Veronica sat in front of Malia in math class. Once pulling out the paper from her folder of the Desert Wolf, she turned around and handed it to Malia, "This is her." Veronica whispered to Malia, who frowned when she saw a clear picture of the Desert Wolf. 

 The picture was of Corrine, smiling as she stood next to a black-haired Male who looked to be Latino. He had a smile on his face as he had his right arm wrapped around her waist while his left hand was rested on a little girl's shoulder. The little girl had dark brown eyes and hair to match. She seemed a bit scared in the picture and she looked to be about ten to twelve years of age. It was Veronica.

   Malia held the picture in her hands as she stared at it wide eyes, "Where did you get this from?" Malia asked the female shocked, quickly glancing up at her, "Who are these people with her?"

 "The little girl is me." Veronica informed and Malia quietly gasped at this revelation, "Meet me in the library next period. I'll explain everything."


 The following period, Veronica stood with her body leaning against one of the tables in the library. Malia soon walked over, clearly wanting to know more about what Veronica had to say, "Why do you have a picture of your with my mother and this...this guy?" Malia asked quickly, dying to know the rest of the story.

 Veronica sighed, "My mother died when I was about ten years. My father was already seeing a girl on the side before this. Her name was Corrine. She was a werecoyote and I hated her more than anything in the world. When my mom died, my father married Corinne almost immediately after. I ended up having to deal with my father's abuse for about three years by myself with Corrine not doing a single about it. That made me hate her even more than I already did. When Deucalion came and taught me how to shift, he convinced me to kill them and my whole entire pack to take their power. I did just that. I killed everyone in my pack, including my father. I thought I killed Corrine until last year when a person I thought killed informed that she was still alive and living under the code name of The Desert Wolf."

  Malia was quiet for a moment as she thought deeply about this information. After a moment, she looked up and frowned, "Does that make us stepsisters, since my biological mother is, was your stepmother/adoptive mother?" Malia asked her curiously and Veronica nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so." Veronica shrugged her shoulders.

Veronica's conversation was cut short when she heard ambulances outside, "I have to go." 

  Veronica ran outside to see Corey being pulled away in a stretcher with mercury covering his mouth and shirt, "He just started bleeding everywhere. I don't..." Mason began to explain to Scott, Veronica, and Theo.

"Don't let them do it!" Corey pleaded, "Don't let them kill me!"

"Scott, we have to follow them." Theo told them as Mason glanced down at his hands, which were covered in mercury and black blood, "We gotta protect him, right?" Theo frowned when he didn't get an answer, "Scott, come on. Scott?"

 Scott was snapped out of his trance-like state and turned to Theo, "Scott, this is what you and Veronica do!" Theo told him encouraging as he gestured to Corey being driven to the hospital in the ambulance.

"Let's go then," Scott told them as he went to turn to Veronica, who was not there any longer, "Where did she go? Where did Veronica go?"


 Veronica arrived at the hospital to see numerous doctors and patients on the ground, injured. She glowed her red eyes, trying to get his scent. Suddenly she saw Corey standing with his back against the wall. Veronica frowned, reverting her eyes back to his normal color only to see that he wasn't there, "What the hell?" She muttered.

 Veronica walked toward where she saw Corey when she used her werewolf eyes. Veronica grabbed onto Corey and suddenly, he was now visible, "Please, don't let them take me." Corey pleaded with her as he coughed up a bit of mercury.

"I won't let them take you, okay? But we have to hide." Veronica told him and Corey nodded.

 Corey placed his hand on Veronica's shoulder to make it so they were both hidden.


In Theo's truck, Scott sat in the passenger's seat while Theo sat in the driver's seat as they drove to the hospital to find both Veronica and Corey, "Hey, what did you want to talk to me about earlier?" Scott asked Theo concerned as he turned to look at him.

Theo glanced at Scott before looking back over at the road in front of him, "It can wait." Theo told him, shaking his head slightly.

"If something's wrong, you should tell me." Scott replied, wanting to know more, "We've all got to start talking to each other again."

"This might not be the best place to start, Scott," Theo stated quietly.

"You think I'm going to be angry?" Scott asked him.

"Not with me," He answered quietly, clearly knowing that he was making it so he had to tell Scott.

"Theo, you can talk to me," Scott assured him.

 Theo glanced at him once more, "Open the glove compartment," he told him and Scott quickly obeyed.

Scott opened the glove compartment to find Stiles' wrench. He picked it up and stared down at it, examining the tool, "It belonged to Stiles. He dropped it at the school." Theo informed him.

"Dropped it when?"  Scott asked Theo, a concerned look on his face.

  "When he killed Donovan," Theo replied quietly.

 "What are you talking about?" Scott frowned in confusion.

  "You know he hurt his shoulder, right?" Theo reminded him, "You smelled the blood."

  "That was the Jeep. He said the Jeep's hood fell on him when he was with Veronica." Scott argued, not wanting to believe Theo.

  "No, no, no, that was Donovan." Theo explained to him, "He went after Stiles at the library. I only saw the end of it. And when I saw what Stiles was doing... I couldn't stop him. I shouldn't... I shouldn't be telling you this. You should hear this from him..." Theo trailed off and by the look on Scott's face, he needed to know more.

   Scott glanced down at the wrench before back at Theo, "Tell me." He insisted.

  "I saw Donovan go down. Stiles hit him with the wrench, and then, he just, he just kept hitting him. Uh, maybe it was because he...He threatened to kill his dad. Or maybe Stiles thought he had to keep going to defend himself, but he just...He kept hitting him." Theo explained to him, stammering as he did so.

   "That's not possible," Scott argued, looking down as he shook his head in disbelief.

  "He crushed that kid's skull. I heard it cracking and splintering. By the time I pulled Stiles off him, half of Donovan's head was caved in. It didn't even look real." Theo stammered, "I keep telling myself that it was self-defense...It was self-defense, but... Scott, I'm sorry. I've never seen anything like it. And I've never seen anyone that angry." Theo paused for a moment before speaking up once more, "I heard Stiles call Veronica for help after it happened. She came and..." 

  Scott looked up at Theo concerned, "She what, Theo?" Scott asked concerned.

"She told Stiles that he couldn't tell you. She told him not to tell you. She said that she would bring him home and then get rid of the body. I think Stiles was going to tell you, but after she told him that you would never forgive him, Stiles agreed that she wouldn't. Veronica brought Stiles home and when she came back, the body was gone I'm guessing." Theo began quiet, knowing that Scott was processing it all, "You...You should talk to them. You have to talk to them."
