A French tavern was filled with talking and drinking patrons as one of the employees, Bernard, took a large poster that read, 'Recerché: Les bêtes,' and prepared to pin it to the nearby wall.

However, while he was searching for the pin, an arrow from a crossbow flew across the room and pinned the poster to the wall. Bernard looked alarmed for a moment before looking back at the source of it: Marie-Jeanne, who was sitting at the bar with her crossbow, giving him an amused look.

Bernard smiled, "Merci, Marie-Jeanne." He thanked her, which Marie-Jeanne returned with a small nod.

Bernard returned to behind the bar, where he refilled Marie-Jeanne's drink while she re-read the letter she received from Sebastien and Cassandra. When Bernard sees her depressing expression, he gave her a reassuring look, "Don't give up hope." He told her as Marie-Jeanne looked up at him.

Marie-Jeanne smiled weakly at him and nodded as he walked over to the nearby table to refill the customer's drinks, where Monsieur Tolbert and another unknown man were arguing about the Beast, "Her name was Agnes. She was eleven years old. Eleven. Torn limb-from-limb. There wasn't enough of her for a proper burial." He explained to them, sounding angered.

Tolbert nodded his head in agreement as Marie-Jeanne, who was peeling an apple with a knife at the bar, curiously listened to them argue, "I am well aware. I'm also aware that every new report conflicts with the last! Some say they are part-hyena, part-wolf. They have red fur, black fur, cloven hooves, a stripe down their backs!"

"We know they kill at night. They target the head and neck. This we know for sure." Bernard added into the conversation.

"They won't stop," The man argued, "Where the wolf finds a lamb, there he seeks another."

"But, they never eat their victims. They kill for sport." Bernard argued back.

"No animal kills for sport!" Tolbert scoffed.

"These are no animals." The man told him sternly.

"Tell that to the King," Tolbert replied, "I have word he may send a contingent of his own professional hunters. Until then, we can use volunteers for a hunting party. Especially someone to lead it."

Just then, an exhausted-looking Sebastien, Cassandra, and Marcel appeared in the doorway of the tavern, having overheard the end of their conversation, "Why ask for a volunteer? " Cassandra asked in a loud tone as a small smile appeared on her lips, "We all know who the best hunter is in Gévaudan."

"Marie-Jeanne Valet," Sebastien continued his sister's sentence, "Our wonderful sister."

Marie-Jeanne, who heard Cassandra's voice from the bar, smiled as she stood to her feet and turned to face her and Sebastian with tears of joy in her eyes. She wasted no time rushing over to hug them both, "Cassandra! Sebastien!"

Marie-Jeanne pulled away from hugging both her older siblings and turned to Marcel, "Marcel! You are home!" Marie-Jeanne told them excitedly, laughing as she pulled Marcel into a hug as well.

After a moment, Marie-Jeanne grabbed Cassandra and Sebastien by the hand and led them away from the group. She took a minute for her siblings to give them proper hug. Marie-Jeanne pulled away from hugging Cassandra to get a good look at her. She placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, "Not a single scratch on you! Look at you!" Marie-Jeanne laughed before hugging her once more

Monsieur Tolbert stood up from his seat and gestured over to the welcome party, looking directly at Marie-Jeanne, "I'm not going to argue with your brother and sister, Marie-Jeanne. What do you say?" He asked curiously.

Suddenly, everyone in the tavern began to chant her name in encouragement, "Marie-Jeanne! Marie-Jeanne! Marie-Jeanne!"

The crowd continued to chant her name for a long while, and after a moment, Sebastien and Cassandra looked over at their younger sister with a smile on their faces, "Well? Will you heed their call?" Sebastian asked.

"I hunt animals, not rumors!" She replied to his question.

The tavern bursted into laughter once again, which was only stopped when Henri, another French man came in with the dead body of a young boy in his arms and a devastated expression on his face.

The tavern became quiet and numerous people gasped of shock as they gathered around him, clearing off a table so they could lay the boy down--all except for Marie-Jeanne, whose face had gone pale as she stared at the scene in horror.

Bernard, who was the most affected by this, slowly walked toward the table, "Emile? Emile??" he shouted out in horror. He knelt on the floor and wrapped his arms around the body of his bloodied son, and Marie-Jeanne looked as though she was about to cry as well as the man broke down in sobs, "Mon Dieu! My son. Emile!"

"I found him in the woods. He whispered his last words to me." Henri informed the whole tavern.

"What were they?" Tolbert asked concerned.

Henri took a deep breath before he replied, "Les bêtes." He told them, "The Beasts."

Cassandra and Sebastien shared a glance as Sebastien gave his sister a questioning look. Cassandra didn't say a word, she just nodded before looking back over at the dead body of the boy.

The group were all stunned by the revelation, and after a moment, Marie-Jeanne got a determined yet mournful expression on her face, "Monsieur Tolbert? I do not know what creatures did this..." She trailed off, "But the hunting party leaves at dawn."


At the Beacon Hills High School, Scott was suddenly thrown down the stairs by one of the Beasts. It was the first he ever saw the Beasts, not by each other's side. The one with the glowing electric blue eyes were chasing students down the hallway while the green-eyed Beast seemed to be targetting him.

Scott got off the ground, letting his fangs come out and red eyes glow. The Beast growled at him before leaping up the stairs with Scott chasing soon after.

AN: Sorry about how all these chapters are filled with flashbacks and barely not any present time scenes. But in the episode that I'm in the middle of writing, Veronica (Who's the second Beast) is only in 1/4 of the episode while the rest of just flashbacks and I've decided to add in the flashback because it's going to give backstory on the original form of both the other beast and the one that's taken Veronica as a host.
