-Not edited

   After Stiles abruptly hung up on her, Veronica ran to the school, having the feeling that something was wrong. Veronica used her key card to get into the library to see Stiles standing in front of Donovan, who was impaled by a metal pole. She gasped out, "Stiles, what did you do!" Veronica shouted out, running over to him.

Stiles quickly turned to her, a shocked expression on his face, "Veronica, he tried to kill me. It was self-defense."

  Veronica stood in front of Stiles, an unreadable look on his face. Stiles expected Veronica to go off on a rant about her having to tell Scott, but instead, she pulled Stiles into a hug, "It's going to be okay, Stiles. I'm going to help you get through this, but we need to call the police." She informed him and Stiles pulled away from her, looking worried.

"Please, don't tell Scott." He begged her in a pleading tone and Veronica nodded as she walked over to the school's phone.

 Veronica dialed nine one one and waited for the person to answer, "Nine one one, what is your emergency?" The lady asked but got no answer, "nine one one, please state your emergency. You've reached nine one one, this line is for emergencies only. If you do not have an emergency, please hang up."

Once the police decided to send out a car, Stiles and Veronica made their way back to Stiles' jeep, where they waited for the car to come. The police ended up coming, only to find nothing there, which confused Veronica and Stiles deeply.


The following morning, Stiles ended up staying home sick while Veronica attended school, acting as if nothing happened, just as she always did.

 Malia, Lydia, and Veronica entered school together, Lydia holding the Dread Doctors book in her hand, "The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon," She read out loud.

As Malia and Veronica followed Lydia down the hallway, she suddenly stopped, causing the two girls to do the same, "What?" Malia asked, noticing Lydia staring intently at the book.

"I don't know," She replied, beginning to walk once more, "There's something about it. Has anyone actually read it yet?"

"Just Malia and I. I couldn't fall asleep last night so I binge read it." Veronica explained to the Banshee, "It was really confusing, honestly."

"I didn't understand any of it," Malia admitted

"We should probably all read it." Lydia decided.

"Kira's working on that," Malia informed her.


Once leaving Malia and Lydia in the hallway, Veronica walked through the library with Scott, "I don't think the Dread Doctors are the ones stealing the bodies." Scott confessed to her as they walked down the stairs to the first floor of the library.

"Are we really calling them, Scott?" Veronica asked with a sigh, "It sounds really odd."

"Think about it, V. They killed Tracy and walked away," He began to explain to her, "They killed Lucas and walked away. Why would they leave and come back to take the bodies?"

"You've got a point," Veronica pointed out, "Someone else has to be taking the bodies."

"But the bodies aren't just bodies. They're..." Scott trailed off as he tried to figure out the right word, "They're failures."

"Honestly, what got me worried is, if all these chimeras are failures, how terrifying is the actual success going to be?" She asked him concerned.

"Bad. Very bad." Scott replied.

As the two teenagers were about to walk out of the library, Scott stopped in his tracks and sniffed. Veronica looked at him nervously, hoping this whole time he would not have smelled the blood on the scaffold that she smelled, "What is it? What's wrong?" Veronica questioned, a concerned look on her face.

"I thought I smelled blood." He told her and Veronica sighed.

"It's probably nothing, Scott. I would have smelt it, too, if it was actually blood." She assured him, even though it was a total lie.


 Veronica stood beside Scott in the locker room as they explained to Theo about the Dread Doctors book, "Sorry, but I'd never even heard of the Kanima until a few days ago." Theo told them, causing Veronica to quietly scoff as she rolled her eyes at him, "You want me to read this?" He asked as he flipped through the photocopied print of the Dread Doctors book.

"Well, not yet. I'm still only on chapter one." Scott replied calmly, "Veronica and Malia are the only ones who finished it."

"You guys do this a lot, huh?" Theo asked them, smiling.

"Do what?" Veronica asked him confused.

"Get involved," he replied and Veronica nodded.

"Prett much," Veronica replied, still nodding her head.

"What about that author?" Theo questioned them, "If he knew all about these guys, shouldn't we be talking to him?"

Veronica looked at Theo closely, feeling as if he was purposely trying to get them to do something, "We thought about that, but it's pretty much a dead end." Scott explained to him.

 Theo flipped through the pages and stopped when he got toward the end of the book, "What about this guy?" He asked, pointing to the dedication.

Scott quickly grabbed the book before he began to read the dedication out loud, "For providing scientific perspective and invaluable insight, this book is dedicated to Dr. Gabriel Valack."

Veronica groaned out when she heard the male's name, "Do you guys know him?" Theo asked them concerned.

"Yeah," Scott replied as he looked up at Theo with wide eyes, "And I know where to find him."

 After walking out of the locker room, Theo soon followed after Veronica, wanting to talk to her about something. Veronica sighed at this and rolled her eyes, unamused, "What do you want, Theo?" Veronica asked the boy annoyed.

"Has anything happened since you read the book?" Theo asked her, actually sounding concerned for her wellbeing.

Veronica frowned as she stopped walking and turned to Theo, "No, why?" She replied, "Is there a something I should know that you know and I don't."

 Theo quickly shook his head, "No, no, of course not. I was just wondering." He told her, clearly lying.

 Veronica smiled, tilting her head to the side as she looked at Theo, "Jeez, Theo. And here I was thinking you were a better liar than I was. Guess not. See you in math tomorrow." Veronica sarcastically waved Theo goodbye before walking off, not even knowing that she would end up spending her whole evening with the male.

AN: I had so much trouble getting inspiration to writing this chapter, I don't know what it is. I've been usually getting 4+ chapters each day and today I've only gotten two.
