Malia sighed as she walked alongside Veronica toward the locker room, "I still don't think this is a good idea." She commented, not really liking the idea of letting Theo help them find them the Desert Wolf.

  "Me neither," Veronica agreed with her, "But he has what we need."

   A few moments later. Malia and Veronica had met up with Theo in the boy's locker room at school. Both girls didn't look too happy when they saw him holding up one of the Dread Doctors' huge syringe guns.

"You're kidding, right?" Veronica scoffed, staring at him in disbelief.

  Theo sighed at her comment, "Look, I promised I'd help, and I will." He replied.

Malia scoffed at Theo and gestured toward the syringe, "That's supposed to help us find Deaton?" Malia asked him curiously.

  "No," Theo shook his head, "Something in the Dread Doctors' operating theater is going to do that. I can take you two there, but I can't let you see where it is."

  Both Veronica and Malia continued to look at him as though Theo was insane, "Ever hear of a blindfold?" Malia questioned him.

  Theo rolled his eyes at both females, clearly becoming impatient with them, "Not one that works on a werecoyote and an Alpha Werewolf." He retorted with an attitude.

 Veronica sighed, still eyeing the syringe with a suspicious look, "What's in it?" Veronica asked him concerned.

 "Wolfsbane. The same kind they used on Liam. It won't last, and there's no permanent side effects." He explained to them.

  Malia and Veronica continued to give him a look, "Why should we trust you?" Malia commented.

 Theo shrugged his shoulders, You shouldn't..." He trailed off, "But, you will, because the Desert Wolf could be here, and Scott's boss could already be dead. You want to give Scott the bad news? You want to tell him it's your fault Deaton's dead? Because you pretty much dared the Desert Wolf to come after you."

  There was a moment of silence between the three teenagers until Veronica finally spoke up, turning to Malia, "I think I can handle it now, Malia," Veronica told Malia with a sigh, "You can go now."

"You sure?" Malia asked her concerned and Veronica stayed silent but nodded her head.

"She's right," Theo spoke up, "This is kind of a two person thing and there's only enough wolfsbane in here for one of you."

Malia sighed before she began to walk toward the door, "Be careful." Malia warned her friend.

"I will," Veronica assured her as she watched Malia hesitantly leave.

 Once Malia was gone,  Veronica glared at the Chimera. She took a step toward Theo, glancing down the syringe before back at Theo. Hechuckled in amusement before gesturing for her to move toward him, "You're gonna have to come closer than that." He insisted.

 Veronica rolled her eyes and took another step forward, "Don't call me that." She warned him and Theo just smirked.

   "Closer." He told her, causing Veronica to sigh as she walked forward so that they were nearly nose to nose. They stared at each other for a long moment in silence and Veronica tilted her head to the side as a silent invitation for Theo to get it over with. Theo finally lifted up the syringe and placed his hand on the side of her neck, getting ready to inject her, "Just do it already." Veronica demanded.

 Theo shrugged, "If you say so,"

     Theo pushed the needle into Veronica's neck and pulled the trigger to inject the wolfsbane into her system, which caused Veronica so much pain that her eyes began to glow red and her fangs extend out before she roared loudly at the top of her voice.


  Veronica awoke with a gasp to find herself at the operating theater, strapped down to the Dread Doctors' exam table. When she saw Theo standing by the table nearby, she immediately began to lose her temper with him, "What the hell's this, you ass?" Veronica questioned angrily as she tugged at her ties.

  Theo turned to face the female Alpha once seeing that she was awake, "Safety first." He replied before turning back away.

  Veronica gave Theo an angry look before he continued, "I said I'd help you find the Desert Wolf. I never said it was gonna be easy. The restraints are to keep you from hurting yourself...Or me, of course. Because you and I both know you weren't satisfied with only breaking my nose and arm last night."

  Veronica continued to glare at him as he picked up an antique-looking pair of goggles, which were in the style of the rest of the Dread Doctors' equipment. They looked perfectly normal until Theo twisted the outside of the goggles that caused a row of spikes around the inside of each goggle to pop out, which caused Veronica to groan in frustration, "Oh, come on! Really, Theo?" She complained

  "This is what the Dread Doctors used to keep track of the Chimeras. It seeks out and hones in on a certain frequency. They gave the Chimeras their own unique vibration." Theo explained to her.

 "So, how is that going to help me find Deaton?" She asked him, a confused look on her face.

 "It won't," he replied, "It's going to help you find a were-coyote."

  Veronica's eyes widened in surprise when she realized what he was talking about, "My stepmother." She stated out loud.

  Theo nodded his head in confirmation, "Because supernatural creatures also have their own frequency." Theo paused, and Veronica stared at him, looking annoyed, "What, are you just going to stand there, looking at me or are you going to put your little torture device on my head and get this thing over and done with?" She asked him annoyed.

    "You have to concentrate on exactly who you want to find. You have to make a connection to a memory of her." Theo explained to her and Veronica growled in frustration at this remark.

 "But thinking about those memories of the past triggers me to turn. Do you really want me to turn into a wolf and kill you?" Veronica argued and Theo gave her an annoyed look.

"Something tells me that you're not going to be able to turn anytime soon," Theo commented, causing Veronica to frown.

"Theo, what are you talking about?" She asked him, only to have Theo ignore her.

  He took a deep breath and reached out, placing the goggles on Veronica's face, "This is gonna hurt." He warned her in a sincere tone, which confused Veronica.

"Does it look like I care?" Veronica retorted with an attitude.

"Yeah, it actually does." Theo told her, "Get ready."

   Once the goggles were secured, Theo turned the dial that caused the spikes to pop out and bury themselves in the flesh around Veronica's eyes. Feeling the great amount of pain, Veronica roared out in pain, loud enough that Theo felt as if the whole town could hear it. Veronica tried to stop herself from closing her eyes, but couldn't help it.

  "Don't close your eyes. Keep them open." Theo insisted.

 "I can't," Veronica argued, pain in her voice, "It hurts so much!"

  Theo noticed that Veronica was starting to get out of her ties and quickly grabbed her wrists. He held them down as hard as he could, stopping her from getting out,
"Open them. Veronica, open your eyes!" Theo shouted, sounding frustrated.

   Veronica finally fought through the pain long enough to open her eyes, causing her to get a vision of the Desert Wolf and Deaton in a large storage facility. The Desert Wolf was binding Deaton to a chair in the facility, where he was desperately pleading with her to listen to him, "The full moon. I'm telling you...It has to be the full moon..."

  Veronica soon snapped out of the vision and she used her the strength to break through her restraints and jerk forward. She ripped the goggles off of her face, revealing the bloody marks under her eyes that were able to start to heal once the spikes were removed. She turned to Theo, panting for breath as she recovered from what she had been through.

 Veronica gasped for breath, "I know where she is. She's here. She's in Beacon Hills." She informed Theo.
