"I'm telling you, you should have stay in London with me, Ronnie." Ethan complained on the other end of the phone.

  Veronica sat in the backseat of her taxi car, stuck in traffic just outside Beacon Hills. She was on her way to the event going on at school for the seniors. It was the night before senior year start for them all.

"I'm fine, Ethan. Beacon Hills is my home, I belong here, not in London." Veronica replied with a smile appearing on her lips, "And if I were to have stayed in London, I would have been stuck as a third wheel to you and your new boyfriend, Jackson. Do you know how weird that would have been? Having to hang out with my ex-girlfriend's ex boyfriend?"

"Look, Ronnie, there's something I want to tell you—" Before Ethan could finish his sentence, the line was cut off from the bad weather in Beacon Hills.

Veronica sighed, getting out of her car to see if she could get service. She held her phone up in the air, which didn't help at all. She looked up at the top of her car and shrugged her shoulders, not seeing any harm in climbing up there to see if she could get any service.

With one swift moment, Veronica was already standing on the hood of her car, holding her phone up to get service. She didn't care that the taxi driver would probably say something, she figured she could just pay him extra.

  "Dammit!" Veronica complained to herself, still not getting any service.

Veronica sighed deeply, jumping off the top of the car and landing on the ground.

Veronica stopped herself for moment when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned her head to see a boy staring at her from a distance. He seemed oddly familiar. He had light brown hair, he was of average height and from what she could see, he had green eyes.

  "I'm not getting any service either." He spoke up, holding up his phone as he smirked at her.

Veronica squinted her eyes, only to gasp when she saw who it was, "Theo?" She asked, her eyes wide in shock from seeing the boy.

"In the flesh." He replied, making his way over to her, "What? No hug? No nothing?"

Veronica scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest, "You don't deserve a hug." She pouted, sounding a bit childish in her own opinion.

"Why not?" He asked her, a smirk appearing on his face. He knew exactly what he did, he just wanted to hear the girl say it, "Are you seriously mad I left without saying goodbye? It was two years ago and my parents forced me
to cut all ties after you got me expelled."

   "I didn't get you expelled," Veronica rolled her eyes as she turned back to her car, "V, Wait," He called out and Veronica turned to him once more.

"What?" She asked annoyed.

"I heard about Aiden. I'm sorry. It must have been hard." He told her, sounding surprisingly sincere with his condolences.

"It's fine." She replied, "I had Scott—" As she went to finish her sentence, she heard a bike engine.

Veronica smiled brightly as she turned around and looked ahead to see Scott riding his bike in between the large columns of cars that were stuck in traffic.

    Veronica ran toward the male Alpha as he quickly parked his motor bike front in of her and took off his helmet before running over to the girl.

  Veronica ran into Scott's arms, linking her arms around his neck within seconds as the couple hugged each other tightly. It had been three months since they seen each other. Even though they texted and FaceTimed like crazy, they still missed each other like hell.

    The two pulled away from each other to looked into each other's eyes, "Did you have fun in London?" Scott asked her quickly, in deep need of her response.

  "Not one bit." Veronica replied with a smirk, shaking her head.

  "Good." Scott smiled back before wrapping his arms around Veronica's waist, pulling her as close as possible.

  The two smiled brightly at each other  before Scott leaned in for a kiss. The couple stood there, in the rain, passionately  kissing each other as if nobody was there to see them.


Veronica giggled as she followed Scott to the secret place they went to frequently. It was just outside school and the two would use this place to get away from everyone else.

"We're not late, are we?" Veronica questioned calmly, smiling at Scott as they stood together.

"Nope, everyone's on their way," Scott replied.

Veronica looked at to see Scott smiling brightly at her, "What? What are you smiling about?"

"You." Scott smiled again and Veronica leaned in and kissed Scott.

Veronica lightly pushed Scott against the wall as they kept making out  again. Veronica pulled away from the kiss and frowned.

Veronica eyes glowed red out of instinct when she heard a inhuman growl, "What's wrong?" Scott asked confused.

"Something's not right." Veronica told him calmly as the two turned their heads to see a figure a couple hundred feet away from them. The person growled as he stepped out of the shadows, Fangs and claws bared, ready to fight.

"Don't move, I'll handle it." Scott whispered to her and she nodded. Scott and the man began to fight. Soon after, Scott ended up on the ground injured.

Veronica took a deep breath, glowing her eyes red as she let out her claws.

The man tried to slash her with her claws, but she quickly dodged it. Veronica slashed him deeply with her claws on his back, making him slightly groan in pain from the Alpha's wound. Before Veronica could stage another hit, she was quickly grabbed by the neck and held up. The man looked at her for a moment before throwing her to the side. Veronica ended up landing right next to Scott.

"A true alpha and the last remaining alpha from the Alpha Pack. Where's the power, Scott? Where's the power, Veronica?" The man questioned, looking down at them.

The two teenagers quickly stood up, now alert after hearing their names, "Who are you?" Scott questioned, angrily.

"A devoted fan!" He replied, "Come on, show me the powerful duo who took down Deucalion and broke the Argents! I came for those two alphas!" After getting no answer, the man became angry, "Come on!"

Scott and Veronica quickly got up and began to attack the man. The two led out a growl as they slashed him. Veronica was pushed to the ground just as the man gripped his hand around Scott's neck.

The man held Scott against the wall just as Veronica fell to floor. He let Scott fall to the ground before he stood in between Scott and Veronica's injured body, "I didn't just come here to take your status and her power!"

Veronica's eyes widened as she watched the man's talons glow a bluish color. Yet again, she was shocked when she saw a another supernatural appear. The three looked up to see that same teenage boy that Veronica had seen earlier jump down from where he was. It was Theo.

Scott and Veronica shared a glance when they the teenage boy charge at the man and slash him multiple times. His eyes glowed yellow and his fangs were bared as he kept on slashing him.

Veronica didn't know why, but he fight between the man and the teenage boy looked almost staged to her. The boy was sent to the ground just as Scott and the man began to fight.

Scott was able to dodge a few hits before the man tightened his hand around Scott's neck. Veronica gasped as the man's talon glowed blue as he stabbed them into Scott's torso. Scott croaked out in pain as he fell to the ground. The red alpha eyes that formerly glowed were now slowly fading away.

Veronica turned her head to see the rest of the pack arriving. Stiles looked over at them in shock and Liam's growled, glowing his yellow eyes.

Veronica got up from the floor, ready to fight back, but then was stopped when she noticed Scott's weak state go away. Scott looked up at the man, gripping his hand around the man's arm as his eyes glowed red once more.

Scott lowly growled as he stood up from kneeling on the ground. Scott roughly twisted the man's arm, injuring him. The man yelled out in pain as he fell to the ground. Scott pulled out the talons that had gotten stuck in his side and tossed them to the ground.

"I don't know who you are, or what you thought you were going to do. But I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else or you can run."

The man looked over at Veronica and then at Stiles, "I'd run." Stiles spoke up.

The man looked at each of them for a moment before fleeing for his life. Scott and Veronica intertwined hands as they went over to stand with the rest of the pack. The whole group looked over at the unknown boy with the concerned looks.

The Teenage boy smiled as he turned to face them, "You don't remember me, do you?" He questioned and the group shook their heads.

"I guess I do look a little different since the fourth grade." The boy smirked.

Theo?" Scott quietly gasped.

Theo smiled and nodded, "You know him?" Malia questioned confused.

"Scott and Stiles used to. Trust me, I thought I'd never see you guys again, especially Veronica. How long has it been, V, huh? Two years?" Theo asked and Scott turned to his girlfriend, giving her a concerned look as Theo continued his story, "A couple months ago, I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills and a member of the notorious alpha pack forming a pack together. By the names of Scott McCall and Veronica Morgan. I just couldn't believe it. And the male alpha wasn't just a regular alpha, he was a true alpha."

Scott stood quiet for a moment before Veronica beat him to speaking up, "What do you want?" She asked the male calmly.

"To come back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family. Because I want to be apart of your pack." He explained calmly.


Veronica sighed as she walked through the school doors alongside the rest of the pack.

"We haven't seen this kid years, you don't find that highly suspicious?" Stiles remarked and Veronica looked at him offended.

"I'm kinda of more concerned about the guy who just tried to kill Veronica and I." Just as Scott finished his sentence, Malia's phone rang, making the whole group turn to face her.

Malia looked down at her phone for a moment before looking up, "I'm in! I passed!" Malia shouted.

Stiles smiled as he pulled his girlfriend in for a hug, "I'm a officially a senior." Malia remarked and both Kira and Veronica pulled their friend in for a hug.

"Thank God!" The group heard a voice say and they all turned to see Lydia walking over to them, "Where have you guys been? The whole senior class is here. Are we doing this or not?"

The pack shared a look before walking towards the library. Scott wrapped his arm around Veronica as they made their way to the library.

  Once it was Veronica's turn to write her name on the shelf, she took a moment to look at all the other initials. She smiled when she found Derek's initials on the shelf. Veronica look down at it for a second before writing her intials and then handing the marker to Scott.

  Veronica grinned as she watched Scott write both his own name and Allison's, also. They all knew that no matter what, Allison would be them.

Scott looked down at the initials sadly for a moment before walking over to his friends, "She would have been with us."

"Yeah." Scott nodded as he wrapped an arm around Veronica.

"She still is." Veronica spoke up and smiled.
