At the McCall house, Kira brought Scott, who was still seriously injured after his battle with the Beasts, back to his bedroom, where she helps him lie down in bed. 

  Scott looked panicked as she did so, "We gotta find them! It's Veronica...And Mason. I have to find Veronica." He told frantically, wanting to save his girlfriend before it was too late.

 Kira nodded her head in understanding, "I know. Everybody's looking." She replied in a calm tone, "We're going to find them."


Scott awoke with a gasp in his bed and looked around for a moment before he remembered the events of the previous night. He lifted up his tank top and was relieved to see that all of his wounds had healed. After a moment, Scott realized that Veronica was still missing and jumped out of his bed to get dressed. 

 Once doing so, he walked downstairs, where he overheard Stiles, Kira, Malia, Lydia, and Liam, discussing what they know about their current situation around the kitchen table, "My dad's got an APB out." Stiles informed the group.

  "For a five-foot sixteen-year-old boy and five foot five eighteen year old girl?" Kira asked warily.

  Stiles shook his head, "I recommended 'Two nine-foot-tall rampaging werewolves'." He replied.

 In the hallway, Scott smiled to himself as he headed toward the kitchen. Liam seemed to be still a little bit in denial and frowned before chiming in, "It still might not be them." Liam tried to tell them and the rest of the pack gave him the look that told him that even though he hoped that to be true, it wasn't. Once noticing the looks he had been given, Liam sighed, "Hayden's at the school looking."

"I can keep checking the woods." Malia chimed in as she turned to Stiles.

"And my mom can check all the hospitals in the county," Scott spoke up, causing the whole pack to turn to him, "We can find them."

"What happens then?" Liam asked curiously.

"We figure out a way to save him," Scott decided and Lydia was quick to make a comment.

"Okay. How do we find them though? Where is there to look?" Lydia asked Scott nervously as she turned to Scott, "Veronica was the one who did all the tracking, you guys can't do it without her."

"Let's ask Corey," Scott replied, causing the whole group to frown in confusion.

  Just then, Scott extended his arm out and grabbed ahold of Corey, who was previously camouflaged to the wall. Once seeing him to do, the whole pack slightly backed away, "Wait. Wait. It's not my fault." Corey stammered, a nervous look on his face, "They took them and I couldn't do anything. Not even Veronica could fight back."

"Who?" Scott asked sternly, wanting to the know the answer as he tightened his grip on Corey's jacket.

"The Dread Doctors," Corey replied quietly.


 Where the Dread Doctors took Veronica and Mason, Veronica groaned as she and Mason were thrown to the ground. As they walked toward them, Veronica and Mason tried their best to move backward. A nervous look grew on her face when she looked behind her to see that she was leaning against a large tank that held a body.

 One of the Dread Doctors walked toward them, holding some type of device in their hand, "Wait! Don't...Wait, please. Please, don't!" Mason pleaded with the Dread Doctors while Veronica stayed silent.

Veronica knew it wasn't worth the fight. She had wounds on her body from fighting back that still weren't healing. And if she even thought about fighting back, she would die because she was so weak at that point.

  Mason screamed out as both he and Veronica were grabbed by their heads and held down as the Dread Doctors inserted the device into the back of their neck. Veronica screamed out in agony as the device was implanted into her, her scream sounding like an alpha roar. As the liquid began to be injected into her, Veronica could feel herself drifting off.

  As her eyes grew heavy, a figure appeared in front of her. She frowned when she saw Aiden standing in front of her, "You can't be here. You died." Veronica muttered under her breath as Aiden knelt in front.

"Yes, I am. And soon you will be, too, Ronnie. Sleep tight." He told her in a low tone as Veronica suddenly knocked out.


  At the school, Scott and Liam were walking down the hallway toward the locker room while they talked about what they were about to do, "How stupid are we to be doing this?" Liam asked nervously.

  "We're not stupid. We're desperate." Scott corrected him.

   "How desperate?" Liam asked in a hushed tone, "Veronica would have smacked us both in the head for thinking up this plan."

   Scott stopped just as he was about to push the locker room door open and sighed, "Well, Veronica isn't here, is she? That's why we have to get her back," Scott replied, "And to answer your question: Incredibly desperate."

   The two male werewolves walked into the room, where they found Theo and Tracy waiting for them. Once hearing them enter, both Theo and Tracy turned their heads to look at them, Theo looked a bit smug at the fact that they the two had been forced to come to him because they were out of ideas.

  "I told you we'd end up on the same side," Theo commented.

 Liam smiled at the Chimera fakely, "How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we're not?" He threatened, yet kept that same smile.

   Theo laughed at this remark, "I love this kid!"

   Tracy scowled at both Liam and Scott, "I don't."

  Scott sighed, "We know you're not on our side, Theo. You said you wanted to help Lydia, but you left Eichen with something else, didn't you?" He asked him concerned.

 Theo gave Scott a curious look, "You mean the mask? Are you worried about that?"

   "Did you put it on?" Scott asked him in a worried tone. When Theo just smiled and Tracy stayed silent, Scott took it as a 'Yes' and on with his questions, "Who did you see?" 

  Theo shrugged, "Not Mason and Veronica." 

  "What does that mean? It's not him?" Liam asked confused, still sounding a bit desperate to not be his two best friends.

   Tracy smirked rudely at them, "It probably means he's a lost cause." She commented, causing Liam to give her a glare.

  Both Scott and Liam felt a little bit of longing for Veronica's presence at that moment. They knew if Veronica was there at that moment, she would have been threatening both Theo and Tracy for answers, which would have probably worked better than their idea. And if she were there, Veronica would have been on the verge of attacking Tracy after hearing her comment about Mason.

 Theo sighed, deciding to ignore Tracy's comment, "We all want the same thing. We want Mason and Veronica back."

 "Okay, but the difference is that we want him back alive," Scott argued, trying to keep his cool.

 Theo smirked, taking a step toward Scott, "Well, I'm open to compromise," He replied, "You still got the map with the telluric currents on it?"

   Scott looked hesitant to answer his question, "Bring it to the operating theater in two hours." Theo told him before Liam and Scott walked out of the locker room.

 Liam gave Scott a skeptical look, "How desperate are we?" He asked him.

  Scott sighed, "Incredibly."

AN: Sorry for the long wait. I was gonna write a new chapter rn but I'm dying to watch this new Netflix movie. Lol. But after that, I'll try to write a new chapter. Oh, after the next chapter, Veronica won't be making an appearance until chapter 50 (the second to last chapter) because the second beast will be taking over her body.
