewer grate to the outside world, which Corey immediately started to climb. However, Mason and Veronica so distracted by the Doctors that it was almost like they were in a trance as they started to chant their names, "Mason...Veronica...Mason...Veronica..." The Surgeon called out to them.

   As the Doctors started to close in on them, Corey stopped and turned around to look at Mason and Veronica, "Come on!" Corey shouted.

   Both Veronica and Mason finally snapped out of it and Mason quickly followed Corey up the ladder as the Doctors continued to follow them. Veronica stood there, waiting for both boys to go up safely before she went herself, "Veronica..." They called out to her. 

  Corey used his super-strength to lift up the grate and jumps out of the sewer, which lead them to the grassy land just next to a road leading downtown. It was pouring outside as he helped Mason out. Once they did so, Veronica didn't even bother to climb up the ladder, she glowed her red eyes as she jumped up, landing just outside the hole that led into the sewers.

   The two ran down the steep hill onto the highway below them, not even bothering to close the grate behind them. Once they made it to the road, which was luckily free of cars, the three of them started to sprint down the highway away from where they lost the Dread Doctors. 

  However, when Veronica and Mason heard them calling out their names again, they both immediately stopped in their tracks, causing Corey to repeat the motion when he realizes Mason was no longer following him, "Mason...Veronica..." The Surgeon called out to them.

  Corey looks frantically at Mason and Veronica, both of whom were frozen in terror, "Mason, Veronica, Come on!" Corey shouted out.

 Veronica and Mason stayed where they were, Mason gaping in shock at the Pathologist, who had just appeared on the bridge above them. 

  He jumped down to block their way, but when the three of them turned to run in the opposite direction, they were blocked by the Surgeon and the Geneticist. 

  Corey, at a loss for options, grabbed Veronica and Mason by their hands and caused them to become invisible, but the Surgeon took his sword-cane and hit Corey in the temple with it, knocking him to the ground and briefly causing him to become unconscious.

   When Corey finally groaned out and opened his eyes, he was horrified to see that they had knocked Mason and even Veronica out as well and were carrying their unconscious bodies in a fireman's carry away from him.

AN: This chapter sucks tbh, but whatever.
