At the Dread Doctor's Operating Theater, Sebastien angrily flipped an examination table, both he and Cassandra feeling furious after bringing Hayden there, only to find the pike nowhere in sight, "Where is it?" He angrily shouted out.

Cassandra walked over to where Hayden was crouched down in front of a girl's dead body. Cassandra and Sebastien didn't know who it was, but the girl happened to be Tracy Stewart, one of the Dread Doctor's chimeras.

She placed her fingers over Tracy's face and closed the girl's eyes. Calming down a bit, Sebastien walked over to where Cassandra was standing in front of Hayden, "I brought the two of you here like you wanted," Hayden spoke up, turning her head to look at the two Beasts, feared laced in her tone of voice as she spoke, "How about letting me go now?"

The twin siblings' eyes locked on the Fresca on the wall, which showed a painting of two beasts, which happened to be them, fighting against another creature that looked to be on fire. Cassandra tilted her head a bit, both her and her brother walking closer to it.

While the two of them were distracted, Hayden picked up a needle and scringe off the ground and extracted some of Tracy's kanima venom. Once doing so, she stood up, walking over to stand in between Cassandra and Sebastien, "This demon, on the left," Sebastien spoke up, "What is he?"

"He's called a Hellhound," Hayden informed the two werewolves.

Cassandra took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a brief moment as she accessed Veronica's memories. After doing so, she opened her eyes, turning head to look at Hayden once more, "His name is Parrish, is that right?" She questioned the younger girl, "And the Argents are planning to try and place the pike in his hands."

Hayden gripped the needle tightly in her hands before going to stab Cassandra with it. Before she could, Cassandra roughly grabbed her by the wrist, causing Hayden to cry out in pain, "What is it with you young people becoming so confident these days? Respect your elders, why don't you?" Cassandra growled as she allowed her claws to grow on her free hand.

She stabbed Hayden on her hip with her claws, causing Hayden to scream out in pain as Cassandra dug her claws in deeper. Cassandra was interrupted when she heard the sound of an emitter. She and her brother shared a glance before Cassandra let go of Hayden, throwing her off to the side.

With that, Cassandra and Sebastien left the Operating Theater, searching for the source of the unknown noise.

Meanwhile later, after walking through the sewers in the direction of where they heard the sound coming from, the twin siblings finally found the source. Sebastien wrapped his hand around the emitter that was embedded into the wall of the sewer before ripping it out. As it finally stopped making the noise, Cassandra sighed in defeat when she looked ahead to see yet another emitter.

"It's a trap," Sebastien informed his sister in a low tone, "They are trying to lead us somewhere on purpose."

"And?" Cassandra questioned with an attitude, "We are the Beasts of Gevaudan, they cannot beat us. We are one of the strongest creatures on this planet, they have not a single thing on us."

Sebastien nodded his head in agreement to what she had said. He allowed the emitter in his hand to drop to the ground before they both headed toward the next emitter.

Cassandra froze for a moment, groaning as she clutched her head. Flashes of Veronica's life with Scott ran through her mind, taking her away from reality, "Fight it," Sebastien insisted, already realizing what was going on since the same thing had happened to his sister earlier on that day, "Block it out. You are stronger than her."

Cassandra shook her head slightly, shaking her out of her thoughts. She let out a breath of relief, lifting her head up high before she headed over to the emitter.


At Beacon Memorial, Scott entered the hospital to find Liam in the waiting area, looking deeply upset about what was going on. He immediately lifted his head up when he saw Scott approaching him, giving him a concerned look, "Is she okay?" Liam asked, referring to Lydia, who had been clawed in the neck by Cassandra, who had taken over Veronica's body.

"She's going to be fine, but..." Scott trailed off, letting out a sigh, "She can't really talk."

"It's over, isn't it?" Liam asked Scott quietly, his eyes welled with tears at the thought of losing not only Mason, but Veronica, too. Scott sighed, but didn't answer Liam's question, causing the younger werewolf to quietly scoff. He shrugged his shoulders slightly, "There's nothing we can do to save them."

Before Scott could respond, his phone vibrated. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked down at it t see he had two voicemail messages from Veronica. His eyes lit up when he saw her name on his phone screen and he quickly looked up at Liam, "Give me a second," He told Liam, who nodded his head in understanding.

Scott turned away from Liam, pressing the play button on the first message before placing the phone to his ear, "Hey, it's me. I kind of got this app on my phone a couple days ago that lets me make voicemails and it sends them days after. It's pretty cool actually, and really convenient in times like this...Oh, God. I'm rambling, aren't I? God Damn--" Before Veronica could finish her sentence, the voicemail cut off and Scott couldn't help but quietly laugh as he shook his head, playing the next voicemail she had left him, "Listen, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for running off with Corey when he took Mason. And I need you to know that I love you more than anything, Scott. More than I ever loved another person. And I'm going to be honest with you, if this Beast possessing me takes full control over my body, I want you to do what's best and put me out of my misery. It's the right thing to do. But if there's any chance you can save Mason and me, I know you'll be the one to figure it out because you're Scott McCall, you're a true alpha and you have a whole badass pack by your side. Remember that."

With that, the voicemail message ended and Scott suddenly felt a boost of confidence in his plan. He quickly turned to Liam, walking over to his beta, "Get up," He insisted, a small smile on his face.

Liam looked up at Scott with a puzzled look on his face, "Why?" He asked his alpha confused.

"Because I've got an idea," He informed Liam in a confident tone, "And because this isn't over."
