Cassandra and Sebastien, in beast form, growled out as they made their way through the sewers, searching for the Hellhound, who happened to be Parrish.

Soon enough, they found Parrish in Hellhound form. The two Beasts began to fight Parrish as Chris Argent shot multiple rounds of bullets into them.

Cassandra in Beast Form slammed Parrish into the wall of the sewer, but then was thrown off before Sebastien began to fight Parrish. The three supernatural creatures continued to brawl all through the underground sewers, nothing stopping them whatsoever.

Meanwhile later, Parrish had both Beasts pinned against the wall somehow when the sound of Lydia's scream sounded through the sewers, which distracted Parrish, long enough for Sebastien to throw Parrish off to the side.

Sebastien and Cassandra switched back into human form before heading in the direction that they heard the scream coming from.

They were walking through the tunnels when they spotted Theo standing in front of them, but both siblings didn't know who he was, "Another arrogant youth," Cassandra spoke up in an unamused tone, "Why am I not surprised, brother?"

"What?" Sebastien questioned Theo, giving him a cold look, "Another contender to steal our name? You think you can take it from us?"

Theo confidently began to walk toward the twin siblings, "I just want her power and the alpha status she holds," He told them before digging his claws into Cassandra's side.

Cassandra had an amused smile on her face as he did so, turning to look at Sebastien, who didn't bother to help her since she wasn't fazed by Theo's actions.

Theo growled, but was deeply confused when he saw nothing happening. Cassandra closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them, her eyes were glowing green, "Big mistake," She told him in a low tone, both she and Sebastien turning into their beast forms at the same time.

Theo's claws were still embedded into Cassandra's side as she began to turn, causing black veins to appear on his face and neck. Sebastien roared out, using one hand to throw Theo to the side and away from his twin sister.

Another emitter was heard, causing the two to turn back into human form before walking in its direction, "What now?" Cassandra commented in an annoyed tone.

"No! No!" They could hear Theo shout as they walked away, but they decided to ignore him.

Later on, in another part of the sewers, Scott was quickly walking through the different tunnels in search of Cassandra and Sebastien, Liam trying his best to keep up, "Scott? Scott?" He called out, causing to turn to face him.

"I'll do it," He offered, glancing down at the pike in Scott's hand, "If we kill one of them, they both die. Mason's the easier target, just let me do it."

"Liam," Scott spoke up, giving Liam a concerned looking face.

"It should be me," Liam told Scott once more, "If you get me close enough, I'll do it."

As Liam went to take the pike from his hand, Scott quickly jerked his hand back, shaking his head in disapproval, "We're not killing your best friend," He argued, "And we're definitely not killing my girlfriend."

"I believe that belongs to us," Cassandra spoke up, causing Liam and Scott to turn their heads to see Sebastien and Cassandra stalking toward them.

Scott had a scowl on his face as he tried his hardest not to attack Cassandra and Sebastien, "It's a family heirloom," Sebastien added in, "My sister and I would like it back, please."

"It's all yours," Scott replied, "Just give us Veronica and Mason."

Sebastien tilted his head slightly, shaking his head, "Unfortunately, we would not know where to begin. And while we've benefited from their memories, neither of us have much use for an alter ego."

"Especially one that keeps fighting back with memories of her and you, her lover," Cassandra added in, gesturing her hand toward Scott.

Scott turned his head to look over at Liam, who nodded his head, "You want it?" He asked, lifting up the pike in his hand as he and Liam were revealed to now be half turned, "Come and get it."

Cassandra growled, both her and Sebastien's eyes glowing as they began to turn. While they were in beast form, Cassandra and Sebastien began to fight Liam and Scott, who tried their hardest to hold their ground and fight them with all the strength they had.

As Scott ran toward Cassandra's beast form, Cassandra roared swinging a punch to Scott's jaw that made him go flying. Both Scott and Liam, who were on the ground, shared a glance with each other before roaring out, lunging at both beasts.

As they did so, Cassandra balled her large hands into fists before slamming them down of the ground, causing it to crack a bit and send a force that made both male werewolves go flying. Both boys groaned in pain as they hit the ground with such hard force.

Sebastien and Cassandra turned themselves back into human form and Sebastien walked over to Scott, who was lying on the ground. He grabbed the male Alpha by the throat, holding him out as Scott struggled to get free, "You're strong. There's no doubt in that," Sebastien spoke up, "But neither of you fight with a killer instinct, unlike the girl that my sister possesses. Let me show you how to go for the throat."

Cassandra stood in place, watching as her brother tightened his grip on Scott's throat. While Cassandra was distracted by Sebastien's actions, Liam crawled over to the pike and picked it up. He pulled it out of its holder, making a slicing noise as he did so.

As Cassandra went to lunge at him to fight back, Scott spoke up, "Liam, wait!" He shouted at his beta, "We can still save Veronica and Mason."

"But who's going to save you?" Liam asked worriedly, causing Cassandra to frown in confusion.

"What kind of werewolves are you?" She asked the two male werewolves, a puzzled look on her face.

Just as Liam got ready to stab Cassandra, who was waiting for Liam to make the first move, Scott shouted, "No!"

As Liam lunged for Cassandra, the female beast was able to throw Liam to the side with just one hand, causing the boy to drop the pike. Sebastien turned to glance at Cassandra before back at Scott, forcing the male Alpha into a kneeling position. Sebastien allowed his claws to grow and peirced the back of Scott's neck with them, images of his sister running through his mind.

Cassandra frowned when she saw her brother in a trance-like state, "Sebastien?" She called out as she placed her hand on her brother's shoulder, only to have flashes of a girl that looked like their younger sister run through her mind also.

Finally, Sebastien dislocated his claws from the back of Scott's neck, "Marie-Jeanne?" He called out, a frown on his face.

Scott quickly pulled himself out of Sebastien's grip and Cassandra removed her hand from her brother's shoulder, recovering from the sudden memories she had received.

Just then, Lydia arrived with Kira by her side, "Veronica! Mason!" She called out, causing the twin siblings to turn to Lydia, clearly not affected by it.

Sebastien and Cassandra shared a glance before walking toward Lydia, about to attack her, "I think you're gonna need to try it a little louder," Kira encouraged her, her eyes wide as the two beasts approached them.

Cassandra growled, her eyes beginning to glow green at the same time that her brother's glowed blue. Just as they began to turn, Lydia began to yell out using her banshee powers, "Veronica! Mason!" She screamed loudly, which hit the two so powerfully that both of them turned back to Veronica and Mason. The clouded spirits of both beasts flew around through, but the pack didn't pay attention to them much just yet.

As Mason began to stagger, Corey, who was camouflaged to the wall, quickly caught his boyfriend before he could fall. Scott quickly ran over to Veronica, who was beginning to come back to reality.

The beasts screeched as it began to fly in the direction of the exit. Before it could get away, Parrish appeared and wrapped his arms around both of them, "Scott!" He shouted out, telling him to use to pike.

Before Scott could do so, Veronica pulled away from Scott, her eyes glowing red as she picked up the pike and threw it toward the beasts, the pike stabbing through both of them at the same time. The beasts screamed out as they disappeared into the thin air.

The whole group was shocked for a long while before Scott finally spoke up, "Is everyone okay?" He asked the pack worriedly.

"Not everyone," A familiar voice that belonged to Theo growled, causing Veronica to groan in annoyance.

The whole group turned their head to see Theo from a distance, electricity jolting from his body. Scott growled, stepping in front of Veronica, who seemed to be Theo's target.

Kira quickly ran forward and as a bolt of electricity went to hit shot, Kira stopped it with her sword, which absorbed it, "The Skinwalkers have a message for you, Theo," She spoke up confidently, "Your sister wants to see you."

Kira stabbed her sword into the ground, which immediately began to crack and separate until it reached Theo. Theo's sister, Tara, suddenly appeared and reached out from the ground, grabbing ahold of Theo's ankles. Theo tried to fight back, but was too weak. Tara pulled Theo down below and Theo tried his hardest to pull himself back up, "Scott, help me! No! No!" He screamed out in a pleading tone, "Veronica! Help me! Veronica! No! Help me!"

Soon enough, Theo disappeared under the ground and the ground went back to its original way, not cracks visible anymore, "Well, that was unexpected," Veronica commented jokingly, causing Scott to smile slightly as he wrapped an arm around her.


In Veronica's room at Scott's house, Veronica sat on her bed while Scott sat beside her, looking over Veronica to make sure she was alright and not hurt, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked her, a concerned look on his face.

Veronica smiled slightly, nodding her head as Scott held her face in his hands, "I'm fine, Scott. Really," She assured him quietly, "I thought I would be weak after what happened. But I actually feel great. I'm finally freed from that bitch of a beast. And now, we can finally plan when we're going to have that first date."

Scott chuckled lightly at Veronica's comment, pulling her closer to him as he pressed a kiss to her lips. As the kiss deepened, Veronica began to tug a the hem of Scott's shirt. Scott immediately pulled away from Veronica, giving her a concerned look, "Are you sure? I mean, I want to, but do you? We've nev--" He began to ask her, but Veronica immediately cut him off.

"Yes, yes. I'm sure. I'm definitely sure," She replied without hesitation, leaning forward to press yet another kiss to Scott's lips.

  Veronica helped Scott pull off his shirt before placing the palm her hand against Scott's chest, pushing him down onto her bed. She pulled off her own shirt and climbed onto Scott, straddling him.

Scott placed his hands on Veronica's hips and Veronica moved her hair to one side, leaning down to kiss Scott, a smile on both of their faces.


  Morning soon came and Scott, Veronica, and Liam found themselves at the Animal Clinic, where Deaton was trying his hardest to treat Hayden, who was still not healing after being attacked by Cassandra. They had already talked about it and since Scott didn't want to bite another innocent person, Veronica stepped up and decided to create her first beta, even though Liam was technically considered one of hers alongside Scott.

"Hayden, I've managed to stabilize the injury," Deaton informed Hayden, who was becoming weaker by the second, "But considering you're a chimera, I don't know how, of it, you'll heal."

"We can still take you to the hospital," Scott suggested and Hayden was quick to argue.

"I've already died there once," Hayden replied, shaking her head.

"It's your choice," Liam told his girlfriend quietly.

"I know," Hayden answered, letting out a large sigh as she turned to Veronica and nodded her head, which was her way of giving the okay.

Veronica turned to Scott, who sent her a smile, telling her to do it. She turned back to Hayden, "Give me your arm," She instructed and Hayden immediately held out her hand.

Veronica wrapped her fingers around Hayden's forearm, glowing her red eyes as she allowed her fangs to grow. She took a deep breath, just before biting into Hayden's wrist. Hayden cried out pain as Veronica pulled away, but soon began to heal after receiving the bite.

Veronica felt a bit sad as she did so, realizing that when Ethan and Aiden tried to convince her to start a pack if they were to leave Beacon Hills together, but she ended up refusing to do so. But now look at her.


At school, Scott and Veronica entered the library holding hands. They turned their heads to see Mason and Corey conversing with each other, causing them both to smile.

They walked over to an empty table and set their backpacks down. Scott stopped for a moment, glancing up to the second floor where he knew their initials were signed on one of the bookshelves. Veronica noticed where his eyes had locked on and smiled, "Let's go," She told him, pulling Scott with her to the bookshelf.

Once arriving at the certain bookshelf, Scott moved some of the books out of the way to reveal all of their initials along with Allison's, which Scott had put there, "She saved me, you know," He told her and Veronica smiled, nodding her head in agreement.

"I know," She replied, "She saved all of us."

Veronica turned her head to see Stiles and Lydia taking a seat at the table they were formerly about to sit at. Scott and Veronica shared a glance with each other before heading back to the first floor of the library.

Scott took a seat beside Stiles while Veronica took a seat next to Lydia, "Let's hope that the rest of senior year goes better than it has been lately," Scott commented and both Stiles and Veronica scoffed loudly, causing the male Alpha to turn to them, "What?"

"It's Beacon Hills, Scott," Veronica began to reply, "We never get a break."

"Oh, come on!" Lydia complained to Veronica, lightly slapping her on the shoulder, "Now, you're just jinxing it."

"Veronica's right though," Stiles added in, causing Scott and Lydia to look at him a bit shocked.

"I didn't think I would ever hear those words leave your mouth, Stiles," Lydia replied with a smile on her face, "Wasn't it just last year you basically hated her guts?"

"Well, that was last year," Stiles replied, "Now, I've seen how awesome Ronnie really is. She's saved our asses more times than I can count and it was literal hell without her while she was being possessed by the beast."

The whole group froze when they heard Stiles call Veronica by her nickname. They turned to Veronica, who only smiled, "It's fine, guys," She replied, shocking the whole group, "I kind of miss being called that."

  Not thinking anyone would notice, Stiles muttered a "Yes!" and threw his fist into the air. The whole group noticed, causing them all to laugh.

AN: And this is it! The end of the third book! I will be creating a fourth book for season 6, but not just yet. I want to read over this book and the two previous ones before doing so.

  But I do know the title will be "Survival" I hope you all enjoyed this book and I hope you'll read the fourth book when it comes out. Thanks for reading!
