"So basically we're looking for abnormal behavior?" Theo asked curiously as he stood with Scott and Veronica outside school.

"Anyone acting a little off or a little weird," Scott replied, nodding his head.

Theo looked at the people in the courtyard and frowned, "Isn't everyone a little weird in high school?" Theo questioned confused.

"For once, good point, Theo," Veronica muttered under her breath before she, Scott, Theo walked down the stairs and into the courtyard.

"You remember Tracey went on a killing spree after reading that?" Theo reminded him.

"You think it's a bad idea?" Scott asked concerned.

"I think Veronica over here almost getting run down by a car could've been bad." Theo told him, "Well, that's why you guys haven't finished it, right?"

"We're going to," Scott replied, sounding determined.

"Scott, I cam here hoping to find a pack. I wasn't planning on watching one fall apart." Theo commented and looked at Scott.

"The book's all we got," Scott stated with a sigh.

"Then I'll read it too," Theo decided.

After Scott left, Veronica was stuck standing next Theo by herself. She looked over at him, trying her hardest not to laugh, "What's so funny?" Theo asked her confused.

"Mr. 'I came here for a pack, I wasn't planning on watching one fall apart'." Veronica tried to mock her best Theo voice, "You are so full of shit." Veronica gave Theo a death glare before walking off.


That night, Lydia, Veronica, Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira, and Theo all met up at Scott's house to spend the night reading the Dread Doctors, even though Veronica and Malia already had, "My mom's book club usually has more wine." Lydia commented as she stared down at the numerous copies of the Dread Doctors book lying on the coffee table in the living room.

"Well, they also probably didn't read books that cause violet hallucinations." Stiles retorted before glancing over at Lydia.

Scott looked up at both Malia and Veronica, "That's why Malia and Veronica are here." He added in.

"So none of us running into traffic or have a panic attack?' Kira questioned.

"Well, we all know Veronica's good at helping people with panic attacks and keeping control. Right, Veronica?" Stiles asked the girl sarcastically as he winked at her, clearly referring to the times she kissed both Liam and Scott to keep him in control.

Veronica rolled her eyes at Stiles and decided to not respond to his comment, "Or worse, Kira." Scott replied to Kira's comment, wanting to ignore what Stiles had said just like Veronica did.

"Like what happened to Judy," Malia spoke up, causing the whole group to turn to her confused.

"Long story, you'll understand when you get to chapter fourteen," Veronica informed the group and Stiles nodded his head in understanding.

Lydia picked up a copy of the Dread Doctors book, "Maybe I should have my mother read it." She commented sarcastically as she looked around at everyone "She might remember a girl with a tail leaping off the ceiling and attacking everyone."

"Yeah, if it works," Stiles replied, not sounding too optimistic about it.

"It has to," Lydia said quietly.

"What's that mean?" Veronica asked the female banshee concerned.

"I think I saw them during my surgery," Lydia informed them, causing Veronica to look at her concerned, "When I look at the cover of the book...It's almost like..." She trailed off, not finding the right words to describe the experience.

"A memory trying to surface," Theo spoke up and everyone looked over at him.

Lydia looked up, "Yeah." She replied.

"Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote it?" Kira asked them and Veronica nodded.

"If they did something to me, I want to know what it is," Lydia explained, causing Veronica to look down at the ground, thinking about the flashback she had.

She didn't tell anyone about it, not even Scott. A part of her still didn't believe that it actually happened. How could she have not remembered the Dread Doctors with her and why would Theo be apart of it.

The whole group picked up a copy of the book and found their seats throughout the living room and kitchen. Kira had found a seat next to Scott, which forced Veronica to sit across from her boyfriend and next to Theo. Everyone seemed to be tired unlike Veronica, who was wide awake.

Scott looked over at his girlfriend and sent her a small smile before looking around at everyone else, "Anyone feel anything yet?" Scott spoke up loudly.

Kira shook her head as she looked down at the book, "Tired." She answered.

"Hungry," Lydia added in her own comment.

"I think he meant to book," Theo told them and Lydia glanced over at him before back at her book.

As everyone continued to read the book, Veronica's attention went toward Malia and Stiles in the kitchen. Malia suddenly noticed that Stiles' shoulder seemed to be in pain, "What did you do to your shoulder?" Malia asked him concerned.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles questioned, acting as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

"I can smell the blood," Malia argued, "What happened?"

"Jeep died on me again," Stiles began to tell his lie, "I went to check the engine, the hood fell on it."

Suddenly, Veronica's attention went toward Scott when he spoke up, "Hey, V?" Scott called her by her nickname, causing her to instantly look up, "You never told me what memory resurfaced. What was it?" He asked her and Veronica began to tense up.

She glanced over at Theo before back at Scott, "It was really nothing," Veronica shrugged her shoulder, still thinking of a good story to tell, "It was when I was younger. I actually witnessed Deucalion killing mother, not my dad. But I kind of already knew about that so wasn't really a shocking memory." She explained and Scott nodded his head.

Veronica noticed Theo staring at her, clearly knowing what she had said was a total lie. She gave him a glare before averting her attention to her phone.

Veronica turned her head when she heard Kira let out a sigh. The female kitsune sighed once more before shutting her eyes and leaning her head back to sleep, "You're not giving up, Kira, are you?" Veronica asked concerned.

"I'm just resting my eyes, Veronica. Don't worry." Kira assured her as she lifted her hand up and turned off the lap next to her.


Only about thirty minutes later, everyone had fallen asleep when supposed to be reading. The only one who looked to be awake was Theo. Veronica and Scott had told Kira to go rest in Scott's room. Scott was going to tell her to go to Veronica's room, but then he remembered that Veronica's board was on full display to anyone and that wouldn't go well with Stiles and Malia.

Veronica was in her room, trying to be as quiet as possible as she added things to her tracking of the Desert Wolf. Malia ended up telling her about what the memory she had actually resurfaced and was sworn to secrecy.

Veronica stopped what she was doing when she heard Scott's bedroom door open. Tiptoeing over, Veronica got there to see Theo kneeling to Kira's bed as Kira muttered words in Japanese. She frowned at this and watched as Theo recorded the words on his phone, probably to translate it.

Feeling a presence nearby, turned to look at the door, only to see no one there. He smirked to himself, knowing for a fact that it was Veronica.
