After splitting up from Liam and Mason, Veronica was making her way to the bar when she saw Hayden arguing with Hayden, "You remember I have to pay for these out of my own pocket, right?" Hayden scoffed as the bartender took one of the shots and drank it without a care in the world.

"Yep." He replied, nodding his head as he took yet another shot.

"Yeah, that's great, Phil," Hayden told him annoyed, "You just stay back there getting drunk as usual." 

 Hayden rolled her eyes as Phil placed his hand out, "Steady as a rock." He replied.

 As she went to walk away, Hayden had a sad look on her face, "I'm never going to make enough." Hayden admitted sadly.

 As she turned away from the bar, Veronica was suddenly standing in front of her, "What?" She asked annoyed and Veronica only smiled at her as she dug into her pocket and began to search for her money.

"How much did those cost?" Veronica asked curiously.

"What?" Hayden replied, looking at the girl confused.

"How much did those drinks cost? The ones that that asshole drank?" Veronica repeated her question as she went into her wallet and took out a hundred dollar bill. She smiled once more as she walked closer. Veronica noticed that Hayden didn't have pockets and instead placed the hundred in the waistband of her pants,"Take it."

"What?" Hayden asked confused as she looked down at the hundred dollar bill sticking out of the waistband of her shorts, "Why?"

"I am sick of guys being assholes to girls. Us girls have to stick together. And it wasn't fair that he drank those when you have pay for those yourself." Veronica explained to her confidently.

 A smile formed on Hayden's lips when she noticed that Veronica was actually doing this out of the goodness of her heart,"I don't know what to say," Hayden replied, "Thanks so much, I owe you."

 Veronica shook her head, "You don't owe me anything." She argued before walking away.

 Veronica walked over to where Brett was sitting with Mason, "So how come you never told me?" Veronica asked, looking down at Brett with her arms crossed.

"Tell you what?" Brett asked, clearly oblivious to what she was getting at.

"That you're bi like me," Veronica replied annoyed, "We talked to each other nearly every day over the summer and you told me so much stuff yet you never bothered to tell me that?" 

Brett shrugged, "It slipped my mind." 

"Wait, wait, wait," Liam spoke up as he approached the group, clearly hearing their conversation, "I thought you hated him." He pointed to Brett, who just smiled as he downed a shot.

"It was a dislike," Veronica corrected him, "We're good now. We're actually friends surprisingly."

Liam seemed shocked by this revelation while Mason smiled up at her. As Liam began to speak to her, Veronica's attention when she smelt the familiar scent of a supernatural being around her. It wasn't coming from Liam or Brett, who was right next to her, it was coming from someone else. The kind of supernatural being was unknown to her and it smelt odd. Suddenly, everything zoned out for her and all she could hear was someone's footsteps.

"Veronica? Veronica!" Liam called out as he shook Veronica's shoulders. 

Veronica shook her head slightly as she got out of her trance-like state, "What?" She asked him confused.

"You zoned out," He informed, "I wanted to know if you wanted another drink. I'm gonna go to the bar to get some."

"Sure," She nodded as Liam walked off to get some drinks for the group.

Once he was gone, Veronica turned to Brett, who sat alone since Mason had walked off with Liam, "Hey, Brett?" She called out and Brett immediately looked up.

"Yeah?" He replied and Veronica sighed.

"Is it me or can you sense another supernatural being around?" Veronica asked him concerned.

Brett got up from his seat and stood next to Veronica, taking a whiff of the air. After finding nothing, Brett shook his head, "I didn't catch another." He informed.

"Are you sure there's no one else here like us?" She questioned and Brett just shrugged.

"Who knows? Maybe, Veronica. It's Beacon Hills. What's the difference." He replied to her question.

Veronica sighed as she turned to look at Brett, "It felt different. It was odd, not normal." She explained to him.

Brett frowned, "What do you mean 'odd'?" He asked concerned.

Just then, Veronica's phone started to vibrate and Veronica took her phone out of her pocket to see it was Scott calling. She knew it must have been an emergency since Scott knew she was there and turned to Brett, "I'll be right back," She told him before walking off.

"Scott, what's wrong?" Veronica asked her boyfriend on the phone as she found a quieter place to speak to him.

"Listen to me, Veronica. One of the Chimeras I think is at that club. He attacked his boyfriend and his name's Lucas," Scott explained to her quickly, "Kira and I are on our way there so be ready." 

"Okay, I'll check it out." Veronica replied as she got ready to hang up.

"Be careful," Scott warned her.

"I will." She replied before hanging up.

Veronica made her way back to Brett, "Hey, have you heard of a guy named Lucas?" She asked him curiously and Brett nodded.

"Yeah, he's the kid that Mason just went somewhere with." He informed her.

Veronica's eyes widened in shock, "What!" She shouted as she quickly grabbed Brett by the wrist, "We have to find him. Mason's in danger."

When they found Mason, the two werewolves found that Lukas had spikes coming out of his neck and arms as he was made out with Mason.

 Veronica ran toward Lukas and forcefully grabbed him by his shirt and threw him across the room with one arm, her eyes were glowing red and her fangs bared, "Run!" She shouted at Mason, who was quick to obey.

Lukas started to get up and pinned Brett to the wall. Veronica then ran over to him and pulled him off, throwing him across the room yet again. The two of them started to fight Lukas, dodging every single hit with ease.

Lukas slashed Brett across the chest and Veronica ran over to Brett and pulled him towards the wall. After making sure he was okay, she charged at Lukas and kept fighting him.

Veronica was slashed on her stomach and fell to the ground, holding onto her stomach. Veronica winced in pain as she knelt there for a moment, gaining her strength back. Lukas was about to slash her again when Liam came to the rescue and threw Lukas across the room. Veronica slightly smiled at him, thankful for his perfect timing. Liam was about to kneel down to help her, but she shook her head and gestured over to Lukas, who was starting to get up.

Finally, Scott came in as Liam was pinned to the ground, "You're a little late!" Veronica yelled weakly, her wound finally starting to heal.

    Veronica began to fight alongside Liam, Kira, and Scott. Veronica knocked Lucas to the ground, unconscious. She frowned when she turned her head to see Kira's aura glowing around her. She began to speak Japanese as she ran toward Lucas, swinging her sword. Just as it was about to hit Lucas, Veronica caught the tip of the sword with her hand and looked up at Kira, shocked. Kira looked up at her and Veronica noticed her eyes glowing as it filled with hate. When Kira snapped back into reality, her aura went away and she became her normal self again.

 It was silent for a long moment, everyone shocked at what just happened, "Is everyone okay?" Scott asked the group concerned.

  Veronica looked down at Lukas' body, "We need to get him out of here," She announced, "Liam, Scott give me a hand, would you?" She ordered.

Just as the two males were about to help her, an unknown object flew through the air and stabbed itself into Lucas. The group looked up to see the same masked men that Malia talked about, "Why did you do that?" Scott asked worriedly.

"His condition was terminal." It answered as the three of them went to walk away.

"What the hell does that mean?" Veronica asked them.

"Failure," It replied as it went to turn away. Before it did, the three of them turned to Veronica and looked at her, "We will be coming back for you, Veronica Morgan."

AN: What do you think the Dread Doctors are up to? 
