Veronica was walking down the hallway by herself when she heard something coming from the basement, "Not this again," She groaned, recalling the last time she heard something coming from the school basement it was when Void Stiles had tricked everyone.

  Scott, Theo, and Veronica met each other in the basement to find a bunch of wire cut, "This definetely wasn't Kira." Scott commented quietly.

  "It's a Chimera." Theo's eyes widened in realization.

Just a few moments after, the group was back on the first floor and waited as Malia walked down the stairs to meet them, "Where's Kira?" Veronica asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Still at the library," Malia informed her as the group began to walk down the hallway together, "Stiles and Lydia are at the hospital."

"Doing what? Theo questioned confused.

"Lydia's trying to figure out what happened during her surgery," Malia replied calmly.

"How long are they going to be there?" Scott asked Malia curiously.

"They said they're just waiting for the power to come back on," Malia explained and Veronica quickly turned to both boys, giving them a knowing look.

 They nodded at her before walking out of the school with Malia, who was confused by it all, following close behind.


  The four supernatural teenagers entered the hospital and Scott was quick to tell them what needed to be done, "You guys try to find Stiles and Lydia." Scott ordered, "I'm gonna go find my mom."

  Scott looked over at Veronica, "Be careful." He whispered to her and Veronica nodded, watching as her boyfriend walk off.

 "Let's split up," Veronica proposed and Malia nodded her head in agreement. The Female Alpha quickly gripped onto Theo's arm and pulled him with her, "Theo's with me."

 As they began to want down the hospital, Theo couldn't help but comment on how eager Veronica was to take him with her instead of Malia, "For someone who supposedly hates my guts, why were you so keen on taking me with you?" He asked curiously and Veronica quietly scoffed.

"It's because I don't trust you won't do something villain-like when on your own," She replied before smelling the air, "He's on the roof."

 Theo and Veronica ran to the roof to find Stiles being attacked by the Chimera. Veronica roared out as she threw the Chimera across the room before running to Stiles' side while Theo fought the Chimera. 

 While Theo was fighting him, Veronica was about to turn in full wolf form, only to find that she seemed unable to, "What the hell?" She muttered to herself, causing Stiles to look at her concerned.

"Veronica, what's wrong?" Stiles asked her, a concerned look on his face.

"I-I can't turn." She admitted quietly.

 Veronica turned her head just in time to see Theo slash the Chimera's throat. She quietly gasped before running over to Theo, "What the hell did you do!" Veronica shouted at him, sounding a bit worried.

 "Stiles, Veronica, you guys can't say anything," Theo told them in a pleading tone, "Please, don't say anything."

"Why not?" Stiles asked him quietly as he glanced down at the Chimera's dead body.

"Because I never said anything about Donovan." he replied, turning back into human form, "I know what happened to Donovan. I know everything..."

  Veronica growled as she grabbed Theo by the top of his shirt and pushed him against the fence around the generator with Stiles right beside her, "You don't know jack, Theo!"

Theo ended up switching the position so Veronica was now leaning against the fence. Stiles was going to do something, but Veronica gave him the look that told him to stand down, "I was there!" Theo growled at her as he turned to look at Stiles, "I was at the library! Malia found the book. She was texting us to see where you were. She said she left you at the library, Stiles. I told her I was close. I ended up getting there at the same time as Veronica did, When I got there, I heard the scaffolding come down."

"You saw him?" Stiles asked him quietly.

"Just the body," Theo replied as He finally pulled away from Veronica. He turned his body slightly so he was facing both Veronica and Stiles, "I watched you guys come out. I was gonna say something, but then I saw the cop car." Theo became quiet for a moment as he stared down at the ground, "And the body was gone. I don't know who took him. I only saw what you saw,  and I didn't say anything because you two didn't."

 Veronica turned when she heard the sound of sirens wailing. Both males did the same until Theo turned to Stiles, "That's not an ambulance, is it?" Theo asked concerned and Stiles shook his head, "We should get out of here." 

 Stiles shook his head as he looked down at the Chimera's body, "We can't just leave him." Stiles argued.

"I agree." Veronica suddenly spoke up.

"Fine. All right, let's take him. Someone's stealing the bodies anyway, right?" Theo reminded them, causing Veronica to sigh, "Here's our chance to find out who. Stiles, V, come on. We gotta do something."

"We had no part of this," Veronica argued in disbelief, "You're the one who killed him."

"In self-defense," Theo argued, "He was going to kill you and me, Stiles. Then that would have left Veronica and you know Scott wouldn't look at her the same if she killed one of them. If we stay, we're either going to have to tell the truth or we're going to need a pretty convincing story. It's your choice." He explained and both Stiles and Veronica seemed hesitant, "I'm not going to ask you to lie to your dad, Stiles."

"Don't worry. I've had plenty of practice." Stiles reminded him as he walked over to the body alongside Veronica.


 Once getting the body back to the Animal Clinic, Veronica, Stiles, and Theo met up with Scott. Stiles sighed as he lifted up the sheet off of the Chimera's body to reveal him to be dead, "Do you know him?" Theo asked, noticing the way Scott looked down at the body.

"His name's Josh." Scott realized, "He was a junior."

 Stiles and Veronica shared a worried glance before turning to Scott as Stiles covered the body with the sheet once more, "Which one did it? Was it the one with the cane?" Scott asked them concerned.

 Both boys seemed to be lost for words so Veronica was quick to speak up, "Yeah, that was him." She confirmed.

"What are we going to do with him?" Stiles asked curiously, "We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracey disappeared. Someone's got to stay here with him."

 Both Stiles and Scott looked over at Veronica, who was quick to argue, "I got stuck staying with both Brett and Young Derek last two times, so I think I'm going to pass on this one." Veronica told him with a shrug.

 Theo sighed deeply before speaking up, "I'll do it." He offered and the whole group looked over at him "It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned."

  Veronica's phone suddenly vibrated so she took it out of her pocket to see that it was a text from Liam, telling her that Hayden was the next Chimera. She walked over to Scott, causing his eyes to widen as he saw the text, "What is it?" Stiles asked them concerned, feeling as if he were out of the loop.

"Another one," Scott informed him, "Another Chimera."

AN: The book is lacking Sceronica scenes. I need to add them so bad.
