Scott and Theo ran into the hospital to find numerous people injured in the hallway, "They're already here." Scott spoke up, a shocked expression on his face.

Scott and Theo turned yet another corner to see more people informed them, "This wasn't them." Theo replied as he slowly shook his head.

"It was Corey," Scott realized, his eyes wide.

"It could be Veronica, too," Theo told him, knowing with the Scott had found out, he would think the worst of Veronica, even if it was something she wouldn't do, "You know how violent she can get when protecting the people she cares about."

 Scott turned to look at Theo and nodded, "Yeah, you're right." He agreed with him as he began to walk down the hallway, "Let's go."

 Once Theo and Scott were out of sight, Corey let go of Veronica's wrist, letting them both become visible to the human eye once more. Veronica grabbed Corey's wrist this time, leading the young male down the hallway, "We need to go. Now. Before they find you." Veronica demanded.

Corey and Veronica snuck into the area where they kept the ambulances without anyone seeing. Corey still had both black blood and mercury coming out of his nose and mouth, which concerned Veronica deeply.

 Veronica stopped walking when she heard electricity buzzing, meaning the Dread Doctors were close, "They're here." Veronica whispered to him quietly.

 Corey gave her a concerned look before he and Veronica pressed their backs against the ambulance, letting themselves become hidden. The Dread Doctors walked by them and for a moment, Veronica thought they would walk by and not notice them. 

 Suddenly, the head Dread Doctors pulled out its cane and stabbed Corey in the stomach. Veronica gasped out as Corey fell to the ground, revealing both himself and Veronica, "No!" Veronica screamed out as she placed her hand over his wound as she started to take him pain, "You're going to be okay, Corey. I told you that I would help you survive, you can't die."

 Tears began well in Veronica's eyes as she heard his heart stop. Veronica turned to the Dread Doctor, "Why did you do that! He was innocent."

 It turned to her, not saying a single word for a long moment, "Failure."

"And what's the success going to be, huh?" She asked him angrily.

"Successes." It replied and Veronica frowned in confusion, "One of which is you, Veronica Morgan."

 Veronica's eyes widened in shock as she continued to frown, "What?" She asked him shocked, "What do you mean?"

 The Dread Doctor didn't answer her, it left without a single word said. Theo and Scott soon approached Veronica to find her kneeling next to Corey, a depressed look on her face, "I-I couldn't save him. I told him I would protect him and I didn't save him."

 Scott gave Veronica a sympathetic look as he helped her up, "We better go." Theo told the two werewolves.


 Once finding Stiles, Veronica and Stiles got out of his jeep once arriving at the Animal Clinic. Hayden and Liam were inside with Theo and Hayden was dying. It was pouring outside, causing Veronica's hair to be drenched as she stood there.

Scott was standing beside his bike, taking off his helmet, "Hey, sorry. I had trouble starting the jeep again. Veronica was able to help me, unlike last time." Stiles explained to Scott as he and Veronica walked over to the male Alpha, "The thing's barely hanging on."

  "We couldn't get in touch with Malia or Lydia," Veronica told her boyfriend, who for some odd reason, didn't seem happy with her or Stiles.

 Scott stayed silent, causing both Veronica and Stiles to become confused, "Scott, you okay?" Veronica asked him concerned.

Scott opened up his jacket and pulled out Stiles' lost wrench, the same one he lost after the night he killed Donovan. He held him out for both of them to see, "Where'd you get that?" Stiles asked Scott, a concerned look on his face.

"This is yours?" Scott questioned him.

 Stiles avoided eye contact as he glanced over at Veronica, who looked worried. Stiles lifted up his hand and grabbed the wrench from Scott's hand. He looked down at the wrench in his hand, "Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asked concerned.

 "He was going to," Veronica told him and Scott turned to her, looking a bit angry.

"You knew?!" Scott asked, clearly angry with her.

"I was there, Scott." She argued back.

"Look, we were going to tell you..." Stiles repeated what Veronica had told him.

"No, but why didn't you guys tell me when it happened?" Scott asked them concerned.

"We couldn't." Stiles looked up at Scott, a sad look on his face.

"You killed him, Stiles? You killed Donovan?" Scott frowned.

"Well, he was going to kill my dad. Huh? Was I supposed to just let him?" Stiles argued with him.

"You weren't supposed to do this. None of us are." Scott argued back.

"You think I had a choice?" Stiles asked him in disbelief after staying silent for a long moment.

"There's always a choice." Scott retorted.

"Yeah, well, I can't do what you and Veronica can, Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would've just figured something out, right?" 

"I'd try," Scott replied, which angered Stiles.

"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true Alpha!" Stiles shouted at him angrily, "Guess what? All of us can't be true Alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!"

"So, you had to kill him?" Scott questioned him.

"Scott, he was going to kill his dad," Veronica argued with him.

"But the way that it happened..." Scott trailed off, "There's a point when it's...It's not self-defense anymore!"

 Veronica and Stiles frowned at this, not knowing what Stiles meant, "What are you even talking about? I didn't have a choice, Scott! You don't even believe us, do you?"

"I want to." 

"Okay, all right, so...So, believe us then. Scott, say you believe us. Say it. Say you believe us." Stiles begged him and Scott stayed silent.

"Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save," Scott told him.

"Say you believe us." Veronica pleaded with Scott as Stiles walked forward with the wrench in his hand, causing Scott to back up.

"We can't kill people!" Scott yelled, "Do you believe that?"

"Well, what do we do about this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just... Scott, just tell me how to fix this, all right?" Stiles begged once more, "Please, just tell me, what do you want me to do? "

 Scott sighed, "Don't worry about Malia or Lydia. We'll find them. Maybe...Maybe you should talk to your dad." Scott began to walk away, but before he could, Veronica grabbed his arm.

 "Scott, wait--" Veronica began to tell him.

 Scott tugged his arm out of Veronica's grip and quickly turned to her, "No, Veronica!" He shouted out at her, causing Veronica to flinch a bit, "You lied to me."

  Scott gave her a disappointed look before walking back into the Animal Clinic, leaving Stiles and Veronica alone in the rain.

AN: Poor Veronica and Stiles. :(
