After being asked by Stiles to not go to Eichen House so she could check the Scallfold and make sure there wasn't any blood remaining, Veronica stood in Scott's bedroom with Scott, "Are you sure you don't want to come?" Scott asked concerned as he stood in front of her.

Veronica nodded, "Yeah. I want to keep an eye on Malia since she's not coming also, do you really think the orderly are gonna let the whole Scooby Gang in? Someone has to stay before it gets too crowded." Veronica explained to him and Scott slowly nodded his head in agreement to what she had said.

Veronica sighed as she picked up her bookbag from the bag, ready to head to the school. Before she could leave to walk away, Scott grabbed her hand, stopping her from leaving, "I've been dying to tell you this," Scott spoke up, causing her to turn to him, "I love you." He confessed and Veronica smiled.

"I love you, too." She replied as she leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. She pulled away after a moment, smiling, "Please come back to me in one piece please."


Veronica sat in the library alone, studying after she got rid of the blood on the scaffold. Veronica felt a familiar presence near so she lifted her head up, only to see Theo standing in front of her, "Page-turner?" Theo smirked as he took a seat across from her and immediately noticed that she was formerly in deep thought while studying.

Veronica stared at him intently for a long moment as Theo took out his math book and started to study also, "Not quite." She replied, not sounding the slightest bit happy.

"Neither is this." Theo agreed with her as he held up his precalculus book.

Veronica rolled her eyes, "Oh please, that's nothing compared to what I have. What about this?" Veronica scoffed as she held up her AP psychics book.

Veronica only laughed as he opened his calculus book at started to study. Veronica glanced at Theo for a few seconds before going back to her book. When Veronica looked back at her book, Theo glanced at her too, "Why aren't you with the rest of the pack at Eichen?" he asked her curiously.

Veronica sighed, keeping her eyes on her textbook while Theo stared directly at her, "I had to bury a body. Couldn't let anyone in the pack know." She told him sarcastically, "If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm kidding."

"Clearly," Theo retorted before it became silent with them.

After studying for thirty minutes more, Veronica became bored and decided to leave. Veronica began to pack up her belongings, causing Theo to look up from his book, "Need a ride?" He offered.

"I can take the bus," Veronica answered quickly as she finished putting her belongings away in her bag

"The last one left an hour ago." He informed her, causing Veronica to groan in frustration.

Veronica stood quietly for a moment before shrugging her shoulders, "I guess I'll wall then," She decided, "Not like I have my bike anymore."

"How come I've been seeing you come out of driver's ed?" Theo asked her with a smirk, "You don't know how to drive?"

Veronica sighed, hearing Theo's words. She had been taking driver's ed classes in secret, no one even knew, "Didn't you use to drive a bike? Why are you taking classes to get your license," He asked her curiously.

Veronica looked up at Theo, "I never actually got my license. I've been driving without one. Over the summer while doing some stuff that I'm not going to tell you about, I crashed my bike and could have died because of how fast I was going. I haven't been able to drive since without getting these weird ass flashbacks. Now, I've decided to take my driver's test and then all will be good." She explained to him.

"Sounds like you need some practice then," Theo smirked as he held up his keys.

Theo passed his keys to Veronica and she quickly caught them. Veronica couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips as she looked over at Theo.


Veronica exhaled deeply as she drove down the street in Theo's truck. Theo couldn't help but smirk when he saw Veronica's hands slightly tremble as she gripped her hands on the steering wheel tightly.

"You can go a little faster," Theo told her, still smirking, "If you want."

"I'm going the speed limit," Veronica argued, not realizing how naive she sounded.

Theo looked at her in disbelief, not thinking he would ever hear Veronica say something so goody two shoes like, "No one does the speed limit, V," Theo reminded her, "You also don't have to hold the wheel like that."

Theo quickly glanced at Veronica before leaning closer to her, "Here, put your hands..." He slowly placed his right hand on top of Veronica's hand on the wheel, sliding her hand down to another part of the wheel, "Like this," Theo and Veronica shared a lingering stare before Veronica went back to looking at the road, "That better?"

"Eh," Veronica replied sarcastically, not admitting that she was thankful for Theo's help.

Suddenly, Veronica quietly gasped as sudden flashes of her as a child went through her mind. Without noticing, she began to press down harder on the car pedal, "Okay, V, I said a little faster, not this much," Theo looked at Veronica concerned when she looked to be in a trance like state, "Veronica? You okay?"

Veronica's eyes widened as he tried to take the wheel to stop them from crashing, "Veronica, slow down!" Instead of stopping her, Theo was pushed against the passenger car door and the truck slightly swerved.

"Veronica! Stop! Stop the car! Stop the car!" He shouted worriedly and finally, Veronica was snapped out of her daze and she quickly pressed the breaks.

Veronica stepped out of the car, suddenly having a panic attack, "I-I can't breathe." She told him as she suddenly fell to the ground.

"Veronica!" Theo shouted out.

Flashback, 3 years ago.

A fourteen-year-old Veronica sat tied to a chair in an unknown place. She turned her head to see a man floating in a tank with a mask attached to his face. She cried out as she tugged at her ties, only to find she was unable to get out. Veronica frowned when she saw Theo suddenly enter, his hands in his pockets, "Theo? What's happening? Why am I here?" Veronica asked her best friend, fear in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, V," He apologized to her about something she had no idea about, "I begged them to find somebody else, but they said there was no one that would be a better success than a girl that was already originally supernatural. A powerful one, too," He explained to her, a sympathetic look on his face.

"What are you talking about?" She asked him confused as three people in masks came over to her, one of them holding a metal circular object that seemed to go on somebody's head, "Theo? What's going on? Theo!"

Veronica screamed out as two of them held her hand as the other placed the object around her head, "Theo!" She screamed out once more, her voice sounding more like a roar than an actual scream.

"I'm sorry. I truly am," Theo told her as he backed away, leaving the place, and his best friend, "Goodbye, Veronica."

Her eyes glowed red as the electricity flowed through her head, giving her the means to become a success without her knowledge for numerous years. Until now.

Flashback over

A car began to speed down the street, not even realizing that Veronica was kneeling in the road, "Veronica?" Theo called out in concern, "Veronica, there's a car coming. You need to get out of the road now!"

Before it could hit Veronica, Theo pulled her up off the floor and landed both himself and Veronica on the grass as the car drove by. Veronica panted for breath as Theo held her in his arms, "You left me." Veronica cried, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she continued to pant for breath.

"What?" He asked confused.

"You left me with them and never came back," Veronica informed him and Theo's eyes widened in shock, which Veronica clearly didn't notice.

Theo slowly shook his head, acting as if he didn't know what she was getting, "What are you talking about, V? I have no clue what you're talking about. I never left you with anyone." Theo told her and Veronica seemed to calm down.

Veronica noticed she was still on the ground, lying in Theo's arms, and quickly got up, "You know what? Forgot I ever said anything." She put a fake smile on her face, acting as if the last five minutes happened.
